Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 191 Qin Shi

Chapter 191 Qin Shi
The Great Wilderness Hall is the center of the entire Great Wilderness City, located in the center of the Great Wilderness City, and this city is also known as the Great Wilderness City!
This Great Desolate City is the foundation of the entire Great Desolate City. The Great Desolate City whose reputation has spread throughout the northern continent, in fact, the real deterrent power comes from this city. With it as the center, the 180 five cities radiating from it are all It was added later.

These cities, no matter what they call each other internally, such as Jinling, is the master of Yaoguang City, but outside, there is absolutely no such word as Yaoguang City, only Dahuang City!
Ye Chen walked alone on the quiet street. Unlike other cities, in this city named Great Deserted City, there was only absolute silence!

Although there are many people coming and going, there is no noise at all here. There are no so-called shops and businesses beside the spacious streets. In this real wild city, there is no need for bustle to set off its majesty with awe.

Mei Aoxue did not accompany Ye Chen, she left the Great Wilderness City after Ye Chen fully recovered from her injuries, and she returned to the Yanyang Sect!
Ye Chen never wanted Mei Aoxue to go back, and now the entire Great Wilderness City, perhaps the entire Northern Continent knew that Mei Aoxue already had a heart, and that person was named Ye Chen!

Maybe other people don't know who Ye Chen is, Yanyang Sect can't forget Ye Chen!

Mei Aoxue's return to the Yanyang Sect will inevitably cause big troubles, what's more, the Yanyang Sect may directly take extraordinary measures against Mei Aoxue because of Mei Aoxue's so-called betrayal.

Although Mei Aoxue's strength may be able to protect herself, Ye Chen's worries are also indispensable.

However, Mei Aoxue had a reason enough to make Ye Chen feel worried, but he could only let her go back to Yanyang Sect!

Mei Aoxue said that she wanted to give herself completely to Ye Chen!
Therefore, before that, she has to make a complete break with Yanyangzong. After all, she is still a disciple of Yanyangzong. Even if she doesn't care about her status, she will always bear a bad reputation afterwards.

And this infamy, Ye Chen is absolutely unwilling to exist in Mei Aoxue's body and heart forever.

Therefore, we can only let Mei Aoxue return to Yanyang Sect first, even if Ye Chen has enough strength to overthrow Yanyang Sect, Mei Aoxue's trip is a must!

"Ye Chen, don't worry, after entering the Great Desolation Palace, at most one year, I will not only recover to the original strength, but also improve my strength. By then, let alone the Yanyang Sect, even if it is the most powerful force on the northern mainland. Come to stop you and Miss Aoxue, they will retreat in the face of difficulties."

The man in Qingpao said in the Demon Emperor's Bell: "You don't have to worry about Miss Aoxue. With her cultivation talent, Yanyang Sect will never give up on her unless it is absolutely necessary. And during this period of time, relying on her The fortune she gained in Wuliang Mountain is enough to give her the strength to protect herself."

Hearing this, Ye Chen still shook his head, self-protection?Unless you reach the realm of martial arts!

Except for the Qi Refining Realm and the Mortal Realm in the early stage of Martial Dao, every major realm after that is a qualitative change. Countless people with extraordinary talents may find it difficult to take the last half step in their entire lives, thus being trapped in the original realm In the middle, until the end comes.

Ye Chen was not worried that Mei Aoxue would not be able to step into the Realm of Martial Arts, but that Mei Aoxue would not be able to do it in a short time.

"Don't think too much, you have all experienced the wind and rain all over the sky, and it's not like you haven't faced each other before with the masters of the martial arts realm, so you don't need to worry too much." The green-robed man said again.

Ye Chen frowned slightly, it was precisely because he had faced a martial arts master head-on that he could personally experience the power of such a master.

Undoubtedly, there must be masters of martial arts in the Yanyang Sect. Perhaps these people are not as powerful as Jin Ling, and they are also not something Mei Aoxue can face calmly. The ridiculous thing is that before confronting Jin Ling, Ye Chen Huan naively thought that with Mei Aoxue's strength, at least she could move freely in front of martial arts masters.

"Ye Chen, the Great Desolation Palace is coming soon!"

After Mei Aoxue left, Ye Chen headed to the Great Wilderness Hall under the guidance of the green-robed man!
The Qingpao man's eagerness for the Great Wilderness Palace was not the same as when he first met the Demon Emperor Zhong, and the Qingpao man said that he could enter the Great Wilderness Palace without disturbing anyone, and Ye Chen had no doubts at all.

At this time, Ye Chen could probably guess the true identity of the green-robed man.

At the end of the line of sight, the majestic palace, like a tiger king in the mountains, is entrenched in the sky and the earth. Even though the distance is still far away, it is still possible to sense a calm and vast aura like a mountain from the palace.

The Great Wilderness Hall symbolizes the highest status of the entire Great Wilderness City. Even though the powerful Lord of the Great Wilderness has disappeared for many years, this hall is still inviolable in the eyes of others!
Countless masters of the Great Deserted City, when they came to this hall, no matter what thoughts they had in their hearts, they would be respectful and respectful, not daring to show any emotion.

That Great Desolation Hall, even without a guard, is a place that no one dares to enter in the entire Great Desolation City!

Of course, this is not a reason to enter the Great Desolation Hall without being discovered.

Even though it is so far away from the Great Wilderness Palace, the coercion that seems to be naturally generated makes people have the urge to worship. Ye Chen knows that with his strength, it is absolutely impossible to leave. go in.

A quiet long street. . . .The long street, which was already quiet, suddenly became even quieter. The quietness even felt a little weird.

Ye Chen's pupils shrank slightly, and at the end of the street, a young figure slowly appeared. It was because of this young man that the atmosphere of the long street became a bit weird, and the quiet changes were all because of this. Caused by young people.

Being able to forcibly change some of the surrounding environment with his own power, this young man's strength is naturally impressive. At the age of a little over 20, he has the cultivation base of the peak of the spiritual sea, which is really extraordinary.

Looking at the younger generation in the entire Great Wilderness City, there will never be too many people who can reach this level.

However, this is only on par with Qiu Huaxuan and others, not enough to threaten him!

This person has also had acquaintance with him a few times, the latter has entered the ancient castle, entered the ancient ruins, although there is no intersection, and there is no exchange of words between the two, but, from his In his eyes and demeanor, Ye Chen could feel the hostility from the latter, and even hide a deep killing intent.

These, of course, are because of Mei Aoxue!
"Marven Ye!"

When Ye Chen came to the center of the street, the young man on the opposite side said lightly: "My name is Qin Shi, Xu Baxian, the master of Wufang City!"

Ye Chen raised his eyes slightly, the current him is not ignorant of this Great Desolate City!
In the five cities of Great Wilderness 180, each city's city owner has now reached the realm of martial arts. Such a large number of cities has created the great reputation of Great Wilderness City in the northern mainland.

The size of each city is equal, but there is a difference between the city owner and the city owner.

Xu Baxian of Wufang City deserves to be No. 180 among the 1 five city lords. Therefore, the status of Wufang City is second only to the Great Wilderness City under his feet!
Among the younger generation in Great Wilderness City, although Qin Shi couldn't be the best, even Qiu Huaxuan couldn't compare with him in terms of status alone.

"What's the matter?" Ye Chen asked after a while.

Ever since the Demon King appeared and did those things and said those things, when Ye Chen entered the Great Deserted City, no one appeared in front of him. Even Jin Ling kept all the resentment and hatred in his heart.

Knowing that Ye Chen is in the Great Wilderness City, but he dare not trouble him again!
Qin Shi didn't necessarily come here to find trouble, but if he would appear, it would be a trouble in itself. How could such a person appear in front of him for no reason?

Ye Chen didn't believe that Qin Shi came to show his favor to him, although now Ye Chen was qualified to let anyone in the Great Wilderness City show his favor.

"I want to chat with you a few words, how about it?"

Looking at Ye Chen's calm eyes, Qin Shi frowned unconsciously. He hated the former's appearance very much. Therefore, the meaning in the words was a discussion word, but it was in an unquestionable tone.

No one dared to provoke Ye Chen, but it was not because of Ye Chen himself!

In Qin Shi's heart, there are a thousand, ten thousand dissatisfied, the fault is not the demon king, the young man in front of him has already become a dead body, he has no qualifications at all, he can have a snowy relationship with Mei Ao!
"Sorry, I have something to do and I don't have time to waste here."

In terms of pride, Ye Chen is more proud than any of his peers. The decadence of the three of them has tempered Ye Chen's character, but it does not erase his due pride, but this pride has long since penetrated into his bones.

The present him is a precious sword deep in the sheath, once the long sword is out of the sheath, it will still be sharp!

Hearing Ye Chen's direct refusal, Qin Shi's eyes quickly flashed a cold killing intent, but at last he knew how to restrain himself, knowing that the current Ye Chen was not something they could handle casually.

Maybe Qiu Huaxuan was not killed by Ye Chen, but it is a fact that Qiu Huaxuan was forced to retreat by Ye Chen.

"Ye Chen, I don't want to have any interaction with you, even if I say a word, I don't want to. It's about Miss Mei Aoxue. I think we can sit down and have a good chat." Qin Shi suppressed his heart and killed Meaning, he pretended to be calm and said.

"Sorry, I really don't have time!"

Mei Aoxue returned to Yanyang Sect alone, except for worrying, Ye Chen just wanted to devote all his time to practicing, so that he could go to Yanyang Sect as soon as possible, and resolve the grievances and resentments between him and Yanyang Sect, so that Mei Aoxue didn't have any worries anymore, and stayed by her side.

Perhaps Qin Shi really wanted to say something about Mei Aoxue, but unfortunately, Ye Chen didn't want to hear it, and there was no need for it!
"Marven Ye!"

Qin Shi smiled lightly. There was a hint of coldness in the laughter, but at the same time, there was some carefreeness!
"Don't think that with the support of the demon king, you can run wild in the northern continent. I admit that we people can't do anything to you, but there is one person that even the demon king can't afford to mess with."

Qin Shi looked at Ye Chen with a half-smile: "This person also loves Miss Mei very much. This time, Miss Mei returned to Yanyangzong alone because of this person. Ye Chen, you don't want to know, who is this person? who?"

(End of this chapter)

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