Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 192 The Heavens Are Reversible

Chapter 192 The Heavens Are Reversible

"Ye Chen, please!"

In the distance, a faint smile appeared on Qin Shi's face, this smile was very sincere, without any strange emotions, as if he and Ye Chen had been friends for many years.

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows and looked over lightly. On the northern continent, of course there will be people who the demon king can't afford to provoke, and there are more people who like Mei Aoxue. It's not surprising.

But Ye Chen believed Qin Shi's last words!

It seems that Mei Aoxue's return to Yanyang Sect is not only to end the grievances between her and Yanyang Sect, but also to cut off all the past.

Being able to mention this person calmly in front of Ye Chen today, Ye Chen believed that this person's excellence and the power behind him far surpassed him now.

Otherwise, Qin Shi wouldn't have such a sincere smile!
The so-called sincerity means that Qin Shi really hopes to see that Ye Chen's expression will change drastically after hearing the news, he will become nervous and uneasy!
It's just that Qin Shi has never known Ye Chen, and he doesn't know how Ye Chen has grown from nothing to something over the years. Because of these experiences, Ye Chen can face anything and everyone. At this time, there is no fear!
That person may be very good, and his power is also extremely powerful, so what?
Ye Chen stopped and walked forward again.

The smile on Qin Shi's face gradually became thicker. Although he didn't see any panic on Ye Chen's expression, Qin Shi believed that the latter had already endured a lot of pressure, and this was what he wanted to see.

But that smile froze after a while, Ye Chen didn't even look at him, and walked past Qin Shi directly, as if the two of them were passers-by on their own, passing by each other!

"Ye Chen, you?"

Qin Shi couldn't help being angry, it was obvious that he didn't take him seriously.

But after all, he came here with a purpose, and he is not an ordinary person. After being angry, he quickly restrained himself, stared at Ye Chen's back, and said coldly: "Ye Chen, you have been here in the northern mainland for a long time, you must , I should have heard the saying that the sky is endless, but the sky is reversible, right?"

Ye Chen, who was walking, stopped suddenly!
Qin Shin's cold expression slowly eased at this time, Ye Chen finally heard this sentence, so it's very good.

The sky is endless, but the sky is reversible!
Ye Chen has not only heard of this sentence, but also heard it mentioned more than once. Every time this sentence appears, it is accompanied by a burst of surprise, and even sincere awe.

Just eight words are enough to shock the entire northern continent. Perhaps, looking at this world, it can make people amazed!
Looking at Ye Chen's back, the anger in Qin Shi's heart finally dissipated invisible.

"This sentence, eight characters, represents a person. This person is as old as me this year, 21 years old, but just a few months ago, shortly before the opening of the ancient castle in Moyuan Mountain, he successfully broke through and reached the realm of martial arts! "

Qin Shi's words spread slowly. Although he was telling Ye Chen a fact, his voice unknowingly became a bit deep. It was jealousy, and even more so, deep desire.

In this deserted city, he, Qin Shi, is also considered an extraordinary genius. Together with Qiu Huaxuan, Lin Shu and others, he is called the hope of the future of the deserted city. They are like bright stars in the night sky, shining on the earth!

However, although the stars are bright, they are still not as bright as the bright moon!
That person of the same age who reached the realm of martial arts when he was only 21 years old is the bright moon in the night sky that even shines with the stars!
In front of this round of bright moon, any star will be eclipsed!
Ye Chen's back was like a mountain, motionless, deep in his heart, the waves were already turbulent. . . . A 21-year-old martial arts master, with such talent and speed in cultivation, even Ye Chen, who did not have three years of delay and waste, may not be able to do it when he is at this age.

Mei Aoxue's cultivation talent is not inferior to Ye Chen's. Over the years, the Yanyang Sect and the Mei family have cultivated it carefully, and Mei Aoxue herself has worked hard enough and gained a lot.

But that's it, it may be very difficult for him who is the same age as Ye Chen. At the age of 21, he broke through the realm of the spirit level and set foot in the realm of martial arts.

From the spiritual realm onwards, the promotion of each realm requires not only enough energy, but also not enough spiritual power accumulated in the source point to reach the next realm as a matter of course.

Spiritual Realm, Martial Realm, and the later more advanced realms, the refinement in them requires a comprehension, an opportunity!
This kind of perception, whether it is mountains and rivers, or the sun, moon and stars, or this world, in short, needs to absorb a kind of mysterious power of its own from this vast world.

This kind of power will be unique. Therefore, every martial arts master, including more powerful masters, is unique and cannot be copied at all.

It is precisely because this kind of comprehension is too difficult and opportunities are too difficult to obtain, so countless so-called geniuses and extraordinary people will be stuck at the peak of a certain realm throughout their lives and cannot break through.

For example, Qin Shi, if he can't get that insight and opportunity, he is 21 years old this year, even if he is 120 years old, this peak of the spiritual sea will be the ultimate state of his life.

It is for this reason that there is a deep longing in Qin Shi's voice, and only after reaching his level will he understand how difficult it is to go further.

It is also like this that that one person has the prestige and reputation that shocks the younger generation of the entire Northern Continent!
"He called, against heaven!"

When he mentioned this name, Qin Shi’s voice was extremely bitter. Once upon a time, although this person was always dazzling compared to them, but for a period of time, everyone was in the same realm, but now, that person is superior , has truly shone like a bright moon shining on the heaven and earth, but what about them?
Even in the near future, Qin Shi can break through the shackles, gain some understanding, and reach the realm of martial arts, but the gap between him and that person already exists, and this gap will become wider and wider. . . .

"He is from the Cang Pavilion..."

Speaking of this, Qin Shi's voice became even more bitter, Cang Pavilion, that is not what he Wufang City can compare.

Ye Chen's heart trembled because of it. On the mainland of the northern border, the Great Wilderness City, and the demon clan in the Moyuan Mountain Range can all be regarded as first-class forces, but Cang Pavilion is a real first-class force.

According to the rumors, the master of the Cang Pavilion has reached the realm of Heavenly Martial Arts, and he is superior to all other heroes. Whether it is the Demon King or the missing Lord of the Great Wilderness, he must be afraid of the Master of the Cang Pavilion.

With Ni Cangtian's own strength and Cangge's power, he has enough qualifications to become No.1 among the younger generation on the northern continent!
"In Mei Aoxue, when Miss Mei officially appeared on our northern continent for the first time, Ni Cangtian had already fallen in love with Miss Mei at first sight. It was wrong back then. Miss Mei was still young and her martial arts foundation had not yet stabilized. Yan Yangzong has long betrothed Miss Mei to Ni Cangtian."

Speaking of this, Qin Shi let out a long breath, and when he looked at Ye Chen's back again, the corner of his mouth raised a curve that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

Facing Ni Cangtian, he was indeed under great pressure, but now, although the pressure was still there, it was Ye Chen who really had to face it.

This young man also showed an extremely good side, even Qiu Huaxuan couldn't help him, Qin Shi believed that in time, the former might be able to pose a certain threat to Ni Cangtian.

At that time, the snipe and the clam will compete, and the fisherman will benefit!
And this snipe and clam are not idle people, the fight between them will be very exciting, so the fisherman's profit will be even greater.

Qin Shi told Ye Chen this, not to break the latter's confidence, but to make the latter feel the pressure, so that he can work harder and pose a threat to Ni Cangtian as soon as possible.

"Ye Chen, if you want to protect Miss Mei, you can't do it now, and I don't want to hear the news that you died in Ni Cangtian's hands one day."

The cold arc on the corner of Qin Shi's mouth widened. For him, if Ni Cangtian really killed Ye Chen, it would be a good thing. With the character of the Demon King, he would never do it just because Ni Cangtian was from the Cang Pavilion. Quit the flags and drums.

That battle can be imagined.

The power of Moyuan Mountain may not be as good as that of Cang Pavilion, but if there is a fierce battle, even if Cang Pavilion wins in the end, it will definitely win miserably. At that time, Cang Pavilion will fall and may be taken away.

Then, the pressure that hangs over my heart will disappear without a trace!

This is the most desired result!
Ye Chen let out a sigh of relief, and said without looking back: "So, I want to thank Brother Qin for his kindness."

Qin Shi said with a faint smile: "It's not a good intention, you and I will get to know each other."


Ye Chen laughed with a trace of sarcasm: "If brother Qin is really kind, Ye Chen should thank you. If brother Qin has a purpose in mind, I would like to advise brother Qin that no one is a fool in this world. Treat other people as fools." A fool is himself the greatest fool."


Qin Shi couldn't help shouting angrily, all these years, among his peers, even Ni Cangtian, had never treated him like this.


The space trembled suddenly, and there was a shocking dragon chant, which suddenly sounded in this quiet street. Immediately, in the space, silver light streaks were connected, as if turning into a silver dragon, coming through the air.

Qin Shi had seen all of Ye Chen's methods when he faced Jin Ling, and he knew that those silver light streaks were terrifying, and compared to the previous few days, Ye Chen's strength seemed to have improved by a few points .


The silver dragon appeared in the sky above Qin Shi in a flash, but before he could attack, the silver dragon exploded with a bang, turning into silver spots all over the sky.

These silver light spots naturally do not contain any power, but the aura revealed seems to be more fierce and powerful than before.

"Qin Shi, if you use the same thoughts on Aoxue, next time, I will kill you!"

The silver light spot disappeared, and Ye Chen's figure also disappeared. Only the piercing sound, like thunder, lingered in Qin Shi's ears for a long time. . . .
(End of this chapter)

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