Chapter 193
On the long street, it was once again as quiet as before!
Even Qin Shi, who left the long street quickly after Ye Chen left!
The majestic palace, which is only visible to the naked eye, stands majestically between the sky and the earth, overlooking more than 180 surrounding cities!
"Cangge, defy the sky!"

In front of the Great Wilderness Hall, Ye Chen let out a heavy breath. The meaning of these five words put him under too much pressure.

The first-class force on the northern continent, the only one among the younger generation who has stepped into the realm of martial arts. . . .All of these weighed heavily on Ye Chen's heart like towering mountains.

Although Ye Chen is fearless to any challenge, it is not something that can be ignored!

Ye Chen has already experienced the strength of martial arts masters, and it is by no means a gap that can be narrowed by any means in the spiritual realm. To put it bluntly, if Ni Cangtian wants to kill him, then even if Ye Chen tries his best All methods, perhaps, can only be done by death.

If not, Ye Chen doesn't need to worry too much at all!

Immeasurable Mirror, Demon Emperor Bell. . . .Ye Chen has not fully discovered the true power and supernatural power of these two people, especially the Infinity Mirror, since he got it, he has not communicated with them carefully.

"What's wrong, feeling stressed?"

The green-robed man said calmly in the Demon Emperor's bell: "It's normal to have pressure, not to mention your younger generation, even me, when we see Ni Cangtian, we will naturally feel a pressure."

With Ni Cangtian's monstrous cultivation talent, if there are no major accidents, after more than ten years, he will be able to sit on an equal footing with these top masters on the northern continent, and give him some time to surpass these people and become the leader of this continent. It is not necessarily impossible to be the only overlord of the world!
If there is no one who is good enough to stand shoulder to shoulder with Ni Cangtian among other forces, then the future of the Northern Continent will belong to Ni Cangtian, no one doubts this.

"Facing Ni Cangtian, if I say that there is no pressure, then I am too arrogant." Ye Chen smiled bitterly.

The man in Qingpao also laughed, and said: "But don't worry too much, Ni Cangtian wants to marry Miss Aoxue, although both Cangge and Yanyangzong are willing, this marriage may not be entirely up to them The two have the final say."

Ye Chen's expression moved slightly, the green-robed man has always been fearless, even if the demon king, Xu Baxian and many other martial arts masters appeared, Ye Chen didn't sense the slightest emotional fluctuation from him.

Now that Cang Pavilion and Ni Cangtian were mentioned, the tone of the green-robed man was obviously much more dignified. From this, one can know how powerful Cang Pavilion is on the northern continent.

However, the meaning of the Qingpao man's words made Ye Chen understand a lot.

With Ni Cangtian's excellence, if there is no younger generation who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him, in the future, this young man will definitely become the overlord of the northern continent, and the only overlord.

When King Ni Cangtian came to the northern continent, Cang Pavilion might no longer be satisfied with being a hero. At that time, it would become inevitable to unify the northern continent.

In today's world, strength and power are always the eternal themes pursued by warriors!
Ni Cangtian has this qualification!
But Cangge and Ni Cangtian are willing, but it is not the result that other forces are willing to see!
The appearance of Mei Aoxue, in some respects, has become a hope for many forces. Although Mei Aoxue is a disciple of the Yanyang Sect, she only represents the Yanyang Sect and will not care about other forces, but the two heroes stand side by side, and the total Better than being alone.

Cangge is very willing to marry Mei Aoxue against the sky, maybe he has this consideration.

Therefore, under such circumstances, other forces, including powerful forces such as the Great Wilderness City and the Moyuan Mountain Range, will definitely find ways to destroy the will of Cang Pavilion and Ni Cangtian.

If it is really impossible to prevent Ni Cangtian from marrying Mei Aoxue, then perhaps, whether it is Ni Cangtian or Mei Aoxue, they will become thorns in the eyes of many forces, and they must be eliminated as soon as possible.

Now on the northern continent, another Ye Chen appeared. . . .Ye Chen's performance is of course excellent, but the relationship between him and Mei Aoxue is what many big shots would like to see.

As long as Mei Aoxue has her own heart, Ni Cangtian will not be able to marry Mei Aoxue, and if she acts forcefully, she will be opposed by all forces in the entire northern continent, and they will join forces to fight.

This consequence will be very serious. If they turn against Cangge, but for the inheritance of their respective forces, even if Cangge is strong, they must do it!
"However, you have to rely on yourself for everything. If you are not strong enough, the support of others will always be limited." The green-robed man said in a concentrated voice.

Ye Chen nodded. Due to fate, he has become a key figure in the eyes of many forces, but if Cangge is desperate, these forces may not have a firm attitude.

"Enter the Great Desolate Palace!"

Qingpao said humanely: "I can't guarantee that you can have the strength to fight against Ni Cangtian in a short period of time, but to face Ni Cangtian, first of all, you must have a strong strength behind you to become your opponent." backing."

"One Moyuan Mountain Range is not enough. If possible, Ye Chen can control the Great Wilderness City. With these two powerful forces behind you, even if your strength is still weak, you still have enough qualifications to face against the sky!"

"Control the Great Deserted City?"

Ye Chen was slightly astonished, and then asked with a light smile: "Why, senior, do you want to give up the Great Deserted City, or do you want me to act as a cover to attract the attention of Xu Baxian and others, so that you can do things yourself?"

Ye Chen's words did not embarrass the green-robed man in the slightest. In front of Ye Chen, the green-robed man was used to not hiding anything and not playing tricks.

He said with a smile: "I have no intention of giving up the Great Deserted City. There is actually not much difference between you controlling it and me controlling it. As for your pretense, I really need a while to recover myself."

"You must not have the heart to harm others, and you must not have the heart to guard against others. The words of our ancestors are always very reasonable."

Ye Chen's face darkened, and he said: "I think, after so many years, if Xu Baxian really has any ideas, he has endured long enough, senior, if you want enough time, I'm afraid it's impossible !"

"I understand this. Therefore, I need your cooperation. The Demon King will back you up and let Xu Ba be honest for a while."

After a moment of silence, the green-robed man said solemnly.

Such a move means that he truly believed in Ye Chen. The importance of this matter is self-evident. If the man in Qingpao had never trusted Ye Chen, he would never have done this.

As long as Ye Chen makes a little movement, maybe in the future, the people in green robes will not be able to achieve their wishes, and Ye Chen has the backing of the demon king, if he helps Xu Baxian, the latter will definitely help.

Without this trust, the Qingpao people would not dare to do this!
"Senior, don't worry, no one will disturb you." Ye Chen immediately said seriously.

It's not easy to gain the full trust of a person, no matter who the person is, with such trust, Ye Chen doesn't want to let him down.

"Let's enter the palace!"

The man in green robe said softly, his voice had an inexplicable meaning.

Ye Chen nodded, and immediately looked straight ahead, not far away, where the majestic palace stood between the sky and the earth.

The quiet long street, the same quiet palace, no one is guarding the surroundings, not even the masters hiding in the dark, it is truly undefended at all.

The more this happened, the more terrifying pressure it gave people!

The horrors that can be found are not too terrible, only the unknown is the real horror!
Standing in front of the palace, a wave that seems to be there is slowly exuding. It is not Ye Chen's soul but the reshaping of yin and yang. I am afraid that it will not be noticed.

Under the shroud of this fluctuation, the Great Wilderness Hall seemed to be protected by a powerful barrier, however, it could not be sensed that there was a so-called barrier outside this hall.

Weird senses, why not make people nervous!
Just as Ye Chen was looking at the exterior of the Great Wilderness Palace, a burst of energy shot out from the center of his eyebrows silently and shot into the space where the palace was located. This energy was emitted by the man in green robe.


The space trembled slightly, and after a while, the space in perception seemed to be open to Ye Chen, and then, a flash of lightning flashed out, wrapping Ye Chen, and at the same time, his figure also disappeared without a sound.

Even if someone is watching nearby, they will only feel that there will be a figure flashing past quickly, and then disappear, and they will definitely not know that it has entered the Great Wilderness Palace.

As for the flash of lightning and the trembling of the space, no one would notice it at all.

The lightning dissipated, and the sight returned to normal. Ye Chen looked around, and there was an empty main hall in front of his eyes!

At the head of the hall, there is a throne symbolizing the king, which naturally exudes an aura of a king, even if no one is sitting on it, he still reigns over the Great Deserted City.

Beside the main hall, after counting, there are more than 180 chairs.

Obviously, this is the place where the lord of the wilderness summoned the lords of the cities to discuss matters.

"Ye Chen, turn into the apse!"

Having entered the Great Wilderness Hall, the voice of the green-robed man was obviously much faster.

"it is good!"

Ye Chen didn't hesitate, and walked in from the gate of the main hall, and flashed into a long corridor. Behind the corridor was a garden, and through the garden, he saw the so-called apse.

Outside the entire Great Wilderness Hall, there is no obvious defense, but outside the apse, there is an unfathomable and powerful barrier. According to Ye Chen's deduction, maybe even the Demon King, it is not too big to break it with force. possible.

It's not that the demon king's strength is not enough, but that breaking the barrier sometimes doesn't rely on brute force. Of course, if the strength is really strong enough, it can still be broken by force.

This place seemed to be a safe place. The green-robed man floated out from the Demon Emperor's Bell, and stopped in front of the apse. His eyes suddenly filled with countless complexities.

Perhaps it was because of being away for too long, standing here again after many years, even the green robed man felt a strange feeling in his heart.

"Senior, let's go in!" Ye Chen said softly on the side.

He understands the feelings of the green-robed man very well. When one day, when he returns to Ye's house in Da Luo City, the strange feeling will be even stronger.

Because the Ye family in Da Luo City is no longer his home!
(End of this chapter)

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