Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 194 Mission

Chapter 194 Mission
The man in green robe stood for a long time in front of the apse!
It was only when the sky was full of sunset that he seemed to regain the familiarity of this place from his memory. After a while, he stepped forward!

The enchantment that even the demon king could hardly break through did not seem to exist in front of the green-robed man.

Ye Chen followed closely behind the green-robed man, and the two, one in front of the other, passed through the barrier without hindrance and entered the apse.

To Ye Chen's surprise, the space in the apse is extremely huge, but it doesn't look like being in a hall, but an independent space world, similar to a small world.

There are mountains, water, and plants in the distance, and there are little creatures running freely.

The nearby pavilions and pavilions are all extremely exquisite, and the space is full of spiritual energy. It is really a holy place for cultivation. At least for the present Ye Chen, he has never seen a place more suitable for cultivation than here.

But the cultivation of the Lord of the Great Desolation has never surpassed the realm of martial arts, and it is impossible to build a real small world by relying on his own cultivation.

The green-robed man in front seemed to understand Ye Chen's doubts, and said aloud: "This place is called Huangyuan, and it is a small world built by the ancestors who founded the Great Wilderness City..."

Ye Chen's eyes flickered lightly. All masters who can build a small world look at the whole world, and there is no one who is not a deterrent to the world.

"It's a pity that my descendants, no one can step into that level of realm. As time goes by, the aura in the deserted garden is also gradually decreasing. This deserted garden can no longer exist for a long time. .”

The small world is not a real world after all. The spiritual energy of the heaven and the earth cannot be derived by itself in the space between the heaven and the earth. This requires a master who has surpassed the strength of the martial arts to use his own energy to communicate with the world and guide the spiritual energy into the small world. Maintain the normal operation of the small world.

The man in green robe may have extraordinary cultivation, but if he wants to break through the Martial Realm and reach a higher realm in this life, if there is no great opportunity, it may be just a dream.

If it weren't for this, the green-robed man would not have taken the risk of entering the ancient ruins to find his own chance.

Only after reaching his level, will he understand more how difficult it is to make a breakthrough.

"Ye Chen, follow me!"

After sighing, the green-robed man immediately swept forward.

After more than two hours, it seemed that he had reached the very center of this small world, and the green-robed man stopped in his tracks.

Here, there is a small island in the middle of the lake. The area of ​​the island is not very large, but it is shrouded in a thick layer of thick fog all the year round, making it impossible to clearly capture the whole picture of the island with the naked eye.

And in the whole small world, the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth seems to be swept out from the central island.

Therefore, the space around the island seemed a bit distorted, and the coercion brought by the majestic aura was also fully displayed here!
"Ye Chen, for a period of time from now on, I will practice on the island, and try to restore my previous peak cultivation level as soon as possible." The man in the green robe said.

Ye Chen nodded, and after looking at Xiao Dao for a few times, he withdrew his gaze.

The green-robed man said again: "I know that it is impossible for you to cultivate here quietly, so I will give you a task."


Ye Chen frowned, and looked at the man in green robe.

There is a suitable place where you can practice quietly like no one else around. This is a place that most people would like to meet. However, for Ye Chen, if it is too quiet, he will be very uncomfortable.

Ye Chen has never been a person who enjoys peace. Ever since he tasted the warmth and warmth of the world, the word "peace" is too strange and distant to him, although he also longs for a peaceful life in his heart. .

The Ye Family in Da Luo City, the Yanyang Sect, and the Cang Pavilion that I heard about not long ago, etc., all made Ye Chen unable to calm down.

He knows that only by walking on the road paved with thorns, can he go further and further on the road of martial arts, and can he have the strength to face one after another powerful opponents and forces.

People in Qingpao appreciate Ye Chen, apart from his empathy and righteousness, his tenacity in daring to walk alone on the more dangerous path of cultivation is also an important reason.

"The Demon Emperor's Bell needs to be restored. For the time being, it can only be with me. Let the Demon Emperor's Bell stay here too."

The green-robed man didn't tell Ye Chen the task directly, but wanted to set up the Demon Emperor's Bell.

Ye Chen didn't even think about it, but with a thought, the Demon Emperor's Clock flashed out and stopped in front of the green-robed man. Deep in the eyes of the latter, there was a touch of emotion and admiration. Obviously, Ye Chen's no hesitation , so that the Qingpao people are very satisfied.

The treasure of the devil world, which is one of the best treasures in the world, was taken out without hesitation, and it would be difficult for other people to make it.

The man in Qingpao immediately smiled and said, "If possible, I would also like to keep the Wuliang Divine Mirror with the Dayu Divine Cauldron. In this way, your experience will be more thorough."

Ye Chen also laughed, the green-robed person is kind, but there is no way, Wuliang Shenjing, I am afraid that in this world, except for himself, other people can't control it at all, and Ye Chen still needs enough time to come to the Great Yu Divine Cauldron Only by working with it can it display its maximum power, and truly open the Great Yu Divine Cauldron.

In Qiu Huaxuan's hands, although the power of the Dayu Divine Cauldron was extraordinary, it was obvious that it was not all there was to the Dayu Divine Cauldron.

So even if Ye Chen wanted to keep the two here, it would not work.

"Senior, let's talk about the mission!" Ye Chen asked.

The green-robed man said: "The entire Great Wilderness City, 180 five cities, each has a city lord, headed by the Lord of the Great Wilderness, who built the Great Wilderness City that shocked the northern continent, but strictly speaking, the Great Wilderness City is not a complete force. "

Speaking of this, the green-robed man was a little helpless: "Except for the ancestor who founded the Great Wilderness City, after so many years, the interior of the Great Wilderness City has never been truly unified."

Ye Chen nodded thoughtfully, without being strong enough, he couldn't control so many masters at all.

"Although the Great Wilderness is not independent, there have never been fewer battles among them. In order to prevent too much internal friction and affect the overall strength of the Great Wilderness, many challenges have been set in the Great Wilderness."

Qingpao said humanely: "Because the Great Wilderness City is not an inherited sect, except for the city lords of the major cities, any position can be replaced."

"Senior, what do you mean, you want me to go through this challenge to win a position that belongs to me?" Ye Chen asked immediately.

"Not bad!"

The green-robed man said in a deep voice: "With the Demon King behind you, your existence is extremely sensitive to anyone in the Great Deserted City. On the one hand, some people will want to get acquainted with the Demon King through you. There are some people who avoid you, for fear of offending you, thus attracting the wrath of the demon king."

"But no matter what kind of people they are, they will still be quite interested in you at the moment, so even though you are not from the Great Deserted City, you will not be rejected by others."

Qingpao said humanely: "Dahuang City, under the major city lords, there are four commanders who command the armies of each city. The task I give you is to seize the position of commander of a city."

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows sharply, and said: "The four major commanders of each city may not have reached the realm of martial arts, but with me now, if I want to win, I'm afraid it will not be so easy?"

Even with Ye Chen's strength, he has the strength to fight against the peak masters of Linghai, and even retreats completely, but it does not mean that Ye Chen can defeat such masters.

Those who have the ability to compete for the leadership position are mediocre, and these few people who are already in the leadership position are not useless.

"What's more, senior, what you want me to fight for is probably not the position of commander of the major cities?" Ye Chen asked with a smile.

In the eyes of others, the commanding positions of the major cities may be high and powerful, but these positions should not be what the Qingpao people want, and if that happens, Ye Chen is equivalent to being restrained under the control of the major city lords .

Although these city lord-level masters would not treat Ye Chen as his subordinates, and would even treat him well, relatively speaking, Ye Chen also lost some freedom and had more unnecessary responsibilities.

This is not good news for Ye Chen and Qingpao people.

"Of course not the leaders of the cities."

The voice of the green-robed man was slightly concentrated, and he said: "Every city has its own commander, similarly, there are also four major commanders under the Great Wilderness City!"

"What I want you to fight for is the position of one of the four great commanders of the Great Deserted City!"

Ye Chen's eyes flickered again, and his expression became extremely dignified. Today, he already knows a lot about the Great Wilderness City. The Great Wilderness City, headed by the Lord of the Great Wilderness, has four subordinate commanders!

Although these four commanders do not have the exact identity and status of the lords of the cities, everyone in the Great Wilderness City knows that compared with the major city lords, the power and status of the four of them are even better!
Because they are directly under the Lord of the Wilderness, the army in their hands is also the most elite army in the Great Wilderness City, and they are the most trusted people of the Lord of the Wilderness!

With such a status, how could it be possible to be under the lords of the cities?Even at certain times, the four major commanders are still above the city lords of the cities. They can replace the lord of the wilderness and give orders!
And the people who can ascend to the positions of the four commanders are not comparable to the commanders of other cities. It is difficult to imagine how difficult it is to snatch the commanding position from one of them.

Ye Chen's worry was not because of the difficulty of winning the position of commander, unless he had reached the realm of martial arts, he could let Ye Chen retreat in the face of difficulties. His worry came from the fact that the green-robed man did this obviously in the latter's heart. I feel that one of the four commanders can no longer be trusted.

One of the four most trusted commanders of the Lord of the Wilderness has lost his sense of trust. Although this is not fatal to the Lord of the Wilderness, it is an impossible fact to accept.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen asked in a deep voice: "But I don't know, senior, which leader do you want me to compete for?"

"The Heavenly Transformation Army!"

(End of this chapter)

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