Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 195 The Four Heavenly Armies

Chapter 195 The Four Celestial Armies
"The Heavenly Transformation Army!"

When these three words floated out from Qingpao's mouth, the whole small world seemed to shake heavily, and the temperature in the space also dropped a lot because of this, giving people an extremely cold and solemn feeling.

"Ye Chen, there are four major armies under the Great Wilderness City, namely the Huatian Army, the Splitting Army, the Zhentian Army and the Luotian Army. Among them, the Huatian Army ranks first!"

The voice of the person in green robe is like ice, and Ye Chen can understand the coldness in the heart of the person in green robe at this moment!

It is an unbearable fact that the leaders of any one of the four heavenly armies have a different heart. These four people are the most trusted people of the Lord of the Wilderness. They can replace the Lord of the Wilderness and exercise the most basic rights. important.

Any city lord who has a different heart, even if he guessed that Xu Ba was unwilling, the green-robed man was just on guard, and never had any anger in his heart, only the commander of the four heavenly armies. . . .What's more, it is the Huatian Army that ranks first!
"The commander of the Huatian Army, named Yang Jun, is also a talented person, perhaps not as dazzling as Ni Cangtian, but, in his generation, Yang Jun is enough to rank among the top five in the entire Northern Continent." !"

The size of the northern continent is far from comparable to that of Ye Chen's. The top five positions in the entire continent are enough to show Yang Jun's excellence.

The man in Qingpao said in a deep voice: "Now Yang Jun has at least the strength of the third level of true martial arts..."

Ye Chen's mind froze. Although the third level of real martial arts was not as good as Jin Ling, it was still not something that Ye Chen could face now. Even if he tried his best, he couldn't pose the slightest threat to Yang Jun.

It's really too difficult for the man in Qingpao to ask Ye Chen to snatch the position of leader of Huatian Army!

Looking at Ye Chen, after a while, the green-robed man dispelled all the killing intent in his heart, and said with a light smile: "I know, this task is too much, so I just tell you about the existence of Yang Jun and the Huatian Army. When facing Ni Cangtian, Yang Jun can be your experience stone."

"Because Ni Cangtian is much more terrifying than Yang Jun!"

Ye Chen nodded slightly. He knew this very well. In terms of cultivation, Ni Cangtian, who had just entered the realm of martial arts, might not be as good as Yang Jun, but his strength might not be much weaker than Yang Jun.

Although Yang Jun is a person that the Lord of the Wilderness trusts very much, he definitely does a lot of cultivation on weekdays, but the Lord of the Wilderness trusts Yang Jun by no means, and it is impossible for all the resources to be on Yang Jun.

Ni Cangtian is different. He has been regarded by Cangge as the top figure who will dominate the northern continent in the future. His cultivation is beyond Yang Jun's comparison.

The road to martial arts is too difficult. If you have a famous teacher to guide and cultivate you every step of the way, it will save you a lot of effort than walking alone!
Of course, there will be accidents, but accidents are accidents after all!

"What does senior really mean?" Ye Chen asked.

Qingpao said humanely: "Under the four major commanders, each has the position of captain. Ye Chen, you should be able to compete for the position of a captain in the Huatian Army, right?"

Hearing this, Ye Chen said: "As long as I meet someone who is not a master of martial arts, I will try my best to get him, but senior, if Yang Jun really can't be trusted, I am afraid that nothing will happen if I suddenly enter the Huatian Army." can not do."

No one will know the relationship between Ye Chen and the Qingpao man, but Yang Jun has a different heart, so he will never tolerate anyone entering the Huatian Army, because in his eyes, any one person may destroy him for many years. deployment.

"Don't worry about this. Yang Jun has a different heart. He is only in the dark and will not be aboveboard. On the bright side, he can't and dare not prevent others from entering the Huatian Army. As for your worry, there is absolutely no need for it. The other three armies, The three commanders are all watching!"

The green-robed man flipped his palms over, and a token flied in front of Ye Chen, and continued: "This order, take it out when you think it is necessary, the other three commanders will definitely listen to your dispatch, with their help, take it out!" Yang Jun, even capturing Yang Jun is not a problem."

After receiving the token and putting it away, Ye Chen froze for a moment, and smiled wryly: "Senior, it's no problem for me to charge forward. I'm really not good at these twists and turns and intrigue."

"Ha ha!"

The green-robed man said with a smile: "Unless you have the strength to ignore any forces, before that, you have to get in touch with these things. The Demon Emperor's Bell is in your hands. In the future, you will inevitably have to face the Demon Realm."

"The Great Wilderness is not as good as the Demon Realm, but in the future, I can still raise the flag for you!"

"Senior is joking."

Ye Chen immediately clasped his fists and said, "Senior is recovering well, so I'll leave first."

The green-robed man nodded and said, "If you need me, you can use the token given to you to come here unimpeded."

"Okay, I'm going out."

Watching Ye Chen leave, the green-robed man turned his gaze to Demon Emperor Zhong, and after a while, said lightly: "Old friend, your vision has always been good, but although he has great potential, the road ahead is too difficult and dangerous , do you believe that he can move forward?"

The Demon Emperor's Bell trembled slightly, it couldn't speak, but it had already given the Qingpao man the answer.

The green-robed man laughed, and said: "You really believe in him, but I don't know if this confidence is still there after you have met Ni Cang Tian!"

On the body of the Demon Emperor's Bell, a ray of light flashed, as if it was responding to the question of the green-robed man!

In this world, except for Shuang'er, no one knows how Ye Chen has passed through these years, and even Shuang'er, some things are not very clear, only the Demon Emperor Bell!

Only Mo Huangzhong, who has been by Ye Chen's side, has experienced all kinds of humiliation with him, and thus personally experienced the ups and downs and hardships of Ye Chen's journey.

Ni Cangtian is very strong, but he must have never experienced the process of going from nothing to nothing, and then from nothing to something!
Without the experience of this process, one would not know how tough Ye Chen's heart is now. Ye Chen cherishes everything he has now more than anyone else.

Once you have tasted the loss, you never want to lose it again!

This kind of experience is that Ye Chen never felt the slightest grievance or resentment because of the decadent time of three years.

Ye Chen knew very well that without this experience, his life might have been brilliant, but it was definitely much darker than it is now.

"Since you believe in him so much, then we have to work harder. The Great Deserted City is no longer what it used to be, and the power of the demon king can't protect Ye Chen for too long."

The man in green robe said softly, and in the next instant, he had appeared in the middle of the small island, above his head, the Demon Emperor's Clock seemed to have never left.

The Great Wilderness City, where the Great Wilderness Palace is located, is still very quiet, and the quietness has not changed when night falls.

Ye Chen, who was walking on the long street, felt lonely again.

Having been with the Demon Emperor Bell for many years, Ye Chen is really not used to it now that he is not by his side. Perhaps this is the real reason why the man in Qingpao wants to leave the Demon Emperor Bell!

"The Heavenly Transformation Army!"

When Ye Chen murmured these three words softly, the news of the four heavenly armies spontaneously appeared in his mind.

Under the Lord of the Great Wilderness, the four commanders each lead an army, divided into southeast and northwest, each guarding one side of the Great Wilderness City, the Huatian Army is in the east, and in the city near the east, there is Wufang led by Xu Baxian. city!

Yang Jun has a different heart, and Xu Baxian has a unwillingness to reconcile. The two can already be connected, as long as the guess is true.

Although a Yang Jun is a character, he alone can't make any troubles. Without the support of the city lords, even if Yang Jun wants to stand on his own, it is absolutely impossible!

To become the captain of one team in the Huatian Army, and then unite with the commanders of the other three armies to slowly take down Yang Jun's power, and then take him down. This is the task given to Ye Chen by the man in Qingpao.

It's just that this task is a bit more difficult!
Yang Jun has controlled the Huatian Army for many years, if he is not able to fully control the Huatian Army, I am afraid that he will not dare to have any dissatisfaction.

In this way, it will be very difficult to take him out of the sky.

The bottom-up strategy is certainly good, but to be honest, it is almost difficult to win people's hearts, especially from the people who have already won people's hearts.

Unless Yang Jun is allowed to show his feet and let everyone know that he has betrayed the Lord of the Great Wilderness, otherwise, it is easy to read but hard to write!

Otherwise, why didn't the Qingpao man capture Yang Jun himself?
He just knew that doing so would not only fail to solve Yang Jun, but would also cause dissatisfaction in the Huatian Army as a whole, which might lead to rebellion.

"Enter the Huatian Army!"

Ye Chen shook his head, and smiled wryly.

The Great Wilderness City is huge, but Ye Chen couldn't find anyone he could safely discuss with.

"I can only take one step at a time. Let's grab the so-called captain position first!"

Ye Chen smiled wryly, and quickly sank into the night.

The majestic mountain range is like a giant dragon crawling between the sky and the earth. On the mountain peak, there are palaces and palaces that are beautifully repaired. . . .
The main hall in the center is brightly lit, and it can be seen from a distance. There are many people sitting in the hall.

"Are you sure, the message is correct?"

On the large seat at the head of the hall, an old man with white hair looked coldly at the man standing below and asked in a deep voice.

"Sovereign, how dare your subordinates lie about such a big matter?"


The white-haired old man couldn't help but slapped the palm heavily, and the handle of the chair he was sitting on shattered immediately, turning into fine powder, and fell silently to the ground.

"Sovereign, please calm down. Aoxue has sent a letter back. She is on her way back. When she comes back, just ask her carefully. Maybe this is one of her schemes."

At the first place on the left, an old woman hurriedly cupped her hands and said, "Sovereign, killing people may not be the best way to solve the problem. If Aoxue did it on purpose, Ye Chen's life will be worse than death in this life. He has obtained the treasure that he has always wanted."

The white-haired old man snorted coldly: "If Mei Aoxue is really moved, what should I do?"

Hearing this, the old woman smiled grimly, and said: "Even if she was moved, she couldn't help herself. Although we forced Ye Tianxiang and his wife to die back then, and Ye Tianling reported the letter, Mei Yuanlei also had ideas. "

"The hatred of killing one's father and one's mother is irreconcilable. Ye Chen may be able to forgive Mei Aoxue, but he may not be able to forgive the Mei family. How can the two of them love each other?"


In Ling Su's main hall, there was a sudden burst of laughter!

(End of this chapter)

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