Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 196 Shaking Light City

Chapter 196 Shaking Light City

Time is always passing by. . . .
The huge deserted city gradually became more and more lively, and the excitement was not inferior to the fierce competition to enter the ancient castle of the Moyuan Mountain Range that day.

More than 180 cities, including the central location, the city named after the Great Wilderness, are no longer as quiet as in the past, and there are lively scenes everywhere. Countless warriors, either bright or dark, are secretly longing for and getting ready in their hearts. Now, for the upcoming grand event, show your own strength and prestige.

And the so-called grand event refers to the grand challenge that will be held in major cities, including the Great Deserted City, in a few days' time!

In this kind of challenge, except for the city lord of Zhucheng, other positions that symbolize status, as long as you feel that you have the strength and means, then you can openly challenge them!

This is the most grand event in the Great Wilderness City!

Over the years, I don't know how many outstanding people, through such a challenge, went from being unknown to becoming famous overnight, and finally enjoying a high status in the Great Wilderness City, even in the entire northern continent, they all have a place .

This path, ever since someone succeeded, has been pursued by countless people. The original intention was to select outstanding young people. Now, it has gradually developed into an important way to recruit masters for the Great Deserted City.

Although it is a bit risky to do so, it is inevitable that spies from other forces will sneak in. However, with the overall strength of the Great Deserted City, as long as there is no war with the same forces, some spies do not need to be taken seriously at all.

What's more, if there is no way to deal with the spies, the power of the Great Wilderness City cannot be passed down to this day!

A challenge, even if it may not be able to obtain the desired status in the end, it can still be regarded as a success, at least it has entered the eyes of many masters in the Great Wilderness City, which has unimaginable benefits for the future of martial arts.

Still the same sentence, it is always better to be guided and cultivated by someone than to explore alone.

In this way, this grand event will attract countless people to participate, and the excitement at that time, I am afraid that it will still compete for the quota to enter the ancient castle of the Moyuan Mountain Range.

Competing for these places, if you lose, you will get nothing, and this challenge event, not only the current strength, but also the future potential will be more important.

Walking on the street, you can feel that even those passers-by are showing a strong interest, as well as, hidden in the body, a strong fighting spirit will erupt when the day comes .

Shrouded in such an atmosphere, not only did the space in the city not feel oppressed at all, but instead, every city was filled with a strange vitality.

But in comparison, the atmosphere of Yaoguang City is far inferior to other cities!
The bustle is not enough, the flow of people is not enough, not only not enough, but also faintly showing a faint decline, which makes Yaoguang City seem out of place among all the cities!
The reason is naturally because of what happened outside the Great Wilderness City many days ago, the city lord Jin Ling.

Losing at the hands of the Demon King, no one would laugh at Jin Ling because of this. His strength is not as good as others, so there is nothing to say. In the entire Great Deserted City, there is only one person who can become the opponent of the Demon King!
Jin Ling's defeat did not affect the status of Yaoguang City at all. However, when facing the demon king's strong attack and vowing to kill Jin Ling for Ye Chen, the major city lords of the Great Wilderness headed by Xu Baxian, Jin Ling gave up.

Although Jin Ling was not killed in the end, the word 'give up' not only left a shadow in Jin Ling's heart, but also made other people have different thoughts in their hearts.

A once-abandoned city lord, of course, was forced by the situation, the facts already existed, and Jin Ling's face was gone. Naturally, the status of Yaoguang City was not as good as before.

Therefore, this grand event that swept across the entire Great Desolate City seemed less lively in the Yaoguang City. With the Yaoguang City’s momentum gone, it would be difficult to become the commander of the Yaoguang City and the captains of the various teams under his command. It's time to start.

The abnormal calmness on the street made Ye Chen sigh a little. In life, no matter which road you walk on, everything you meet is icing on the cake, and there are very few people who give charcoal in the snow!

"In front of the City Lord's Mansion, the old man stops!"

Several guards lined up, the bright sharp blades gleaming sharply, pointed at Ye Chen, and the lead guard shouted coldly.

Ye Chen clasped his fists and said, "Below, Ye Chen, please see City Lord Jinling, please inform me."

"Marven Ye!"

The faces of several guards couldn't help changing. Recently, this name has been famous, and everyone knows it. The pressure radiated from it also made everyone in the Great Wilderness feel dignified, because he is still in the Great Wilderness.

And this dignified feeling was felt the most in Yaoguangcheng, including Jin Ling, who was worried that one day, this young man would come to take revenge, although that day was also his intention, so that the demon king let Jin Ling go.

When they heard that it was Ye Chen, the attitudes of the guards immediately changed. Perhaps they didn't pay too much attention to Ye Chen's strength, and they couldn't hold back the toughness of the backstage.

But even if the attitude has improved, the coldness in the guards' eyes does not seem to have weakened. If it weren't for Ye Chen, how could Yaoguang City be in the embarrassment and embarrassment it is today.

"Please wait here, I will report!"

The lead guard dropped a word, and entered the City Lord's Mansion extremely quickly.

About a few minutes later, a group of people came in a hurry, and the leader was Jin Ling. When he saw Ye Chen, although there was still a trace of surprise in Jin Ling's eyes, what was more, was the coldness.

The most outstanding disciple died in the hands of Ye Chen, and the God of Dayu was snatched away by Ye Chen. What's even worse is that because of him, Yaoguang City is no longer as grand as it used to be. . . .These are all things that Jin Ling can't stand.

With the demon king around, Jin Ling had no choice but to endure the anger in his heart. Now that he saw Ye Chen, he couldn't bear the anger no matter what.

"Unexpectedly, you will come to me, what's the matter?"

The tone was harsh, although there was anger in his heart, Jin Ling really didn't dare to kill Ye Chen here, he couldn't afford to offend the Demon King!

After Xu Baxian and others gave up on him, Jin Ling didn't want to care about the safety of the Great Wilderness City for a long time, but he couldn't give up on Yaoguang City and many other people.

Ye Chen smiled and said: "No matter what, visitors are always guests, and the way the Lord Jinling treats guests is unreasonable."

Jin Ling's complexion became serious. He didn't believe that Ye Chen was here as a guest, but when it came to this point, if Jin Ling was not arrogant, people would think that he was afraid of Ye Chen.

Now that Yaoguang City is already lifeless, if this matter spreads, it will make things worse.


Jin Ling said coldly.

Although Jin Ling is not ranked high among many city lords, he is still the lord of a city, the mansion of a city, and the majestic atmosphere of natural repairs.

When he came to the main hall and served tea, Jin Ling immediately asked, "What's the matter with you here?"

"There is indeed something that I would like to ask City Lord Jinling for help." Ye Chen said.


As the voice came out, everyone in the main hall, including Jin Ling, looked a little weird, help?Ye Chen, you really think you are a friend of Yaoguang City?
Ye Chen didn't care about the expressions of Jin Ling and the others, he continued: "I've taken a fancy to the position of leader of the first team under the Huatian Army, but I need a recommender, I hope City Lord Jin Ling can recommend it for me. "

The four heavenly armies of the Great Wilderness City have always been the most loyal army of the Great Wilderness Lord, and they are the absolute power that the Great Wilderness Lord uses to deter the Great Wilderness cities in addition to his own strength.

Therefore, for everyone who wants to join the four armies, it is difficult to determine their loyalty at the beginning, so they need a person with enough weight to become a recommender.

And the recommender is responsible for the person who entered the four heavenly armies!

That is to say, if Jin Ling becomes Ye Chen's recommender, then if Ye Chen does something that is sorry for Dahuangcheng in the future, Jin Ling will also have to bear the consequences of betrayal.

And in the huge wild city, the only person Ye Chen really knew was Jin Ling who had enough qualifications!
Taking Jinling, the relationship between Yaoguangcheng and Yechen, the former actually became his recommender. . . .Jin Ling looked at Ye Chen with eyes like an idiot.

"City Lord Jinling, please do me a favor!" Ye Chen said with a faint smile.

"Ye Chen, do you think this seat will help you with this?" Jin Ling said with a faint smile.

Ye Chen is not an idiot, so this action must have deep meaning, and Jin Ling is also not an idiot, so he didn't reject the former outright.

Ye Chen restrained his smile, and said seriously: "If the city owner wants to change the current embarrassing position of Yaoguang City, cooperating with me may be your best choice."

"Are you threatening me?" Jin Ling's expression changed, and he said coldly.

"Not to mention a threat!"

Ye Chen waved his hand, and said: "You can check my origin, you don't have to worry about my ulterior motives, or the spies of Moyuan Mountain, with the relationship between the Demon King and me, and the Lord of the Wilderness's past years Missing, if the Demon King wants to do something, he doesn't need to send a spy, if he really wants to, it won't be such a big fanfare that day."

"So, cooperating with me is the best choice for the city lord at the moment. Of course, if the city lord has a better choice, then it's as if I haven't been here today."

"What is your real purpose?"

Jin Ling asked in a deep voice.

"It's very simple, I want to rise in the wild city!"

"That's all?"

Jin Ling smiled indifferently, obviously not believing it!
Rising in the Great Deserted City is a very attractive attraction for countless people, but for Ye Chen, it has no meaning at all, because he and the demon king have a brotherly friendship, and the demon clan of Moyuan Mountain is not weak. In the Great Deserted City, why should he look far away and start all over again?

Ye Chen's eyes tightened slightly, and after a moment of silence, he said: "Just having the Moyuan Mountain Monster Clan is not enough for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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