Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 197 Cooperation

Chapter 197 Cooperation
"What I need, a Moyuan Mountain monster clan, is far from enough!"

When the voice sounded, it was like a thunderbolt falling in the main hall. With Jin Ling's strength, he couldn't help trembling at this moment. He looked at this young man, and inexplicable complexity emerged in his heart.

If it was an ordinary person who could meet Ye Chen today, he would be very happy. To put it bluntly, even if he is Jin Ling, he may not be able to have Ye Chen's current power in this life.

However, Ye Chen's heart is so big that the demon clan of Moyuan Mountain can't satisfy him.

"Ye Chen, what is your real purpose?" Jin Ling asked again in a deep voice. Ye Chen's ambition made him feel a little uneasy.

Although it is said that Jin Ling's heart is no longer of the same mind as that of Dahuang City, but it is absolutely impossible for him to betray Dahuang City, and he dare not do it.

"City Lord Jinling, Mei Aoxue, Miss Mei, you should know each other, right?" Ye Chen raised his head and said softly.

Jin Ling, as well as the others present, suddenly understood what Ye Chen really meant.

Before meeting Qin Shi in the Great Wilderness, Ye Chen had never thought about it too much, but now, Ye Chen had to think about it.

The green-robed man is right in saying that before he has absolute strength, these things must be faced and managed by him.

Cang Pavilion, Ni Cangtian, in the hearts of Qingpao people, they all exist like mountains. For Ye Chen now, they are even more terrifying natural moats.

Not to mention the demon clan of Moyuan Mountain, it is difficult to confront Cang Pavilion head-on. Even if it is possible, Ye Chen will not be too relieved. After all, there are too many factors in the relationship with the demon king. After all, they have never really gotten along, let alone experienced life and death at the same time.

The demon king may selflessly help Ye Chen because of what he has, but Ye Chen cannot involve the entire Moyuanshan demon clan because of his own affairs.

As long as there is a big battle, there will inevitably be injuries. The demon king is selfless, and Ye Chen cannot be selfish!
And the current Demon Clan of Moyuan Mountain is not the opponent of Cang Pavilion, so Ye Chen needs the power of Great Wilderness City!
The combination of the two great powers can put enough pressure on Cang Pavilion, so that Ni Cangtian dare not use the power of Cang Pavilion to force people.

Just Ni Cangtian alone is not what Ye Chen can handle, but if it is only Ni Cangtian, Ye Chen will be fearless because he will not implicate anyone.

"It sounds like you are very willing to cooperate with me."

Jin Ling's expression changed, and he smiled lightly: "But I want to know, what are the real benefits of this seat?"

"Don't tell me how to help Yaoguang City change the current situation. Although it is true that the current situation of Yaoguang City is not good, as long as I am still here, this situation will not affect the foundation of Yaoguang City. And this seat is also confident that the momentum of Yaoguang City will be restored."

Jin Ling believed everything Ye Chen said, and the Demon King didn't even bother to send a spy into the Great Deserted City. How could he make this spy known to everyone before sending the spy?

Jin Ling has not only met Mei Aoxue, but also experienced Mei Aoxue's strength in the past grand meeting, so Jin Ling has never denied that Mei Aoxue is definitely the best in any man's heart. lifelong companion.

Such a woman will fascinate countless people, including his apprentice Qiu Huaxuan, Qin Shi, Lin Shu and other outstanding young people in the Great Desolate City, and even Ni Cangtian, who is like a bright moon and covers all the stars.

Jin Ling understands the pressure in Ye Chen's heart, so he understands Ye Chen's current pursuit, as for cooperation. . . .

Although Yaoguang City and Ye Chen are very unhappy, even to the point of endless death, they may not be unable to cooperate, as long as there are enough benefits.

At least, Jin Ling can see that when Ye Chen, under his recommendation, participates in the competition for the position of the squadron leader of the Huatian Army, the city owners of the various cities, and even everyone in the Great Wilderness City, will definitely treat him greatly in Shaking Light City. change.

There is no other reason, Ye Chen has the support of the Demon King behind him!

Although everyone knew that Jin Ling was not Ye Chen, and he couldn't get the support of the Demon King, but who can guarantee that if he doesn't do it now, it means he won't in the future?
At least the cooperation between the two parties is a clear beginning. There will be a second, third, or even many times in everything after the first time.

Ye Chen smiled faintly, and said: "Obvious benefits, City Lord Jinling and everyone will think and see, and other benefits..."

Ye Chen paused for a moment, and then continued: "City Master Jinling, if I say that I will give you some benefits, you must believe me? If you want to get any benefits, you have to give something first. Do you think this is the case?" reason."

"Ye Chen, don't forget, it's you who are begging me now, not me begging you." Jin Ling said indifferently after glancing at Ye Chen.

"It's cooperation, not begging!"

Ye Chen smiled lightly and said: "City Master Jinling is my recommender, and I will eliminate the negative influence for Yaoguang City. Both parties will gain something, which is extremely fair! If City Master Jinling thinks that I am begging you? Want to come?" City lord, you should have thought about it, if I go to other city lords under the same conditions, do you think I will be rejected?"

Jin Ling's pupils shrank suddenly, and he said coldly: "It seems that you don't have any sincerity. If so, please!"

"Okay, farewell!"

Ye Chen immediately got up and walked out of the hall.

The cooperation with Jin Ling was the first person Ye Chen thought of after knowing the rules of the challenge.

It was the man in Qingpao who spoke out that day and did not kill Jin Ling. If it was Xu Baxian, he would have been killed. Therefore, to a certain extent, Jin Ling is a trustworthy person.

In the future, Ye Chen can't control too much. After all, the Great Wilderness City is not his destination, but it does not prevent him from making Yaoguang City a step forward before leaving.

It's one thing to be able to cooperate with Jin Ling, but if Jin Ling thinks too much and wants too much because of this, it's not worth it.

Perhaps in the hearts of the Qingpao people, Jin Ling is trustworthy, but as long as he is a human being, he will have ambitions and desires, and Ye Chen is no exception. Therefore, Jin Ling can be trusted now, but it does not mean that he will always be trustworthy.

"and many more!"

When Ye Chen was about to step out of the main hall, Jin Ling couldn't help shouting.

Ye Chen smiled faintly, and slowly turned back.

Seeing the smile on Ye Chen's face, Jin Ling's expression couldn't help but sink, but there was no way, the conditions were fair, but Ye Chen had more choices, but Jin Ling didn't.

Although Jin Ling is confident enough that he can restore the current decline, it will take a certain amount of time, and no one can guarantee whether other changes will occur during this period of time.

These negative impacts should be resolved as soon as possible. In his view, Ye Chen came here to seek cooperation because he had paid such attention, and that's why he was determined.

Although there was no other way, Mr. Jin Ling was also unwilling, and immediately shouted in a deep voice: "I can promise you the cooperation, but I want to get a promise from you."

Including Jin Ling, everyone in the Great Wilderness City, even the green-robed man, didn't quite understand why the Demon King treated Ye Chen so differently.

However, to deal with the Yaozu, there must be a very certain prerequisite, that is, character!
Without character, even if you are invincible in the world, you can never expect to get the most loyal friendship from the demon clan, let alone the demon king's indifferent attitude towards Ye Chen.

Jin Ling believed in Ye Chen's character, so he asked for his promise.

"If City Lord Jinling is successful, one day, in Dahuang City, you and Yaoguang City will not be inferior to Xu Baxian and Wufang City."

Ye Chen said lightly.

The faces of Jin Ling and the people present kept changing again. If this promise can be fulfilled, there will naturally be great benefits to Yaoguang City, not inferior to Wufang City, that is to say, under one person, above tens of thousands!
Wufang City is the number one among all cities!

It's just that the word 'merit' made Jin Ling think more.

What is 'active'?
The current Ye Chen can't represent the Great Wilderness City, why should he say these two words, is it just because of his ambition and the support of the Demon King?
Even with the support of the Demon King, Ye Chen's strength is not enough, how could it be possible to control the Great Deserted City?
Seeing the doubts in Jin Ling's heart, Ye Chen continued: "The city lord can believe my words, because many impossibilities may become reality with me."

The man in Qingpao can enter and leave the Great Desolation Hall freely, and if you give him a token, Ye Chen can freely enter and exit the Great Desolation Palace, and can make the other three celestial army commanders of the three major celestial armies loyal, if Ye Chen still can't guess In terms of the true identity of the man in green robe, he may not be too stupid.

When the cultivation of the green-robed man returned to normal, it was the time when he, Ye Chen, was sitting in this deserted city.

Of course, before this, there is still a very difficult process, but this process is a challenge, and now Ye Chen is willing to accept such a challenge.

With Cang Pavilion and Ni Cangtian above, Ye Chen will have to face any challenge!

"Okay, I believe your words!"

Suddenly, a monstrous aura burst out from Jin Ling's body. It seemed that after suppressing it for too long, he was venting his emotions to his heart's content.

"Presumably there are already many people who are coveting the position of the city lord of this seat, right? This seat will let you know that unless this seat dies, otherwise, you alone will not be able to shake the foundation of my wave light city."

After the words fell, Jin Ling suddenly looked at Ye Chen, and said: "As your recommender, I can directly help you ascend to the post of captain of the Huatian Army, but Ye Chen, no matter how many benefits you give this seat , how much you will help me in the future, and the grievances between you and me will never disappear because of this cooperation."

"This seat will give you enough time for you to grow up, and then, come and make a real end to the grievances between us!"

"Okay, I am also looking forward to the real battle with you, the city lord!"

Ye Chen said with a smile, in his eyes, he had some appreciation for Jin Ling. People with clear grievances and grievances will never be villains!

(End of this chapter)

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