Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 198 Zhucheng Assembly

Chapter 198 Zhucheng Assembly
In the deepest part of the City Lord's Mansion of Yaoguang City, Ye Chen sat cross-legged, and streams of heaven and earth aura surrounded his body and entered his body at an extremely fast speed.

While cultivating, the naked eye can see that from within Ye Chen's body, a ray of light surges from within, making his body as if transparent, under the surge of light, the incomparably pure spiritual power slowly radiates out , and then refined and absorbed by his own spiritual power.

These spiritual powers come from that spiritual power pill!

A trip to the ancient ruins of Moyuan Mountain, Ye Chen's greatest harvest, the mysterious jade bone, the body of a real dragon, the immeasurable mirror, and the spiritual power pill that is divided into two with Mei Aoxue while getting the immeasurable mirror!

Each of these will make thousands of warriors tempted, even the masters of the martial arts, or even the top masters who have surpassed the martial arts, cannot refuse the temptation.

Ye Chen took possession of it all by himself. This kind of encounter is indescribable, and these are exactly where he now regards Ni Cangtian as his biggest opponent.

A 21-year-old martial arts master, this is unimaginable on the continent where Ye Chen originally lived, even on this northern continent, perhaps up to now, he is No. 1 against the sky!
Perhaps the light against the sky can only be affected by the most prosperous world of martial arts in this world, as for being surpassed. . . .Ye Chen didn't dare to think too much!

It couldn't be more appropriate to describe Ni Cangtian as a bright moon!

Since the cooperation with Jin Ling was reached, Ye Chen has lived in Jin Ling's City Lord's Mansion, and he doesn't mind, let the news spread.

Since he wanted to help Yaoguang City change the current embarrassing situation, Ye Chen had to do it thoroughly.

Fortunately, even if Jin Ling is not a gentleman, he is not a villain. Ye Chen doesn't need to worry. When he is practicing or doing other things, Jin Ling will use some unbearable plots and tricks.

Jin Ling hated Ye Chen to the bone, and knew the priorities, and could clearly distinguish what to do, which was the most correct way. Therefore, there was no suspicion in the cooperation between the two parties.

At least until the situation in Yaoguang City has not changed, there will be no changes in this cooperation.

There are still a few days before the challenge event. With Ye Chen's strength, he won't need to worry too much about taking the position of team leader. However, his identity is too special and sensitive in the eyes of everyone in the Great Wilderness City. .

Calling him a brother and brother with the demon king can certainly make everyone fear him, but on the other hand, fear is also defense and guard.

In this way, in the process of his seizing the position of Huatian army commander, some additional difficulties and doubts will be inevitable. Even if he defeats all competitors, he will attract some gossip.

Therefore, Ye Chen must seize this position with absolute strength!
Only absolute strength can convince people. Maybe at that time, there will be some words, but there will never be too many doubts.

The Challenger League is a fair event. If due to precautions, the due qualifications and places are canceled, too many people will be dissatisfied, which will affect the inheritance of this event.

Perhaps it is for this reason that over the years, the challenge event has been held every few years, knowing that there will be spies from other forces sneaking in, but they have never stopped it.

During the time Ye Chen practiced quietly, the Great Wilderness City became more and more lively day by day. Countless people, regardless of age and strength, quickly gathered in this huge city from all directions, waiting for the start of the grand event.

"Su Zhong, how is the situation now?"

On the throne, Jin Ling's expression was a little trembling. With his cultivation base of the seventh level of true martial arts, it was difficult to conceal the eagerness in his heart. Can't help it.

In the main hall, a middle-aged man named Su Zhong hurriedly said: "Although it is not as good as other cities, it is not as deserted as it was a few days ago, and it seems that as the news is confirmed, there are more and more people. People who have entered into the Light City, I believe that at the beginning of the grand event, the grand occasion of my City will surely surpass the past!"

"it is good!"

Jin Ling's voice couldn't hide his joy!

Among all the cities, although Yaoguang City is not at the bottom, it is not at the top. If it can surpass the past, it means great progress.

Zhucheng has been fighting openly and secretly for many years, all in order to rank higher among the cities!

Because this means more resources, and more fresh blood will pour in. Only in this way can Yaoguang City have greater development, not only prosper for a long time, but also gain a greater status.

Any sect or gang must have a strong leader, but at the same time, it also needs many backbones, so that it can be passed on from generation to generation.

The more people who come to Yaoguang City to participate in the grand event, relatively speaking, the more outstanding talents will appear. How can this not make Jin Ling overjoyed!

When the laughter fell, Jin Ling's eyes suddenly tightened. Although he had already guessed that the benefits he got now by cooperating with Ye Chen would definitely come as expected, but when he really saw it, his heart felt inexplicable. up.

There are talents from generation to generation, and the new ones always replace the old ones!
It's just that Ye Chen is too amazing, right?

If it continues like this, maybe he is really qualified enough to compete with that Ni Cangtian!
However, this may not be a good thing for Jin Ling. There is always a great grievance between the two of them. The faster Ye Chen grows, the less room for Jin Ling to choose.

"City Lord!"

Seeing the change in Jin Ling's expression, Su Zhong immediately said: "As for Ye Chen, we have to guard against it. Since the city lord can't let go of his grievances with him, then we'd better..."

Su Zhong's hand cut through the space heavily!

Just as the commanders of the four heavenly armies are the people most trusted by the Lord of the Wilderness, Su Zhong, as one of the four commanders of Yaoguang City, is also Jinling's most trusted person. If it were someone else, he would not say, I dare not say.


Jin Ling waved his hand violently.

Su Zhong hurriedly said: "City Master, are you worried about the demon king's revenge? In fact, there is no need for it!"

"No one will know how Ye Chen died. Even if the demon king retaliates afterwards, it will definitely not be us in Yaoguang City, and his subordinates will never believe that for Ye Chen, the demon king is really willing to take the demon king from the Mo Yuan Mountain." The foundation of the nation to launch such a challenge."

"And we don't need it, for the sake of the Great Deserted City!"

The Lord of the Great Desolation is gone, and the strengths of the two neighboring forces are no longer balanced. However, even though the Demon King can destroy the Great Desolation City, the price he will pay must be very heavy. replaced by power.

This kind of price still needs to be carefully considered by everyone.

"It has nothing to do with the Demon King!"

Jin Ling said in a deep voice: "I didn't kill Ye Chen that day, but he let me go once. This is also a kindness, so even if I want to kill him, it must be upright and aboveboard! Otherwise, how can I obey you?" All!"

"Also, remember, I'm sorry for us, it's just Xu Baxian and others, not the Great Deserted City! If this is the case, it can't happen a second time, understand?"

"Yes, yes! This subordinate is terrified, and I ask the city lord to forgive me!"

Jin Ling waved his hand and said, "The most urgent task at the moment is to run this event well and select more outstanding talents, Su Zhong, you also need to be careful, don't let someone take your leadership place."

"Thank you for your concern, the city lord, but please rest assured that the four leaders of Yaoguang City will never be replaced." Su Zhong clasped his fists and said respectfully.

After a pause, Su Zhong said again: "City Master, Wufang City has sent someone to send a message, please go to the Zhucheng Conference!"

"Is it 'please'?"

Jin Ling sneered coldly, the chill in his eyes was enough to freeze the entire hall.

Su Zhong didn't dare to look at Jin Ling, and continued, "They also said, let Ye Chen, Mr. Ye, go with you, the city lord."

"You also invited Ye Chen?"

The corner of Jin Ling's mouth couldn't help but raised a sarcasm. As expected, when he heard the news that Ye Chen had entered the Lord's Mansion of Yaoguang City, the reactions of all parties were really intense.

"Want Ye Chen to participate? Okay, as you wish! Su Zhong, invite Ye Chen!"

"No, I'd better invite you in person!"

Jin Ling got up immediately, turned into the apse, and quickly walked to the place where Ye Chen was practicing.

In the depths of the mansion, Ye Chen walked out of the secret room, looked at Jin Ling, and said with a smile: "If there is anything, the city lord can send someone to tell you. Why bother the city lord to come here in person."

Jin Ling's eyes moved slightly. After a few days of getting along, he got to know this young man somewhat. When everything was going well, this young man was extremely gentle, just like the little brother next door, easy to get along with.

A young man with amazing talent and potential, with a demon king behind him, is not arrogant, arrogant, and domineering at all. It is impossible to put it on other people.

And he treats people very peacefully, without showing any contempt because of his different identities.

For such a young man, if it wasn't for his grudges, Jin Ling would have to admit that he would be very willing to make friends with him.

"Xu Baxian from Wufang City sent someone to send a message to let you and me go to the Zhucheng Conference!" Jin Ling said after a while.

When he said this, he didn't even realize that the coldness towards Ye Chen in the past subconsciously weakened a little.

"The Zhucheng Conference, you still invited me to go with you? It seems that they are a little worried about me." Ye Chen said with a light smile.

Really smart!

Jin Ling sighed secretly in his heart, and immediately said, "I don't know what you mean?"

Ye Chen said with a smile: "Go, of course! Since they are giving face so much, I have to go and see the majesty of the city lords in the Great Wilderness City, aren't they?"

"City Lord Jinling, please!"


After a long time, Jin Ling turned around slowly, and led Ye Chen out of the City Lord's Mansion.

Although Ye Chen was extraordinary, he was still a young man. When he was about to face many martial arts masters, instead of being too nervous, his smile remained the same. . . .

The pressure in Jin Ling's heart was getting bigger and bigger!

(End of this chapter)

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