Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 199 Attack

Chapter 199 Attack
The Zhucheng Conference is a meeting of all the city masters in the Great Desolate City before the grand challenge event!
Some important matters and some rules were discussed or worked out from this meeting, which determined the beginning and end of the whole grand event. A grand event that swept the entire Great Deserted City naturally required too many places to pay attention to.

In the past, the Zhucheng Assembly was held in the Great Desolation Palace, and the decision was made by the Great Desolation Lord, and other people only had to implement it.

Now that the Lord of the Great Wilderness is missing, Xu Ba will preside over this grand meeting first. Of course, he does not have absolute strength and qualifications. The so-called Zhucheng Conference has to be discussed and held.

However, Xu Ba presided over it first, which at least explained one problem.

During the time when the Great Desolation Lord disappeared, Xu Baxian had already begun to exercise the rights of the Great Desolation Lord.

It can't be said that Xu Baxian was wrong, a group of dragons cannot be without a leader, a few years is enough to change many things, even if Xu Baxian had no ambitions, now, there will be ambitions surging in his body.

In terms of scale, Wufang City is much larger than Yaoguang City, and the City Lord's Mansion is relatively more imposing. Since the main hall in the mansion can be used to hold the Zhucheng Conference, one can imagine how spacious the main hall is.

At a glance, the decoration of the main hall of Xu Baxian's mansion is almost the same as that of the main hall of the Great Wilderness Hall. If there is a mistake, there is still some scruples, and I am afraid that Xu Baxian will repair it exactly the same.

On the left and right sides, there are more than 180 chairs. On the head of the hall, although it is not a throne, it can still make people imagine countless!

When Jin Ling and Ye Chen walked into the main hall, the originally lively hall suddenly became quiet, and their eyes kept moving back and forth on the two of them, as if they wanted to see through them.

The two people who are not going to die can actually work together!
Prior to this, although the news was true, to be honest, everyone was skeptical. The only thing that was entangled in this world was interests. If there were enough interests, enemies could join forces for a while, and it might even be possible to turn enemies into friends.

However, even if the interests between Jin Ling and Ye Chen are sufficient, it is absolutely impossible to turn an enemy into a friend!
What Jin Ling lost here with Ye Chen was not only Qiu Huaxuan's life, but also the God of Dayu Cauldron. What he lost was his self-esteem and the humiliation left in front of countless people!
These are not what any interest can make up for!

But now the two walk in side by side, at least on their bright side, they don't see the slightest resentment towards each other, instead they walk in talking and laughing. If it weren't for the two people's acting skills, could it really be that the two reached Cooperation?

As soon as he entered the hall, Jin Ling frowned, and then Ye Chen also sneered, the world is indeed very cold!
Among the many cities in the Great Wilderness, the ranking of Yaoguang City is not high, but it is not low. Of course, his position is in the middle group, but right now, there is only one chair left in the whole hall, and this chair position, but at the end!

These people can't help being a bit too smug!
Today, it was Ye Chen who was the closest to sizing up the group of people in the Great Wilderness City. They were indeed masters of martial arts, each of them was very imposing and majestic!
Although his eyes were never above the top, when he looked at Ye Chen, there was more or less a trace of disdain in his eyes!
Ye Chen's prestige comes from the demon king. If there is no demon king, in the eyes of everyone, he will have a strong interest in this young man, after all, he has amazing potential.

To Ye Chen's surprise, Xu Ba first had two chairs on the left and right sides, slightly lower, and four people sat upright. Their strength may not be comparable to that of most city lords. , but the majesty is not weaker than everyone.

Especially the young man in his early thirties who was closest to Xu Baxian's left side exuded a sense of sharpness.

To be able to have such a status in front of the city lords of the cities, these four people are obviously the commanders of the four great heavenly armies of the Great Desolation, and the one who showed himself at that moment must be Yang Jun, the commander of the Huatian army.

"Jinling, here we come, sit down quickly, I'll be waiting for you."

At the head of the hall, Xu Baxian said with a gentle smile. Given his status and age, he can be regarded as Jinling's elder. There is nothing wrong with such a demeanor, but everyone knows the truth.

Before Jin Ling could do anything, Ye Chen glanced around and said, "Zhucheng Conference, I had nothing to do with it, but since City Lord Xu sent someone to invite me, I'm also a guest, why, let me Guests, stand and listen to you talk?"

When the words came out, Jin Ling immediately cast a grateful glance at Ye Chen. If he sat in the seat left, he would accept everyone's attitude towards him by default. If he refused, he would appear a little stingy.

"Ye Chen, although you are extraordinary, you are still a junior, and here is the Great Desolate City, don't think that you can act recklessly here with the backing of the Demon King." After Xu Baxian died, Qin Shi shouted.

As Xu Baxian's most proud disciple and regarded as the future successor of Wufang City, Qin Shizi has the right to stand here.

Hearing this, Ye Chen smiled and said, "If it wasn't for my big brother Demon King, would you invite me here?"


Ye Chen didn't even look at Qin Shi, but glanced up at the head of the palace, and said calmly: "If City Lord Xu and the other city lords just want to take a look at me, then I've already seen it, and I'll take my leave too."

"City Lord Jinling, some details of our cooperation need to be discussed carefully. This Zhucheng Conference must be missing a lot of you. Let's go together!"

"I'm thinking the same thing, Mr. Ye, please!"

Jin Ling was stunned, and then laughed. What Ye Chen did was beyond his expectation, and he still didn't know Ye Chen well enough.

Now that Ye Chen has decided to lift Yaoguang City, he will do his best.

Xu Baxian's peaceful eyes tightened slightly, and then he smiled and said, "Master Ye, the old man has been too busy with his affairs recently, so please don't blame me if I can't be polite! Mr. Ye, watch the seats!"

Sure enough, he has the bearing of a superior. . . .Looking at Xu Baxian, Ye Chen said: "Let's forget it, in case someone is dissatisfied and wants to play some tricks and tricks on me in private, I just stand behind Jinling City Lord."

Xu Ba first used the tolerance of the elders, ignoring Ye Chen's wantonness, and the latter acted like a junior, neither humble nor overbearing!

When everyone looked at Ye Chen again, the disdain in their eyes gradually dissipated. Although the strength of the young man has not affected everyone, but that kind of bearing is rare among his peers!
After a small episode, everyone began to discuss business.

Ye Chen didn't pay attention to what everyone was discussing. His eyes, pretending to be unintentional, carefully passed Xu Baxian and Yang Jun. The other three commanders of the four heavenly armies were also in Ye Chen's hands. attention.

After watching for a long time, I also saw some ways.

Yang Jun seems to have really reached some agreements with Xu Baxian, but no matter what Xu Baxian's proposal is, Yang Jun has always been fully supportive. With his identity different from the city lord of other cities, what does his full support represent? , is self-evident.

Therefore, the commanders of the other three major celestial armies unknowingly frowned more and more.

As for the many city lords below, more than half of them agree with Xu Baxian. With such prestige, it is not too difficult for Xu Baxian to reach the top after this grand meeting.

However, Ye Chen could also see that most of these echoing voices were not unreserved support like Yang Jun's. Their support came more from the current situation in the Great Deserted City.

Again, a group of dragons cannot be headless!
Among these dragons, only Xu Baxian is qualified enough to be the leader of the dragon.If the Lord of the Wilderness does not show up again, this event will be the best opportunity for Xu Baxian.

Two or three hours later, the voice of discussion finally stopped.

Xu Baxian immediately looked at Ye Chen and said with a smile, "Young Master Ye, are you bored?"

"It's not boring, it's just a little messy."

Ye Chen said lightly, what chaos means, everyone knows very well, since Xu Baxian has the intention to climb to the top, Ye Chen should just point it out, so that he can see more clearly, and also let the green robed people know.

Xu Baxian's expression froze slightly. He did intend to climb to the top, but until he was not sure enough, he could only keep it in his heart. Others knew it, and he would never dare to announce it to the world.

After all, the Lord of the Great Wilderness is just missing, not sure that he is dead!
"Ye Chen, at such a young age, you are quite scheming, no wonder you can make even the demon king look at you differently."

Xu Baxian was the first on the left, and Yang Jun said coldly: "I heard that you want to participate in the challenge under my Huatian Army? I am here to tell you clearly that my Huatian Army does not welcome you, so I canceled it." This idea is good, so as not to humiliate yourself, even the Demon King will be humiliated!"

Ye Chen frowned, and said calmly: "It seems that I have never heard of it. This challenging event can also refuse the participation of others because it is not welcome."

"Other people won't have it, they're just targeting you. The four heavenly armies are the elite army of our Lord of the Wilderness. People who are closely related to the monster race will never be allowed to enter." Yang Jun shouted coldly.

"I am Ye Chen's recommender!" Jin Ling shouted immediately.


Yang Jun snorted lightly: "City Lord Jinling, you are no longer qualified."

"Yang Jun, presumptuous!"

Jin Ling was furious, no matter how embarrassing his situation is now, as long as he is still the master of Yaoguang City, he has enough qualifications.

Yang Jun sneered: "City Lord Jinling, you should act according to the trend, and the trend is no longer on you. Do you think that in this wild city, you will still have the right and status to be the master?"

Ye Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, to be able to become the leader of the Huatian Army, Yang Jun is obviously not a person who only knows brute force, but unexpectedly, in such a large crowd, through Ye Chen, he made such an attack on Jin Ling!

Even if it was discussed long ago, this approach is too hasty. At least, Yang Jun should not have come forward to say this and make this difficult!

(End of this chapter)

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