Chapter 200
In the deafening voice, Xu Baxian was there, as if he was not in this hall at all, and he didn't hear Yang Jun's words.

As for the others, the commanders of the other three major celestial armies all looked at Yang Jun with cold and serious eyes. Obviously, in their hearts, they were not only puzzled by the latter's sudden attack this time, but even felt chills in their hearts. .

The position of the commander of the four heavenly armies is comparable to that of the major city lords, but he still has no qualifications and rights to target a city lord like this!
Among the many city lords, some were silent, while others' eyes were flickering, showing a hint of sneer at Jin Ling. Only a small number of them had sympathy, sadness, and even a touch of anger.

You can treat Jin Ling like this today, and in the future, you can also treat anyone present!

"Okay, okay!"

Jin Ling laughed angrily: "Since this is the case, Yang Jun, let me see if you have the qualifications to shut me up!"

"Then come try it!"

Yang Jun sneered in a deep voice, with a majestic momentum, he swiped out. Although he could not reach the level of Jin Ling, he was still very powerful. Compared with the strength of some of the city lords, his cultivation at the third level of true martial arts was only stronger than weaker.

The two auras collided in mid-air, immediately calming the hall, as if a storm was raging, waves of waves, constantly stirring up, the space trembled violently.

In the face of these, Xu Baxian seemed to be asleep and ignored them!

Ye Chen's heart moved, perhaps, Xu Ba first wanted to use this kind of trouble to see clearly how many of the major city lords present supported him unconditionally, and how many of them could be under his strength, I have no choice but to accept it, and there are some people who will be cleaned up in the future.

A person's superiority is always accompanied by the blood and lives of some other people!

This point, Ye Chen can accept, rising, on the way to the top, any method is inevitable, however, to use Ye Chen's shoulders to climb up, it doesn't matter whether it is Yang Jun or Xu Baxian. . . .

In the trembling space, an energy fluctuation that did not belong to Jin Ling and Yang Jun suddenly appeared. This fluctuation was not only extremely violent, but also extremely powerful.

As soon as it appeared, the somewhat chaotic space immediately became much quieter, and the aura from Jin Ling and Yang Jun was immediately forcibly pushed back.

Everyone hurriedly looked around, only to see, not far in front of Yang Jun, a neat, palm-sized jade pendant, shining green light, floating quietly.

On the surface of the jade pendant, the ferocious beast is lifelike with its teeth and claws!

"Demon... Demon King Order!"

A strong sense of oppression was unreservedly released from the jade pendant, and Yang Jun was the first to bear the brunt. Even in the realm of true martial arts, at this moment, his figure could no longer maintain his original appearance. The space he was in was directly squeezed, There is almost no room for him to move around.

When the demon king issued the order, everyone including Jin Ling couldn't help being shocked.

Everyone knows the demon king's protection of Ye Chen, but they never thought that the demon king actually gave Ye Chen the demon king token that symbolizes him!
Possessing the Demon King Token, you can order to eliminate all the demon tribes in Moyuan Mountain, except the Demon King. . . .

Although the demon king supports Ye Chen, he can also order the group of demons, but that is borrowing the demon king's order, and giving orders by himself, the meaning is completely different. If the demon king is not there, Ye Chen is the master of the Demon Yuan Mountain. This is the demon king. make!

In the order of the demon king, the breath of the demon king is like a mountain!
"Commander Yang Jun, in front of the demon king's order, how about repeating what you just said?"

Looking at Yang Jun, Ye Chen said indifferently, if the former wants to turn his back on him, he should turn his back on it. In the future, he should do things as he likes, and there is no need to hide it. Anyway, everyone knows that the two of them will not deal with each other.


Yang Jun's face suddenly changed. Before the demon king's order, how dare he speak nonsense. The demon king's order not only represents the demon king, but through the demon king's order, the demon king who is far away in the Moyuan mountain may not know what happened today.

If he dared to act recklessly in front of the demon king's order, it would not be courage, but stupidity!
If Yang Jun has the strength to face the demon king, he doesn't need to use Ye Chen to achieve his goal.

"Young master Ye, please put away the demon king's order!" Xu Baxian slowly opened his eyes, his expression unchanged, and with a light wave of his palm, all the pressure from the demon king's order on Yang Jun disappeared.

It's not that Xu Baxian is so powerful that he can ignore the demon king's order. After all, this is just a token representing the demon king, not the demon king himself.

However, just passing by casually can stop the Demon King Order. This strength is already extremely terrifying. No wonder, he has the ambition to reach the position of Lord of the Great Wilderness.

Ye Chen smiled lightly and said, "Master Xu, have you finally woken up?"

Yang Jun is not a brainless person. In this huge deserted city, the only one who can use him as a spearman, and he himself is willing to be used, is Xu Baxian!
There is no face left, and Ye Chen doesn't need to give Xu Ba any face first!Ye Chen also wanted to see clearly how much Xu Baxian had done in these years, or whether his prestige was enough to control the Great Deserted City.

A hint of coldness flashed through the depths of Xu Baxian's pupils, and then he smiled and said, "Young Master Ye, Commander Yang Jun's expression is a bit inappropriate, but the meaning is good."

"The Huatian Army is one of the sharpest armies in my Great Wilderness City. It has always been the most trusted and trusted army of my Lord of the Great Wilderness. Your relationship with the Demon King makes it difficult for people to feel at ease and let you join."

"Is it just inappropriate? City Lord Xu said that, is he too disrespectful of City Lord Jinling? In other words, the status of City Lord Jinling is a bit embarrassing today, and Commander Yang Jun can do whatever he wants. Everyone here City Lord, who of you can guarantee that you will all be able to go smoothly in this life?"

Ye Chen sneered, Xu Ba first wanted to stagger the original topic to leave room for Yang Jun, so he didn't let him do what he wanted.

"Young Master Ye, you are worrying too much. You don't mean anyone to target Jin Ling..." Xu Baxian said immediately. He also knew what Ye Chen was thinking. At this moment, he must not let the latter borrow The machine counterattacked.

"So, are you targeting me?"

Ye Chen smiled, and in the order of the demon king, the brilliance suddenly flourished, and ripple-like fluctuations swept away like waves. In an instant, the space trembled, and these fluctuations began to be silent under the eyes of everyone. disappeared.

Everyone's expressions changed again, and Yang Jun sternly shouted: "Ye Chen, besides relying on the demon king, do you have any other skills?"

"I have other means, of course, but the power I can use is my own power. I can rely on the demon king, can you do it? Although your cultivation at the third level of real martial arts is not weak, but if you Without the position of the leader of the Huatian Army, what qualifications do you have to pretend to be five and six here?"


Ye Chen smiled slightly, and the smile became even more weird: "Since you all think that I am relying on the demon king, hey, the challenge event of Great Deserted City, no matter who it is, no matter what is behind it, no matter what position you want to challenge, as long as you come to participate, then You have the qualifications to challenge."

"If you use this reason to reject my challenge, then I have no choice but to go to Moyuan Mountain and complain to my big brother, the demon king, and let my big brother, the demon king, take care of it for me."

"I think, if Brother Demon King comes, it will be necessary..."

"Young Master Ye!"

This time, even Xu Baxian couldn't continue to calm down. If the demon king came because of this, he would definitely not be able to resist it, because he had already broken the rules of the Great Wilderness City, and spread the matter through the mouth of the demon king. The Great Deserted City's reputation was about to be ruined, and it would no longer be attractive, attracting countless outstanding people to join.

Xu Ba couldn't afford this loss!

"I don't know what else City Lord Xu wants to say?" Ye Chen smiled, the demon king's order was in his hands, and the light was getting brighter and brighter.

Xu Baxian sighed involuntarily, and there was helplessness in his eyes, although it was not obvious, but it could be noticed by others. After a while, he said aloud: "Of course we don't follow the rules of the Great Wilderness City." It will self-destruct, so on the day of challenging the grand event, this old man will personally fight for Young Master Ye, hoping that Young Master Ye will perform well."

The smile suddenly froze in Ye Chen's eyes, and with this sigh, there was helplessness in his eyes. . . .Sure enough, there was an old fox, and Xu Baxian was telling everyone present that although the rules cannot be changed, when encountering special people and things, the rules can't be changed.

But, because of the Demon King, he had to agree!
Everyone can't help the Demon King, but because of this, they will feel the same hatred in their hearts, and then they will support Xu Baxian even more!


"Don't worry, City Lord Xu will never be disappointed, let alone Commander Yang Jun. If there is nothing else, I will leave first, City Lord Jinling, let's go!"

At the gate of the main hall, Ye Chen suddenly turned around again, his eyes slowly swept across the crowd, and then said slowly: "Over the years, under your management, the Great Wilderness City is still thriving, and it has not become decadent due to any changes. The momentum, this is the credit of everyone, gratifying and congratulations!"

"However, please don't forget your duty. With your respective identities, you must not have ambitions and desires that cannot be had! The Lord of the Wilderness is just missing, not dead, or he is just hiding in the dark , watching everyone’s performance.”

"If what happened today is known or seen by the Lord of the Wilderness, do you think that your achievements over the years can save your lives? That's all for now, leave!"

The entire hall suddenly buzzed, and everyone present, including Xu Baxian, Yang Jun and others, all had expressions that changed drastically.

Everyone here understands the meaning of Ye Chen's words, but it's clear to understand. No one has ever brought it up like Ye Chen.

Speaking clearly, it is a completely different concept from hiding it in my heart, and it will produce different results.

Not to mention, everyone can pretend to be confused, there is always room for change afterwards!

Now that I have said it clearly, if I still want to do this, it is tantamount to being in. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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