Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 201 Old Fox

Chapter 201 Old Fox

The Great Hall of the Lord's Mansion of Wufang City!

This square hall is now empty, except for Xu Baxian and Yang Jun, there is no one staying here. Ye Chen's words made all these people have to be afraid.

"Old Xu, what do you think Ye Chen's words mean?" After a long time, Yang Jun asked, his voice trembling slightly. I don't know if he was shocked or because he was afraid.

Xu Ba shook his head first, but didn't say anything. His expression was also very ugly.

Seeing this, Yang Jun couldn't help being shocked, his voice trembling rapidly: "Old Xu, could it be... Could it be..."

What it could be, Yang Jun never said, because the fear in his heart had reached its peak, and as one of the four people most trusted by the Lord of the Great Wilderness, he was even more afraid.

"Yang Jun!"

Xu Baxian immediately let out a deep drink. The fluctuation of spiritual power contained in the voice finally made Yang Jun restrain the fear in his heart, but even so, the latter's face turned pale.

How can the great majesty accumulated over the years be eliminated in a short period of time?
"Ye Chen, who are you?"

After a long time, Xu Baxian let out a long sigh. Time passed. Over the past few years, he tried his best to gradually forget the shadow in his heart. As he slowly improved his cultivation and gained enough support, his ambition gradually spread. come out.

He believes that as long as his own efforts and years of management can finally achieve his goal, he has always been so firm and has always believed that he can succeed.

But I never thought that just a few words would make all the confidence in my heart disappear without a trace in an instant!

It wasn't until this time that Xu Baxian realized that the so-called forgetting in his heart was not real forgetting, but he deliberately put it aside.

It cannot be forgotten, which means that the fear in his heart still exists, but compared to Yang Jun, he is stronger and more tenacious.

But these strengths and tenacity still can't make Xu Baxian maintain his former composure!

"Old Xu, what should we do next?" Yang Jun couldn't help asking again, he was already at a loss.

Being able to be favored by the Lord of the Great Desolation and become the leader of the Huatian Army, Yang Jun is naturally not bad in all aspects, but the reality is too cruel, even he can't avoid it.

After thinking for a long time, Xu Baxian said in a deep voice: "Whether he can evolve into the Heavenly Army depends on whether Ye Chen has the ability."

Yang Jun's expression changed, and a bright light slowly appeared in his eyes.

"However, the Huatian Army must let Ye Chen in!"

"That's right, let that kid enter the Huatian Army!"

Yang Jun smiled coldly: "No matter who he is, if he joins the Huatian Army, he will never want to continue to hide himself."

Xu Ba waved his hand first, and said: "This is not enough. Why did he choose the Huatian Army from the four heavenly armies in the Great Deserted City? Yang Jun, you must not only find out the origin of Ye Chen, but also find out who he is. Why evolve the Heavenly Army."

"Elder Xu, don't worry!"

Yang Jun said with a grin: "After I figure this out, I will let Ye Chen die in a fair manner. Even if he is a demon king, he will never have any reason or excuse to go crazy."

"Of course the old man can rest assured that you are doing things, otherwise, the old man wouldn't have given you such a big promise."

Xu Ba first smiled and patted Yang Jun on the shoulder: "But you have to remember, don't act without authorization, after all, there is a demon king behind him."

Yang Jun nodded, his relaxed expression just now jumped up again: "Old Xu, what do you think, that..."

Xu Baxian's expression also changed immediately, and he waved his hand violently: "Don't make wild guesses about things that have not been confirmed! What we are doing now is related to the interests of the entire Great Deserted City. This is a fact, and no one can refute."


Yang Jun responded in this way, but he knew in his heart that he was just deceiving himself and others. Since it has not been confirmed, they did it out of selfishness.

"By the way, Fang Chi and others, is it still the original attitude?"

Yang Jun nodded and said: "Yes! These three people are too stubborn, Mr. Xu, why don't you find an opportunity after this grand meeting to completely solve them?"

Xu Baxian shook his head slowly, and said: "The four great heavenly armies are the most powerful army in our Great Wilderness City, and we must not lose anything, otherwise, even if the old man ascends to the position of Lord of the Great Wilderness, he will not have enough money." Deterrence. Continue to win them over, even if they still can't return to their hearts in the end, then we must let them not interfere in our affairs."

"Remember, you can give them any price, just in case they don't offer conditions!"

Two figures flashed across the sky quickly, and finally landed in Yaoguang City.

"Ye Chen, thank you!" Jin Ling clasped his fists and said sincerely. If it wasn't for Ye Chen today, he might lose all his face.

Ye Chen smiled, but said in a deep voice: "City Master Jinling, why did Xu Baxian invite me to participate in this so-called Zhucheng Conference today? Even if Yang Jun did it on purpose, he shouldn't be so reckless, right? They lost face to you today, so what, is it possible that they can let you down from the position of the city lord of Yaoguang City?"

Only the Lord of the Great Wilderness has the absolute right to assign or remove the positions of the city lords of the cities in the Great Wilderness City, and sometimes, even the Lord of the Great Wilderness cannot remove the Lord of a city without a reason.

Xu Baxian and Yang Jun's performance today always reveals some weirdness. Ye Chen believes that without his last words, what they want to achieve today will definitely be achieved.

After being silent for a while, Jin Ling replied: "I can only be sure, I invite you to go, because I want to use you to attack me. As for the other things... I think Xu Baxian may also want to see it with his own eyes. When I'm being dealt with, how will other people react."

"Even without me, Yang Jun will attack you. This should be their established goal."

Ye Chen said solemnly: "Besides, I always feel that whether it is Xu Baxian or Yang Jun, especially Xu Baxian, if he wants to ascend to the position of Lord of the Great Wilderness, the first thing he needs to do is appease him." The hearts of the people make Zhucheng city lords convinced him, and using Yang Jun's mouth to attack you, this will obviously make people feel chilling."

"Could it be that they really just want to see other people's reactions?"

Seeing Jin Ling's silence, Ye Chen asked again: "City Master Jin Ling, if Xu Baxian really wanted to climb to the top, what would you do?"


Jin Ling snorted and said, "Don't say that my lord is just missing. Even if he really died, the lord of the wilderness will not be his turn, Xu Baxian!"


Ye Chen raised his eyebrows, as if he had realized something.

Jin Ling said: "Back then, there were two candidates for the position of my lord, one was my lord, and the other was Xu Baxian! In the end, Xu Baxian became the lord of Wufang City!"

"Still in the rules of my Great Wilderness City, to compete for the Lord of the Great Wilderness, anyone has only one chance in a lifetime, and the loser will protect my Lord for life! Unless..."

"Unless what?" Ye Chen asked immediately.

Jin Ling said: "Similar to my lord's current situation, Xu Baxian can make a huge contribution to the Great Wilderness City!"

At this point, Jin Ling seemed to remember something, and his expression changed drastically.

"City Master Jinling, what's wrong?"

Jin Ling immediately said: "Before entering the battle for the quota of Moyuan Mountain Ancient Castle that day, Xu Ba first met with the lords of many forces, and soon after, the competition for the quota was formulated."

"At that time, I still didn't understand that such a move seemed fair, but in fact, it restricted the entry of many people in my Great Deserted City. Now that I think about it, Xu Baxian must have used this as a condition in exchange for the support of these forces. "

Ye Chen's eyes flickered, and when he thought about it, he was suddenly shocked. Although all the warriors who entered the castle that day were outstanding, to be honest, some of them were better than others. Among them, it is impossible to win a spot.

"Ye Chen, there is one more thing that you may not know."

Jin Ling said with a solemn expression: "The quota for entering the ancient castle is [-] places for each city in our Great Wilderness Cities, but in fact, nearly half of the people who have the quota have just joined the Great Wilderness City not long ago."

"At that time, the Lord Jinling didn't ask?"

Ye Chen finally understood Xu Baxian's calculations a little bit, and it might not be appropriate to describe the former with sophisticated calculations.

Jin Ling said: "I asked, but I didn't get a specific answer. Mr. Xu Ba's prestige is not weak. In addition, my master has disappeared for several years, and there are still many people who support him. Even if someone opposes it, it can't be stopped."

Ye Chen was silent for a moment, and said: "The city owner thinks, if Xu Baxian's plan succeeds, can he ascend to the position of Lord of the Great Wilderness without any resistance?"

Jin Ling was silent!

The so-called huge contribution, of course, is to make the Great Wilderness more prosperous and more powerful!

Xu Ba first promised enough benefits to many forces, it must be in exchange for the support of these forces, and even their allegiance!
With the addition of these forces, it is conceivable that Great Wilderness City will certainly be able to expand its borders. This is naturally a huge contribution. With such a contribution in hand, even if other people want to oppose it, they may be powerless.

But today's troubles at the Zhucheng Conference, as well as Ye Chen's unreasonable views, are now easy to understand.

This grand meeting should be Xu Baxian's last perfect opportunity to win over many forces. If it goes well, he will reach the top, and the resistance will be much smaller.

But resistance still exists. With such an attack, he can see clearly the true thoughts of each city lord. He is not worried that some people will feel chilling. Under absolute power, the so-called chilling can be suppressed.

What Xu Baxian wants now is for all people to return to their hearts. For those who are unwilling or do not want to return to their hearts, he must first determine who they are, so that it will be easier to clean up later.

This is the most important thing, Xu Ba's first thought is to accept everyone's hearts before reaching the summit!

(End of this chapter)

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