Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 203 The event begins

Chapter 203 The event begins

Today's Great Deserted City is extremely lively, and the grand challenge event that has been held for several years has finally kicked off today!
For a while, all the cities in the Great Desolation were overcrowded, especially around the rings set up by various parties, those who came a little later were squeezed far behind, and only when they stood tall could they see the situation on the rings.

Such a challenging event not only values ​​the current strength, but also the future potential. Therefore, it is naturally attractive enough to attract people.

The current strength is important, but if the potential has been exhausted, how can it be compared to a junior with unlimited potential?

A master of the real martial arts realm is high and mighty, but this master of the martial arts realm can only stay in the real martial arts realm throughout his life. , One day, if one can surpass the realm of martial arts, then the latter will never be less important than the former, and even surpass it!

Of course, if you want to get a desired position in this challenging event, you must have enough strength.

Yaoguang City is also extremely lively, but, including the city lord Jin Ling, the four commanders of Yaoguang City, and several other top masters, have never left the city lord's mansion.

After knowing too much, they already understood what the real intention of this grand challenge event was, so they no longer cared whether the popularity in Yaoguang City was enough.

"City Lord Jinling, everyone, I have been waiting for a long time, I hope it will come in time!"

Ye Chen stepped into the main hall, clasped his fists and said with a smile.

"It's still early!"

Jin Ling also smiled, because of Ye Chen's position and attitude in the Great Wilderness City, he finally managed to treat the latter, at least on the surface, he no longer maintained hostility.

At the same time, the eyes of these people in the main hall tightened. In just three days, Ye Chen had made a breakthrough. Of course, this is not very strange. Maybe before that, Ye Chen had already reached the breakthrough point.

The most important thing is that it is only one level of improvement, but it makes people feel that the improvement of young people's strength is by no means as simple as one level.

They naturally don't understand that with the improvement of cultivation base, Ye Chen can get more yin and yang energy from the soul, although the amount is still small, how terrible the yin and yang energy is, even a little bit can be harmful to a person Strength brings unpredictable changes.

"You are very attentive!"

After a while, Jin Ling said calmly. Although he didn't know why Ye Chen had such a change, he could feel that the latter was going all out for this grand challenge.

He is loyal to the Lord of the Great Wilderness, so seeing Ye Chen's behavior like this, he felt emotional in his heart.

Ye Chen waved his hand and said, "This is what it should be!"

After a pause, Ye Chen immediately asked: "In the past three days, how has the city lord been in contact with other people?"

If Xu Baxian wanted to climb to the top after this event, Ye Chen really couldn't think of any way to stop it. If most people could object, Xu Baxian might not be able to force it.

Jin Ling raised his expression, and said: "Most people are loyal to my lord, only a small number of people, perhaps because of the interests of Great Wilderness City, support Xu Baxian!"

"However, Ye Chen, Xu Ba will go to the top first, and he will never watch everyone vote, and if he wants to go to the top, no one will dare to stand up against him!"

"Absolute strength!"

Ye Chen's face was slightly shocked, he actually ignored this point.

Back then Xu Baxian was able to compete with the Lord of the Great Wilderness for the supremacy. Although he failed, how could he dare to compete for that position if he did not have self-confidence?
Now that the Lord of the Great Wilderness is missing, Xu Baxian is undoubtedly the number one expert in the Great Wilderness City, and he has managed Wufang City for so many years. Like the master, he can suppress everyone, but the power is so powerful that many city masters dare not face him.

"City Lord Jinling, if you come forward, how many people do you think will respond?" Ye Chen asked after a long silence.

Jin Ling shook his head and said, "I don't know, although these people are against Xu Baxian in their hearts, none of them, including me, have enough strength and influence. If you wave your arms, I'm afraid there won't be too many people responding. "

"But don't worry, if I really get to the last step, I will do what I should do." Jin Ling said in a concentrated voice, his expression extremely determined.

"If you really want to take that step?"

Ye Chen's pupils shrank, and in the Sumeru Ring, a token began to tremble by itself.

"City Lord Jinling, let's go!"

As soon as he left the city lord's mansion, the overwhelming bustle rushed towards his face, and bursts of noise filled any place in the space.

Jin Ling took Ye Chen straight to the center of Zhucheng, the real deserted city.

"City Lord, in the ancient castle of Moyuan Mountain, everyone in the Great Wilderness City has a jade pendant, which is used to open the ancient ruins. Is that jade pendant really refined by the Lord of the Great Wilderness?"

Flying in the air, Ye Chen suddenly asked.

"That's right, on that jade pendant, we did sense the aura of my lord." Jin Ling replied.

Ye Chen asked again: "Are you sure when those jade pendants were refined?"


Without even thinking about it, Jin Ling said with certainty: "Those jade pendants also appeared suddenly after many places had been claimed. Before that, no one knew that there were these jade pendants."

Ye Chen said calmly: "The Lord of the Great Wilderness has been missing for many years, but after many years, the jade pendant made by him suddenly appeared. Presumably all the city owners must have something in their hearts, right?"

Jin Ling's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly said, "That's right, how could I forget this point, hey, Xu Baxian, if you want to replace my lord and become the lord of the Great Wilderness, it's not that easy!"

"That's good!" A smile appeared on Ye Chen's face.

The token in the Sumeru Ring is of course supreme in the Great Wilderness City, but at the moment, if you can’t use it, then it’s best not to show it. Xu Baxian is already imperative, and he doesn’t have enough power to stop his ambition and desire.

The Great Wilderness City in the center is undoubtedly more lively in comparison. The Four Heavenly Armies are the most elite and most trusted army of the Lord of the Great Wilderness. Joining them, the starting point of itself is relatively different from the future development. In other words, it should be higher.

When Ye Chen and Jin Ling came to the east of the city, what they saw was a black crowd with almost no end in sight.

In addition to the four commanders of the four armies, there are thirteen captains in each of the heavenly armies.

Although these thirteen places are rare, they have attracted countless people to challenge them. Everyone knows that this is the best starting point and start.

Among the densely packed crowd, stood a huge arena with a size of tens of feet. Around the arena, nearly a hundred people stood upright facing the crowd in all directions.

There are more than a hundred people, only a few hundred people, standing here, they are like rocks that cannot be moved. No matter how the waves hit, they will never fall down!
From their bodies, there is a monstrous evil spirit, slowly seeping out.

The amount of evil spirit seems to be small, but when it gathers in mid-air, it seems to form a terrible storm, making the space where the ring is located like a forbidden area. go in.

"These people are soldiers in the Huatian Army."

Jin Ling said softly beside him, there was unavoidable pride in his voice, but after a while, his expression gradually dimmed. This army, which used to be proud of, may now become an enemy.

Ye Chen's eyes flickered for a moment. He is worthy of being one of the most elite troops under the command of the Lord of the Great Wilderness. With only a few hundred people, he can exude such power. It is hard to imagine what kind of power the complete Huatian Army can exert. Come?

Come to think of it, even ordinary martial arts masters would be extremely afraid when facing the entire Huatian army, right?

Ye Chen's eyes moved forward immediately, there was another high platform behind the ring.

At this moment on the high platform, Xu Baxian and Yang Jun were standing side by side, but apart from the two of them, the other three commanders of the four heavenly armies were also here.

Ye Chen's heart moved, and he asked Jin Ling beside him in a low voice: "Fang Chi and the other three commanders, have you had any contact with them?"

Of the four heavenly armies, the Huatian army ranks first, but it does not mean that the Zhentian army and other three heavenly armies are weaker, but that Yang Jun's qualifications are deeper than those of the three of them.

"I sent someone there, but I didn't see the three of them. I heard that after leaving Wufang City, the three of them retreated immediately."


Ye Chen raised his eyebrows.

On the high platform, Xu Baxian and Yang Jun also saw Ye Chen, and the former immediately said loudly: "Young Master Ye Chen, since you are here, let's start this grand event!"

Ye Chen was slightly taken aback, and said with a smile, "I'm so sorry that you're waiting for me to start."

Amidst the loud laughter, Ye Chen took a step forward, did not change direction, but went directly to the high platform, so to reach the high platform, he must pass through the huge arena, and the sky above the arena is filled with hundreds of Huatian soldiers The evil spirit is blocked.

Everyone's eyes turned to Ye Chen immediately!

Today's Great Wilderness City, and even the land with a radius of thousands of miles, the name Ye Chen is already well-known, and everyone knows it!

It is also well known that he wants to participate in the challenge of the Huatian Army. Everyone wants to know why this young man can be called a brother by the Demon King.

Ye Chen's actions now, undoubtedly, can let everyone see his strength most clearly.

When the slender figure approached the ring space, it flashed out with a dazzling silver light, terrifying and domineering, just like a real dragon descending.

Everyone suddenly sensed that the majestic aura that was strong enough to block the spirit below the seventh level of the Linghai realm, although it did not collapse under the impact of this domineering aura, they separated automatically as if they had met a king, allowing Ye Chen to plunder without any hindrance. On that high platform.

"Master Xu, Commander Yang, the grand meeting can begin!"

(End of this chapter)

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