Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 204 Strong Repression

Chapter 204 Strong Repression
Hearty laughter sounded, and countless people shrank their eyes tightly!
Ye Chen, with his cultivation of the seventh level of spiritual origin, easily broke through the evil spirit that can block the masters of the seventh level of spiritual sea. . . .How big is the gap between them!

Ye Chen's own cultivation level no longer attracts people's attention. What everyone is curious about is why he can display so much strength beyond his own cultivation level?

Cultivation is not the ultimate manifestation of strength, however, the range can be so large that even if one sees it with one's own eyes, one cannot believe it.

In the world of martial arts, there are many secret methods to improve one's strength, but what secret method can exert such a great effect?
On the high platform, seeing Ye Chen's relaxation, Xu Baxian and Yang Jun's eyes flickered for a moment.

No one noticed, but the eyes of the other three people on the high platform became much brighter after seeing Ye Chen's performance.

Ye Chen let out a sigh of relief in his heart, before he moved, he definitely didn't want to show off, he wanted to feel what kind of power the soldiers of the Huatian Army could display.

But just now, these sergeants did not disappoint Ye Chen. Although he broke through easily, he had gone all out and used all the means he could use, such as Cangxuan Hualong Jue, and even Yin and Yang.

In this way, he forcibly broke through, and the so-called breakthrough was just contact with the evil spirits of the soldiers of the Huatian Army, and it was not a real battle.

If fighting, even if Ye Chen can exert a powerful strength beyond his own cultivation, facing this group of soldiers of the Huatian Army, there is only one way to die, except to escape.

Otherwise, how could he become one of the four most elite armies in the Great Wilderness, and still be called the Heavenly Army?

With such an elite army, Ye Chen believes that although Yang Jun is in full control, it should be impossible for the latter to let all the Huatian army belong to Xu Baxian along with him.

As long as there is a way to take over the Huatian Army, together with the other three Heavenly Army, they will have enough confidence to face Xu Baxian.

"Young Master Ye Chen, you are indeed young and promising, with extraordinary strength."

Xu Baxian turned to smile and said, "However, Mr. Ye Chen, if you want to enter the Huatian Army and be the leader of the first team, I'm afraid it's not as easy as you imagined."

Ye Chen smiled and said: "Before I came, I had already made sufficient preparations, and City Lord Xu can rest assured to see my performance."

Hearing this, the eyes of Xu Baxian and Yang Jun changed slightly again.

Before coming?
Was it before coming here, before coming to the main hall of Wufang City, or before appearing in the Great Wilderness City?
"Ye Chen, it's a good thing to have confidence. I'm afraid that the more you hope, the more disappointed you will be in the end."

Yang Jun snorted coldly, and immediately stepped out, came to the edge of the high platform, and shouted: "Under the Huatian Army, if you want to become one of the thirteen captains, you must not only defeat the candidates who participated in the challenge at the same time, After that, we must defeat the original captain."

"Since everyone is gathered here, you must be ready, right? So, my challenge of the Heavenly Transformation Army begins!"

When Yang Jun said the last word, thirteen figures shot out from behind the high platform and appeared on the ring. They should be the thirteen captains of Huatian Army.

Ye Chen's eyes quickly passed over these 13 people, and his heart shuddered secretly. These [-] people, each of them, had a cultivation level comparable to that of Qiu Huaxuan, in terms of real strength. . . .
There was an extremely strong killing intent floating on them, which made it known that the thirteen captains of the Huatian Army all came out of the bloody forest of the mountain of corpses.

Having had such brutal experience, they are much stronger than the same level of masters in terms of strength and character, and even if they are desperate, they are infinitely more vicious than others.

Fighting against such a person is undoubtedly extremely dangerous!

Therefore, when these 13 people appeared on the ring, those who originally wanted to challenge the captain's position immediately suppressed this idea in their hearts. They knew that any one of these [-] people was not them. can overcome.

Looking around, 13 people were in the middle, the strong man stepped out, looked ahead, and shouted: "The challenge has begun, why, no one dares to try it?"

The voice contained strong spiritual power, and it resounded in people's ears like thunder rolling, shaking people's hearts!

After a long time, seeing that no one had come to the ring yet, Yang Jun tilted his head on the high stage and said calmly: "Ye Chen, since no one wants to be the first person, why don't you start first!"

"Yes, Commander Yang means, the boy will naturally obey."

Ye Chen laughed, and with a movement, he appeared on the ring, and immediately clasped his fists together and said, "Please advise!"


There was a hint of sneer in the eyes of this strong man: "You are not qualified to be taught by us now, let's talk about it after you defeat other challengers!"

Ye Chen smiled, and there was a chill in the depths of his eyes. The meaning of this strong man's words seemed to mean something else!

Sure enough, after Ye Chen stood still, the originally quiet crowd suddenly became turbulent. Immediately, a series of figures burst out of the air and swept straight over the ring.

Not far away, Jin Ling's expression sank when he was not on the high platform. Xu Baxian and Yang Jun were well prepared for such a design!
"Mr. Ye Chen, I have heard of your name for a long time, and I have seen your strength just now. It is indeed in line with the rumors. So I think, Mr. Ye Cheng must also have the courage to meet the challenge of me and others."

There are more than ten people, all of whom have the realm of the spiritual sea. Of course, Xu Baxian and Yang Jun will not go too far if they want to design, and it will not be good for anyone if they push Ye Chen. Therefore, these ten people , are only around the fifth level of Linghai.

However, facing more than a dozen masters of the Linghai realm at the same time, even the peak masters of the Linghai realm, is quite stressful.

Ye Chen's expression remained unchanged, and he turned his head to look at the high platform. On it, Yang Jun said coldly: "The Huatian Army is the most elite army in Dahuang City, and every soldier is an outstanding person. To be the leader of a team requires extraordinary strength. Although such a battle may be somewhat unfair, there is no such thing as fairness in this world."

"Ye Chen, if you think that you can't even stand up to such a battle, I advise you, it's better to retreat as soon as possible, so as to avoid embarrassment in the end."


There was a burst of booing in the audience. Yang Jun was right. There is no fairness in the world. However, such behavior is unavoidable. No matter what methods Ye Chen has, his own cultivation is always too weak, and he still wants to do this. The design, whatever the real reason, is a bit too petty.

Ye Chen immediately withdrew his gaze. He looked at Gaotai, not because he wanted to get a so-called explanation from Xu Baxian and the other two, but to tell them that they don't care about a little plan!

It's a pity that both Xu Baxian and Yang Jun are too self-righteous.

"Master Ye Chen, offended!"


The space trembled suddenly, and the spiritual power surged. After a while, the space was blurred, and a crack, like a dragon, spread out quickly, and the end was where Ye Chen was. .

But just when these spiritual powers surged in the space, night seemed to fall, the space on the ring suddenly dimmed, and a huge shadow fell from the sky.

"Dayu Divine Cauldron!"

Xu Baxian and the others moved slightly. Jinling's strength was not particularly outstanding among the many city lords, but the Dayu God Cauldron, looking at the entire northern continent, could be regarded as a first-class treasure.

It's not because of Jin Ling's strength that he can't use the Great Yu Divine Cauldron to its full potential. I'm afraid his position in the Great Wilderness City will become even more prominent.

Ye Chen's strength is naturally not as good as Jin Ling's, but his current opponents are not martial arts masters, and the Great Yu Divine Cauldron has extremely great pressure on them.

When Dayu Divine Cauldron appeared, a black glow surged into the sky, turning the day into night in an instant!
Ye Chen was not Qiu Huaxuan, so he couldn't display Qiu Huaxuan's terrifying Black Demon Moon, but his understanding of the Great Yu Divine Cauldron might not even be as good as Ye Chen's for Jin Ling.

In the divine cauldron, when the black glow seemed to reach its peak, even the divine cauldron directly turned into a terrifying vortex. The spiritual power from those ten people was involuntary when the vortex formed. , is absorbed by the vortex.

This scene immediately aroused exclamation from the audience, and more than a dozen warriors in the spiritual sea realm joined forces to attack. In their thinking, even if Ye Chen had enough means, he still had to figure it out slowly.

But I never thought that with such directness, I broke the attack of the crowd, even though it relied on the power of the treasure, it was still shocking.


Dayu Divine Cauldron moved suddenly, like a shooting star from outside the sky, it hit the dozen or so people directly and heavily.

At this moment, even Jin Ling looked a little surprised. He was very clear about the quality of the Dayu Divine Cauldron. Anyone who got such a treasure would have to guard it carefully. Ye Chen, however, regarded the Dayu Divine Cauldron as a stone. If you smash it like that, you don't take this treasure too seriously, right?

Only the dozen or so people who were surrounded by the Great Yu Divine Cauldron understood how intense the pressure they were facing at this moment!
The black lights, like the light that can penetrate the void, are not only weird, but also filled with an incomparably cold feeling. When the Dayu God Cauldron fell, they felt that the sky was oppressing them. down.

In this way, we can know how terrifying that power is.


The Divine Cauldron of Dayu finally fell under the eyes of everyone. Although the dozen or so people tried their best to wield their own spiritual power, they were still unable to stop them. Finally, in horrified eyes, they looked at the The divine cauldron fell on their heads.

The Dayu Divine Cauldron fell on the ring, and there was a violent fluctuation!
Ye Chen didn't even look over there, turned his gaze to the 13 people, and then smiled lightly: "Now, I am qualified to challenge you, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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