Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 208 Defeated

Chapter 208 Defeated

Looking at the immobile blood-colored giant wrapped in white flames, Tu Xiong's face became extremely cold. He couldn't figure out how this young man who was only in the seventh level of spiritual source could have such a terrifying power. The power manifests itself.

However, no matter what, he will definitely win this battle!
As he thought about it, another blood-colored ray shot out from between Tu Xiong's eyebrows like lightning, darting towards the blood-colored giant.

But this time, when the bloody light appeared, Tu Xiong's face turned extremely pale in an instant, and his aura became much weaker because of this. Obviously, with his current strength, such a style, He can only cast it once, and the second time is extremely reluctant for him.

Judging by the change in his face, it can be known that the consequences of forcible actions will be very serious.

In order to win, Tu Xiong obviously has no regard for any consequences!

It's just that his recklessness, in the eyes of everyone, seemed extremely ridiculous. Just when the bloody light had just passed between the eyebrows and appeared in the space, the quiet pillar of white fire suddenly moved.


The white pillar of fire, like a messenger from hell, directly hit the blood-colored giant in a flash, and then forcibly penetrated the body of the blood-colored giant.

When the white pillar of fire flitted out from the other end, the huge blood-colored giant disappeared in an instant at an extreme speed. Looking around, it seemed as if it had never appeared before.

And the rushing blood light was also shrouded by the white pillar of fire, and immediately turned into nothingness, and the white pillar of fire continued to flash out, and after a moment, under the horrified gaze of Tu Xiong, The heavy bombardment hit his chest.


Even Tu Xiong flew upside down at this moment, landed in embarrassment, left long marks on the ground, spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the icy cold and high temperature invaded away. After Tu Xiong landed, he was directly Turned into a lifelike ice sculpture.

Although the vitality is there, it is extremely weak!
The audience was shocked, including Jin Ling in the distance, Xu Baxian and Yang Jun on the high platform, and the leaders of the other three heavenly armies, all stood there in a daze.

Ye Chen's last blow was too powerful. From the perspective of their martial arts cultivation, they would not doubt it. Even if it was them, it would be impossible to resist it unscathed.

What's even more frightening is that even they didn't notice the slightest bit of energy ripples before that terrifying blow appeared, as if they came out of thin air.

This made them even more unpredictable towards Ye Chen!
Because they can firmly assert that with Ye Chen's strength, he will never be able to exert such power. He must have used some kind of foreign object, but if they can't capture it, it means that Ye Chen's method , they are hard to guard against.

Compared to the shock of these few people, a trace of fear gradually began to spread in the hearts of other people present.

Not to mention these irrelevant people, the sergeants of the Huatian Army around the ring, as well as the leaders of the other twelve armies under the Huatian Army, also felt awe in their hearts.

No matter whether they recognized Ye Chen or not, his strength was beyond doubt and he had already conquered them.

Even if Tu Xiong is not Ye Chen's opponent, in the Huatian Army, besides the leader Yang Jun, who else is Ye Chen's opponent?

Countless gazes cast their gazes on the ring, and the white pillar of fire swept back, enveloping the not strong but still straight figure lightly.

Not only was the audience quiet, but time seemed to be frozen. No one paid any attention to Tu Xiong who had become an ice sculpture. No matter what status and strength he had in the past, he was a loser in the arena now.

And the loser is doomed not to enjoy the eyes of others, this world is such a reality!

As time passed, the huge white pillar of fire seemed to have turned into an ice sculpture, and the terrifying cold and high temperature swept out, turning the entire arena into a white world.

At this moment, Yang Jun's expression changed again. This ring was set up by him himself, and now, under the sweeping cold and high temperature, the ring was vibrating, but it also showed signs of melting.

That is to say, this Daoist white fire pillar is enough to threaten him, Yang Jun!

As soon as he thought of this, in Yang Jun's eyes, a strong killing intent surged out uncontrollably.

"Yang Jun!"

Xu Baxian snorted softly, he felt Yang Jun's murderous intent.

"Old Xu..."

Xu Baxian waved his hand violently, and said in a deep voice, "This Ye Chen, do you dare to kill him?"

Once something happens to him, the demon king's revenge will be extremely bloody. At that time, even if more than 180 city lords can really join forces, the demon king will not be deterred.

If it was before, maybe Xu Ba would not have believed that Ye Chen had such a big face, but when the Demon King Ling appeared, he no longer doubted it.

Not to mention the demon king behind Ye Chen, just the current Ye Chen, Xu Baxian did not believe that Yang Jun could really kill Ye Chen, what's more, there were Jin Ling, Fang Zhi and other three leaders present, they Yang Jun would never be allowed to make a move.

Yang Jun lowered his voice and said anxiously: "But Mr. Xu, if we don't get rid of this child, we may not be able to control it."

"There is a way, don't worry!"

There was a strange look in Xu Baxian's eyes, killing Ye Chen, there are plenty of opportunities and methods, there is no rush!

Time passed, and after more than half an hour passed, the huge white pillar of fire shattered in front of everyone's eyes, and fell on the ring like ice cubes.

Soon, Ye Chen's figure appeared in everyone's sight again.


The space trembled slightly, which was produced after everyone's eyes were focused. They didn't want to do this, but the facts presented forced them to do so.

In the battle with Tu Xiong, he was hit by Tu Xiong twice, but Ye Chen's face was still rosy, and, at least on the surface, Ye Chen didn't have the slightest injury.

What is even more shocking is that when Ye Chen's aura seemed to be emitted uncontrollably, suddenly, his cultivation had made another breakthrough in this short period of time, and he had reached the level of the eighth level of spiritual origin. territory!

Such a scene is a bit too miraculous, right?

Perhaps in some people's eyes, Ye Chen's own cultivation might already be at the peak of the seventh level of spiritual origin, and with the help of this battle, his breakthrough has reached a new level, so it's not surprising.

But the martial arts masters present all knew that a few days ago, Ye Chen only had the sixth level of spiritual source, and he appeared here today and reached the seventh level. Even if he is close to breaking through, he can improve his cultivation in three days. It has been surprising.

I never thought that after a big battle, I would be diligent again. . . .
At this moment, even Xu Baxian couldn't help changing his expression, and in the depths of his eyes, he couldn't help but surge with killing intent. The potential of the young man on the ring is already frightening, even if he slowly Ba Xian is a master of martial arts, and he also felt a great threat.

When Ye Chen stepped out of the collapsing white pillar of fire, his somewhat unstable aura was completely stabilized, and his aura was perfectly hidden in his body, so that others could no longer detect his aura. Really cultivated.

"Captain Tu Xiong!"

Ye Chen waved his palm lightly, and the ice sculpture in the distance shattered, and Tu Xiong, who was frozen inside, fell heavily to the ground again, and a mouthful of blood spewed out again.

Yang Jun on the high platform heaved a sigh of relief, it is true that Tu Xiong lost, but as long as he is still alive.

Yang Jun still cherishes such a subordinate who is qualified enough to step into the realm of martial arts.

"Commander Yang Jun, the outcome has been decided. Now I should be qualified to be the leader of the Canglong Army, right?" Looking at the high platform, Ye Chen clasped his fists and said.

Yang Jun's expression, which had eased just now, became ugly again, and in the next second, his ugly expression surged with extremely cold killing intent.

At this moment, Tu Xiong could hardly even stand up, and the serious injury was not only the most important, everyone including Yang Jun could sense it, and there was no energy fluctuation in Tu Xiong's body.

The injury is too heavy, maybe the breath seems to be absent, but it is absolutely impossible to leave nothing!

But on Tu Xiong's body, there is not even a little bit of energy aura. , was abolished!
"Ye Chen!" Yang Jun gritted his teeth and shouted.

Although Tu Xiong was defeated, as long as he can step into the realm of martial arts one day, he will still be a powerful help, and for Yang Jun, he will be a confidant who can rest assured!

Tu Xiong is still Yang Jun's confidant, but no matter how loyal a useless person is, how can he help him?
Martial realm masters are extremely valuable in any force on the northern continent.

Ye Chen actually abolished Tu Xiong!

Ye Chen frowned, and said lightly: "I don't know what orders Commander Yang Jun has?"

" are so cruel!" Yang Jun said bitterly.

Ye Chen smiled and said: "In a big battle, it is inevitable that there will be some injuries. Captain Tu Xiong's strength is too strong, and I dare not keep it. In fact, if I can't resist the blow just now, my end may be even more miserable. ,Right?"

If Ye Chen wants to fully control the Canglong Army, he must uproot Tu Xiong's influence. For Tu Xiong, such a result is indeed a bit cruel, but since he is Tu Xiong's pawn, he must be a pawn consciousness!

If it wasn't for the sudden change at the last moment, Tu Xiong might not have killed Ye Chen, but as he himself said, his end would definitely be even worse!
Ye Chen has never been a soft-hearted person, he will not hesitate to kill the person who should be destroyed, and Tu Xiong is not a person who will make people feel that he can let him go.

Such cruelty, in Ye Chen's heart, there is no burden at all!

(End of this chapter)

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