Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 209 The Leader of the Canglong Army

Chapter 209 The Leader of the Canglong Army

"Excuse me Commander Yang, I should be the leader of the Canglong Army right now?"

Ignoring Yang Jun's extremely ugly expression, Ye Chen asked with a smile.

Looking at Ye Chen, especially seeing his elation after victory, Yang Jun couldn't help but get more and more murderous, and he blurted out: "If you want to evolve into the Heavenly Army, it depends on whether you are willing or not!"

"Since this is the case, why hold this grand event? Is your Commander Yang Jun able to cover the sky with one hand, or is it the rules of this Great Deserted City that you Commander Yang Jun can change at will?"


Xu Baxian hurriedly said: "Mr. Ye, don't get angry. Yang Jun's words were unintentional. You definitely didn't mean what you said, Mr. Ye. Don't get me wrong."

Even Xu Baxian couldn't bear the meaning of Ye Chen's words!
If the rules of the Great Wilderness City can be changed at will, whether one can enter the various ministries of the Great Wilderness City has nothing to do with strength, but just the preferences of the people who dominate the various ministries. . . .Isn't that just playing tricks on all the people who entered the Great Deserted City during this period of time?
Public anger is hard to offend, Xu Baxian and Yang Jun do not have enough strength to face so much anger.

"Innocent words?"

Ye Chen sneered and said, "Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Commander Yang Jun is dissatisfied with me, although I don't know why he is dissatisfied with me... just because he is dissatisfied with me, he said the sentence just now , Hehe, maybe it was an unintentional statement, but!"

"As the commander of the Huatian Army and one of the masters of the Great Wilderness City, Commander Yang Jun couldn't even restrain his emotions. I really don't know how the Lord of the Great Wilderness would trust him and promote him that day. Became the commander of the Huatian Army."

Yang Jun stared, his killing intent was really irresistible.

All his plans today have all failed, not to mention wanting to humiliate Ye Chen, even losing his own face, the most irritating one is Tu Xiong!
Any martial arts master is worth cherishing, but under his nose, a future martial arts master was forcibly destroyed by Ye Chen.

Killing Ye Chen still can't solve the hatred in Yang Jun's heart. He still wants to become the leader of the Canglong Army?

"Ha ha!"

Xu Ba first smiled and said, "Young Master Ye, since it was an unintentional mistake, it can be forgiven, and you don't have to be aggressive. Why show your sharpness and attract people's envy? You must know the truth that it is difficult to defend too much."

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows and said lightly: "Could it be that if I don't say these words, Commander Yang Jun won't hate me? If he is upright, how can the challenge event held here today be so uncrowded? City Lord Xu, you If you want to say this, should you give me an explanation?"

"Hehe, Young Master Ye, the Huatian Army is one of the guardians of the Great Wilderness City. Any sergeant must be selected in thousands of ways before he can enter. The position of leader and captain naturally has to undergo more tests. Convince the crowd!" Xu Baxian immediately said with a smile.

Ye Chen smiled faintly, and said: "Since this is the case, let's stop talking nonsense. I defeated Tu Xiong, and that is the leader of the Canglong Army, Commander Yang Jun. Please announce it!"

On the high platform, Yang Jun was extremely angry, but his reason told him that he could only do what Ye Chen wanted, unless he had enough courage to kill Ye Chen here.

Just act according to the facts, the anger in his heart is really hard to suppress, Yang Jun predicted that when everything here is spread, he, Yang Jun, will definitely become a joke.

"Yang Jun, it's worth it to endure the momentary anger in exchange for our future!"

Xu Baxian said through voice transmission, and Yang Jun could hear that the former's voice also contained extremely cold killing intent.He didn't expect that Ye Chen would stand to the end with such a posture!
To him, the more Ye Chen showed up, the greater the threat in the future, and he couldn't get rid of the latter prematurely, it was like a ridge in his throat, which was extremely uncomfortable.

Mr. Xu Ba has never been as angry as he is today in this life, even if he failed to fight for the Lord of the Great Wilderness that day, he was not like this.

It's just that they didn't know that Ye Chen didn't care about the hatred and anger the two of them had towards him. Originally, Ye Chen didn't intend to break up with them so soon. If the matter has developed to this point, if he doesn't show something, I'm afraid it will make people even more uneasy.

This is also good, it is much easier to defend an aboveboard attack!

After being silent for a long time, Yang Jun suppressed the anger in his heart with great difficulty, looked at the many people below, then took a deep breath, and immediately said in a deep voice: "This seat announces that from today, Ye Chen will become a subordinate of our Huatian Army." , the leader of the Canglong Army!"

When the voice fell, after the audience was silent for a few seconds, there was a burst of sound like waves. Since the establishment of Huatian Army, Ye Chen is definitely not a captain, but he is the youngest and most mysterious captain.

And Ye Chen's behavior and the way he presented are even more curious!

As the leader of the Canglong Army under the Huatian Army, he not only shows no respect to Yang Jun, the commander of the Huatian Army, but is even so rude. What exactly does he want to do?
Don't you know that even with the backing of the Demon King, after joining the Huatian Army, he was restrained by Yang Jun, and there are some things that the Demon King can't meddle indiscriminately.

Although the Demon King is powerful, it is impossible for Ye Chen to decide everything, right?

Confronting Yang Jun like this, everyone couldn't figure it out, what good would it do Ye Chen?
Of course, everyone's current thoughts just flashed through their minds. When Ye Chen was recognized as the leader of the Canglong Army, they knew that a new legend was born from this moment on!

I don't know if there are newcomers, but there is absolutely no one before!
With the strength of the spiritual source realm, ascending to the leader of the Canglong Army, even after many years, this is still a widely circulated shock!
"Thank you Yang Jun for your leadership, but I don't know, when can I meet the brothers of the Canglong Army?"

Ye Chen asked again after a while, he had become the leader of the Canglong Army, Ye Chen wanted to get familiar with his position as soon as possible, and meet those elite soldiers.

The longer the delay, the more arrangements Yang Jun can make!

And Yang Jun obviously knew what Ye Chen was thinking, and said coldly: "After all the great events in the Great Wilderness City are over, I will take you to meet the sergeants of the Canglong Army. Why are you so anxious?"

Hearing this, Ye Chen said with a smile: "Of course I'm anxious, because I want to know how the soldiers of the Canglong Army will react when they see me, and I also want to establish a relationship with them earlier, This will help me grasp the Canglong Army as soon as possible so that I can contribute to the Great Deserted City, Commander Yang Jun, are you right?"

Yang Jun waved his hand helplessly. He found that this young man seemed to be his nemesis. At the same time, he felt a little regretful in his heart.

If I knew that Ye Chen would be so difficult, with unexpected performance and strength, three days ago, I should not have provoked him, let alone borrowed him, to attack Jin Ling.

"Tomorrow, I will send someone to take you to the Canglong Army's garrison."

At this point, Yang Jun looked cold: "There is still time today, you should rest well, and when you see the Sergeant of the Canglong Army tomorrow, don't lose your composure and embarrass yourself."

"Okay, then I would like to thank Yang Jun for the leadership, and leave!"

Ye Chen clasped his fists, and immediately left here. Behind him, Jin Ling followed closely, with a powerful breath enveloping Ye Chen.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, including Baokou Xu Baxian, they dare not do anything to Ye Chen, but no one can guarantee whether Xu Baxian and Yang Jun have other arrangements, it is always better to be careful.

"Thank you, City Lord."

Ye Chen laughed, his ruddy face turned pale immediately after he fled the city, and a mouthful of blood seemed to gush out uncontrollably.

"Marven Ye!"

Jin Ling's face changed drastically. It turned out that Ye Chen had been suppressing the injuries in his body.

In Jin Ling's heart, an emotion called admiration slowly emerged. In such a fierce battle with Tu Xiong, in the end, Ye Chen was able to suppress his injuries so thoroughly that it was hard to see. Come by a cent.

This point, Jin Ling thought, he would never be able to do it himself, because it required not only strength, but also strong perseverance.

"I'm fine!" Ye Chen showed a smile on his face: "Today's wish has been fulfilled, everything is worth it."

Jin Ling silently obtained the position of leader of the Canglong Army with absolute strength. This was Ye Chen's wish. He really did it. Jin Ling couldn't imagine what price Ye Chen had paid.

Even if he vomits blood and looks pale now, Jin Ling can't even imagine it. The only thing he knows is that without terrible perseverance, Ye Chen wouldn't be able to persist until now.

This kind of character is admirable!
"After going back, take a good rest. I'm afraid there will be some difficulties when I enter the Canglong Army tomorrow."

Perhaps even Jin Ling himself didn't know, but there was already a hint of concern in his tone.

"It's natural!"

After returning to Yaoguang City Lord's Mansion, Ye Chen immediately entered the secret room. To be honest, his injury was not too serious, otherwise, he would not have been able to force a breakthrough under the watchful eyes of everyone, reaching the eighth level of spiritual source.

The injury didn't matter, one day was enough for him to recover, but the sudden change in his body was unexpected to Ye Chen, although it was because of such a change that his cultivation could improve, and he was defeated in one fell swoop. With Tu Xiong, with absolute strength, he was presented to the attention of countless people.

Change is good, but if you don't figure it out, it's always worrying.

The mind entered the body, and slowly swept towards a place in the body, and not long after, it stopped at a place, not far in front of it, there was a slight light shining, the light was white, coquettish and strange.

In the package of light, there is a round, egg-like thing, which is still there, without the slightest breath seeping out, but still has the intimacy of blood connection, which comes from the depths of the soul.

The light is the light emitted by the Nether Demon Fire, and that egg-like thing is transformed by the Nether Demon Falcon!
(End of this chapter)

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