Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 210 Canglong Army

Chapter 210 Canglong Army

A day later, Ye Chen left the Yaoguang City Lord's Mansion, and under the leadership of the people sent by Yang Jun, he went straight to the central city to plunder.

The four heavenly armies are stationed in the four directions of the central city, and the Huatian army guards the due east!
To the east of the central city, a huge area was opened up as the place where the Huatian Army would garrison. However, under the Huatian Army, there are a total of thirteen armies, and naturally they would not be stationed in one place.

Outside the central city, there is a small valley, and in that valley, the Canglong Army is stationed!
"Boss Ye, ahead is where the Canglong Army is located."

The guide pointed to the small valley, and said politely to Ye Chen, but behind the politeness, there was a hint of coldness and a slight sneer.

Ye Chen didn't bother to pay attention to these things. When he reached the entrance of the small valley, his pupils shrank suddenly.

From the valley, terrifying killing auras continuously surged over the valley, congealed and did not disperse, gathering into a cloud that could not be seen by the naked eye.

The cloud layer composed entirely of killing aura, suspended in the space, naturally made the space blurred and distorted, and the killing aura that permeated the heaven and earth was so cold that it was difficult for people to approach this valley.

Being able to achieve such a level, one can imagine how tyrannical the soldiers of the Canglong Army are. Perhaps their individual strength is not outstanding, but when they are united in one place, the power they can produce is even more powerful than that of ordinary warriors. Unavoidable.

The Huatian Army and the other four heavenly armies are worthy of being the four most elite armies in the Great Wilderness City!
A moment later, a smile appeared on the corner of Ye Chen's mouth. If such a tyrannical Canglong Army could be truly controlled, he would be able to protect himself in this deserted city without relying on Jin Ling or even the Demon King. Power.

"Boss Ye, please!" The guide said again, seeing Ye Chen's slightly dignified expression, the smile in his eyes became more and more intense.

"Commander Ye, the Canglong Army is the most powerful army under the Huatian Army, and everyone in it is a rebellious generation. Although you are the new leader of the Canglong Army, you are new to the army after all, so don't put it off. To avoid losing face and spreading it out, it will become a joke for others and bring shame to my Huatian army."

Ye Chen nodded, and when he was about to step into the valley, he suddenly turned his head and asked, "What's your name, you are also a sergeant of the Canglong Army?"

Hearing this, the eyes of the person who led the way showed a hint of arrogance: "My Qin Ming is one of the three deputy commanders of the Huatian Army, not a sergeant of the Canglong Army."

"Oh, it turned out to be Deputy Commander Qin, I'm disrespectful." Ye Chen clasped his fists and said.

Then Qin Ming chuckled: "No disrespect, I just hope that after you go in, you don't want to lose face. Come in with me!"


Ye Chen smiled and said: "Deputy Commander Qin, today is the first time I meet the brothers of the Canglong Army. Naturally, I need to make more connections. Since you are not a sergeant of the Canglong Army, please go ahead and wait until you are free in the future." , I will entertain you again."

Qin Ming's expression couldn't help but change, and this made him the leader of the Canglong Army?
"Boss Ye, I kindly remind you..."

"Reminder, don't you think I'm not as good as Tu Xiong?" Ye Chen said indifferently.

Qin Ming's expression changed again, and he said coldly: "Boss Ye, although you are extraordinary, you can't imagine replacing Chief Tu Xiong in a short time. With me by your side, those people won't embarrass you more, otherwise if...."

"I really want to see what happens if it doesn't."

Ye Chen suddenly stepped forward, approached Qin Ming, and shouted: "If you think you are stronger than Tu Xiong, then you can follow me into the valley, otherwise, I really don't mind, when the time comes, I will use you to stand up!"

"Ye Chen, you?"


Ye Chen shouted softly, the voice still rang in Qin Ming's ears like thunder, so shocking that the latter couldn't help but retreat violently, and his face immediately turned pale.

Ye Chen smiled lightly, then turned around and stepped into the valley.

Looking at the background of Ye Chen's disappearance, Qin Ming's face turned from sunny to cloudy, and a look of hatred flashed in his pupils, but the hatred was extremely hateful, but there was a trace of powerlessness surging.

Even Tu Xiong couldn't do anything to Ye Chen, Qin Ming was indeed not weak in the eyes of ordinary people, and he couldn't do anything to Ye Chen.

but. . . .Qin Ming smiled and said: "Ye Chen, you don't have many good days to live, when the time comes, the deputy commander will definitely collect your body for you personally!"

Ye Chen naturally didn't hear Qin Ming talking to himself, and even if he did, he didn't have time to pay attention to him.

Just stepping into the valley, it seems that the valley has life!

Of course, it wasn't that the valley had life, but that the mass of clouds above the valley, composed of killing breath, suddenly swept down overwhelmingly.

It's not easy for Ye Chen to tell whether this is the warning given to him by the sergeants of the Canglong Army. However, if he can't resist these killing auras and walk into the depths of the valley at a steady pace, he, the so-called leader, is afraid. From then on, it will be looked down upon.

Although countless people witnessed Ye Chen's strong defeat of Tu Xiong, they all knew that those methods did not belong to Ye Chen, but could only be controlled by him.

As long as it is controlled power, it belongs to its own power. The result is the same, but the concept is completely different!
Here, if Ye Chen can't rely on his own strength to walk in, he still won't be recognized!

This has nothing to do with Yang Jun's arrangement!

Slowly let out a sigh of relief, Cangxuan Hualongjue immediately turned up, and the bright silver light burst out immediately, like a coat, covering Ye Chen's body.


The clear dragon chant resounded all over the sky, and when the silver light flickered, Ye Chen stepped out immediately.

He didn't rush forward at the ultimate speed. In that way, although he suffered very little, he still couldn't give people the most complete conviction and approval.

He wants to become the real leader of the Canglong Army, and all the sergeants of the Canglong Army really recognize him and regard him as the only leader. There is no Tu Xiong, and even Yang Jun!

There was already a violent tremor in the sky above the valley, and the killing aura kept coming violently. As Ye Chen gradually deepened, the killing aura became more violent, just like the turbulent and frightening aura in the storm. Lang, slapped Ye Chen fiercely.

The flickering silver light could not block the impact of these murderous auras. The Cangxuanhualongjue in the bone refinement realm made Ye Chen physically stronger, but these killing auras continued until the vicissitudes of life .

So powerful and violent, when Ye Chen walked to a certain depth, his footsteps were as heavy as lead. Every step he took would leave a footprint of a few inches on the ground, so imaginable. You know how stressful this is.

However, Ye Chen's forward speed is still not in a hurry, and remains as steady as usual. Now he is like a moving reef, no matter how violent the waves are, he will never be able to penetrate the reef.

A series of clear footprints were left on the ground, and the depth of the footprints became more obvious the further they went in, spreading to the deepest part of the valley.

At the end of the valley, nearly [-] people stood in an orderly manner, and the daunting and terrifying killing aura emanated from them continuously.

As long as these people don't die, these killing auras will not be cut off, and that terrifying power will exist forever!
This is the power of the army!
Looking at the many people in front of him from a distance, Ye Chen's gaze gradually became more serious, with a hint of a smile on his face. From now on, this elite army will be under his control.

Of course, there is still a process before that, but Ye Chen is confident that he can make these sergeants obey his orders happily and obediently.

After seeing Ye Chen, all the soldiers of the Canglong Army focused their eyes. They already knew that the new leader was very young, but the current Ye Chen was too young.

If it wasn't for the incomparable accuracy of the news, and it was confirmed by Yang Jun himself, they would have wondered if this young man had gone the wrong way. For such a young man, let alone become a leader, even if he became one of them, They all seemed to stand out from the crowd.

But no matter what, it was a fact that this boy was their new leader, so after seeing Ye Chen, he still gave Ye Chen the grandest welcome gift, no matter whether he really agreed with it or not.

Three hundred sergeants lined up neatly, and then separated neatly to make way for a road leading to the end of the valley. Looking around, at the end, a stone platform built on one side was particularly eye-catching.

In front of the stone platform, three figures stood upright with their fists clasped.

"Subordinates, Zhong Xuan, Chen Tai, have met the leader!"

"Subordinates, I have met the leader!"

In the valley, the trembling sound went straight to the sky, and the terrifying killing aura disappeared after an instant.

"The three are too polite, everyone, please be polite!"

Ye Chen also clasped his fists and smiled, Fang Xing and the other three were introduced to him by Jin Ling yesterday.Under the Canglong Army, there are three teams, and the three of them are the captains of each team.

Looking at these people, Ye Chen's heart trembled slightly. Every soldier has the strength of the spiritual sea. Fang Xing, Zhong Xuan, and Chen Tai have reached the seventh level of the spiritual sea. .

Such an army, no wonder, can be feared by all.

You know, even though they are on the northern continent, warriors in the Linghai realm can be valued by one side. If they are in the Lingcang continent, such warriors are already called masters, and they have established schools. No?
But here, he is just a sergeant, although he is not an ordinary sergeant!

If you can see the whole leopard at a glance, if the Canglong Army is like this, how can other troops be sent there?And what kind of power should the Huatian army that merged together have?

When the Huatian Army, Zhentian Army, Cracking Heaven Army, and Luotian Army are all under the control of the four heavenly armies, how amazing will their power be?
No wonder, even Xu Baxian spared no effort to win over Yang Jun and the other leaders of the three-day army!
(End of this chapter)

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