Chapter 211

"My lord, please!"

The three of Fang Xing immediately gave up the stone platform and said respectfully.

"My lord, please!"

The three hundred sergeants of the Canglong Army shouted in unison, although they didn't emit any breath, and they didn't change in any way, but at this moment, it seemed that the three hundred sergeants merged together and became one person.

The so-called silence is better than sound, the thunder is hidden, there is still power, surging in the world.

Ye Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he calmly walked towards the stone platform with big strides.


When Ye Chen just stepped into the path among the sergeants of the Canglong Army lined up on both sides, the space seemed to be trembling, and this void seemed to turn into a vast ocean.

Walking on this road, he felt the impact of the violent wind and waves at any time, making Ye Chen's figure seem to be submerged in an instant.

But after a while, the submerged figure reappeared, like riding on waves, passed Fang Xing and the other three, and appeared under the stone platform.

Everyone's eyes trembled. The cultivation base of the spiritual source realm is absolutely not on their minds, because they are not even qualified to enter the Canglong Army, and it is even more impossible to become the leader.

In the sky above the valley, the aura of killing and cutting rushed into the sky. Although Ye Chen's strength has been confirmed and he is indeed qualified enough, it is not what he saw with his own eyes after all.

In this long human corridor, all the soldiers, including Fang Xing and the other three, did not emit the slightest breath, but they were full of energy. When they faced enemies, no matter what level they were, they would also The will to fight without flinching.

The invisible burst of fighting spirit can bring people the most powerful pressure, because it is aimed at the human mind. If the mind is not strong, it will be knocked down. It will not affect the human body, but it will make people live forever. It is difficult to get out of that shadow, maybe not in this life.

With such a shadow on his back, how can he continue on the road of martial arts?
Ye Chen skimmed up to the stone platform, looked down at the three hundred soldiers from a high position, and after a while, smiled lightly, with an inexplicable feeling overflowing from the smile.

Fang Xing and the other three concentrated their minds, and hurriedly said: "My lord, this is just an instinctive reaction of the subordinates and others, please don't blame me, my lord."

Although they were apologizing, they couldn't tell at all that there was so-called guilt in everyone.

Maybe they thought that if Ye Chen couldn't pass this level, he wouldn't be qualified to be their leader.

Ye Chen smiled again, and said: "Today is the first time I meet you brothers, and it is also the first day I officially become the leader of the Canglong Army...I will cut to the chase and say a few brief words to you all."

"The Canglong Army has a new leader. I know that all of you still don't recognize me. It doesn't matter. I have time to spend with each other in the future. I believe that I will do better than Tu Xiong."

"Just please remember that I am the leader I got by my own strength. It has nothing to do with anyone, let alone the command of Yang Jun. If you want to reject or resist, it's up to you, but you must Don't forget, the Canglong Army is the Canglong Army of the Lord of the Great Desolation, not Yang Jun's Canglong Army."

"Your elite, your strength, and your power come from the Lord of the Wild, not from Yang Jun!"

On the stone platform, Ye Chen became extremely sharp, he didn't worry at all, these words would reach Yang Jun's ears, and everyone in Dahuang knew that although he and Yang Jun were not at odds, they did. It's almost there.

And more people are already suspecting that Ye Chen came with a purpose, and what he said now seems to have shown his real purpose.

"My lord..."

Under the stone platform, Fang Xing bowed and said: "My lord leader's teaching, I have already understood it!"

That's the case, but obviously, these people didn't listen to it, or didn't take it seriously at all.

Yang Jun has been in business for many years, and the Lord of the Great Wilderness has disappeared for so many years, the power may still be there, but how can he stand up to the passage of time, since Yang Jun dared to join forces with Xu Baxian, how dare he if he is not sure enough?
Ye Chen never thought that with a few words of his own, Yang Jun's position in the hearts of the soldiers of the Canglong Army could be disintegrated, or he would be questioned. However, no one had ever said these words to them before. However, now that Ye Chen said it, it would remain in everyone's hearts.

"I hope you really understand, not just talking about it to deal with me."

Ye Chen smiled lightly, and said lightly: "No matter what you have done before, whether it is right or wrong, those have passed, and I will not care about them. From now on, the Canglong Army will be under my control. You can continue to do the right things. But if you make a mistake, don’t do it again.”

"I'm not Tu Xiong, let alone Yang Jun."

"In the past, I can ignore the past. If it happens again in the future, don't blame me for talking about brotherhood today, but for being merciless tomorrow."

The faces of the three hundred sergeants changed drastically, and Ye Chen had already told them clearly what to do in the future, what to do!
Now that the Lord of the Great Wilderness is missing, only Yang Jun and Fang Chen can order them, but today, Ye Chen wants to wait for Yang Jun to take him. . . .

Of course they knew that Ye Chen would never achieve his goal, but from now on, it was obviously impossible for Yang Jun to easily intervene in the affairs of the Canglong Army as usual.

Perhaps Ye Chen has not yet established his potential, but Yang Jun may not be able to control what he is going to do.

At such an age and with such cultivation, Ye Chen became the leader of the Canglong Army, and, in full view of everyone, turned against Yang Jun, and ruthlessly abolished Tu Xiong's cultivation.

If he didn't have much to rely on, how could he do this?
Seeing the collective silence of the soldiers, Ye Chen waved his hands violently, and shouted in a deep voice: "Now, tell me, who is the object of your allegiance? Is it Yang Jun?"

The voice was like thunder, resounding in everyone's ears, directly changing everyone from a state of silence to a sluggish state. Even the three of Fang Xing couldn't help sweating behind their backs. Ye Chen was already forcing them to express their views .

Naturally, they are all loyal to the Lord of the Great Wilderness. However, the Lord of the Great Wilderness has been missing for many years, and they have been subtly influenced. In their hearts, there is gradually another figure that is replacing the original object of allegiance.

Now to express their position, how do they express their position?
Even if Xu Ba wants to climb to the top first, and even though Yang Jun's heart is no longer restricted, he is upright and righteous. In the Great Wilderness City, there is only one object of allegiance, and that is the Lord of the Great Wilderness.

Even if he successfully climbed to the top, Xu Baxian couldn't erase the existence of the original Lord of the Wilderness!
When everyone's hearts were extremely complicated, Ye Chen's voice resounded again.

"Actually, you don't need to express your attitude, because I can't tell whether what you said is from the heart."

The voice fell slowly, and everyone's hearts were finally no longer in suspense.

"But you have to remember that you are the Canglong Army, an army that exists to protect the Great Deserted City. You are the guardians, not weapons for anyone to fight for power and profit, understand?"

The three hundred sergeants were taken aback for a moment, then shouted in unison: "Yes!"

All the soldiers didn't listen to Ye Chen's other words, but this last sentence resonated deep in their hearts!

When the Great Wilderness City was established in the world, the four heavenly armies shocked all directions at the same time!

Under the leadership of the lords of the great wilderness in the past, the four heavenly armies have always been a powerful force to frighten the world, and they have always been proud of this identity. Whether they are the lords of Zhucheng or the masters of other forces, they have never envied .

Because, the three words of patron saint gave them enough dignity!
But in recent years, they have been reduced to a tool. They don't want to, but the military order is like a mountain!

Although Ye Chen's last words couldn't change anything, they had really listened to them.

"In the future, I will live in the Lord's Mansion of Yaoguang City. Fang Xing, Zhong Xuan, Chen Tai, and the Canglong Army will be under your management. If you have important matters, come to Yaoguang City to find me."

"Yes, Sir Chief!" The present respect finally came from the heart.

After a short pause, Ye Chen said lightly again: "From now on, there is one thing that needs to be changed. No matter who it is, no one is allowed to enter here without authorization. Anyone who trespasses will be killed!"

"If the time comes, I still need to take action to kill the trespassers, I think, I will consider rebuilding the Canglong Army! Everyone, farewell!"

"Congratulations to Commander!"

Watching Ye Chen go away, after a long time, the valley was still very quiet, no one spoke, and everyone even suppressed their breathing to the minimum, as if they were afraid that if the movement was too loud, it would lead to disaster.

To rebuild the Canglong Army, if Ye Chen is allowed to do this, where will they fall in love, and Ye Chen also has such a right.

I don't know how long it took, Fang Xing and the three looked at each other, and they all smiled wryly. Today, I wanted to give Ye Chen a blow, but I never thought that I and others hadn't said anything, but I was already forced to this point superior.

"Brother Fang, what should we do?" Zhong Xuan asked softly, as if afraid of being heard by others.

"What can we do?"

Fang Xing asked back, Ye Chen has already revealed his bottom line to everyone, if they don't do so, they will most likely face being cleaned up, although Yang Jun will never allow it, but they know that Ye Chen is definitely not them Can be empty.

Because Ye Chen has absolute strength, and this absolute strength is not only for Fang Xing and others, but with the strength he displayed in the ring, even Yang Jun may find it difficult to suppress him.

If you use the power of Huatian Army to deal with Ye Chen, it will become a joke, Ye Chen is not wrong, how can you do this, if you want to do this, why let him become the leader of the Canglong Army?

Fang Xing and the others don't know the plan of Yang Jun and Xu Baxian, but they understand that from now on, it may be impossible for Yang Jun to fully control the Canglong Army as before.

"Then leave it to Mr. Ye to continue like this?"

"Let Commander do this, it's okay! Brother Zhong, Brother Chen, what do you think?"

Fang Xing's eyes shone brightly, and he smiled lightly.

Zhong Xuan and Chen Tai's eyes flashed lightly, and they nodded thoughtfully. . . .
(End of this chapter)

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