Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 213 Closing

Chapter 213 Closing
The great event in the Great Wilderness City is in full swing, and before you know it, it's time to end!
For more than ten days, the wonderful challenge games have really amazed countless people, especially those younger generations who have emerged, such as Ye Chen and Lin Yifan, people have to admire them even more!

And in these days, Ye Chen is cultivating himself on the one hand, but whenever he has spare time, all his energy is devoted to the situation in the Great Wilderness City.

As the challenge event is getting closer and closer to the end, many people's minds are no longer on the event, but on Xu Baxian.

They are all guessing whether Xu Baxian will take advantage of this grand event and years of planning to climb to the top!

If he really wants to climb to the top, what should other people do, support or oppose?

Over the past few days, people with a discerning eye have seen that the expressions of the city lords of the Great Desolation Cities are obviously much more dignified, because they know that this is an important choice in life!

If you make the right choice, your prosperity and status will definitely be greatly improved in the future, otherwise, it will be forever!

This choice is really hard to decide!
But no matter how complicated everyone is, there will always be a day, the difference is only whether they are ready or not, that's all.

The scorching sun hangs high above the sky, and its scorching light pours down, covering the entire Great Deserted City!
On the huge square of Wufang City, there are many people today, but the people who appear here today are not irrelevant people. At the front are the city lords, and the ones following them are the city lords. command. . . .

Gathered here are all the top masters in the Great Wilderness City, as well as the outstanding young generation, they represent the present and future of the Great Wilderness City.

Ye Chen was behind Yang Jun, standing side by side with the other [-] leaders of the Huatian Army. Compared with the surrounding people, Ye Chen was so outstanding when he was young that, from time to time, he would attract countless projections. gaze.

Ye Chen's eyes turned to those people in Wufang City.

Xu Baxian hadn't shown up yet, so the ones who represented Wufang City were naturally the four commanders. However, the four commanders didn't all show up, and there was one person who didn't show up. It was the one who didn't show up, Ye Chen. I really want to meet him, because this person is called Lin Yifan!
When the information sent by Jin Ling only recorded four characters of unknown origin, regarding Lin Yifan, Ye Chen wanted to meet this person even more.

But what he didn't expect was that he couldn't find Lin Yifan!
It's too easy to hide someone in the huge deserted city, but it won't be too difficult for Ye Chen to find him, unless Wufang City deliberately hides it, otherwise, with the power of the whole city, how can he find him? Less than one person?

But the fact is that Lin Yifan seemed to have left the Great Deserted City, or in other words, disappeared from the Great Deserted City. No matter how much manpower was used, Lin Yifan could not be found.

At first, they thought that it was Xu Ba who hid Lin Yifan first, and didn't want anyone to contact him, but later he heard that even the people from Wufang City were also looking for Lin Yifan.

He really couldn't find it, and Ye Chen didn't do anything about it. He thought that after the Great Wilderness Festival ended today, he would always see Lin Yifan here, but he never thought that he hasn't appeared yet.

This Lin Yifan is quite mysterious!

For no reason, a sense of unease rose in Ye Chen's heart. The so-called mystery usually means that others cannot see through this person, not pretending to be mysterious.

The current Lin Yifan is pretending to be mysterious, deliberately creating a sense of mystery to make others take great interest in him.

It's not normal to do this!

Lin Yifan was already famous enough, with his talent and strength, there was no need to use such a mystery to raise his status, but he did it anyway, so Ye Chen couldn't be vigilant.

If a person wants to deliberately maintain a sense of mystery, he must have a plan!
Before today, Ye Chen had also thought about asking Sifang Pavilion to help him find Lin Yifan, but after thinking about it, he gave up on this plan.

It is important to meet Lin Yifan and get to know this person, but Ye Chen never wants to deal with Tianyue again.

He has clearly rejected her, ignores her when he has nothing to do, and goes to her when he has something to do, although Ye Chen will follow the rules of the Sifang Pavilion and give them the appropriate information fee, and he will eventually make use of it.

Ye Chen is sometimes very open-minded, but he is also very decisive when facing certain things!

Up to now, they haven't seen Lin Yifan yet, and Xu Baxian hasn't shown up yet. Maybe there is some kind of transaction going on between the two of them. Although this is not what Ye Chen wants to see, it may not be impossible.

With this in mind, Ye Chen turned his eyes and looked towards the direction of the Lord's Mansion of Wufang City.

I don't know if it was Xu Baxian's intention, or he was used to it, he had already regarded himself as the Lord of the Great Wilderness, and everyone's waiting seemed to be the right thing to do.

Ye Chen glanced around, and immediately frowned. For this kind of waiting, even the city lords who objected to Xu Ba's first climb to the top, didn't have much anxiety, and seemed to be used to it.

This is a dangerous signal, waiting willingly means that they recognize Xu Baxian's position above them!
The Great Desolation Cities are headed by the Lord of the Great Desolation. Although the other city lords are superior or inferior, that is only the division of strength, not the division of their respective status.

Now Xu Baxian's status is recognized. . . .Ye Chen looked at Jin Ling, and the latter's gaze just happened to cast over, also flashing past with a touch of solemnity, after a while, Jin Ling nodded slowly!

Ye Chen's eyes flickered suddenly, and he made a decision in his heart. If there was such a moment, he wouldn't care too much about it.

Although there was a great grievance between him and Jin Ling, regardless of how he was, at least Jin Ling was loyal to the Lord of the Great Wilderness. In this world, such a relationship is really rare.

That's what the man in Qingpao asked Ye Chen to release Jin Ling that day.

Therefore, even if there is too much exposure and the impact is great, Jin Ling must not be allowed to take risks alone!If possible, Ye Chen would not want anyone in the Great Wilderness to have an accident.

The more intact the power of the Great Wilderness City is, the more beneficial it will be to Ye Chen. The Cang Pavilion is too powerful!

"Haha, there are really some trivial matters that need to be resolved. I'm sorry for keeping you waiting for a long time."

About ten minutes later, a loud laugh sounded from a distance, and the figure of Xu Baxian also stepped out of the air after a few breaths.

As far as the matter is concerned, Xu Baxian does have a domineering demeanor, a resolute look, a demeanor without anger, and strong self-confidence, all of which show the domineering arrogance of the king.

In fact, if the Lord of the Wilderness is really gone, it should be the best result for Xu Ba to become the new Lord of the Wilderness first, but there is no such thing as an if in this world.

Xu Ba first showed up, but Lin Yifan was still hiding.

"Mr. Xu is being polite. This is what we should do." Yang Jun laughed, as if he regarded Xu Baxian as the Lord of the Great Wilderness.

"What should it be? We are all the city lords of Zhucheng, and today is the final day of the event. Because of trivial matters, many people have been waiting for so long. Xu Baxian, your score is too big, isn't it?" Jin Ling said coldly said coldly.

Regardless of whether Xu Baxian will climb to the top today, a confrontation is inevitable. Jin Ling thinks very clearly that it is better for them to start the attack. It is better to have the initiative in their own hands. At least this can let others see that he Jin Ling's determination.

Before Xu Baxian said anything, Yang Jun said first: "Mr. Xu is highly respected, why can't you wait? Since you can't wait, why wait until now?"

Knowing that Yang Jun would say this, Jin Ling smiled and said, "Wait until now, not to wait for City Lord Xu, but to wait for the end of my Great Wilderness event, Yang Jun, don't you think that the first City Lord Xu Ba is the Lord of my Great Wilderness?" right?"

Yang Jun narrowed his eyes, he really wanted to go with the flow, and accepted Jin Ling's words.

"Okay, this is the old man's fault, the old man apologizes to everyone."

Looking at the many people, Xu Ba cupped his fists first, and then said again: "As of today, when this grand meeting in my Great Wilderness City is over, the old man has a few words, and I want to have a heart-to-heart talk with you all."

Ready to start?The expressions of many people have changed.

"My Great Desolate City, after more than two thousand years of wind and rain, has always stood at the peak of the northern continent, proud of the surrounding land, and has become one of the most powerful forces on this land."

"It is thanks to our countless ancestors who fought bloody battles and gave us a relatively stable environment that we have today's Great Deserted City."

Xu Baxian said solemnly: "Our descendants must remember the kindness of our ancestors!"

"For more than a hundred years, this old man has been working in the Great Wilderness City. I have personally experienced many things. The process is difficult to describe in words, but I have also witnessed that my Great Wilderness City is gradually growing, but..."

Xu Baxian changed the subject and said: "In recent years, the Great Wilderness City has not faced any major challenges, but with the disappearance of my lord, the influence of the Great Wilderness City is gradually weakening. We are also watching in the dark, and we have to guard against this."

"Old Xu, if you have any orders, just order them!" Yang Jun said at the right time.

Everyone's expressions are serious!
Xu Ba waved his hand first, and said, "I have always firmly believed in my heart that my lord is still alive, and one day, he will lead us again to conquer all directions!"

"But before that, the old man wants to say that a group of dragons cannot be without a leader, and my Great Deserted City also needs a person to represent my Great Deserted City and speak out to the outside world, so that all forces know that my Great Deserted City will remain the same as before!"

"Excuse me, City Lord Xu, I don't know, who should this person be in your mind?" Jin Ling asked with a faint smile.

"Do you even need to ask? Elder Xu is the only one who is qualified to represent Dahuang City."

Yang Jun immediately clasped his fists and said respectfully: "Yang Jun, Huatian Army, I respectfully invite Xu Ba, the first city lord, temporarily acting as the lord of the Great Wilderness, to lead us and let my Great Wilderness City be majestic and continue to be famous in the northern mainland."

Xu Ba first smiled, looked at the crowd, and asked, "I don't know what you mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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