Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 214 The Heir

Chapter 214 The Heir

"Clap clap clap!"

When Xu Baxian asked everyone with a smile, there was a burst of applause, quite rhythmically.

When everyone looked around, it turned out that it was Jin Ling who was applauding!
Yang Jun's face darkened, and he shouted, "City Lord Jinling, what do you mean?"

Yang Jun didn't think that Jin Ling's applause was a sincere support for Xu Baxian.

Unexpectedly, Jin Ling laughed and said, "I'm happy for City Lord Xu to temporarily take the position of Lord of the Great Wilderness. Why, Commander Yang Jun thinks it's very inappropriate for me to act like this?"

If he really agreed, Yang Jun would be very happy, but would Jin Ling change suddenly?
On the contrary, Xu Baxian said with a smile: "Today, the old man is throwing out these words to discuss a final decision with you. Jinling, you can say what you mean. We all brainstorm for the future of Great Deserted City." , there is no need to hide it.”

Hearing this, Jin Ling said indifferently: "I didn't want to say much at first, anyway, City Lord Xu, you are highly respected, and everyone respects you on weekdays. As long as it is your decision, generally speaking, we all agree with it. Since City Lord Xu Let me say, all of a sudden, I still have an idea, I don’t know if City Lord Xu and you guys want to listen.”

Behind Yang Jun, Ye Chen's eyes flickered. Jin Ling's words, as he said, came a little suddenly. Ye Chen can be sure that if the normal way is followed, the current Jin Ling will never be so peaceful. It is even more impossible to have so-called ideas.

If he really had any good ideas, he would have communicated with Ye Chen long before he came to Wufang City, and he would not hold back until now to say that Ye Chen believed in himself, and Jin Ling had enough trust.

"Is it possible?"

A thought suddenly popped up in Ye Chen's mind.

"Of course you have to listen, otherwise, what the old man said, isn't it just slapping yourself?" Xu Baxian said with a smile.

Next, the city lords of the other cities expressed the same idea one after another. Too many people have no foundation in their hearts, so they don't want to say anything casually. Since someone takes the lead, they are naturally happy.

Jin Ling immediately continued: "Originally, in my heart, I did not object to City Lord Xu's temporary position as Lord of the Great Wilderness, because now only you, City Lord Xu, have the qualifications in the entire Great Wilderness City."

"Jin Ling, you're flattering me too much." Xu Baxian said with a chuckle.

Jin Ling also smiled, and said again: "It's just that I suddenly thought of a better way, tell me now, tell everyone, and see if my method is feasible."

"Now my lord is missing and his whereabouts are unknown. Although I absolutely believe that my lord is still in this world, it is true that we should do the best in advance of what should be done. In the great wilderness, we must not be left alone for a day!"

"But in the current situation, even if City Lord Xu is so respected, he can only temporarily take the position of the Lord of the Great Wilderness, and cannot become the real Lord of the Great Wilderness..."

At this point, Xu Baxian, Yang Jun, and the city lords who supported Xu Baxian were all terrified. Jin Ling actually gave this matter a qualitative definition. What does it mean that Xu Baxian cannot To become the real Lord of the Great Wilderness?

Jin Ling ignored everyone's reactions, and continued, "Although it is a good way for City Lord Xu to temporarily replace the Lord of the Great Wilderness, it cannot really solve the root problem after all."

"Then I don't know what you can do, City Lord Jinling?" Yang Jun couldn't help asking coldly.

Only when Xu Ba reaches the top first can he get enough benefits, even if he knows that his impatientness will cause great criticism, but he can't care about it.

"There is a way!"

Jin Ling said solemnly: "The rules of my Great Wilderness City, today, can already select the successor of the Great Wilderness among the younger generation!"

Looking at Xu Baxian and the others, Jin Ling said: "If the successor of Dahuang is determined, City Lord Xu, everyone, I think we can all feel at ease, right?"

Ye Chen suddenly laughed, this is a good way, as long as the successor of the Great Deserted City is decided, no matter how many bargaining chips and plans Xu Baxian has, they will all go down the drain.

Once the heir is established, even if it is Xu Baxian, from now on, unless he wants to rebel, he can only assist the heir as the lord of Wufang City. host.

Although there will be a lot of interference in the process of deciding the heir, it is also possible that Xu Baxian's person finally obtained the status of the heir, but as long as it is not Xu Baxian himself, there will be great room for maneuver.

In today's Great Wilderness City, although Xu Baxian is not the Lord of the Great Wilderness, he already has the actual right to rule the Great Wilderness City.

As long as the Lord of the Great Wilderness returns, the heir is Xu Baxian's, and there will be no waves!

Without even thinking about it, Yang Jun blurted out that an heir appeared, and when the time comes, what is he, Yang Jun!
"You want to object?"

Jin Ling looked at Yang Jun with a smile, a coldness gradually appeared in his eyes, and he didn't hide it at all.

Seeing Jin Ling's gaze, Yang Jun couldn't help but tremble, and stepped back even more, not daring to put himself in the public eye.

The status of the commanders of the four heavenly armies is not inferior to the city lords of the cities, but after all, they are just commanders, not city lords. Certain decisions cannot be interfered with by him, Yang Jun.

At this moment, if Jin Ling wanted to use this matter to make trouble, even Xu Baxian would not be able to protect Yang Jun, so he couldn't help being afraid!
Xu Ba first shot Yang Jun a glance, then slowly exhaled, and said, "Jin Ling, be more specific."

"it is good!"

Jin Ling said: "In this grand challenge event, many outstanding young people have emerged. Historically, the successors of my Great Deserted City have also been selected from these young people. So, we should just follow the rules now."

"Just before that, establish the identity background to participate in the heir competition!"

"In view of my lord's disappearance, after the successor is determined, I won't be able to get the necessary assistance, so I suggest that you, City Lord Xu, assist the future young lord to control the situation in the Great Desolation until the future young lord has enough ability to control the Great Desolation City until."

Jin Ling clasped his fists and said, "Master Xu, everyone, I don't know if my idea is feasible?"

Their gazes have been looking at Jinling for a long time. They never expected that at this critical moment, Jinling actually came up with such a method. This is undoubtedly a drastic move, completely eliminating Xu Baxian's thoughts. Think about it, and let the latter, no matter how unwilling, you can only accept it!

The matter of heirs has always been the top priority, and no one can object to it!

Even after the heir appeared, Xu Ba would come to assist him first. With his influence and personal prestige and strength in the Great Wilderness City, it is very possible to evade the heir, but the so-called evasion should only be for a short period of time, and it is impossible. forever.

The top forces in the Northern Continent have been proud of this continent for so many years, and all the lords of the Great Wilderness in the past are all extraordinary people. They can finally become the successor of the Great Wilderness among countless contenders. to doubt.

How could such a character be willing to be a puppet in Xu Baxian's hands forever?
Unless the so-called heir is originally a member of Xu Baxian's subordinates, that's another matter!
But still the same sentence, what Jin Ling really meant was to delay the time and wait for the return of the Lord of the Great Wilderness, and nothing else was important to him.

for a long time. . . .Xu Baxian seemed to force a smile, and said: "Everyone understands what Jin Ling means, right? If there is no objection, we will follow his wishes."

The successor is also related to the future of the Great Wilderness City. Even if the Lord of the Great Wilderness is here, this is what should happen. How can everyone have so-called objections.

If there is any objection at this time, it will be like Yang Jun.

"Okay, since there is no objection, let's do it according to Jin Ling's intention. Three days later, you each nominate a trustworthy candidate to participate in the selection of the heir."

After glancing at everyone, Xu Baxian said indifferently, his expression seemed to have become much weaker in an instant.

"Okay, everyone is gone. After three days, each of you will bring your own people to the Great Wilderness Hall to pay homage to the ancestors of the past, and then we can start."

After finishing speaking, Xu Ba waved his hand first, and left the square first. Although the back view did not feel bleak, everyone could see it. I'm afraid this feeling is not so easy to bear.

The rest of the people also gradually dispersed, including Jin Ling and Ye Chen, only Yang Jun stayed to the end. When he saw that everyone had left, he gritted his teeth and went straight to the Lord's Mansion of Wufang City. go.

Even though to a certain extent, his pursuit has failed, but he is really unwilling to give up like this.

"Elder Xu!"

In the huge main hall, Yang Jun saw Xu Baxian.

Without waiting for Yang Jun to continue, Xu Baxian waved his hands and shouted: "No matter what you want to say or what you think, I will keep it in my heart. From now on, you should be more honest, otherwise, I may not be able to protect you." hold you."

"But Mr. Xu, are you willing to let our many years of planning be ruined like this? You are willing, but I can't bear it. Why!" Yang Jun hissed.

"Not reconciled, what can you do?"

Xu Baxian said coldly: "Yang Jun, do you dare to betray Dahuangcheng?"

Yang Jun froze, and immediately fell silent, betrayal?This is something he absolutely dare not think about, even for so many years, together with Xu Baxian, planning the future status, this is also based on his loyalty to the Great Wilderness City.

"Since you don't dare, then shut up for the old man, and be the commander of the Huatian Army. You shouldn't care, ask, or say anything. Let the old man keep it in his heart, let's go down!"

Yang Jun's expression kept changing, and in the end, he could only stomp his feet resentfully, turn around and leave helplessly.


After a long time, Xu Baxian's voice sounded again in the hall, but this voice sounded extremely hoarse.

"The old man has always underestimated you, and I didn't expect that you were forced to this position, but if you think that this is the way to cut off the old man's thoughts, then you are very wrong! "

(End of this chapter)

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