Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 215 The Future

Chapter 215 The Future
"City Master Jinling, what's going on?"

Along the way, Ye Chen kept holding back, until he returned to the City Lord's Mansion, he looked at Jin Ling, the heir of the Great Wilderness, the idea is very good!

"What's the matter?"

Jin Ling was slightly taken aback, then smiled and said, "I just thought of it on the spur of the moment, hehe, now, let's see, how can Xu Baxian deal with it, the Lord of the Wilderness, he is also worthy?"

"Temporary intention?"

Ye Chen said lightly: "City Master Jinling, although I don't want to ask clearly, I want to know everything about this matter!"

Ye Chen already had a guess in his heart, and he knew that what he guessed must be the truth.

However, guesses are guesses and have never been proven.

Ye Chen wanted to confirm everything he had guessed in his heart from Jin Ling. To others, it might not be important, but Ye Chen had to figure it out.

The ancient castle was opened twice before and after, and the ancient ruins existed. Ye Chen and his father Ye Tianxiang both entered the ancient castle and the ancient ruins!

Father's death is related to Yanyang Sect, but not necessarily, it has nothing to do with that demon master!
In the ancient ruins that day, the man in green robe didn't tell Ye Chen the identity of that master of magic, and he didn't know what the man in blue robe said at the time.

At that time, he didn't continue to ask because he was still in the ancient ruins and had to face the infinite mirror, so Ye Chen was not allowed to act according to his heart.

It is different now, having left the ancient ruins, Mei Aoxue hastened back to Yanyang Sect, sooner or later, his background of Ye Chen will spread in the northern mainland.

Based on Ye Chen's current status, the Yanyang Sect obviously can't do anything to Ye Chen, let alone deter Ye Chen, but they will never let Ye Chen grow up. The so-called treasure, the Yanyang Sect will definitely not continue keep it a secret.

At that time, the trouble will be even greater!
Therefore, before such a situation arises, Ye Chen must know everything he needs to know now, even if he knows that the guess is correct, he must confirm it.

Only then will there be no major changes.

Because the current Great Deserted City is not peaceful!
"Young Master Ye!"

Ye Chen's eyes flickered, since he met Jin Ling again, this was the first time the latter called him that.

Jin Ling laughed immediately, and said, "Young Master Ye, Yaoguang City has no suitable candidates to participate in the selection of my successor to Dahuang, so I will trouble you."

"Let me participate in the selection of Dahuang's successor?" Ye Chen was taken aback.

Jin Ling nodded, and said: "This should be the idea and meaning you have always had, young master, right? And only when you have achieved this status, young master, can you get the support and support of everyone in Dahuang City. One day, facing When you were in the Cang Pavilion, the Great Wilderness City, together with the Moyuan Mountain Monster Clan, can become your greatest reliability."

Hearing this, Ye Chen couldn't help but smiled wryly: "It sounds like it was designed by you."

Jin Ling chuckled and didn't speak, but it was this silence and his change of address to Ye Chen that made Ye Chen know that the former had actually answered his question in disguise.

Ye Chen's expression became serious immediately, and he said, "To be the young master of the Great Desolation, to be honest, my current cultivation base is too weak!"

No matter what means he has, the thickness of his own spiritual power cannot be compared with the masters of the spiritual sea realm. If he can't make a quick decision, Ye Chen himself will be in danger.

In the battle with Tu Xiong that day, if the latter fought steadily, was not so greedy for success, and didn't want to solve himself as soon as possible, Ye Chen believed that the result of that battle would definitely be different from that day.

The power of the last pose came out of nowhere, before that, Ye Chen had never thought about it.

If it hadn't been for Tu Xiong to force Ye Chen to that position all of a sudden, perhaps it would be difficult for the final strength to appear, and in that case, the result would naturally change.

Jin Ling also nodded, and said: "You have already reached the eighth level of spiritual source, at least you have to break through to the spiritual sea level, then you can be confident enough."

Ye Chen smiled and said: "City Lord Jinling, don't have too much confidence in me. Those who can participate in the selection of the young master of the Great Wilderness are all extraordinary people, Qin Shi, Lin Shu and others, if you don't mention them, maybe The person who will appear in Wufang City should be Lin Yifan."

"Do you think that even if I reach the spiritual sea level, I can defeat that Lin Yifan?"

"Lin Yifan, you will indeed be a strong opponent, but Mr. Ye don't need to underestimate yourself, in the eyes of others, you are also a terrible opponent."

Jin Ling patted Ye Chen on the shoulder, as if asking: "Master Ye, this is your chance, and at the same time, it is also our only chance. Xu Ba must not be allowed to reach the top first!"

"Let me tell you about the process of selecting the heir!"

Jin Ling said in a deep voice: "Generally speaking, such an heir naturally tests the strength and potential of the school, but the Great Deserted City is different. After all, this is a powerful force composed of more than 180 cities. Between each city, There are too many entanglements of interests, so the Lord of the Great Wilderness not only needs extraordinary strength, but also knows how to be good at dancing, so that every city can maintain balance and unity!"

"Of course, if you have absolute strength, that's naturally the best. It's a pity, except for the ancestor who founded the Great Wilderness City, none of the future Lords of the Great Wilderness is strong enough."

"Enough strength?"

Ye Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "What kind of strength is enough?"

With Ye Chen's current cultivation base, even though the spirit is the reunion of yin and yang, and his perception is much stronger than other people's, it is still impossible to recognize the specific cultivation base of a master above the Martial Realm.

Whether it's Jin Ling or Yang Jun, Ye Chen can't tell the truth without anyone telling him, let alone Xu Baxian, and the more powerful demon king and Qingpao man.

"Heaven Martial Realm!"

Ye Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, the three realms of Martial Realm, Zhenwu, Xuanwu, Tianwu!

A master of the Heavenly Martial Realm, even if you look at the whole world, can be called a first-rate master. If there is a Heavenly Martial Realm master in any force, on this northern continent, this power is a power of the overlord level.

You must know that the masters of the Tianwu realm can already touch the level of the 'domain', and the 'domain' itself represents strength!

In the back palace of the Great Wilderness, there is a small world. That is to say, the master who founded the Great Wilderness City has already surpassed the realm of martial arts.

The descendants of the Great Wilderness no longer expect such a master to appear in the Great Wilderness City. After all, it is too difficult to surpass the Martial Realm. Furthermore, they regard the Heaven Martial Realm as an absolute standard.

It's just that this standard, although not excessive, is too demanding!
Jin Ling continued: "To the east of the Great Wilderness, three hundred miles away, there is a Burial Soul Valley, which is the place where you practiced."

"Before entering the Valley of the Burial Soul, all the participants will be divided into many small teams to break into the Valley of the Burial Soul to hunt for the things on the task list."

Ye Chen frowned slightly, and asked, "How can we decide the final winner?"

The word Burial Soul Valley is not a good place when you hear it.

"It's easy!"

Jin Ling said: "Everyone will get a task list. The tasks recorded on it are all different, and the first standard is to complete these tasks!"

"In Burial Soul Valley, there are too many dangers, and it is common to encounter unexpected events. Therefore, the second criterion is to see how much each team loses!"

"After crossing the Valley of the Burial Soul and reaching the final place, relying on one's own strength to defeat others, this is the third standard!"

"These three criteria are the conditions for becoming the young master of the Great Desolation!"

Jin Ling solemnly said to Ye Chen: "In the process of crossing the Burial Soul Valley, we must gain the unconditional trust of everyone in the team. We must keep everyone alive and complete the tasks on the list. It is the most basic element that can give you extra points."

"The task will not be easy, it requires the cooperation of the whole team, and a certain amount of luck to complete the task!"

"And Young Master Ye, this is especially important to you!"

Ye Chen nodded, he is an outsider after all, and, now in the Great Wilderness City, Xu Ba has the final say.

If there is a calculation in mind, the team that Ye Chen is assigned to is very likely to be all from the other side.

It sounds unfair and will be criticized, but doing so is also a test. There are too many unknowns in the future of life. The position of Lord of the Wilderness is destined to endure countless wind and rain. If even a small team, If they can't be united, how can they be convincing in the future?

"Young Master Ye, take a good rest for three days. After three days, when the quota is confirmed, you will go to Burial Soul Valley. At that time, everything will depend on you. Please!"

Jin Ling bowed to the ground with such a big gift, one can imagine the expectation in his heart!
"City Lord Jinling!"

Ye Chen hurriedly supported Jin Ling, and couldn't help sighing in his heart, it would be a great blessing to have such a person follow him in this life.

"But please don't worry, the city lord, I will do my best!" Ye Chen said solemnly.

"Thank you!"

Ye Chen smiled, and said: "City Master, these two words, after I do it, it's not too late for you to thank me, and it shouldn't be you who say it."

Jin Lington also smiled!
Night gradually fell, and because of the successor of the Great Wilderness, the cities became lively again, and every city was discussing nervously in order to choose the most suitable candidate.

Young Master of the Wilderness, this position is more tempting than any other position in the grand event!
Although some people also know that this status is impossible for the people under their command, but they can get enough benefits if they can go through such an experience and come back alive in the end.

If you are lucky, you will be able to form a team with the future young master of the wilderness and have fought side by side. When the young master becomes the real master of the wilderness, the benefits will be unimaginable.

There are talents from generation to generation, and the masters of the older generation will gradually withdraw from the stage. Only young people like the rising sun are the masters of this world and the future!
Among the more than 180 city lords, some of them have followed the missing Lord of the Great Desolation and participated in the same experience. Until today, they have all become masters in the Great Desolation City and even in the northern mainland!

The precedent is ahead, how can it not be exciting. . . .
(End of this chapter)

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