Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 216 Under the Night Sky

Chapter 216 Under the Night Sky

In the middle of the night, the huge deserted city is like a sleeping lion, only the bright lights are still shining on the spacious streets of each city!

It was already the dead of night, but suddenly, a sharp piercing wind swayed from nowhere, and after an instant, it swept through the space at an extremely fast speed!

Of course, the so-called sharpness cannot be sensed by ordinary warriors, and even the masters of these cities did not notice when the piercing wind swept over the cities.

If it was a coincidence, someone looked at the sky at this time, and they could only see it, the space was blurred, and they would not notice it at all. When the piercing wind passed by, a figure passed by like a ghost.

In Yaoguang City, in the secret room, Ye Chen was sitting cross-legged, entering the cultivation process.

The position of the Young Lord of the Great Wilderness!

No matter how he did not have enough confidence in himself in front of Jin Ling, in his heart, Ye Chen also longed for this status.

Only when the Great Wilderness City and the Demon Clan of Moyuan Mountain join hands to face the Cang Pavilion, Ye Chen will not feel the pressure!
No matter what the reason is, even if there is no contact now, the support of the demon king will not be in vain. Although the contact time with the demon king is very short, Ye Chen also knows that since the demon king has made a promise, he will definitely not go back on his word. Even if the opponent is Cangge!

Only by seizing the position of the Young Master of the Great Wilderness, can the Great Wilderness City have enough support for itself like the demon clan of Moyuan Mountain, so, it must not fail!
Over the years, this is the second time Ye Chen has such a strong desire for a certain thing!
During the past three decadent years, he has been thinking about restoring his cultivation talent all the time, and the desire at that time is also so strong, today, for the one he loves. . . .
In the quiet night sky, a wave of fluctuation suddenly appeared, although it was not strong, it was still caught by Ye Chen who was practicing.


Ye Chen flashed out of the secret room, looked at the night sky not far away, and frowned slightly. In the night, there was a sense of coldness, which aroused the void and trembled slightly.

Ye Chen's eyes suddenly tightened, such a slight movement. . . .He could feel that, if he didn't want to let himself be aware of it, then the coldness could definitely be made silent.

This is intentional, let him know!

"Since they're all here, it will be a joke if they hide their heads and tails." Ye Chen said lightly.

The void in the distance is still still, but after a while, the coldness gradually fades away, it seems that I came here just to let Ye Chen find out, it's so simple!
Ye Chen frowned, immediately got up, and shot away!

He already knew that someone was deliberately leading him there, since that's the case, then let that person go, even if this person is Xu Baxian or Yang Jun, Ye Chen is not afraid at all !

If they feel that they want to use assassination to solve themselves, they must know that doing so will not gain any benefit, but will face even more tragic results.

Of course, Ye Chen knew in his heart that this person was definitely not the above two people. At this time, neither Xu Baxian nor Yang Jun would be so naive at all.

The two figures, one in front and the other in the back, swept towards the distance like lightning, and not long after, they left the Great Deserted City!

Perhaps there was no huge shadow as a cover, and the figure of the violent looting in front of him finally showed the whole picture. Judging from the back alone, this is a very young man who was able to hide from all the masters of Yaoguang City, including Jin Ling. Regardless of the person's own strength, this concealment method is impressive.

The stars under the night sky are extremely bright, and each star shines with the brightest light. Under the light of the stars, this land is also full of vitality.

After skimming out of the Great Deserted City, almost a hundred miles later, the figure in front of him stopped his forward speed.

"who are you?"

Ye Chen asked lightly, he believed more and more that this person deliberately lured him here, more than a hundred miles away, even Xu Baxian would not be aware of what happened here.

The surroundings were silent, unable to hide other people, Ye Chen was curious, why did this person lead him here?
"Ha ha!"

Under the night sky, the man was wearing a white gown, a purple jade crown on his head, and his hands behind his back. He had an indescribably comfortable feeling, extremely chic, but, standing like this, he had a feeling of being arrogant.

He seems to be a born king!
Amidst the indifferent laughter, the man turned around slowly, facing Ye Chen!

Ye Chen's pupils couldn't help shrinking tightly!
Just looking at the back, one has the feeling of a king who looks down on the common people, but now turning around, it is not a feeling, but a real king!
The sky is full of stars, the light is so bright, however, in front of this person, all the stars are eclipsed, and he is standing here, that is the bright moon, covering all the stars, between the sky and the earth, he is the only one!
Ye Chen has never seen this kind of demeanor in other people over the years.

This person is extremely young, at most only a year or two older than Ye Chen himself.

At such an age, he has shown such a demeanor. There is no need to question the excellence of this person. Anyone who stands in front of him will feel ashamed. It is a silent sense of oppression!
Ye Chen raised his eyebrows lightly, looked at him, and asked again: "Who are you?"

As soon as the words came out, Ye Chen's eyes suddenly trembled slightly. In his mind, he thought of a person, and his voice blurted out: "Lin Yifan!"

A grand event in the Great Deserted City attracted countless young people to participate. Although Ye Chen didn't pay too much attention to the excitement of these people, he had his own information, and it fell into his hands continuously.

Among all the people who rose to fame, only Lin Yifan was whom Ye Chen had never met.

The person in front of him is so elegant, Ye Chen believes that in the entire Great Wilderness City, except for Lin Yifan, there is no one else who can use such a performance.

Ye Chen ignored that in the eyes of others, he, Ye Chen, was equally outstanding.

Maybe he doesn't have the demeanor of a born king like the man in front of him, but the flashing determination in the corners of Ye Chen's eyebrows and eyes is undoubtedly equally attractive.

Ye Chen never expected that Lin Yifan would let him see him in this way tonight.

Unexpected things will always make people feel shocked. Lin Yifan's actions, naturally, also made Ye Chen wonder in his heart, what is the former's real intention?
"During this period of time, what has been echoing in my ears is Ye Chen, what happened to you. I saw it with my own eyes today, and it is really as rumored. It is unforgettable."

The young man smiled gently, he never denied it, but he didn't seem to admit that he was Lin Yifan.

"Brother Lin has won the prize. If you talk about the dragon among men, I think there may be only one person in the northern continent who can compare with you." Ye Chen also clasped his fists and laughed, regardless of whether the person in front of him admitted it He already thought he was Lin Yifan.

And in his mind, another name emerged, that name, Ni Cangtian!
Already known as the northern continent, Ni Cangtian, No. 1 of the younger generation, is able to, and will not feel ashamed in front of Lin Yifan.

"You mean that Ni Cangtian who has been famous for many years?"

The young man smiled lightly, and said: "As for the Nine Heavens Condor, Ni Cangtian may have the qualifications, but if you want to say that the dragon among men, Ni Cangtian may be a little worse."

"Oh? I would like to hear the details!"

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows, but he never expected that in Lin Yifan's mind, he would have such an evaluation of Ni Cangtian.And Lin Yifan even used the word 'maybe'. . . .
"Ni Cangtian is a person who is born with an innate talent and has the Cang Pavilion as his backing. It is not unusual or surprising that he can achieve today's achievements."

The young man went on to say: "With his talent and background, in the future, he might be able to become No. 1 in this northern continent!"


The young man changed the subject and said: "This person is too arrogant and self-righteous. He thinks that no one can stand shoulder to shoulder with him in this world. In the eyes of others, he has the right to be arrogant. This is a fact, but such arrogance must be affected his mind."

"When the martial arts have not yet reached a high level, there is nothing wrong with such a heart, but if it goes on for a long time, his arrogance will bring him a fatal blow!"

"Can't tolerate failure?" Ye Chen's heart trembled, and he suddenly understood this point. A person who can't tolerate failure will never be able to truly succeed.

"That's right, it's just that failure can't be tolerated!"

There was a hint of sneer in the eyes of the young man: "One's life will not go smoothly, and there will always be ups and downs. Only by enduring failures can one understand the value of success. But this truth is understood by God, but it is not Take it to heart, because he is too arrogant, too cold, and too ruthless!"

"Since the talent was revealed, Ni Cangtian has never been disadvantaged and has never failed, whether it is in the battle inside the Cang Pavilion or with others. Therefore, as long as he fails once, he will completely sink in this life."

The young man smiled faintly: "It's not that I underestimated Ni Cangtian, and I can't blame him for that, but his living environment, while creating him, also ruined him to a certain extent."

Ye Chen nodded thoughtfully, but suddenly his eyes changed, and he said: "If... if the Ni Cang Tian Jing failed, what should I do?"

"After all, we are not Ni Cangtian, so we can't know for sure that his heart will not tolerate failure!"

Anyone's observations, including Lin Yifan's observations, are just observations, they cannot determine Ni Cangtian's heart, and these observations may not come true!
Arrogant, cold, and ruthless, if Ni Cangtian showed it on purpose?

Hearing this, the young man smiled lightly, and said: "If it is true as you said, he will be just a nine-day eagle, that's all!"

Ye Chen's eyes suddenly tightened!

(End of this chapter)

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