Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 217 Under the Night Sky

Chapter 217 Under the Night Sky

"Ye Chen, have you ever heard a saying that the sky is not against you?"

The young man asked with a smile.

Ye Chen's eyes flickered lightly. In the Great Wilderness City, he heard a saying that the sky is endless, but the sky is reversible!
This is the word to describe against heaven!
"The sky is endless, but the sky is reversible! But the sky, is it really reversible?"

The young man sneered, and said: "Every warrior in the world is pursuing power. While being powerful, they constantly break through their own limits, prolong their lifespan, and possess great supernatural powers. Therefore, they all think that warriors , this is a group of people who act against the sky."

"Heaven, is it really reversible?"

The young man looked up at the vast starry sky and said: "The heaven and the earth are eternal. Even though countless years have passed and the sea has become mulberry fields, this is still the earth. Has the earth changed into another name?"

"The sky is above, has the sky ever changed because of any one person? Countless people in the world are against the sky, and the sky, how has it ever been reversed? The sky is still the sky, and the earth is still the earth."

"The so-called against the sky... that's just an excuse given by the warriors."

The young man said indifferently: "Ni Cangtian is too high-minded, named Cangtian Reversible, his ambition is very advisable, in this world, there are few people who have shown their inner ambition like this, but when the ambition cannot be achieved... Ye Chen, if it were you, how would you feel?"

"do not know!"

Ye Chen frowned, and answered honestly!

Everyone has ambitions in their hearts, the only difference lies in the big and small ambitions!
What ordinary people want is food and clothing, three meals a day, and a stable livelihood.

Those with greater aspirations want fame and fame so that they can be rich and powerful, but they don't want to be superior to others so they can at least not be bullied. . . .Ye Chen also has ambitions!

He never thought that he would become a big man in this world!

When he was a child, he had an outstanding cultivation talent. He thought that with his own efforts, he would lead the Ye family together with his father to become the only overlord of Da Luo City, and then make the Ye family famous in the Lingcang Continent.

During the decadent three years, what he thought was to restore his cultivation talent as soon as possible so that he could avenge his parents.

Today, what Ye Chen thinks about is revenge. After revenge, he brings Mei Aoxue back to find Shuang'er, and after helping Zixiao dissolve the Tianxuan poison body, he returns to the mountains and forests, and is at ease from now on!

Ye Chen's ignorance is not because he really doesn't know, but because he doesn't know, what should he do and what will happen to him when these wishes are not fulfilled?
If she really can't find Shuang'er, Zixiao's Tianxuan poison body can't be resolved, and she can't live together with Mei Aoxue. . . .Ye Chen really doesn't know how he will face this world and these facts if this time really comes true!


Ye Chen understood the meaning of Lin Yifan's words!
"Ni Cangtian is too ambitious. Although his talent and potential make him think that he should have such an ambition, but I don't know if Ni Cangtian deliberately ignored it, or he was too arrogant, or his self-confidence , far beyond our imagination, on the northern continent, it is difficult to find a single person who can rival him, but it does not mean that in this world, he is the brightest against the sky."

"There are people beyond people, and there is heaven beyond the sky. Ni Cangtian is indeed outstanding, but he will never be the best person!"

The young man said solemnly: "The sky is irreversible! When Ni Cangtian understands this truth, his martial arts path will stop at the time when he understands it, and he will never be able to move forward throughout his life!"

"Ye Chen, don't think my words are groundless. When I asked you just now, even you said you didn't know. How could you possibly know?"

"Brother Lin, I didn't expect that you would have such a high opinion of me!" Ye Chen said with a smile, but his heart was dark.

"Marven Ye!"

The young man smiled: "I have no intention of promoting you, because you are qualified, let me promote you."

"You are a dragon among men! In Ni Cangtian, I can't see him being as firm and clear as you! Your path has too many thorns, so you are firm, and you are also very clear. After this step Then, what is the next step.”

"Your road is full of challenges everywhere, and it seems difficult, but only in this way can you walk more steadily, one step at a time, if you take a few footprints in one step, these footprints will be like a flash in the pan, doomed to not last long."

Looking at Ye Chen, the young man said word by word: "As for these, Ni Cangtian doesn't have them!"

"He may be able to become a condor, and be able to soar above the nine heavens, but he will never become a real dragon. He doesn't have the tenacity to persevere, and he doesn't know what he really wants!"

"So, he can only be an eagle, and cannot become a real dragon!"

Ye Chen was stunned, Lin Yifan's words caused a shocking wave in his heart, he had to admit Lin Yifan's excellence, the two of them met for the first time today, but in the eyes of the latter, he actually regarded himself like this thorough.

Perhaps before this, Lin Yifan had studied himself in detail, but there are too many people who pay attention to himself, and it is impossible for others to have such a clear and thorough understanding of himself.

The sky is irreversible, because the sky has always existed and never changed!
Apart from Lin Yifan, how many people really understood this truth?

Such a person, if he is a friend, will be his great luck, but if he is an enemy. . . .Ye Chen knew that Lin Yifan was much more terrifying than Ni Cangtian!
Although it is said that people can see through others, they may not be able to understand themselves. Lin Yifan knows what other people want, but he may not be able to truly understand what he himself needs.

However, he can calmly talk about the No.1 of the younger generation in the northern continent like this in front of another person. If Lin Yifan doesn't understand himself, it's hard to believe!
After thinking up to this point, Ye Chen asked: "It's so late, brother Lin, you brought me here because you wanted to tell me what kind of person Ni Cangtian is in your eyes, right?"

The young man smiled and said, "Your question is a bit abrupt. Haven't you been sending people to look for me all this time?"

Ye Chen was taken aback, and then smiled: "From this point of view, I am being abrupt."

"It is true that I have been looking for you, and the reason for looking for you is very simple, that is, I hope to make friends with you." Ye Chen said solemnly.

"Friend, I need it too! But Ye Chen, if you want to be friends with me, what you value is my strength and potential, as well as my current position?" The young man asked with a smile.

"Not bad!"

Ye Chen did not deny it: "If you are just outstanding, and not one of the four commanders under Wufang City, maybe I also want to be friends with you, but I will never be so eager."

The young man narrowed his eyes slightly, and said: "You are very direct and frank, and you should not have to worry about making friends with someone like you. In our friendship, there will be the word 'betrayal', but Ye Chen, you Did you know that making friends with someone like you can be extremely stressful?"

Ye Chen smiled lightly, and said: "Other people may feel pressured by this, but I believe that you should not."

The young man smiled, but shook his head: "You don't know, my pressure is only on top of other people!"

"What do you mean?"

Ye Chen frowned. The same two people should have better topics and pursuits. Correspondingly, if there is pressure, they should also become motivation. Ye Chen really doesn't understand what Lin Yifan said.

"One day, you will understand what I mean." The young man smiled.

Ye Chen frowned slightly, and said, "Then what you mean now is that you don't want to be friends with me."

"Indeed!" The young man did not deny it at all.

A bright light flashed across his eyes quickly, and Ye Chen said in a deep voice: "Then can I understand that if you can't be friends, you are enemies?"

Everyone in the Great Wilderness knows that the relationship between Ye Chen, Xu Baxian, and Yang Jun may not be at odds, but there will be a moment when there will be a desperate duel, unless the Lord of the Great Wilderness reappears and suppresses everything forcibly.

And even if the Great Wilderness suppressed these things, Ye Chen, Xu Baxian, and Yang Jun could not become friends in the same trench.

It is still impossible to judge when the Great Desolate Lord will appear. Before that, both sides are enemies.

Lin Yifan is under Wufang City, one of the four commanders, if they don't become friends, then. . . .

The young man said lightly, "Whether it's a friend or an enemy, there may be another choice between you and me, but at the moment, maybe as you said, we can only be enemies."

"At the moment? Young Master of the Wilderness?"

Ye Chen said calmly, although he never thought that he would become an enemy with Lin Yifan, but he would never, because the latter is an enemy, and he was a little flustered. After many years of experience, Ye Chen's emotions are by no means what others want. Can be easily de-fluctuated.

"Young Master of the Great Wilderness, the future Lord of the Great Wilderness, this identity is too attractive. I never thought that I am a saint, and I can have no desires and no desires. Therefore, we are enemies now!" The young man said lightly.

There are still competitors between friends and enemies, but the battle for the young master of the Great Desolation has always been a life-and-death struggle, so there are no competitors at all, because everyone who participates in it is an enemy.

People from the same team are no exception. It is precisely this that makes this competition seem difficult.

Hearing this, Ye Chen's expression became more calm: "I will not give up my identity as the young master of the wilderness, so let us compete in Burial Soul Valley!"


"Wait a minute." The young man smiled and said, "Ye Chen, you don't want to know why I lured you out tonight?"

"Appreciate further details!"

The young man smiled and said, "I want to advance the final battle in the Valley of Burial Souls to tonight!"

"Ye Chen, Lin Yifan, please enlighten me!"

(End of this chapter)

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