Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 218 Lin Yifan

Chapter 218 Lin Yifan

The peaceful atmosphere in the space suddenly became chilly. Lin Yifan was still calm and breezy, but it affected the movement of all air mechanisms in the world!

Ye Chen's eyes shivered slightly: "Brother Lin chose to help Xu Baxian after all, and chose to be my enemy!"

At this moment, he finally admitted that he was Lin Yifan!
Lin Yifan smiled and said: "I didn't choose to be your enemy, let alone help Xu Baxian. Tonight, it's just you and me fighting!"

"This battle can actually be avoided!"

Ye Chen really didn't understand, if Lin Yifan hadn't chosen Xu Baxian, why would he have to fight this battle? Didn't he know that three days later, it would be the competition between the young master of the Great Wilderness, the battle between the two of them, no matter what the outcome, would definitely affect their future. His performance in the Valley of Burying Souls resulted in him losing the qualification for the final competition, so it is not impossible.

Lin Yifan is a smart person, how could he do such an unwise thing.

"This battle is inevitable, because for me, this battle has great significance!"

Lin Yifan laughed softly: "As for your worries, there is absolutely no need for it!"

"In the huge wilderness city, there are indeed talented people, and there are countless outstanding young generations, such as Qin Shi, Lin Shu and others, but these people are more than enough to become the lord of a certain city in the wilderness, but that supreme status is not something they can get their hands on of."

"Even if you and I are seriously injured, we are still the real dragons who look down on the nine heavens and ten earths. How can they be moved?"

At this moment, Lin Yifan's expression showed a strong confidence and a pride that ordinary people don't have!

Ye Chen's eyes narrowed, Lin Yifan never regarded him as a dragon among men due to his excellence against the sky, but now he compares himself and himself to be a dragon among men. . . .This Lin Yifan has so much confidence!
In terms of pride, although Ye Chen has never met Ni Cangtian, but thinking about it, Lin Yifan's arrogance is probably far above Ni Cangtian.

Thinking of Lin Yifan's evaluation and opinion on Ni Cangtian, Ye Chen's heart suddenly became extremely dignified!

Ni Cangtian is just because he is too arrogant, which affects his character. It may be difficult to reach the peak of martial arts, but he, Lin Yifan, is even more arrogant than Ni Cangtian. . . .

Lin Yifan has seen through Ni Cangtian, and he has also seen through himself, so his arrogance?That is to say, at least in terms of state of mind, Lin Yifan is one step ahead of Ni Cangtian.

Lin Yifan can withstand failure, and the big fight he proposed tonight is the best proof!

After more than ten days of wild events, Ye Chen and Lin Yifan are undoubtedly the brightest stars among the countless younger generations. how!

That day, Ye Chen's opponent was Tu Xiong, who was the well-deserved No.1 in the Great Wilderness City and the Spirit Sea Realm!
Although Lin Yifan's battles were extremely exciting and his strength was recognized, but because of the differences in opponents, everyone always felt that Ye Chen's real strength might be higher than Lin Yifan's.

I don't know what Lin Yifan will think in his mind after learning about these guesses, and he doesn't care if he brought up this big war today to tell others that their guesses are not correct.

He can propose this battle, which means that Lin Yifan can accept defeat!

An outstanding person who can accept failure is undoubtedly extremely terrifying.

"Ye Chen, don't think too much, let's fight!"

Lin Yifan took a step slowly, but with this step, the empty land and the vast space seemed to be blown by a hurricane, making this space extremely blurred.

In Ye Chen's eyes, Lin Yifan's figure gradually distorted, and in the end, he seemed to disappear even though he was right in front of him.

The weird senses made Ye Chen step on the ground immediately, and the Chaotic Yin-Yang Art immediately began to work. With him as the center, the energy in the area of ​​dozens of miles began to pour into his body continuously.

Moments later, with the earth-shattering dragon chant resounding, streaks of silver light quickly surged out from around the body, and the space trembled slightly, as if it was splitting apart inch by inch.

Lin Yifan is a formidable enemy, even though he is not as big of a threat as Ni Cangtian now, Ye Chen is not qualified to face Ni Cangtian either!
With Lin Yifan's self-confidence, in the future, in the northern continent, among his peers who can compete with him, there will never be someone who is against heaven. In Ye Chen's heart, Lin Yifan is even more terrifying, whether it is today or in the future !

Facing Lin Yifan, Ye Chen couldn't have the slightest reservation!

Energy poured into the body continuously, and Ye Chen's cultivation did not change at all because of the energy entering, but the feeling of power was getting stronger and stronger.

Especially after the silver light pattern appeared, it seemed to penetrate the world!
"What a wonderful technique!"

Lin Yifan couldn't help admiring. Before the silver light pattern, his brilliance like a bright moon was completely covered up. No wonder, Ye Chen was able to defeat Tu who was at the peak of the Linghai realm with his spiritual source realm. male.

Ye Chen smiled faintly, and said, "If you think about it, Brother Lin won't let me down."

When the words fell, a monstrous fighting spirit swept out like a gust of wind, and the starlight in the sky immediately dimmed almost at the same time, as if to withstand this fighting spirit.

Since this battle was inevitable, Ye Chen also faced it forcefully. In his heart, he might have the intention of competing with Lin Yifan. The latter is extremely good. It is such a good opponent that can make himself more and more powerful.

On the road of life, if all you encounter are mediocrity, how can you become strong yourself?

Lin Yifan obviously knew this too, he laughed out loud, and began to surge in the void bit by bit.


The void trembled slightly. The sharp edge from Lin Yifan was like an indestructible sharp blade. It not only easily destroyed the pressure from the front, but also directly occupied the space where it was located, blocking the surging momentum from the front. .

The two stood opposite each other, but they had clear barriers. The same space was evolved into two different worlds. In their respective worlds, Ye Chen and Lin Yifan were the masters of the world they were in.

So this battle is destined to be extremely exciting, but it's a pity that no one is watching!

Of course, Lin Yifan brought Ye Chen here because he didn't want anyone else. He and the latter had a big battle here.

The two equally compelling auras burst out forcefully from their respective worlds, and collided with each other at the very middle point!
There was no impact sound at the scene, but there was an invisible ripple, which quickly spread in all directions, and the two auras, also in the impact, began to gradually weaken.

However, as soon as they weakened, they swarmed out again with a more terrifying momentum.

Different people have different auras!

Lin Yifan was incomparably sharp, with all his demeanor pouring into his aura, he was like a king, majestic and majestic, everything he encountered seemed to be worshiping, the king came!
Ye Chen also has unparalleled sharpness, but his sharpness is more like the rising sun, blooming bit by bit, the strongest light that belongs to him.

In his aura, there is no feeling of a king over the world, but it makes the nothingness above the nine heavens tremble, and the determination shot out between his brows is the king, and everyone is moved by it .

Neither of the two took the initiative to attack, but invisibly, the imposing collision with each other was more dangerous than real swords and guns. It was a kind of spiritual contest and a contest of heart and nature.

If it fails here, it will definitely leave a shadow that will never be erased, which will affect the future path of martial arts, and it is dangerous for outsiders to understand.

High in the sky, a sudden hurricane surged, which was formed by the continuous collision of two auras, resulting in ripples!


At a certain moment, as the hurricane became more and more terrifying, it seemed that the entire space could not bear such a surge of ripples, and with a bang, a violent explosion exploded.

The invisible energy impact smashed the surrounding space in an instant, and the overwhelming shock wave swept towards the two of them crazily. Any obstacles they passed along the way were torn to pieces in an instant.

The figures of Ye Chen and Lin Yifan trembled at the same time, and then they retreated violently, avoiding the energy ripples that rushed towards them like a broken bamboo. The place where the two were originally located, under the wrap of the hurricane, within such a short period of time, a Huge pit.

The faces of the two turned pale at the same time, and their breathing was abnormally heavy. Obviously, the invisible contest just now did not hurt the two of them, but the mental impact was by no means worse than the physical injury.

However, after a while, the two laughed at the same time, and in that laughter, there was a clear and detectable joy!

The invisible confrontation, the terrifying mental attack of getting along with each other, was actually unknowingly, perhaps because of the high concentration of the mind, and entered a state of selflessness, which caused the two of them to feel that in a short period of time, the two of them had breakthroughs one after another in their state of mind. , Far beyond the level of the current cultivation base.

The state of mind is the cultivation of the heart!
This is a process that any martial artist must go through. With the improvement of martial arts, in the process of cultivation, one can understand the nature of the world, communicate with the world, and make himself more integrated with the world.

The reason why masters who have surpassed the realm of martial arts can merge with the heaven and the earth, transform themselves into domains, and achieve a small world is because of the original heart, which communicates with the heavens and the earth.

After Linghai hit the Martial Realm, countless people were stopped here because the perception of the heart was too weak, and another way of saying this kind of perception is that the state of mind is too low!

Now, an invisible contest has caused the two of them to continuously break through their state of mind, far surpassing their current cultivation, which means that it will be easier for them to attack the realm of martial arts in the future, relatively speaking, than others.

Such benefits, how can it not be gratifying!

"Haha, happy!"

Lin Yifan laughed loudly: "Ye Chen, let's really fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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