Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 219 Long Xiao 9 days, I am the only one

Chapter 219 Dragon Roars Nine Heavens, I Am the Only One

The terrible hurricane dissipated, and all the chaos in the space did not weaken because of this!
Under that burst of hearty laughter, the void began to vibrate violently like boiling water, and waves of energy ripples were clearly visible.

The energy rippling all over the sky was actually Lin Yifan's arm. When he reached out his hand in the void, all the energy quickly gathered in his palm, as if turning into a bomb that could explode at any time.

Lin Yifan smiled lightly, on the open palm, the energy light ball was quietly floating!

The spiritual power surging in the energy light ball alone is already extremely terrifying. There is no doubt that if the energy light ball is bombarded, the power it transforms into will be able to destroy a small city. .

However, what is really terrifying is not the energy light ball itself, but——In the suspended light ball, suddenly, a small sword about an inch in size, with the tip of the sword pointing downward, in the energy light ball, quickly spinning.

The horror of the energy light sphere itself all comes from this small sword!
"Ye Chen, when I was fighting for the position of leader of Wufang City, this sword never appeared before, but you are qualified to let it appear in the world!" Lin Yifan laughed, and there was extremely strong self-confidence in the laughter .

"How lucky I am!"

Ye Chen also smiled faintly, silver light patterns surged all over his body, and in an instant, a total of 21 light patterns shone around his body like stars.

His strength was even stronger than when he fought Tu Xiong that day.The strength of this point has nothing to do with the improvement of cultivation base!
"This sword is called the Mountain and River Sword!"

Lin Yifan looked at the little sword as if he looked at Ye Chen, and said, "In the eyes of ordinary people, the Shanhe Sword may be a magical weapon because it is sharp enough. In the eyes of us warriors, it is only sharp."

Even in the energy light ball, Ye Chen could still feel that there was no spirituality on the blade of the Shanhe Sword, that is to say, in the eyes of warriors, it was just an ordinary sharp weapon.

However, it is such an ordinary sharp weapon, but it creates such horror!
"When I started to practice swords, it was with me. It has been with me for more than ten years. In my heart, it is no longer a sword. It is my most loyal partner, brother, relative!"

"Although it is made of ordinary iron, in my lonely years, it seemed to understand what I said, and I could feel that it was communicating with me, it was comforting me, and it was able to make me feel better. In the lonely years, I have come to today step by step.”

When the voice came, Ye Chen's expression trembled uncontrollably!

Fantie is Fantie, just like a crow, it will never become a phoenix!

However, in Lin Yifan's hands, Fan Tie, who was like a crow, actually turned into a phoenix.

Ye Chen doesn't know how Lin Yifan got here these years, and even more so, how Fantie can be turned into a terrifying treasure, but he knows that the Mountain and River Sword in Lin Yifan's palm is Lin Yifan's life!

Lin Yifan used his own life to endow the Shanhe Sword with life, making the Shanhe Sword possess a much more terrifying power than ordinary treasures, and this power will become stronger and stronger as time goes by!
At this moment, Ye Chen, who had always only admired his father Ye Tianxiang, admired Lin Yifan from the bottom of his heart!

People in this world, perhaps, only Lin Yifan can do such a miraculous thing. No wonder, he can become one of the four commanders of Wufang City, and Ye Chen has no doubt that if Lin Yifan challenges the four heavenly armies Among them, any leader, he can win the final victory, even if the opponent is Tu Xiong, he will still be defeated by Lin Yifan with hatred!

Because Lin Yifan has walked out of his own unique 'Tao'!
In this world of the future, there will definitely be an unrivaled powerhouse named Lin Yifan, and the light of this unrivaled powerhouse will definitely not be weaker than anyone else!
"I once used it to evolve boundless mountains and rivers with one sword, so it is called Mountains and Rivers Sword, and that sword was also named by me, Boundless Mountains and Rivers, I am the only one!"

"Today, this sword is only for you!"

When the words fell, the slap-sized energy light ball quietly burst open, and the infinite energy contained in it did not disperse in all directions, but stayed in place, waiting. . . .

The crisp sword chant resounded through the starry sky while waiting for infinite energy.

When this sound reverberated in the starry sky, the vast starry sky was suddenly darkened. No one would suspect that if the scorching sun was shining in the sky at this moment, its light would also be eclipsed by the sound of the sword chant.

The Mountain and River Sword is still an inch long, and when it appeared in the space between heaven and earth, that unparalleled sharpness seemed to be suppressed for a long time, and it was released at this moment to its heart's content.

That side of the void was forcibly divided into two halves directly under the fierce sword intent!

The sword came out of Nanshan, and the sky shook!
The sword intent was swaying in the endless, Ye Chen suddenly saw that the surrounding space around the mountain and river sword seemed to be changing drastically, as if it was separated from the real world and became Lin Yifan's own real world.

A top master who has surpassed the Martial Realm can turn into a small world with his own power!

The current Lin Yifan doesn't have the ability to transform into a small world, but this sword is the same process.

Ye Chen couldn't help but admire Lin Yifan. He was only in the Spirit Sea Realm, but he had come into contact with supernatural powers that surpassed the Martial Realm level. It is conceivable that with his talent, he will be able to hit the Martial Realm and even higher realms in the future. When the time comes, the resistance you receive will be much, much smaller than other people.

This sword is called Boundless Mountains and Rivers, I am the only one, and it really lives up to the name!
The sword intent was moving all over the sky, around the Shanhe sword, infinite energy, like flowing water, quickly poured into the Shanhe sword, and immediately, the sword moved lightly, as if it had a spirituality, and rushed to the nine heavens.

"One sword moves mountains and rivers!"

Lin Yifan lightly tapped his finger, and above the Nine Heavens, the body of Shanhe sword turned into thunder, carrying the power of Nine Heavens, and shot down quickly!

As the sword intent passed, the void was forcibly divided into two halves. Now that the sword body of the Shanhe Sword is swept down, its power is naturally even more terrifying. This endless space suddenly turned into nothingness in an instant!

Looking at the mountains and rivers in the distance, Ye Chen exhaled lightly, his peaceful gaze suddenly became extremely fierce!


Accompanied by the sound of dragon's fury, the 21 silver light lines around Ye Chen began to spin crazily, the dazzling light merged rapidly, and the 21 lines of light disappeared, only one of which drove away the starlight around him.

The rays of light are connected together, and in the midair, it seems that a real silver dragon is entrenched, sweeping out crazily with its domineering power!

However, compared to that boundless sword intent, the real dragon seems to be very weak!

Ye Chen took a deep breath, clenched his palm violently, and a burst of spiritual power shot into the real silver dragon.


The real dragon roared, and the dragon's body was hovering, like a real dragon, with its head, body, horns, eyes, claws, and scales. . . .A real dragon suddenly took shape.

On the far side, Lin Yifan's eyes couldn't help but tighten. He knew that Ye Chen possessed some kind of Dragon Clan technique, but he never thought that Ye Chen turned into a real dragon by himself.

There are seven levels of the Cangxuan Dragon Transformation Art, and only after reaching the sixth level can it be transformed into a real dragon!

Ye Chen is only in the Bone Refining Realm now, so he can't transform into a dragon. Therefore, the real silver dragon hovering in the space is illusory and has no real body!
However, if there is no infusion of the last spiritual power, it will be an illusory dragon shape, which cannot be evolved.

In that ray of spiritual power, there is a ray of yin and yang power!
The yin and yang make all things, and determine the universe!
Before that, the yin and yang qi existed in Ye Chen's body, but he couldn't use it, it was only because of the invisible duel with Lin Yifan that his mental state was greatly improved, so that a ray of yin and yang energy was released. , forcibly ingested from a dual source point.

The illusory real dragon, hovering in mid-air, with bright silver lights, like the light of nine heavenly galaxies, colored the whole world after a short time, and the sound of dragon's anger was beyond domineering!
"it is good!"

When that illusory real dragon, with its overlord posture, was proud of the world, Lin Yifan couldn't help but shouted "Hello" with that domineering demeanor, and only with such an offensive would Lin Yifan not be disappointed, otherwise Well, today's battle is meaningless to him.

In the sky, the swords of the mountains and rivers are sharp. With a single sword, not only is there nothingness in the space, but also in that space, countless worlds have evolved. Although these worlds disappear in an instant like a flash in the pan, they were once real. appeared.

In mid-air, the silver real dragon surged unparalleled and domineering, the dragon's might filled the sky, not destroying, but making all living beings surrender, the light was like lightning, and when it swept towards the sky, it directly penetrated the void.


The Shanhe sword went from top to bottom, and the silver real dragon went from bottom to top, and finally collided with each other in a space.

At this moment, under the starry sky, it seemed that brilliant fireworks erupted, and a cloud of smoke appeared out of thin air, covering the entire darkness.

In the depths of the silent Moyuan Mountains!
Suddenly a burly figure rushed out and stayed in the sky, and not long after that, one after another figure appeared quickly.

"Demon King!"

The demon king nodded slightly, and looked into the distance, where he clearly captured the brilliant smoke.

The rest of the monsters, even if their cultivation is extraordinary, have the realm of martial arts, but they can't see what the monster king saw. However, with the help of the monster king's power, they can't see it, but they can vaguely sense it.

These powerful monsters, after a while, let out a loud roar. They sensed that the dragon's power was too strong and the sword intent was too strong. Even with their cultivation base, they could not control their minds and ignore the dragon's power and sword. meaning!

"In such a short period of time, Brother Yechen has been able to exert the spirit of the real dragon to such an extent. I really admire him. Long Xiao Jiutian, he indeed has the qualification to dominate the Jiutian, and that sword!"

"The sword that is my only one!"

(End of this chapter)

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