Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 220 Above the Peak

Chapter 220 Above the Peak
Under the starry sky, a cloud of smoke was so bright that even the starry sky was completely covered up.

However, no one will ever see that under such a starry sky, there will be bright clouds of smoke rising, bursting out with extremely dazzling light, and breaking out in terrible chaos, even Xu Baxian!
The Shanhe sword has no color, so the only thing shining in the sky is silver light!

Dazzling silver light, sweeping out like overwhelming, the ultimate domineering power, like a stormy wave rushing madly, amidst the howling sound, the space burst open one by one, only the inch-long Mountain River Sword, unparalleled The sharpness remained the same, passing through the bursting space, continuously melting away the domineering power.

Wrapped in the galaxy-like light, Shanhe Sword slashed down, and the colorless sword light that almost pierced the entire world finally collided with the silver illusory vacuum that burst from it!


The silver light that shone brighter than the blazing sun shattered like glass in an instant. In it, the huge illusory real dragon, no matter how mighty the dragon might be, was in chaos. quickly disappeared.

Although Ye Chen hadn't felt the sharpness of the Mountain and River Sword yet, he already understood through the Illusory True Dragon that as long as Lin Yifan's cultivation level is sufficient, there is nothing in this world that can resist the latter's sword .

A sword moving mountains and rivers not only moves Lin Yifan's strength, but also the sharpness of the mountains and rivers sword itself. This ordinary iron, which has been nurtured by Lin Yifan for more than ten years, is not a treasure, but it is better than a treasure.

Ye Chen has no doubts that the sharpness of the Shanhe Sword itself is enough to scare most experts in the Spirit Sea Realm!
However, Shanhe Sword is indeed very sharp, and Lin Yifan is also extremely good. Ye Chen is also confident that this silver illusory real dragon that contains both yin and yang energy will never be useless under Shanhe Sword!

When the illusory real dragon could no longer maintain its original form under the power of the Mountain and River Sword, it exploded completely with a bang.

Although the dragon's body exploded, the dragon's power did not disappear because of it. On the contrary, the wave of power became even more terrifying. While the mighty energy ripples enveloped the world, the colorless sword glow from the Mountain and River Sword disappeared as quickly as the wind and go.

"Peng, Peng!"

The colorless sword light and the illusory real dragon dissipated in the void, and the dazzling silver light was swallowed by the night sky in an instant, and the starry sky reappeared in the sky, but it was still a little blurry.

Ye Chen and Lin Yifan let out a muffled snort at the same time, and they both retreated violently. In the sky, a shooting star also flew backwards at the same time, and landed in Lin Yifan's palm. It was the Mountain and River Sword!
At this moment, the Shanhe sword no longer feels sharp, as if it was severely injured in the attack just now!
Of course, this kind of severe injury is not a serious problem for Shanhe Sword, as long as Lin Yifan survives, even if Shanhe Sword breaks, it will be repaired in a very short time.

"Ye Chen, you are very good!"

Looking into the distance, although the figure of the young man was blurry, in Lin Yifan's eyes, it was exceptionally clear. In the eyes of others, the very simple fight had already made Lin Yifan realize the former's true strength.

Before that, Lin Yifan had already recognized Ye Chen, but only now did he recognize Ye Chen!

Recognition and identification, at some point, are two completely different concepts!

Ye Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and Lin Yifan's voice made him hear a sense of relief, and besides that, there were many complex and inexplicable things that Ye Chen could not understand.

In short, at this time, Ye Chen felt that Lin Yifan seemed to be a different person, without the chicness he had when he first met, as if Lin Yifan had lost something important. . . .
"Brother Lin!"

The two met for the first time, and now the two sides have different positions. I don't know in the future, but at the moment, the two are opponents.

However, it is only an opponent, not an enemy!
Lin Yifan's demeanor and demeanor are all impressive, especially, in the battle just now, although Lin Yifan's fighting spirit was overwhelming and he shot mercilessly, he did not have the slightest killing intent.

As an opponent, of course he deserves respect!

Lin Yifan waved his hand, and said calmly: "Today's battle, regardless of whether we win or lose, has already fulfilled a wish in my heart. See you in Burying Soul Valley in three days' time!"

After speaking, Lin Yifan shot away, his back seemed to have a slight sense of loss, but when he was going away, Ye Chen saw that comfortable chic returned to Lin Yifan's body again.

In other words, in such a short period of time, Lin Yifan had already adjusted his mentality, and he no longer cared about the result of the war just now.

It really is extremely good, no wonder, even Ni Cangtian, in his mouth, is just such an evaluation!
When Lin Yifan was gone, Ye Chen's face immediately turned pale, and blood gushed out from his mouth. The sharp breath of Shanhe Sword, even though the offensive of Shanhe Sword itself was neutralized, still ignored the strength of Ye Chen's physical body, and forcibly injured him. up.

"What a sharp Shanhe Sword, what a terrifying Lin Yifan!"

Ye Chen slowly wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, and a faint smile appeared on his face. Only with such opponents constantly emerging, can one's own martial arts cultivation be able to improve quickly.

"Three days later, in Burial Soul Valley, brother Lin, I look forward to fighting you again!"

The night is still charming, and no one in the huge deserted city knows that not long ago, a short but extremely exciting battle took place a hundred miles outside the city.

At the end of the long street, a person suddenly appeared, and then swept into the magnificent palace at the end like a ghost.

There is a small island in the lake, and in the middle of the island, the dense air is extremely dense. A large amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth pours in from all directions and gathers in the sky above, forming a huge cloud of spiritual energy.


By the lake, a figure loomed from a distance, and respectfully called out to the small island in the middle of the lake.If Ye Chen was there, he would have found that this figure was Lin Yifan.

"came back?"

In the small island, there was a flat voice immediately.

"Yes!" Lin Yifan responded with a bow.

"How is the result?"

In the plain voice, suddenly filled with a touch of terrible majesty, as if he was angry.

"Returning to the master, the disciple didn't win him." Lin Yifan replied again, his expression did not change the slightest because of the anger in his plain voice.

"Didn't win? You're telling me that you didn't lose, right?"

Hearing this, Lin Yifan smiled wryly, and said: "Master, although this disciple does not admit that he lost to Ye Chen, but for this disciple, if he cannot win against Ye Chen, he is already a loser."


Hearing the faint disappointment in Lin Yifan's words, the plain voice immediately came out: "Among your peers, you are already extremely outstanding, otherwise, I wouldn't have spent so much effort on you as a teacher, Not to mention not letting you live alone when you were young, as the teacher has placed a lifetime of hope in you."

"Yifan, in this world, it is inevitable that people will be compared. There is no one who is the best, only people who are more outstanding."

"Disciple knows!"

Lin Yifan said: "When I decided to fight Ye Chen, this disciple had already made mental preparations, because I believed in Master's vision, but to be honest, Master, this disciple didn't think that the position of Young Master Dahuang , suitable for Ye Chen!"

"I understand this point as a teacher, but at the moment, Ye Chen is the only suitable candidate. Moreover, in your heart, the position of the young master of the wilderness, or even the master of the wilderness, is your lifelong goal?"

Lin Yifan smiled, revealing a touch of pride: "Life is alive, since when an eagle strikes the sky, my disciple's gaze, of course, is not limited to the northern continent..."

"Since this is the case, why do you care about Ye Chen and you? You have different paths, so you don't need to care about his excellence. Your future is also something that others cannot copy, and neither can Ye Chen. Above the peak, after all What kind of scenery is it, Yifan, what you see will never be the same as what Ye Chen sees."

In a flat voice, he said earnestly.

Lin Yifan's eyes were shocked, and he said, "Thank you, Master, for your teaching!"

What kind of scenery is on the top of the peak? Everyone will see different things. . . .There were so many words spoken in a flat voice, only this sentence was what Lin Yifan really listened to in his heart.

Above the peak, there will naturally be ups and downs, and the scenery in the sky, if you think about it, is not the same. Even after reaching the peak, everyone's opportunities and paths are different, and the achievements on the peak will of course be different.

Hearing this sentence, he didn't feel anything special, but Lin Yifan understood a sentence from it, martial arts, there is no end!

Who can guarantee that the peak is the end?
Since the peak will not be the end, even after reaching the peak, martial arts will continue!


The flat voice said with a relieved smile: "In the Valley of the Burial Soul, perform well. Although Ye Chen is the young master of the wilderness that the teacher is optimistic about, if you can win this position from him, the teacher will be even happier."


Lin Yifan was taken aback by such a sentence.

He hummed coldly in a flat voice, and said: "Master, I know Xu Ba too well. If he doesn't have ambitions, it's fine. Now that he has ambitions, how can he give up so willingly, and the one who is about to get it is superior?"

"But master, how can the rules of the Great Deserted City be changed?"

"Why can't it be changed?"

The flat voice snorted and laughed: "The rules within the rules can be changed, so Yifan, never underestimate Xu Baxian. Back then, the reason why he lost was not because he didn't have enough strength and scheming. Losing is just because of bad luck."


Even though Lin Yifan was as smart as the sea, he didn't quite understand what this luck really meant.

"Go ahead, you'll find out later..."

(End of this chapter)

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