Chapter 221
"Master Ye, you?"

Three days later, when they saw Ye Chen, Jin Ling and the others felt their expressions tense. Ye Chen was in the same place, but his mental state was worrying.

No one knew that Ye Chen had once fought against Lin Yifan, so they naturally didn't know why Ye Chen's condition looked so bad.

Although Shanhejian's sword intent is not domineering, it is extremely fierce. Even with the help of yin and yang energy, although Shanhejian's sword intent is resolved, it still cannot return to its normal state within three days.

"I'm fine, don't worry!"

Ye Chen said with a smile, he also believed that Lin Yifan's condition would not be much better than his own.

After Jin Ling looked at Ye Chen attentively for a few times, he was slightly relieved, turned around and walked towards Wufang City together with Ye Chen.

The battle for the young master of the Great Wilderness is definitely the most important event in the Great Wilderness City. Therefore, in terms of excitement, it may not be as good as the previous battle for the number of people in the Moyuan Mountain Castle. Looking forward to it.

As people from the wilderness, they really want to know who the future master of this huge force is!

However, although they are looking forward to it, most people have locked their target after they know who will participate in the battle of the young master of the wilderness.

On the huge square of Wufang City, more than 180 young and talented people from more than 180 cities gathered together, full of vigor and vitality!

Xu Baxian will not go back on things that have already been decided. Therefore, after he appeared, he was also extremely straightforward. First, after explaining to everyone the rules of the battle for the young master of the Great Wilderness, he immediately decided to make a decision with the city lords. Candidates for each team.

Ye Chen didn't listen to these words. Everyone present already knew the so-called rules, and they were just like Ye Chen, looking at everyone in the square.

Among these people, a small number of people will become comrades-in-arms in future struggles, and more people will be opponents, or even enemies.

Ye Chen looked directly at Lin Yifan, it was the first time he showed up on such a grand occasion today, and after his identity was known, he naturally received more attention.

Sure enough, as Ye Chen guessed, Lin Yifan's spirit was also not very good.

Facing Ye Chen's gaze, Lin Yifan also looked over, and after a while, the two looked at each other and smiled, their respective smiles contained strong confidence.

What Lin Yifan represents should be Wufang City, but what is strange is that Qin Shi is actually among these people.

According to the rules, a city can only have one quota, which is for the sake of fairness, but there are actually two quotas in Wufang City. . . .When Lin Yifan looked at Xu Baxian, his eyes didn't change, but there was a chill in his heart.

This old fox is really able to change the rules at will under the rules!

Since the city lords did not object, it can be seen how far Xu Baxian's influence has reached.

In the battle for the young master of the Great Wilderness, each team has five people, and the candidates for each team are not appointed by anyone, but depend on luck and draw lots!

In front of the square, there is a huge box. Everyone can get a number from the box. Five people with the same number will form a team by themselves.

Whether this method is fair or not, Ye Chen doesn't know for the time being, in order to target him, Xu Baxian may use tricks in the process, so that the other four people in his team are all under Xu Baxian's control .

But it doesn't matter, Ye Chen has thought about this a long time ago. If this is the case, although the team will lose points if it is not organized, the absolute strength is enough to make anyone shut up!
When Ye Chen and Lin Yifan looked at each other and smiled knowingly at the same time, he already felt a great fighting spirit from the latter, Lin Yifan was asking him to fight!
This kind of engagement has nothing to do with anyone else, that is to say, the final person can only be Ye Chen and Lin Yifan, so before that, all other people must be eliminated in the Valley of the Burial Soul .

Of course, if the other four in the team sincerely want to cooperate, Ye Chen will lead them to the end!
Ye Chen never underestimated his opponents, but he would not lower himself too much. In front of Lin Yifan, the only way to respect him is to show his strongest strength. Likewise, he also respects himself.

Such an opponent is too rare!
After everyone drew a number from the box and returned to their original positions, Xu Baxian's thick voice rang in everyone's ears before the square.

"The battle for the young master of the Great Desolation is related to the future of my Great Desolation City, so please do your best and show your strongest strength to prove that you have obtained this qualification this time, which is worthy of the name."

"Among you, there is only one young master of the Great Desolation, but you are all the future pillars of my Great Desolation City. There is only one young master, but there are more than 180 city masters waiting for you. Such experience cannot avoid casualties, but The old man asks you, no matter what, you must leave a glimmer of life for your opponents, and the loss of any one of you is something that I, the Great Deserted City, cannot afford to lose."

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows slightly. In the same experience in the past, there was no such statement. It seems that Xu Baxian has also been more cautious, so as not to cause too many casualties and incalculable losses to the younger generation under his hands!
But such caution also reflected another problem. Deep down in his heart, Xu Baxian had already regarded himself as the future Lord of the Great Wilderness, so at this time, he needed to win over people's hearts.

Almost everyone present, Ye Chen has no grievances with them, people will not offend me, I will not offend, if it is not necessary, Ye Chen does not want to kill people, making too many enemies in the deserted city, it will not be good for him to control the deserted city in the future.

"The situation in Burial Soul Valley, I believe that you have already understood it before you came, so I won't say more. This old man and the city lords are waiting for you at the exit of Burial Soul Valley!"

"Finally, I would like to say one more thing. Each of you is an existence that the Great Deserted City cannot afford to lose. Therefore, before doing anything, you must think carefully about the consequences, and this consequence, is it right? You can afford it!"

"Now, go!"


A group of figures, under the leadership of Xu Baxian, quickly rushed towards the Burial Soul Valley!
When the mighty crowd passed through the air, one after another scorching gazes were continuously projected from all over the Great Wilderness City. In the scorching heat, they showed deep envy and longing!
These 180 people are the most outstanding young generation in the Great Wilderness City. Their status may not be obvious today, but no one doubts that in the future, they will definitely be one of the masters of this huge city.

Of course, everyone knew in their hearts that whether they could achieve that level of achievement depended on whether they could leave the Valley of Burying Souls alive.

Under the leadership of Xu Baxian and others, soon, the so-called Burial Soul Valley seemed to be at the end of sight, far away!

Looking at the fuzzy space ahead, everyone, including Xu Baxian himself, felt a sense of solemnity, the degree of danger there was unbearable.

Xu Ba took the lead. After watching for a while, he turned around and said to the crowd, "Keep in mind the numbers you have drawn, enter the Burial Soul Valley, and immediately form your own teams."

"Remember, during the period between entering Soul Burial Valley and leaving, the five people in the team are your most loyal partners. You can abandon anything, but your respective partners must never give up."

When the words fell, in Xu Baxian's hand, Lingyu shot out continuously, and fell into everyone's hands, one for each!
Surrounded by perception, a clear message emerges from the spirit jade, and this message is the task that everyone should complete.

Ye Chen scanned it briefly, and after remembering the necessities of the mission, he casually put away the Lingyu. Although he was calm, his mind was agitated.

The necessities of the task are not ordinary items, and there are several of them. If Ye Chen is required to complete them alone, it may be difficult to complete them. I don’t know if Xu Baxian will play tricks on this aspect, but I think he probably won’t .

A small team of five entered the Valley of the Burial Soul. The other four in the team also had to obtain the quest items, and then they would know what the other people's quest items were. By comparing the two, they would know whether Xu Baxian would be able to do so. Can use hands and feet.

Ye Chen really hoped that Xu Ba would play some tricks here first!
Those who want to become a great business must have a broad mind. There have always been kings and overlords, conspiracies and tricks, but they will never use some small tricks that are not popular.

If Xu Baxian really used these small tricks, Ye Chen can guarantee the position of Lord of the Wilderness, even if he sits on it, he will not be able to sit still, and he won't sit for long!
"Are you all ready?" Xu Baxian shouted in a deep voice.

"All right!"

Hundreds of voices shook the world.

They are all young people with passion in their hearts. Although many people have self-knowledge in their hearts, that high position is impossible for them to obtain, however. . . .

Not being able to get that position does not mean that they cannot display what they have learned all their lives, and cannot shine their strength and light on such occasions.

Moreover, even if it is not their turn to sit in that position, the fact that they are able to enter Burying Soul Valley and participate in this experience already shows that they have the qualifications.

Since you have such qualifications, why did you give up before the battle?

So, no matter what the result is, the process is not over yet, so we should head towards that throne and walk step by step. Even if we still fail in the end, it proves that we have worked hard and will not regret it in the future. !
Young people are impulsive, but it is precisely because of their impulsiveness that they will leave the most passionate moment in their long life and become their best memory and glory forever!
"Then please!"

Xu Ba turned sideways first, no longer the appearance of No. 1 in the Great Wilderness City, he is respectfully inviting everyone to enter the Valley of Burying Souls!

(End of this chapter)

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