Chapter 222

In the east of the Great Wilderness, more than three hundred miles away, there is a huge area. In terms of area alone, it will not be much smaller than the Moyuan Mountain Range, and the resources are quite rich. Above the deserted city.

But this place is only a few hundred miles away from Moyuan Mountain and Dahuang City. These two great powers have never tried to take it as their own!
Because, this huge area is filled with an extremely terrifying energy aura.

Although such energy aura cannot prevent powerful masters, such as martial arts masters, from entering, but because of too long time, all creatures living in this area have some kind of unknown energy because of these energy auras. The changes made these creatures extremely powerful.

The most frightening thing is that it has been closed for too long, so that you are too unfamiliar with this area. If you enter it rashly, even a martial arts master will not dare to say it, and you can walk out of it unscathed.

This place is the Valley of Burying Souls!

Logically speaking, a huge area should not be called a valley. This is because, in such a huge area, there is only one road from the beginning to the end, which runs through the entire area, just like a long canyon.

Of course, the road is at your feet, as long as you have the strength, you can still reach the other shore after crossing the mountains, but in that case, the degree of danger is unpredictable.

For many years, the top masters of the two major forces, Moyuan Mountain and Dahuangcheng, have personally verified the danger of Burial Soul Valley. That is how the name Burial Soul Valley came into being. , the vitality that exists.

Otherwise, how could the battlefield of the Great Desolation Young Master's battle be placed in such a dangerous place?
It's just that although there is vitality, there are more, and there are still terrible crises. Everyone who enters it must maintain extreme caution and fight with all kinds of creatures in Burial Soul Valley with a high degree of concentration. In the end, if they can Leaving alive, not to mention the foreign objects obtained, will also greatly improve one's own strength.

Therefore, although Burial Soul Valley is dangerous, it is still an excellent opportunity to practice!
Under this space, the extremely strong and terrifying energy atmosphere makes the whole land seem to be shrouded in nothingness. Looking around, although the land is also full of vitality, it gives people a different kind of desolation. It seems to exist in chaos.

In particular, on the vast and seemingly endless land, terrifying abysses crisscrossed and criss-crossed, and these abysses were not naturally generated by nature, but more like here, after a terrible war from ancient times to the present, the result.

In the space, long and desolate breaths from ancient times reverberated, and the feeling of brokenness everywhere added to the crisis in the Burying Soul Valley, which made people tremble.


In the quiet Valley of the Burial Soul, suddenly bursts of sharp wind piercing the air resounded from the far entrance. Not long after, figures rushed over quickly and entered the Valley of the Burial Soul.

This group of people is naturally those in the Great Wilderness City.

Just after entering, everyone here, including Ye Chen and Lin Yifan, frowned, and their eyes immediately became serious. Being in the Burial Soul Valley, those strong energies suppressed themselves to a certain extent.

These suppressions have slowed down the speed of the spiritual power in the body, which means that everyone's strength in the past can only be exerted at most [-]% here.

Burial Soul Valley is inherently dangerous, coupled with the fact that its strength has been suppressed, this experience. . . .
Fortunately, the people present were all the best of the younger generation. After being absent-minded for a while, they gradually began to adapt to the environment here.

The environment has never changed people, and people's ability to adapt to the environment is also unparalleled tenacity.

After more than ten minutes, some people began to walk slowly on this strange land seemingly casually, and they were feeling this world.

As more and more people got used to it, the quiet land finally became lively.

But this is also the strength of everyone. In such a short period of time, there is the most direct distinction between superior and inferior. The stronger the strength, the faster the speed and process of adaptation. Relatively speaking, the weaker ones need Time is more.

Although in the huge crowd, Ye Chen and Lin Yifan still stood out from the crowd. After everyone got used to it, they could see that on the mountain not far away, they were standing side by side, looking at a place farther away.

A series of gazes, with different complexities, projected on the backs of the two of them. They were obviously the weakest in this group of people, but why, they could do better than themselves and others?
In the complex, several killing intents were hidden, and these killing intents were all aimed at the younger figure. Among all the people here, he was the only threat!
"Ye Chen, are your injuries all healed?" On the mountain peak, Lin Yifan asked with a light smile.

"Thank you Brother Lin for remembering, it's not a serious problem, and it won't have the slightest influence." Ye Chen responded casually, feeling even more curious about Lin Yifan's mystery in his heart.

Three days after the war, Lin Yifan still seemed to have disappeared, no one could trace his whereabouts, as if this person did not exist in the Great Wilderness, but he was clearly in the Great Wilderness.

Lin Yifan said indifferently: "Your self-confidence makes me happy, otherwise, Lin's heart will never be at peace."

Ye Chen said with a smile: "I believe Brother Lin's words, so seeing that Brother Lin is still handsome, I feel at ease."

"it is good!"

Lin Yifan nodded, his expression tightened, and he said solemnly: "In Burial Soul Valley, the danger is too great. With your strength and prudence, it is not a big problem to deal with it. However, on this broken land, the most dangerous Yes, it's not those mutated beasts, but, in the eyes, it looks like an inconspicuous little thing."

"Ye Chen, don't let people down here. I'll wait for you at the finish line. The final battle can only be decided by us. If it's another opponent, it will be boring."

"Thank you, brother Lin, for your reminder, but you may not be the one who finally reaches the finish line!" Ye Chen said with a smile while cupping his fists.

Ye Chen never underestimated the Valley of the Burial Soul, and learned something from Jin Ling, but it sounded like Lin Yifan knew more about the Valley of the Burial Soul.

Hearing this, Lin Yifan said with a smile: "Ye Chen, maybe I dare not say anything absolute about other things, but this Burial Soul Valley, among the people present, no one will reach the finish line earlier than me, no matter what bet you make , I will continue."

Such a strong confidence!

Ye Chen's eyes suddenly trembled slightly, as if he had thought of something crucial.

"Okay, all the teams have assembled, and it's time for us to return to the team."

Lin Yifan immediately turned back and looked at the huge crowd. Just as he was about to rush away, he suddenly thought of something, and immediately said, "Ye Chen, do you still remember what I said to you?"


"Three days ago, I said that only you and I are qualified to take the position of the young master of the wilderness. Just now I said that the final decisive battle can only be performed by you and me. Don't forget."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yifan floated down!

Ye Chen was still on the spot, slowly, facing Lin Yifan's back, solemnly clasped his fists, and murmured softly: "Thank you!"

Lin Yifan's words sounded like an expression of self-confidence, but there was a hidden meaning behind them. . . .This made Ye Chen unable not to say thank you to Lin Yifan!
A small team of five was assigned early on. When Ye Chen and Lin Yifan were talking in a low voice on a distant mountain peak, some small teams had already started to set off.

There are too many factors in the battle for the young master of the wilderness. The sooner you start, the better you may be able to seize the opportunity.

When Ye Chen returned, there were only ten people left at the entrance, including himself!

The other team was Lin Yifan's team.

As for Lin Yifan, the other four people in his team didn't feel any dissatisfaction due to the delay caused by his late arrival. In the hearts of these people, Ye Chen was certainly outstanding, but the latter was no different from Wu Huan. Fangcheng is not of one mind.

Lin Yifan glanced over Ye Chen and the others indifferently, keeping the expressions of the four people behind his eyes, without saying anything, he raised his hand, and led his team, quickly darting away into the distance.

There is only one passage through the entire Burial Soul Valley, but everyone entering the Burial Soul Valley does not want to pass through directly, but to complete the task, so there are roads in all directions!
The road is different, the situation will never be the same!
Ye Chen withdrew his gaze from a distance, and immediately fixed on one of them, he had already chosen the direction for himself!
Seeing Ye Chen's expression, the other four people in the team all looked cold, what is this, do they really regard themselves as the captain?

"Ye Chen, we are already a little behind the others, so stop dawdling and decide on the captain. Although you have good strength, you are too young and have insufficient experience, so the captain , don’t be delusional.”

Among the four, a young man walked out and said with a gloomy expression.

And after finishing these words, without giving Ye Chen a chance to speak, he immediately faced the other three people and shouted: "Xu Fengyang, Zhao Zizhong, Yan Xiu, if you think you have the strength to compete with me for the captain, Then hurry up and start fighting with me, there is no time to waste here!"

"Hey, Cao Feng, in terms of strength, you are stronger than the three of us. Since time is tight, there is no need to compare. You will be the captain."

"Okay, you guys know each other!"

The young man named Cao Feng smiled coldly, then waved his palm, and immediately faced one side. The direction he chose was completely different from Ye Chen's choice!
"Let's go!"

Cao Feng rushed out immediately, but after one step, the figure stopped immediately, looked at the motionless young man, his eyes turned cold, and he shouted coldly: "Ye Chen, are you deaf or stupid?"

(End of this chapter)

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