Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 223 Strong Deterrence

Chapter 223 Strong Deterrence
Ye Chen finally turned around, looked at Cao Feng and the others, and smiled faintly after a while.

"Originally, I wouldn't object to any of you being the captain. To me, it doesn't matter if you are the captain or not. Even if your acting is so bad, it doesn't matter. It's just Cao Feng, you shouldn't provoke me again and again. I!"

"Since you are excluding me like this, it's okay, let me be the captain. In the days to come, learn how to be a good subordinate!"

In terms of status, Cao Feng and others are qualified to enter the Valley of Burying Souls. Naturally, their status is not bad in the Great Desolation City, but Ye Chen is the leader of the Canglong Army. This status is not comparable to Cao Feng and others.

Perhaps this is why everyone has an invisible hostility towards Ye Chen. His age is really too young.


Cao Feng stomped heavily on the ground, and the thick spiritual power immediately swelled all over his body. The fluctuation of the spiritual power has already reached the realm of the ninth level of the spiritual sea, and it is not weak.

After Cao Feng, Xu Fengyang and Xu Fengyang's three people also unceremoniously surged their spiritual power out of their bodies. Compared with Cao Feng, they were indeed a little weaker, but they were only a little weaker. These three people, each Has the cultivation base of the peak of the eighth level of Linghai.

The four of them knew that Ye Chen was very strong, so strong that even Tu Xiong was defeated by him, and his cultivation was abolished, but they didn't think that Ye Chen could shake them all by himself. four people.

The four of Cao Feng are confident that if they join forces, even Tu Xiong may not be able to defeat them, and this is their confidence, otherwise, how dare they provoke this young man who is in the limelight.

"Ye Chen, act obediently with us, otherwise, although we can't kill you, it is inevitable that we will make you suffer."

Having said that, Cao Feng couldn't help licking his mouth, if he could beat up the famous Ye Chen, the leader of the Canglong Army here, and after the word spread, the four of them would not only become famous, but should Will you get more resources and cultivation?
Thinking of this, Cao Feng immediately looked forward to the scene of Ye Chen's rage.

Ye Chen smiled, and then took a deep breath, as if he could smell the bitterness in the air, his black and white eyes gradually came to life with some sharpness.

After a while, the young man's resolute face showed a murderous look. At this time, he was obviously very different from the gentleness he showed in the past.

Seeing this change in Ye Chen, Cao Feng and the others tensed up for no reason.

Recently, stories about Ye Chen have been circulating everywhere in the Great Wilderness City, but in fact, outside the Great Wilderness City, Ye Chen's brief scene when he confronted Jin Ling, and the confrontation when he defeated Tu Xiong, these are all facts. Not the slightest bit of deception.

However, many people saw these two scenes, but Cao Feng and the others were not included. In other words, Cao Feng and the others had never seen Ye Chen make a real move.

They have also entered the ancient ruins, but they have never had an intersection with Ye Chen.

Jin Ling retaliated. When the Demon King appeared, he still said the same words, the level was too low, and the feeling was not too strong. When fighting Tu Xiong, the four of Cao Feng were all in their respective cities and did not witness the scene. World War I.

Although Cao Feng and the others didn't doubt the authenticity of these things, they didn't see it with their own eyes after all, so the deterrent effect was naturally much smaller.

"It seems that you guys really have a lot of confidence in yourself!"

Ye Chen looked at Cao Feng and the others, and grinned. There was a chill in the peaceful smile. Immediately, he stepped forward, as if there was a dragon's chant resounding, and with a swish, his figure had already It disappeared in place strangely.



As soon as Cao Feng's words sounded, a violent storm of spiritual power swept around the four people. Just a moment later, the four people's figures trembled violently, and they staggered on the ground violently. Withdrew back, fresh blood spewed out of each mouth.


Before uttering the last word, they suddenly saw that in the space ahead, more than a dozen silver lines of light, as if they had directly transformed into four iron fists, hit their chests fiercely.


Cao Feng and the others dared to challenge Ye Chen not because of their numbers, but because of their own strength, they were not weak, and their reactions were not slow. When the silver light fist hit, their respective spiritual power surged When it came out, the air burst suddenly, and even the ground was cracked open.

It's a pity that if the four of Cao Feng had seen the fight between Ye Chen and Lin Yifan, they wouldn't have enough confidence to think that the four of them could deal with Ye Chen together.


In the next moment, the attacks of both sides were forced together, and the chaotic spiritual power swept out like a storm, and the faces of Cao Feng and the others immediately became flushed.


Four mouthfuls of blood spewed out from Cao Feng's mouth again. When the blood mist sprayed, the figures of the four, like birds with broken wings, wiped the ground and flew a distance of tens of feet. On the ground, four clearly visible gullies were left.

After the storm dissipated, Ye Chen slowly retracted his arms that were straight like guns, and stared indifferently at the four embarrassed figures in the distance with his cold eyes. After a while, the figures moved again.

The faces of Cao Feng and the others changed drastically. They had already clearly sensed the extremely strong killing intent, which made them have no doubt that Ye Chen really wanted to kill them.

"Ye Chen, if you kill us, you will lose the qualification to compete for the young master of the wilderness."

At this moment, the only threat they could think of was this.

"Whether you lose the qualification to compete for the young master of the Great Desolation, is it up to you? Cao Feng, if I lose the qualification, who do you think will be qualified to enter the Burial Soul Valley?"

In front of the four of them, Ye Chen said lightly, with a murderous intent flashing out of his pupils.

"Ye... Leader Ye!"

Cao Feng and the others swallowed hard, they already understood the meaning of Ye Chen's words.

If the death of Cao Feng and others made Ye Chen lose his so-called qualifications, then there really are not many people who can still have qualifications, because of absolute strength!

They have all lived in the Great Wilderness City for many years, and they are the best in their respective cities, and they know the rules of the Great Wilderness very well.

The reason why there are various rules in the battle is because there is no absolute strength, and once someone with absolute strength appears, how can they be disqualified for breaking the rules?
Maybe the current Ye Chen doesn't have the absolute strength to dominate the Great Wilderness City, but he has the potential, and with the backing of the Demon King, unless he seeks his own death, Xu Baxian dare not do anything to him.

With this level of protection, Ye Chen can calmly cultivate to the realm of martial arts. At that time, even Xu Baxian, I'm afraid, won't, and dare not have any gossip in front of Ye Chen.

It was precisely because they understood this that Cao Feng and the others had no choice but to lower their hated heads!
"Boss Ye, you are the captain. From now on, you have the final say." Xu Fengyang said hastily, he had no choice but to bow his head.

"what about you?"

"Everything is to be obeyed by the order of Chief Ye!" Cao Feng, Zhao Zizhong, and Yan Xiu also hurriedly expressed their opinions.

"I hope you can remember what you said, otherwise, I really don't mind, let you become the souls of the dead in this Valley of Burying Souls."

Ye Chen said coldly, everyone who achieves a great cause will not be a soft-hearted person. If Ye Chen wants to control the Great Deserted City, apart from his own strength, he must also have awe-inspiring means.

"However, if you follow me sincerely and have no other intentions, I will lead you out of the Valley of Burial Souls, and finally, stand on the final stage that symbolizes the highest status, so that you can get the most applause and admiration." look."

After a while, Ye Chen said lightly, controlling people's hearts is the best way to control them.

Although Ye Chen never really controlled a side, he came from the Ye family after all.

Although the Ye family is small, it has all internal organs, intricate relationships, and entanglements of various interests. As the most promising young man in the Ye family, Ye Chen is familiar with these methods under the influence of his ears and eyes!

Cao Feng and the others suddenly looked up at Ye Chen. Many people knew the position of the young master of the wilderness, and there were only a few people who were qualified to fight for it.

So the biggest wish of other people is to hope that, as Ye Chen said, their goal is not the young master of the wilderness, but the qualification of the future city masters of the cities next to the young master of the wilderness.

The four of Cao Feng are self-aware. Those qualifications are also very difficult for them. If Ye Chen can lead them to obtain those qualifications. . . .

"Of course!"

In front of Cao Feng and the others, Ye Chen did not hide his self-confidence at all, and his strength was considered terrifying in their eyes.

To control people's hearts, one must first have the strength to make others fear. An ant is not qualified to get the loyal heart of an elephant.

"As long as you don't give in to dissatisfaction and cooperate with me to go on, what I said will definitely be done!"

With a flick of his fingers, Ye Chen shot four pills directly into the hands of Cao Feng and the others.

"Take it! Don't worry too much, we have plenty of time."

As Cao Feng and the others, there was no shortage of pills or anything, but after seeing the pills in their hands from Ye Chen, the four of them couldn't help but tremble. In the deserted city, they are extremely rare, and it is not their turn to take them on weekdays.

Unexpectedly, Ye Chen was so generous, and he was not stingy with such a rare pill. How could it be possible for someone else to do this?

Suddenly, the four of them felt that Ye Chen was not as evil as they had imagined, and following him should be a very good choice. . . .
(End of this chapter)

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