Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 224 Quest item

Chapter 224 Quest item

More than half an hour later, Cao Feng and the others woke up from their training. Looking at the back of the young man not far away, a deep look of fear flashed in the eyes of the four of them involuntarily.

The cultivation base of the spiritual source realm actually wounded four of them at the same time with one move. This kind of strength was manifested before, they had never thought of it before.

There are many people who leapfrog and fight. It is not uncommon for outstanding disciples of some big forces to master martial arts and martial arts that can support them in leapfrogging.

But Ye Chen is stepping up, the difference in words, the gap in the middle, is a world of difference!

Leaping over the ranks has always been extremely difficult. Although each level in the spiritual realm does not span too much, what Ye Chen has crossed is really too big. It is so big that people can feel it personally, and some people can't believe it.

Of course, they didn't know that Ye Chen had dual sources, which contained both yin and yang qi, and now, Ye Chen could even use one of the yin and yang qi.

In addition, the existence of Cangxuan Hualongjue and Dragon Qi are Ye Chen's strength, which is greatly inconsistent with their own cultivation.

The brief confrontation really overwhelmed Cao Feng and the others!

Have to serve!

The elixir given by Ye Chen was undoubtedly top-quality, but even after taking this top-quality elixir, combined with their own cultivation, it took more than half an hour to recover from their injuries.

It is conceivable that the trauma just now caused them a lot of injuries.

"Boss Ye!"

Cao Feng and the others stood up immediately, clasped their fists and shouted at Ye Chen, the voice was respectful.

"Is the injury all healed?"

Ye Chen turned around and asked with a smile.

"Thank you Chief Ye for the pill."

Ye Chen waved his hand, withdrew his smile, and said, "Although there is no time limit in Burying Soul Valley, if the delay is too long, it will be a bit disadvantageous to us, so in order to save time, leave enough time for yourself." There is room for us to focus on completing our respective tasks, I don’t know, what do you think?”

"Listen to Chief Ye."

Xu Fengyang said with a smile, he was the first one, took out his Lingyu, and rushed towards Ye Chen.

After Ye Chen knew the mission items that the four needed, he also informed Cao Feng and the others of his own mission.

Regarding the necessities of this mission, Xu Baxian didn't do anything wrong. Everyone's mission difficulty is almost the same, at least the five of them are about the same.

Each person has ten tasks, five people add up to 55 tasks. . . .This number may not seem to be many, but it is extremely rare to have a few items in each person's quest items.

The rarity here is not only the small number and difficulty in obtaining it, but also the fact that owning these quest items is an existence that is difficult to provoke!
What is especially difficult is that no one knows where these quest items are. In other words, if you want to get these quest items, you have to find them yourself.

In the huge Valley of Burying Souls, you can imagine how difficult it is to find some small things without a clear direction!

"Boss Ye, what are we going to do now?" Cao Feng asked after inspecting their respective quest items.

Ye Chen looked into the distance, and after a moment of silence, said: "There is no need to rush, everyone is not very familiar with Burial Soul Valley, so let's get used to the environment here first, otherwise, the danger will be too great!"

In the Burial Soul Valley, everyone's strength is suppressed to about [-]% of their original strength, and if they can't exert their strength in their heyday, it means that the danger is even greater.

If they are completely familiar with the environment here, let everyone get used to their own strength of only about [-]% of their original strength, and have a new evaluation of their own strength, only in this way can they preserve themselves to a great extent in Burial Soul Valley.

Without this habit, the danger is multiplied.

Cao Feng and the others obviously understood this truth, so they had no objection.

"Let's go!"

Ye Chen swept out first, and the direction he chose was not the direction he had locked on before.

Seeing this, Cao Feng and the others stared intently. After a while, helpless wry laughter emerged in each of their hearts. If they were not self-righteous, the scene that happened half an hour ago would never have happened.

It turned out that Ye Chen had designed a path long ago, and was waiting for Cao Feng and others to step in voluntarily. All of this was due to his own blame. If it hadn't been for intentional provocation, things would not have developed to what they are now.

This young man is actually so thoughtful!
Cao Feng and the others felt a sense of admiration for Ye Chen unconsciously. This so-called admiration had nothing to do with strength and potential. They believed that if they exchanged positions, they would definitely not be able to do so.


The five of them flitted across the space, and after only a few minutes, their forward speed suddenly stopped.

The energy floating in the space not only suppressed everyone's strength, but when they passed through the space, those energies seemed to have life.

The previous battle with Cao Feng and the others may have ended so quickly that Ye Chen didn't realize it until now.

It seems that the energy of life traits has given the five people strong resistance. If they want to move forward quickly, they may no longer be able to do so.

Such a change, but before entering, no one told them.

But Ye Chen's pupils were filled with joy. Here, strength is suppressed and speed is restrained. For others, it will be a great trouble, but for him, this kind of experience is very difficult. Can bring him great benefits.

The greater the pressure on the physical body, the faster the cultivation of Cangxuan Hualong Jue will be. Ye Chen is not yet clear about the cultivation of spiritual power, what will happen here, when he leaves Burial Soul Valley , the strength of the physical body is bound to be much more tyrannical.

At that time, perhaps Cangxuan Hualong will still not be able to break through, but the bone refining realm must be more stable, which will greatly improve and affirm his own strength.

Another point is that when the spiritual power is suppressed, the strength of other people will decline, but Ye Chen can fully display the powerful power of the physical body.

They defeated Cao Feng and the others in one fell swoop before. Thinking about it, this was one of the biggest reasons.

"Burning Soul Valley, I am looking forward to you more and more, you can't let me down."

Ye Chen murmured softly, and was about to lead Cao Feng and the others to move on to adapt to the environment of Burial Soul Valley, when suddenly, the spirit jade they each possessed erupted with dazzling light.

Taking out the spirit jade, looking at the bright light of the sun, Ye Chen looked a little dazed, what's going on?

Seeing Ye Chen's incomprehension, Xu Fengyang explained: "Boss Ye, this spirit jade does not record the function of our task item, it can also be used as a message spirit jade. Within a radius of tens of miles, as long as someone Urge this spirit jade, and people nearby will be able to sense it."

Ye Chen nodded thoughtfully. This is a safe method. If you encounter danger, you can also notify other people to come to the rescue.

Of course, it depends on everyone's luck whether to rescue them or to claim their lives.

"Now that it's like this, someone has stimulated the spirit jade in their hands?" Ye Chen asked.


In Xu Fengyang's eyes, there was a touch of surprise: "This is already someone. After obtaining at least three quest items, Lingyu is notifying other people by itself."


Ye Chen raised his eyebrows. Unexpectedly, this Lingyu has this kind of function. This is undoubtedly stimulating other people, so that they should hurry up and don't fall too far behind.

From entering the Valley of the Burial Soul to the present, it has been less than an hour, and someone has already obtained at least three quest items. Even if there is a small team to cooperate with other team members, this is amazing enough.

"I don't know who this person is, it's inconceivable." On the side, Yan Xiu also sighed and said.

"Besides Lin Yifan, who do you think it could be?" Ye Chen asked immediately.

Among the more than 100 people who entered the Burial Soul Valley, Ye Chen didn't know many people, and he didn't know too much, Lin Yifan, Qin Shi and others. . . .These people, relatively speaking, are the best.

However, Ye Chen never underestimated anyone. To be selected to enter the Valley of the Burial Soul is an outstanding person. Among the many people, there may not be some people who are usually low-key.

For example, Lin Yifan, if he hadn't participated in the grand event in Wufang City this time, who would have known that there would be such a terrifying young man.

So it is hard to guarantee that among the more than 100 people, it may be difficult for another Lin Yifan to appear, but it may not be impossible for someone like Tu Xiong to appear.

Even the current Ye Chen, with his own strength, can hardly defeat Tu Xiong!

After the four of them were silent for a while, Cao Feng said: "Among our large group of people, Qin Shi, Lin Shu, Qiu Huaxuan and others have always been the leaders, and their strength is indeed superior to ours. Outside of others, there is no stronger peer."

"So I can't guess, except for Lin Yifan, who on earth can achieve such achievements in such a short period of time."

"No, Cao Feng, do you still remember Changfeng City!" Xu Fengyang asked suddenly.

"Changfeng City!"

Cao Feng, Zhao Zizhong, and Yan Xiu's faces were shocked. A long memory appeared in their minds. The faces of the three of them seemed to turn pale.

"Changfeng City, if it is Changfeng City... Impossible!"

Yan Xiu said in surprise: "Before entering, I never heard that Changfeng City will participate. We have not received any news at all. Xu Fengyang, are you sure?"

Xu Fengyang quickly shook his head and said: "Of course I'm not sure, I'm just talking casually, because, except for Changfeng City, it seems that no one else can do it."

"Changfeng City, it can't be people from Changfeng City, if they are, the Great Desolate City will change!"

The expressions of Cao Feng and the others changed drastically!
"City Master Xu wouldn't do this, probably wouldn't..." For a moment, all four of them said this.

(End of this chapter)

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