Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 225 Changfeng City

Chapter 225 Changfeng City

Seeing the discoloration of Cao Feng and the others, listening to them muttering to themselves as if they were insane, Ye Chen's curiosity grew, Changfeng City?

He also lived in the Great Wilderness City for a period of time, and no one, including Jin Ling, or even the Qingpao himself, had ever mentioned the so-called Changfeng City to him.

What kind of power the Great Wilderness City is, even if it is not the most powerful force on the northern continent, it is still a top existence. Even if you hear the masters of the Cang Pavilion and Ni Cangtian appear here, I am afraid that Cao Feng and the others will not be so pale. ?
What is the origin of this Changfeng City that made them lose their composure like this?Ye Chen looked at Cao Feng and the others.

This loss of color lasted for more than ten minutes before Cao Feng and the others calmed down. After a while, the expressions of the four of them gradually returned to normal.

"Boss Ye, this Changfeng City..."

When mentioning Changfeng City, the faces of Cao Feng and the others immediately became a little ugly again. Ye Chen raised his eyebrows. The Changfeng City is too deterrent, right?

After a while, Xu Fengyang exhaled heavily, and then said: "Boss Ye, I am in the Great Wilderness, with a total of 180 six cities..."

Ye Chen's pupils shrank suddenly. I never knew that there are only 180 five cities in the Great Wilderness. The extra city is Changfeng City?
As if seeing what Ye Chen was thinking, Xu Fengyang nodded and said: "Changfeng City is also a city in the Great Wilderness. Many years ago, it was well-known, second only to the Great Wilderness itself, and its status is still above Wufang City. "

"Because most of the lords of the great wilderness in the past came out of Changfeng City!" Xu Fengyang said in a deep voice.

Ye Chen's heart was shocked, this point alone is enough to see the great strength of Changfeng City!
No matter which city, as long as there is a Lord of the Great Wilderness, at least during the time of the Lord of the Great Wilderness, the strength of the city will definitely be greatly improved. There is no doubt about this.

And in Changfeng City, many Lords of the Great Desolation came out unexpectedly, their strength is unimaginable. . . .If it weren't for Dahuang's rules, I'm afraid that Changfeng City could have replaced Dahuang!

"Why is Changfeng City not among the cities of the Great Desolation until today, and when you hear Changfeng City, you will lose control of your emotions so much?" Ye Chen asked immediately.

"Nearly a hundred years ago, when this generation of Great Desolation Lord, Xu City Lord and others competed for the position of Great Desolation Young Master, they were also in this Burial Soul Valley. At that time, the senior who represented Changfeng City in the battle did not know what happened. Unfortunately, I didn't make it to the end..."

Without waiting for Xu Fengyang to finish speaking, Ye Chen immediately asked: "Don't you think, that one will definitely be able to go to the end and take the position of Young Master of the Great Wilderness?"


Cao Feng and the others responded without hesitation.

"Back then, in the battle for the young master of the Great Desolation, the most hopeful ones were the senior, the current master, and several people including City Lord Xu. However, among these few people, the senior is recognized No.1 among the young generation of Dahuang back then."

"That senior's demeanor back then, to put it bluntly, even if he was in the same era as Ni Cangtian, he would not be covered by Ni Cangtian's light."

What kind of person is Ni Cangtian? Even though Ye Chen has never met him before, there is no need to have the slightest doubt about the excellence of the former. The senior in Changfeng City can be compared with Ni Cangtian!
Today's Lord of the Great Wilderness, as well as Xu Baxian and others, are among the best in the same era. No one will doubt their excellence, but no one will think that their sharpness will be stronger than the current Ni Cangtian!
"What happened back then?"

"do not know!"

Cao Feng then said: "To this day, no one knows what happened in Burial Soul Valley. What we know is only what happened in the future."

"After the battle for the young master of the wilderness ended, although I didn't know what happened to that senior, but I didn't see the slightest displeasure from that senior's expression. That senior was also very open-minded, and his expression was as usual!"

"But no one expected that half a month after the end of the battle, a huge change suddenly occurred in Changfeng City, from top to bottom, including the city lord of Changfeng City, that senior, etc. All Changfeng City masters including him, as well as everyone in Changfeng City, rushed out of Changfeng City as if they had gone crazy, and killed everyone they met with extremely cruel and bloody means."

"How powerful is my Great Wilderness? Even though Changfeng City is the most powerful among all cities, it is definitely not the opponent of Zhucheng United. But I never expected that Changfeng City and others who went crazy, almost overnight, everyone's strength It’s actually soaring, it’s extremely terrifying!”

Cao Feng said sadly: "The civil war that swept across the entire Great Wilderness was too terrifying and cruel. Countless masters died under the sudden impact of Changfeng City, and countless outstanding young people died of hatred, including those in the Great Wilderness back then. The lords are all in a duel with the lord of Changfeng City, and both of them will die together!"

"It was that great battle that caused our Great Wilderness City to lose its strength. Although the deterrent power is still sufficient to deter the northern continent, in the eyes of those first-class forces, the Great Wilderness City has no such qualifications."

"My lord was ordered in the face of danger. Under the leadership of my lord, it took nearly a hundred years of recovery to achieve the current grand occasion of the Great Deserted City. However, compared with the past, it has weakened a lot."

Xu Fengyang sighed: "After the great war, Changfeng City withered. Although I hated Changfeng City's rebellion, it was still in the same line, and everyone knew that the sudden incident was not the fault of everyone in Changfeng City. Under the leadership of my lord, Changfeng City was only sealed without being completely destroyed, and those who were still alive were sealed in Changfeng City, letting them fend for themselves!"

Ye Chen frowned, and asked, "It's not the fault of everyone in Changfeng City, what do you mean?"

"The people who survived the First World War that year saw it with their own eyes. Those people in Changfeng City seem to have lost their minds. They seem to have become tools that only know how to kill people. From the eyes of those people, it is revealed that There are no human emotions anymore, to be honest, I don’t even know what words to use to describe the state of those people back then.”

Cao Feng said in a deep voice.

"Have you become enchanted?" Ye Chen thought thoughtfully, and immediately said: "Since you have doubts about this Valley of Burying Souls, why do you want to have such a fight in Valley of Burying Souls? Don't worry, what happened back then, will it happen again?"

"I have no doubts about Burial Soul Valley. After all, since the discovery of Burial Soul Valley, this place has become a battleground for the young master of the Great Desolation. It has been quiet for many years, and since that incident, my lord and many experts, I have inspected Burial Soul Valley more than once, and found nothing unusual."

"That's why the great war back then became an unsolved case that still cannot solve the truth!" Xu Fengyang said with a sigh.

Ye Chen nodded slowly. It turned out that there was such a terrible inside story. No wonder Cao Feng and the others were so scared when Changfeng City was mentioned. Although they had never experienced it personally, when they thought about it, it was just a rebellion in the city. Let the strength of the whole Great Wilderness drop sharply, which cannot but make people fear.

"Boss Ye, we lost our composure." After a while, Cao Feng and others laughed wryly.

Ye Chen waved his hand and said: "Changfeng City has become a thing of the past. If people from Changfeng City mix in these people who entered the Valley of the Burial Soul, they will definitely be unfamiliar, and they will definitely attract the attention of others. Even if City Lord Xu may have thoughts in his heart , but I don’t dare to risk the greatness of the world, so don’t think too much about it.”

"But if it's not Changfeng City, Chief Ye, among these people, we really don't know who else can get at least three quest items in such a short period of time except Lin Yifan," Cao Feng said.

"Four, who decides these task items, City Master Xu alone, or the result of joint discussions?" Ye Chen asked.

"This is decided by the city masters of the cities together."

Hearing this, Ye Chen smiled calmly, and said: "If this person is not Lin Yifan, then I think there is another person who might be able to do it."


Cao Feng and the others couldn't help asking, but just after asking, the four of them seemed to have thought of something, and they all blurted out: "Qin Shi!"

Ye Chen's smile was even more flat. If Cao Feng and the others could think of Qin Shi, it meant that Xu Baxian might really play tricks in this battle.

With Xu Baxian's strength, be careful, it's not a problem to go in and out of Burial Soul Valley freely, find out the location of the mission item in advance, and then tell Qin Shi, it's not very difficult.

"Boss Ye, if this is the case, Qin Shi will definitely be able to come out on top, but relatively speaking, it will be much more difficult for us." Xu Fengyang said with a cold look in his eyes.

Perhaps the elders of Xu Fengyang and others are Xu Baxian's supporters, but after entering here, everyone is fighting for themselves. If Qin Shi had such an opportunity, no one would be convinced.

"not necessarily!"

Ye Chen said without changing his expression: "It is impossible for Xu Baxian to do everything, because it would be too obvious if he did that, and he would lose people's hearts by attracting hatred. With Xu Baxian's scheming, it is impossible to do so."

"And even if Xu Ba did this first, so that Qin Shi could go to the end in the shortest time, it is only going to the end. What does it mean?"

"Complete the task and lead all the team members to leave the Burial Soul Valley safely. There are two major criteria. Even if Qin Shi completes it perfectly, don't forget that only the last criterion can truly determine the ownership of the young master of the wilderness."

In Ye Chen's eyes, there was a hint of pride: "He Qin Shi doesn't have absolute strength, he can't beat me, and he won't be Lin Yifan's opponent. The young master of the wilderness is not something he is qualified to touch."

(End of this chapter)

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