Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 226 Fierce Beast

Chapter 226 Fierce Beast
"Absolute strength!"

The eyes of Cao Feng and the others flickered. The strong self-confidence naturally exuded from Ye Chen shocked people's minds. That kind of self-confidence, which came naturally, was not the self-confidence brought by their own strength, but, almost It is a belief!
In such a surge of self-confidence, not to mention being a master of the Spirit Sea Realm, even facing a master of the Martial Realm, this confidence still exists!

And this kind of self-confidence, they only remember that besides Ye Chen, there is only one person who has it, and that person is Lin Yifan!
Suddenly, Cao Feng and the others understood why Ye Chen and Lin Yifan had the fame they have today, and why there is such a big gap between themselves and others.

"Boss Ye, please lead us and move on!" Cao Feng and the others clasped their fists together.

Ye Chen smiled, turned around and stormed out!

Up to this moment, even though they haven't conquered the hearts of Cao Feng and the others, at least in this Valley of Burying Souls, they will definitely cooperate with themselves without any concealment. In a short period of time, let them follow him wholeheartedly.

The terrifying energy that was static in the space immediately erupted into a strong resistance when Ye Chen moved away, and when he passed by Ye Chen, that sharp sound was transmitted far away and lingered for a long time.

In Burial Soul Valley, there are many creatures. These creatures have gradually become quite different from the original ones over a long period of time. They are ferocious and bloodthirsty, and they are even more cruel than monsters. . . .

Suddenly, an extremely loud roar resounded in the sky and earth, and a violent breath swept out crazily when the sound resounded. The surrounding area was suddenly reverberated by strong winds, and the space trembled.

The sudden movement and the violent breath caused some creatures living in the surrounding area to flee in a hurry. Although the creatures in Burial Soul Valley are different from the creatures outside due to mutation, they also have differences in strength and weakness. point.

Amidst the roaring sound, a gigantic figure suddenly shot out from the forest. The huge shadow immediately enveloped the land, and the berserk breath filled it, bringing out a terrible hurricane.


The huge figure with a terrifying and violent aura, but after stabilizing his figure, gasped heavily, and didn't stay in place for too long, but immediately dragged his huge body and continued violently towards the distance. shoot away.

At this moment, another figure also rushed out from the forest. The speed was so fast that it was far above the huge creature, and it caught up to the latter in just a few seconds.

The figure that just appeared was extremely small compared to that huge creature, like an ant. However, it was this tiny figure that, after catching up, made the huge creature utter a terrified cry. The roar sounded as if the former was the messenger of death.

The bright silver light flickered, as if turning into a real dragon, forcibly suppressing it!


That huge figure let out a desperate roar when it was shrouded in silver light, and finally fell to the ground. After struggling a few times, it completely lost its vitality. , die with peace!
"As expected of a beast!"

On the huge corpse, the figure drifted down, and the sun shone on the familiar young face, making him look very energetic. He was naturally Ye Chen who was training in the Valley of the Burial Soul.

After Ye Chen plundered down, Cao Feng and the others also plundered out of the forest, looking at the huge beast that had lost its vitality, there was a touch of admiration in the eyes of the four of them.

The ferocious beast is the master of this Valley of Burial Souls!
They have survived in Burial Soul Valley for too long, because of the influence of that energy, they have gradually mutated, not only becoming stronger in strength, but also far from being comparable to the monsters in the outside world in terms of ferocity.

From their pupils, it can be seen that the reason why they are called ferocious beasts is because in their eyes, apart from the strong murderous accident, there is no other color, as if they are related to Born to be a hunter.

People have human emotions, and monsters have the aura of monsters, but these fierce beasts do not have any aura, and they look like puppets.

The fierce beast killed by Ye Chen was only at the third level of Linghai, and the strength it displayed was comparable to that of ordinary seventh-level Linghai masters. Warriors of the same level would never be opponents of fierce beasts.

The ferocious beasts have no emotion and are bloodthirsty, so they are not afraid of death. In this way, the threat of the ferocious beasts is far higher than that of the monsters.

Of course, the so-called bravery is relative!

This ferocious beast at the third level of the spiritual sea was so violent and cruel when it faced Ye Chenfang at the beginning, no matter how much damage it caused, it never retreated a step.

This is the reason why Cao Feng and others admire Ye Chen.

That ferocious beast is extremely frightening, and in such an environment, it is even more like a fish in water, and because of its physique, it is conceivable that it can display its strength.

If fighting alone, even Cao Feng is not sure that he can kill this monster.

But Ye Chen showed a more cruel heart than this beast. He didn't use his own spiritual power, but only relied on his physical strength to forcibly subdue this beast.

After losing the power they are proud of, the so-called fearlessness of death is just a joke. When facing death, even fierce beasts feel fear. After all, they are living creatures. A puppet with no intelligence.

Even so, the ferocious beast is still frightening!

Although it is not appropriate to be brave and not afraid of death, their fighting methods are extremely tragic. If the injuries suffered by this fierce beast are replaced by other creatures, they have already chosen a way to escape, but the latter waited until the last moment.

With such a creature, it's okay to encounter only one head and two heads. If it is surrounded, even a martial arts master will find it very difficult to face it.

After the beast's blood seemed to have solidified, Cao Feng and the others immediately bent down, took the dagger, and divided the body of the unknown beast.

Like monsters, fierce beasts are full of treasures, and among the required quest items, there are also fierce beast inner alchemy. Of course, it can't be the inner alchemy of just any fierce beast.

As for collecting the corpses of ferocious beasts, Cao Feng and the others were obviously much more expert than Ye Chen.

"Boss Ye, this is yours!"

The huge beast had been divided into five parts, and the one handed to Ye Chen was the best of the five parts, including the inner alchemy.

Ye Chen shook his head and didn't take it. Although these things are good, he doesn't need them. There is dragon energy in his body. Restrained by dragon energy, it is difficult to obtain the same effect as others.

The current Ye Chen doesn't need these foreign objects to assist him in his cultivation.

"In the future, I don't need to share a share of these things."

Ye Chen laughed, and then said: "It's been a few days in Burial Soul Valley, you should have adapted to the environment here, right?"

"Of course, otherwise, it would be too slow."

Xu Fengyang smiled, revealing a faint self-confidence. Although it is not as good as Ye Chen and Lin Yifan and others, they always have their own pride. They are willing to follow Ye Chen, but they must also reflect their own value.

It is impossible for a useless person to be appreciated forever by others, and he is not qualified to follow others!

"it is good!"

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Now, it's time for us to find our quest item."

"But Chief Ye, please order!"

The four of Cao Feng responded in unison, the awe in their hearts gradually dissipated, and what was replaced was a kind of admiration for Ye Chen.

Getting along for a few days allowed them to get to know this young man. The latter did not show superior orders because of his own strength and status.

Although they were not friends yet, they didn't have the harmony of friends, and Cao Feng and the others felt deeply respected when they got along with each other on an equal footing.

While the five of Ye Chen were looking for their quest items, the huge Valley of Burying Souls became much more lively because of the entry of the people from the Great Wilderness City. There were tragic roars everywhere, and the smell of blood was spreading.

A few days passed, and everyone gradually began to advance towards the depths of Burial Soul Valley!
The terrifying energy shrouded in the space became thicker as it got deeper. Therefore, after gradually getting deeper, the strength and speed of everyone were weakened again, and the fierce beasts encountered in the depths became stronger and stronger.

One goes up and down, the difficulty and danger naturally make everyone feel great pressure, and the so-called depth is only tens of miles away.

From the entrance of Burying Soul Valley to where it is now, it is only tens of miles away.

Such a short distance is usually out of sight to everyone, but here, it is like the gap between heaven and earth.

In the space, there seems to be a big mountain, pressing on everyone, not to mention that it is difficult to move an inch, but it is also difficult to move forward quickly in the space.


Ye Chen and the five people who were looking for the quest items suddenly burst out with a strong light from their spirit jades, which was different from the light that appeared after someone obtained at least three quest items last time.

That time, the light was bright and dazzling, but it was extremely soft and did not give people any uncomfortable feeling, but now the light is not only extremely dazzling, but also faintly reveals a faint smell of blood.

"Someone is in danger nearby!"

Ye Chen understood what happened without Cao Feng and the others reminding him.

When the five rays of light flickered in the space, they all bent in a certain direction as if they had spirituality. It has to be said that this spirit jade is indeed extraordinary.

"Boss Ye!"

The four of Cao Feng all looked at Ye Chen, waiting for his decision!

But soon, the four of them withdrew their gazes. In this Valley of Burying Souls, even members of the same team may be competitors in the end. If you save others now, maybe it will bring you benefits in the future. Great trouble.

Therefore, whether to save or not to save is the right thing to do!

(End of this chapter)

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