Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 228 Peerless Power

Chapter 228 Peerless Power
On the mountain wall, two disproportionate figures, one man and one beast, stood facing each other, their respective powers were released to their heart's content, causing the void to vibrate. . . .

In the valley, Cao Feng and others, especially the five people from Tangzhou, looked at the young figure with complicated eyes in an instant.

In the valley, they also waited for some time. Although the peerless beast had not released the slightest power before that, how could the five people not feel its strength?
But such ferocious power cannot stop the young man's progress, and in their eyes, the young man's progress is not too difficult, it is almost easy to break in, it seems that such peerless ferocious power, there is no The slightest power.

Before the battle started, the young man's performance had already proved his strength, and made the five people in Tangzhou inexplicably trust Ye Chen.

"Tang Zhou, do you have a different sense of Boss Ye?" Cao Feng asked with a soft smile.

Tang Zhou nodded subconsciously, then woke up suddenly, looked at Cao Feng, and asked cautiously, "I don't understand what you said, what do you mean?"

Cao Feng looked at the young figure on the mountain wall, and there was a trace of complexity in his eyes that he hadn't seen for a long time: "Actually, we didn't even think that the leader Ye we know, we only discovered in the process of getting along that we didn't know him at all. Chief Ye."

Tang Zhou frowned, apparently still not understanding what Cao Feng meant.

"Boss Ye is a man, let us admire!"

The expressions of the five people in Tangzhou changed, and after a while, they seemed to understand the meaning of Cao Feng's words.

On the mountain wall, one person and one beast are still standing quietly facing each other!
In the pupils of the peerless ferocious beast, the original disdain has long been put away, and a faint solemnity emerges in the blood-red color. The young man in front of him, no matter whether he admits it in his heart or not, he knows that he has already felt great pain. threaten.

The creatures in Burying Soul Valley, because of the energy shrouded in the space, have produced mutations that others don't understand, making them more cold-blooded, ruthless, and fearless of death!

However, it doesn't mean that they have completely lost their spiritual intelligence. Without spiritual perception, their senses still exist!
This peerless ferocious beast never expected that this apparently weakest boy would actually feel dangerous to him. No wonder, he dared to face himself alone.

In the quiet confrontation, at a certain moment, Ye Chen suddenly raised his hand gently. . . .

In the valley, there was a bang, and there was an extremely powerful ripple of energy, which erupted crazily. Immediately, Cao Feng and the others took the lead and rushed towards the ferocious beasts. For every beast.

With Cao Feng's strength, facing a fierce beast alone is naturally enough to protect themselves. If they want to defeat it, it will be extremely difficult. Now, they must defeat these fierce beasts and kill them, otherwise, Ye Chen couldn't escape.

Judging from the aura of Cao Feng and others, they seem not to care about their own safety at all, or in other words, they have enough confidence in their own strength.

The five members of Tangzhou were not weaker than Cao Feng and the others, but when facing the beast, they knew that they would never have the aura of the latter and others.

"Following Ye Chen, it's only been so long, and Cao Feng and the others have undergone such a change. His behavior...his behavior!"

Tang Zhou's eyes narrowed sharply, and he shouted, "End the battle here as quickly as possible!"

Glancing elsewhere, Ye Chen slowly withdrew his gaze, and shot out from his pupils with a flash of sharpness. A burst of dragon chant seemed to resound directly in his body. In an instant, all around him, one after another Streaks of silver light appeared continuously.

Fifteen silver streaks!
In this Burial Soul Valley, it is inevitable that Ye Chen's strength will be suppressed. Although the display of Cangxuan Hualongjue is completely different from the display of spiritual power, it still needs spiritual power to activate it.

With his spiritual power suppressed, he obviously couldn't display his strength outside Burial Soul Valley!
However, when the fifteen silver lines of light hovered around Ye Chen's body, the pupils of the peerless beast's eyes suddenly shrank tightly. With its strength, the power contained in the fifteen lines of light was naturally not enough. It can be shaken, but this is an attack transformed by Cangxuan Hualongjue.

Cangxuan Hualong Jue, the top skill of the Dragon Clan!

Even though all the creatures in this Valley of Burying Souls have mutated, they are still alien creatures, and the dragon is the overlord of aliens!
The breath of a real dragon may not be felt deeply by human beings, but to beasts, it is an indescribable existence. It comes from the suppression of the blood, and any beasts cannot ignore it.

Of course, the stronger the beast creature, the less obvious this suppression will be!
The suppression from the bloodline made the mind of the peerless ferocious beast constantly vibrate. It didn't want to hurt, why did this human boy have this kind of suppression on himself.

but. . . .In the heart of the peerless ferocious beast, a deep longing suddenly emerged!

Longwei dominates the world, but it is a pity that this young man with Longwei only gave himself a sense of danger, not a feeling of fatality.

That is to say, it itself has a certain possibility of being able to obtain that dragon power!
The dragon clan frightens all alien creatures in the world, but at the same time, they are also the targets of these creatures. As long as they get dragon blood, they can immediately change their own physique. Maybe they can't make the bloodline transform into the bloodline of a beast, but they can also produce unexpected changes.

This kind of benefit, not to mention beast creatures, even human beings, are very concerned about it. Ye Chen is a good example.

With this in mind, the peerless ferocious beast could not help but growl in a low voice, and the sound instantly resounded in the surrounding mountains.

Accompanied by such a sound resounding, the purple crystal on the surface of its body suddenly glowed brightly, and within a short period of time, it seemed to turn into a group of purple flames with terrifyingly high temperatures.

The light lingered, like a flame burning, and turned into a huge purple beam of light, which shot straight into the sky.


The purple beam of light passed by, and the entire space seemed to be burned. All the matter in the space turned into nothingness in an instant. Although it was not a flame, it unexpectedly displayed the power of a flame.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen had a faint smile in his eyes. In the eyes of others, the purple beam of light is just a beam of light, but Ye Chen knows that the purple beam of light is a kind of flame. Really show the original shape of the flame.

Possessing the ghost fire, all flames in the world, no matter what form they are in, cannot escape Ye Chen's perception!

"I just don't know, what kind of flame is this?"

Ye Chen murmured softly, and immediately raised his palm, a dark white flame jumped on his palm like an elf.


With a wave of Ye Chen's palm, an elf-like flame shot out. Moments later, the white flame rose against the wind and turned into a huge sea of ​​flames, flashing away towards the purple beam of light.


A thunderous crash resounded in mid-air. At the moment of the collision, the space seemed to vibrate violently, and terrifying energy swept wildly.

The pupils of the peerless ferocious beast trembled suddenly, and it clearly sensed that the white flames from the youth were obviously more powerful than its purple flames.

There are thousands of flames in the world, and there are countless powerful and terrifying flames, but the peerless beast has absolute confidence in its own purple fire, but what it showed at this time. . . .


The peerless ferocious beast roared up to the sky, and a moment later, a tiny blood-colored light suddenly shot out from its pupils, and directly melted into the purple beam of light.

In an instant, that huge beam of light suddenly turned blood purple, and the high temperature emitted not only became more compelling, but also swelled with an extremely strong bloody smell.

When the beam of light turned into a blood-purple color, that beam of light suddenly turned into a sea of ​​flames!

The blood-purple sea of ​​fire filled the sky, without the rage of ordinary flames, and also not as cold as the ghost fire. After transforming into its own form, it revealed a corrosive characteristic like the sea of ​​hell. . . .

Even the space seems to be corroded under the surge of the blood-purple flames. Irregular potholes are constantly being corroded in the void, which is extremely terrifying.

Ye Chen's eyes trembled slightly, and with a thought, he immediately released the power of the ghost fire to the extreme!

With Ye Chen's current cultivation base and strength, even though he still can't really control the source of the Nether Demon Fire, and can't exert the full power of the so-called hell fire, but because of the limited strength, the Nether Demon Fire is not in his hands. It doesn't live up to its name!
The forest-white sea of ​​flames swept out like an overwhelming sky, and the icy high temperature emitted directly froze the entire space. Even the blood-purple sea of ​​flames was also frozen.


A roar, when the two seas of fire collided again, shook the entire world, and immediately the peerless beast was visible, its sea of ​​fire, in the frozen space, shattered like glass, inch by inch. . . .

And when the blood-purple flame shattered, it didn't fall to the ground, but disappeared in the white flame, as if it was forcibly swallowed by the latter.


This scene was obviously unexpected by the peerless ferocious beast. Amidst the furious roar, the purple brilliance on the surface of its body suddenly flourished. Condensed bit by bit.

That intense light actually covered up the scorching sun in the sky.

With the peerless ferocious beast as the center, a frightening energy swept out crazily, and the space with a radius of tens of feet collapsed directly because of this. The terrifying power seemed to turn into substance. In this midair, Heartily rushing.

The peerless ferocious beast at this time has obviously released its power due to the defeat just now, and now it is the king who makes countless living beings in the surrounding area fear and frighten!
(End of this chapter)

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