Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 229 Fierce Battle

Chapter 229 Fierce Battle
The peerless power that filled the sky seemed to forcibly separate this space from the real world!

In this seemingly independent space, the peerless beast is the ruler!
The waves of energy ripples that surged out left and right in the space, and all matter, as if even the rules, were dominated by the peerless beast.


When the void couldn't bear the impact of those energy ripples, the frozen world suddenly collapsed, and when the white flames rushed back, Ye Chen's footsteps also stepped on the mountain wall, constantly retreating.

In front of him, the mountain wall began to collapse violently, separating Ye Chen from the peerless beast!

Between the two mountain walls is like a moat!
The peerless beast stared at Ye Chen, the blood in its pupils became more and more intense. Although the light was not dazzling, it made people tremble.


A moment later, the peerless ferocious beast stepped on the mountain wall, and the huge figure shot out like an arrow from the string. Its claws turned into sharp blades, and it grabbed Ye Chen's head fiercely.

The huge shadow, carrying extremely oppressive power, directly caused Ye Chen's whole body to collapse again.

Looking up, Ye Chen's eyes flashed eagerly, the power of a fierce beast. He had experienced it many times in Burial Soul Valley, so Ye Chen was also looking forward to the power of this peerless beast.

Clenching the palm, fifteen silver lines of light immediately melted into his hand, and Ye Chen immediately clenched his palm into a fist, facing upwards, and threw it out without hesitation.

A muffled sound sounded at the time of the impact, Ye Chen snorted, and the soles of his feet immediately sank into the ground until his knees.

On the other hand, the peerless ferocious beast, under the shock of that huge force, stepped on the void and only took three or four steps back. The huge shadow came through the sky again. Even better.


Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief. Under the pressure of the energy in Burial Soul Valley, his own strength was indeed much weaker. If it was outside the Burial Soul Valley, Ye Chen might not be able to completely dissolve the power of the peerless beast , and there will never be such a scene.

The extremely oppressive shadow reappeared on top of Ye Chen's head after an instant. Perhaps it was because the blow just now did not injure Ye Chen as expected. Under the sharp claws of the peerless beast, flashes of A dazzling purple awn.

The purple awns were like fire, surging with terrifying high temperature, which made the blow of the peerless beast even stronger.

The silver light pattern flashed out again, this time, it directly melted into the palm of the hand. Now that his cultivation base is advanced, coupled with the use of yin and yang, Ye Chen did not appear the first time he used it like this. Let the whole body burst into signs.

"The Canglong transforms into the sky!"

Ye Chen's entire arm was covered with silver scales, and it looked like a real dragon's claws.

A fierce and domineering force collided with the sharp claws of that peerless beast.


A dull sound sounded immediately, and the mountain wall at Ye Chen's feet burst open again. His whole body was directly in the mountain wall, and he retreated quickly. When the figure shuttled out of the mountain wall, the side The mountain walls completely collapsed.

The scarlet blood was clearly displayed on Ye Chen's right arm. If it were someone else, this blow would have temporarily rendered this arm useless.

"Dayu Divine Cauldron!"

In the space, the divine cauldron glowed with jet-black light, shining in the sky, and then, the huge divine cauldron, like a shooting star, quickly shrouded the peerless beast.

The offensive brought by the terrifying power is like a thousand waves, roaring the sky and the earth, making the space tremble at this moment.

The oppression brought by Dayu Divine Cauldron also made the peerless ferocious beast feel a touch of danger, so it didn't even think about it, and the purple awns all over its body flashed out violently, directly covering its sharp claws, and then turned towards Da Yu. Yu Shending, smashed it angrily.


Terrifying energy ripples filled this space.

The pupils of the peerless ferocious beast suddenly shrank heavily at this moment, and above its head, at some time, a figure appeared like a ghost.

As soon as this figure appeared, it was bombarded down heavily with bright silver lines of light.


The sudden attack made the hairs of the peerless ferocious beast stand on end, and the light around it shrank suddenly. In the blink of an eye, the bursting purple light was compressed into a deep purple beam of light only a few inches away.

At the same time, the blood light in its pupils also merged into it once again, turning into an inch-long light body, which quickly swept out toward the top.

"Boom, boom!"

The response of the peerless ferocious beast was quick, but, after all, the attack from above was too sudden, even if it was quick, there was still a streak of silver light that blasted unceremoniously on its back.

When the space was distorted, the figure of the peerless ferocious beast was forcibly knocked down on the mountain wall. Under this strong force, the mountain wall where it was located was completely shattered, and a mouthful of purple blood flowed from it. The peerless ferocious beast spewed out from its mouth.


Standing out from the dust all over the sky, the roar of fury, when the surrounding dust was abruptly shaken away, the blood-colored pupils like copper bells of the peerless ferocious beast stared firmly at the distant mid-air.

There, in a pitch-black divine cauldron floating in space, a young man stood quietly on the divine cauldron!

Borrowing the Great Yu Divine Cauldron to injure the Peerless Beast, Ye Chen's state is not too small. At the last moment, the blow from the Peerless Beast was extremely terrifying. Even though Ye Chen was not hit directly Among them, only the aftermath had already caused him a lot of injuries.

After all the calculations, Ye Chen didn't take much advantage, the only advantage was to make the peerless beast furious!
Even if it is cold-blooded and ruthless enough, as long as it gets angry, it will lose a little bit of reason more or less.

In a big battle, this is a good thing, but in turn, it is also extremely terrifying. An attack under anger is undoubtedly extremely terrifying.

Sure enough, as Ye Chen thought in his heart, when the roar resounded, in front of the peerless beast, the purple awn and the blood awn directly merged into one place, and then were suddenly compressed, just in time to deal with Ye Chen's sudden attack. The long blood-purple light body appeared again.

This time, it's not in a hurry, the power is naturally stronger.

When the energy breath radiated out, the space around him automatically collapsed, and then turned into nothingness. Even the terrifying energy in the space disappeared at this moment.

"Chaos Yin-Yang Jue!"

Ye Chen took a deep breath, and shook his palm suddenly. In an instant, with him as the center, countless energies began to surge in continuously in the surrounding earth space.


A mouthful of blood spurted out from Ye Chen's mouth uncontrollably. The energy here was too violent because it was terrifying. Even with Ye Chen's physical strength, he couldn't bear it safely, even with the help of yin and yang.

However, precisely because of the rage and terror, after these energies entered the body, through the operation of Cangxuan Hualongjue, the number of silver light streaks that were stimulated had reached as many as 25!
The surging energy made Ye Chen couldn't help but howl up to the sky, such a powerful feeling. . . .Ye Chen had no doubts that if he could gather so many silver light streaks during the battle with Tu Xiong, he would be able to defeat Tu Xiong forcefully without any changes in his body.

Carefree and carefree, Ye Chen's original heart has not been lost, and the violent energy has entered his body, and the devastation brought about is also extremely obvious. With his strong body in the bone refinement state, at this moment, both the body and the bones are in a very short time. , showing signs of atrophy or even fracture.

This power must be released as soon as possible, otherwise, it will bring him unhealable sequelae!

The heaven-shattering dragon chant, accompanied by an indescribable dragon's power, swept across the sky and earth.

The 25 silver light streaks began to spin crazily, the dazzling light merged rapidly, and the light was connected. In the midair, the real silver dragon was entrenched.

The illusory silver real dragon, carrying all the power surging in Ye Chen's body, slammed into the inch-long blood-purple light body.

When the dragon's majesty filled the sky and swept across the sky, even the ferocious beasts in several other battlefields were greatly affected and restrained, which gave Cao Feng and others a great opportunity to severely injure these ferocious beasts.

Almost instantly, the disproportionate two attacks, one big and one small, collided brazenly in the sky.


The instant impact actually made this world seem like the end of the world. Terrible chaos spread out crazily. Wherever it passed, any matter turned into nothingness in an instant.

This valley area has been directly razed to the ground, showing signs of desolation, which makes people unable to bear to look directly at it!

In this near-destructive chaos, there were two figures, who were thrown out fiercely, and finally crossed the space, and smashed heavily on the appalling ground.

This is naturally Ye Chen and the peerless beast!

In that distance, the peerless ferocious beast no longer had the peerless ferocious power it had when we first saw it. The light around it was dim, and because of the dim light, people could clearly see that the purple crystals covering its body had all fallen off. Quite a few, showing a bloody mess.

And the blood in the eyes seems to have disappeared, and it looks like the eyes are gouged out and hollow in the copper bell-like eyes.

In front of Ye Chen, the Dayu Divine Cauldron is still floating, but the current Dayu Divine Cauldron, although it is a treasure and has extraordinary power, may be because it has been restrained in this Valley of Burying Souls. The power is so destructive that even it, the breath of the whole body, has become disordered.

Even with the protection of Dayu Divine Cauldron, Ye Chen seemed to be soaked in a pool of blood, like a blood man, his face was as pale as gold paper, extremely pale.

Half of this injury came from the bombardment just now, and the other half was due to the energy absorbed from the surrounding space and the earth.

It turned out to be double injuries!
(End of this chapter)

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