Chapter 230
The chaotic energy atmosphere is still spreading, and this space has not calmed down!

After only a moment or so, the seemingly sluggish and peerless ferocious beast roared again. Its body, which was no longer strong, stood upright again after a short while. Although the fierce power weakened a lot, it was still there Emitting.

Ye Chen didn't find this scene strange!
These creatures in Burying Soul Valley are already extremely tenacious. Unless they really feel the emergence of death, otherwise, they will never give up.

If you want the peerless ferocious beast to escape, right now is not enough!

The mournful roar seemed to represent the desperate determination of the peerless beast. The purple light that had been dimmed began to flicker from its body again.

When the purple awns flickered again, its pupils gradually became glowing with blood.

Although it is not strong, whether it is purple light or blood light in the eyes, as long as the peerless beast is doing this, then it is powerful and dangerous.

Having dealt with the fierce beasts in Burial Soul Valley many times, Ye Chen knew very well that these guys simply exchanged their own lives for a powerful attack to kill the enemy.

The peerless beast that stood up still had the arrogance of a king. When the purple light and the blood light in its eyes reached a certain level, its already tired body shot towards Ye Chen.


In front of Ye Chen, the Great Yu Divine Cauldron spun again, appearing above Ye Chen, and black rays of light fell overwhelmingly, guarding Ye Chen.

Although the Great Yu Divine Cauldron was also severely damaged, it was a treasure after all, and it was severely damaged here only because of the geographical environment, and the root of the Great Yu Divine Cauldron could not be damaged.

Facing the Great Yu Divine Cauldron, the peerless beast ignored it. When it appeared in front of the black light, the condensed blood-purple light pierced fiercely like a sharp spiral blade.


The black light trembled, forcibly resisting the blood-purple light body, and at the same time, the huge divine cauldron, like a shooting star, slammed down heavily on the peerless beast.

To Ye Chen's surprise, the peerless ferocious beast did not care about the fall of the Great Yu Divine Cauldron. After breaking through the black awn, its sharp claws, glowing with purple awn, directly touched Ye Chen's chest. Caught it.

This peerless ferocious beast is really ferocious enough, and it tried its best to withstand the blow from the God of Yu Cauldron, and also wanted to kill Ye Chen. Obviously, in the heart of the peerless beast, it has the confidence to withstand a blow from the God of Yu Cauldron. hit.

Seeing this, Ye Chen's eyes were full of chills, desperate?
"Okay, since you want to risk your life, then I will accompany you. Do you really think that I will not dare if only you beasts dare?"

Chill filled the pupils of the eyes, Ye Chen clenched his palms, and the ghost fire swept out crazily, covering himself and the peerless beasts inside, and immediately, he clenched his palms into fists, and under the wrapping of the silver light, he blatantly blasted out.

"Boom, boom!"

A series of impact sounds sounded at the same time. In the frozen world, there was a terrible chaos. After a while, the world was scattered, and the two figures were forcibly thrown out from there. .

As soon as it landed, that huge figure shook his body, dragged his still fierce momentum, and shot out again. It was fast, and the other figure was even faster. Although the gleaming silver light was no longer As before, he was still extremely domineering and blasted out mercilessly.

This empty area suddenly became incomparably chaotic. Two figures, one large and one small, were continuously sent flying, and slammed into each other fiercely at the fastest speed.

Although the power of the impact is weaker every time, no matter whether it is the peerless beast or Ye Chen, they have never backed up at all. The two lives seem to be no longer their own. , all seem to be ignorant.

Punch for punch, palm to claw, never flinching, nor dodging. . . .

Covered in dust all over the sky, the entire body of the peerless beast, almost all the purple crystals fell off, and the blood was bubbling, making it look like a blood beast. With its sluggish breath and weak body, it no longer wanted to take a step forward.

But after seeing the figure of the young man on the opposite side, its eyes seemed to glow with a new fighting spirit again!

The figure of the young man was in no better condition than it, and looked even more miserable. However, in the young man's eyes, the determination had never weakened in the slightest, and when he looked at himself, it seemed that the cold The awns are more prosperous!
In particular, the seriously injured boy did not take a short rest like himself. After stabilizing his figure, he stepped forward again. The steps were very heavy, like a mountain lying on his back, and he walked extremely fast. Slowly, but still walking gradually.

The mind of the peerless ferocious beast trembled. It was a beast creature itself, and its physical strength was already higher than that of humans. In addition, it was in the Valley of Burying Souls, and it was attacked by this terrifying energy day after day, year after year. It is a monster of the same level, and it is not comparable to itself.

The series of non-stop fatal attacks just now were unbearable even for himself, and now, it is even more difficult to move an inch. The young man not only endured it, but was able to walk towards him.

Since even this boy can do it, why can't I!


The peerless ferocious beast roared up to the sky, and when its eyes glowed with a new fighting spirit, its heavy body, like a boy, walked towards the opponent with difficulty.


With every step, the ground felt like an earthquake.

When the two figures finally stood face to face again for a while, there was a bang, and both of them flew out powerlessly.

At this moment, even the peerless ferocious beast still had fighting intent in its eyes, its physical fatigue prevented it from moving, it couldn't even maintain a standing posture, its huge body just prostrated itself on the ground.

On the far side, the young man was also half-kneeling on the ground. When his hands were on the ground, he could see that his whole body was shaking violently. Obviously, he couldn't last long in this posture.

Seeing this, the Peerless Fierce Beast let out a sigh of relief, and was unable to kill the young man within its own strength. This was the regret and disappointment of the Peerless Fierce Beast, but after seeing the tenacity of the youth, and the incredible strength Afterwards, being able to fight to the detriment of both sides is considered a very good result for it.

This breath did not let the peerless beast relax for too long. It suddenly saw that the young man who was trembling violently did not know when his body stopped shaking, and he slowly stood up.

Although the injury was still serious and he was a little unsteady when standing, he still stood up.

But when he just stood up, the boy didn't care about his body's stability. He just walked towards the peerless beast, step by step, very slowly.

Even if the peerless ferocious beast is ruthless, it dares to fight, and it is willing to fight. Right now, it can't help showing a touch of panic in its pupils. It can't figure out how a young man can do such a thing.

Even if a young man has terrible perseverance, even in the face of death, he dares to punch and never gives up, but no matter how persistent he is, there will be a limit. The limit of the physical body comes. What can be done?
The peerless ferocious beast never believed that the young man's physical body was stronger than it. He didn't even have the slightest bit of strength in his body. How could a young man still have it?
Regardless of whether the Peerless Fierce Beast wants it or not, the young man walks over slowly.

Although the road is long and the pace is slow, there is always a moment to arrive!
The peerless ferocious beast jumped up all over, it knew that as long as the boy came in front of it, if he could swing his fist without much strength, it would surely die!
Suddenly, the peerless ferocious beast regretted it. If it had known this young man was so difficult to deal with, why should it be. . . .
The battles in several other places in the distance, under the suppression of Long Wei, and the joint efforts of Cao Feng and nine people, ended the battle early, and the corpses of several ferocious beasts fell silently on the ground.

They quietly watched the battle between Ye Chen and the peerless beast, not because they didn't want to help, but because they were all shocked!
The madness of one person and one beast made them terrified, and the current Ye Chen made them stunned, completely forgetting that they wanted to go forward to help Ye Chen.

Like the Peerless Beast, Cao Feng and others didn't know what was supporting Ye Chen so that he could, in such a state, still firmly move towards the Peerless Beast.

Every step was extremely difficult, but they were extremely firm. . . .It is impossible to imagine where Ye Chen's current power comes from!


The peerless ferocious beast roared again, but everyone could hear that its roar was not only without its previous aura, but also mixed with great fear, it was already afraid.

Perhaps it was to save his life, after a moment, the Zimang, which hadn't appeared for a long time, flied out of the peerless beast again.

Under the purple mans wrap, the peerless ferocious beast seemed to have regained some of its energy, its huge body shook, and immediately shot out, but the direction of the shot was not where Ye Chen was, but towards the outside of the valley!

The peerless ferocious beast has no intention of fighting anymore, it wants to run away!

"Stop it!"

Nine strands of spiritual power suddenly soared into the sky, forcing the purple light to land from midair. In an instant, the purple light dimmed, revealing a huge figure of a peerless beast.

"Let it go!"

Ye Chen suddenly shouted.

Cao Feng and the others were stunned, not understanding what Ye Chen meant. However, even the five people in Tangzhou withdrew their spiritual power immediately, and Ye Chen's words had been taken as an order by them.

Seeing the peerless beast fleeing away, Ye Chen couldn't help laughing, laughing wantonly!
"Ha ha!"

In this life-and-death battle, at the end, he still stood at the end!
The wanton laughter echoed in the valley. Looking at Ye Chen, he finally showed the willfulness that a teenager should have. Cao Feng and others realized that Ye Chen was still a teenager!

(End of this chapter)

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