Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 231 Healing

Chapter 231 Healing
The messy valley did not gradually return to normal due to the passage of time. The great battle that day had completely destroyed the appearance of the valley. The place where I lived.

After Ye Chen retreated to heal his injuries, the nine Cao Feng members were divided into two teams, guarding here day and night!
They were not worried that the peerless ferocious beast would come back again, even if its injuries healed soon, it would not come back because it was scared.

**** It's all the same, there is already a shadow of fear in my heart, even if I know that this person who scares me is seriously injured, I may not have enough courage to face him.

What Cao Feng and the others were worried about were other ferocious beasts!
The battle that day was too fierce, and it must have attracted the attention of creatures from other places. If a group of fierce beasts came at this time, Cao Feng and the nine knew that with their strength, Ye Chen might not be able to have enough time, and a quiet enough environment to retreat and heal.

While carefully guarding this valley, everyone's eyes would glance at the temporarily opened cave from time to time. In this cave, Ye Chen was retreating.

Every time they looked back, there was still unbelievable shock. The battle that day not only scared the peerless beast, but also left an indelible memory in the minds of Cao Feng and others.

They can't learn that kind of fighting style, and likewise, they don't dare to learn it!

The most precious thing in the world is life!
People who don't even care about their lives are undoubtedly extremely terrifying!

They couldn't imagine what Ye Chen was thinking in his heart during that battle, so they couldn't be sure how far Ye Chen could go.

Because those who didn't know about this, Cao Feng, Xu Fengyang, Zhao Zizhong and Yan Xiu not only had a little more awe of Ye Chen, but also made up their minds to follow Ye Chen all the way, not only in the Burial Soul Valley, but also after leaving the Burial Soul Valley. Soul Valley, still follow!

Ye Chen's performance has shown them the future, and they no longer have any doubts. Even in this battle, Ye Chen failed to win the position of the young master of the wilderness in the end, and his future will still be incomparable. brilliant.

Because, a wild city is definitely not a place for Ye Chen to fight for his whole life!

And the five people in Tangzhou, at this time, completely understood the meaning of Cao Feng's words when Ye Chen was about to fight the peerless beast.

Ye Chen is really different, his uniqueness has nothing to do with strength!
How could anyone else choose to face the peerless beast?
No one who entered the Burial Soul Valley has absolute strength to defeat that peerless beast!

Ye Chen's choice had his own selfishness, but he never thought that it would make Tang Zhou and the others have a different sense of him. This is an unexpected harvest. At least in this Valley of Burying Souls, these five people will become reliable allies .

The narrow cave has been filled with a lot of spiritual energy. Ye Chen, who is sitting cross-legged, is still extremely pale after three days of training. It's getting serious.

Not only that, from the inside out, from Ye Chen's body, a powerful destructive aura swept out directly, never stopped, it seemed to be endless, it had taken root in Ye Chen's body, and could reproduce by itself.

Because of the existence of this destructive aura, Ye Chen's injury didn't seem to improve at all after three days of training.

And these are the terrible consequences of Ye Chen's crazy battle with the peerless beast!
Cangxuan Hualongjue has cultivated to the state of bone refining, Ye Chen's physical strength is already stronger than most spirit beasts, even comparable to some ordinary profound beasts, you know, Cangxuan The cultivation of Dragon Transformation Jue is to use dragon energy as energy.

Entering the body with dragon energy can greatly change a person's physique!
However, the physical body comparable to ordinary mysterious beasts was far from enough in that desperate battle. Although the power from the peerless beasts was partially offset by the Dayu Divine Cauldron, the rest was enough for Ye Chen's physical body suffered a terrible blow.

If it's just these injuries, it's not enough to worry too much. It may not be possible to recover in three days, but it won't be as it is now. It seems that the injuries are more serious.

The real horror lies in the display of Chaos Yin-Yang Art!

The energy from this world allowed Ye Chen to display a strength that could not be displayed in the outside world. However, the berserk factor in the energy, like a seed, took root in Ye Chen's body.

And the current destruction is that after these seeds took root, they began to germinate.

If they continue like this, Ye Chen's body will be occupied by the aura of destruction. Ye Chen doesn't know what kind of changes will happen at that time, but such changes will definitely not be good for him.

Ye Chen has long ignored the problem of injuries. In serious injuries, as long as the life continues and the spiritual power runs on its own, it will slowly get better, plus the mysterious jade bones. . . .

In fact, if there is no mysterious jade bone, Ye Chen himself would not know whether he would dare to fight to the death with that peerless beast!
With the magical power of the mysterious jade bone to heal injuries on its own, as well as the instinct of a warrior, the injury will not worsen!
All of Ye Chen's attention was focused on those violent factors!
There are one after another destructive breaths in the body, sweeping crazily, they have never devoured Ye Chen's vitality, nor have they damaged Ye Chen's physical body, but their existence is a fatal impact.

Everywhere in the body, including the bones, and even the meridians, are filled with such breaths, as if they have penetrated deep into the bone marrow.

Ye Chen didn't pay attention to these destructive auras, making them disappear is not a difficult process, the difficulty is to uproot them, that is to say, to find those violent factors.

Otherwise, as long as the berserk factor exists, the aura of destruction will never cease!
A spiritual force, including the power of yin and yang, was guided by the mind and spirit, and it traveled through the body very quickly. . . .After more than half an hour, Ye Chen's heart trembled suddenly, he couldn't find the violent factor hidden in his body.

"Ghost Demon Fire!"

Ye Chen drank heavily in his heart, and the white flames rushed out like overwhelming the sky and covering the earth. In an instant, it turned into an incomparable sea of ​​flames, directly freezing all the destructive aura in his body inside.

Since the berserk factor cannot be found, force it to appear automatically.

If the aura of destruction is endless because of the existence of the berserk factor, as long as there is no such aura of destruction, I believe that the berserk factor will definitely take action.

Sure enough, when these destructive auras were frozen by the Nether Demon Fire, the destructive aura appeared again silently.

Ye Chen's mind froze, and his spiritual power, which contained the power of yin and yang, flashed towards the place where the aura of destruction emanated.


When the body was trembling, the spiritual power wrapped in the power of yin and yang directly covered the outside of this body. Immediately, the spiritual power penetrated in, and the ray of yin and yang power was like a magical weapon, covering the entire body. The surrounding area was completely confined.


When the spiritual power entered, Ye Chen's physical body trembled heavily. In the violent factor that had never been seen before, terrifying energy surged out crazily, and then it was bombarded heavily.

With Ye Chen's spiritual power, he couldn't stop this energy. With a click, his body exploded, and crazy energy swept out like lightning.

At the same time, it seemed to feel the emergence of this energy, and all the destructive auras sealed under the ice of the Nether Demon Fire also began to move wildly, trying to break through the shackles around them.

Sure enough, terrifying energy!

Ye Chen let out a sigh of relief, but fortunately, he has been able to use a ray of yin and yang power now, otherwise, in the face of the backlash of these violent energies, even in the end, he would be able to resist, and the price he would have to pay would definitely not be small.

Moreover, being able to resist and dissolving these berserk factors are two completely different concepts!
There is no need for Ye Chen to make a decision. When the terrifying energy from the berserk factor rushed out, the yin and yang power that was imprisoned here was directly suppressed.

Facing the power of yin and yang, the terrifying energy that was still invincible just now, was like between an ant and an elephant. In an instant, the feeling of berserk disappeared, and furthermore, all the destructive aura in the body became extremely powerful. Quiet.

It is impossible for Ye Chen to hold back, and the power of yin and yang will not allow these energies that are harmful to Ye Chen to exist. After suppressing these energies, the power of yin and yang directly penetrated into that body.

Not a moment later, a wave of berserk aura rushed out from there quickly, with a sense of panic.

At this moment, Ye Chen's mind felt unprecedentedly relaxed. These berserk factors finally drove them out of their hiding places, and the ones that appeared in his perception were no longer as scary as before. .

Without the power of yin and yang, under the shroud of the ghost fire, this berserk factor only existed for only three seconds, and then it disappeared completely!

Without these, Ye Chen's complexion turned rosy at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his breath gradually stabilized. At this time, Ye Chen had really entered the cultivation process.

Time flies, passes quickly, and half a month is fleeting. . . .

With the improvement of his injuries, Ye Chen's strength not only returned to the peak of the past, but faintly, it seemed that there were signs of a breakthrough because of the battle with the peerless beast!
However, just when such signs appeared, there seemed to be a ray of purple light passing quickly across his body.

The speed was so fast that Ye Chen himself didn't have time to discover it, but because of this, Ye Chen abruptly withdrew from the state of cultivation, and the so-called breakthrough naturally disappeared. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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