Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 232 Fight Again

Chapter 232 Fight Again
A touch of purple light flashed very quickly in the pupils of the eyes. . . .
Ye Chen naturally couldn't see this scene in his pupils, but when the purple awns disappeared from his pupils, there was another purple awn on his palm, which appeared dazzlingly!

This purple awn is in the ghost fire!

It seems to be wrapped in the ghost fire, but it is more like a natural formation!

That is to say, in the Nether Demon Fire, there originally existed this purple awn. . . .And how could there be any impurities in the Nether Demon Fire?Even if Ye Chen knows what this purple awn represents.

Ye Chen's mind was concentrated for a moment, and immediately he grasped the palm of his hand heavily. The quiet Nether Demon Fire suddenly erupted into an astonishingly high temperature. The high temperature did not sweep away, but the Nether Demon Fire itself was rapidly shrinking.

The flames rose, and the high temperature shrouded them in. Facing the white flames, the purple awns, which stood out from the crowd, suppressed them mercilessly!
Even the existence of purple awns may be able to enhance the power of the Nether Demon Fire, but the Nether Demon Fire is the Nether Demon Fire, it can accommodate other different fires in the world, and that kind of accommodation can only be devoured, not blended!

If the two fires fuse together to produce a mutation, the power of the Nether Demon Fire will indeed increase. However, is it still the Nether Demon Fire?

What Ye Chen wants is pure ghost fire, not any abnormal fire!
Only in this way is the pure Nether Demon Fire, and the Nether Demon Falcon, which is evolving, will not be disturbed. If you blindly pursue the strength of the Nether Demon Fire, you will lose your heart.

He and the Nether Demon Falcon are already fused by blood, and nothing can happen to it!
The powerful white flames seemed to open their ferocious fangs, and forcibly devoured the purple glow. . . .

The space trembled slightly, and the bright purple glow slowly disappeared under Ye Chen's gaze.

The Nether Demon Fire remained the same, even after swallowing the purple light, it did not change at all, and even its power did not increase at all.

Looking at the flames floating in the palm of his hand, Ye Chen smiled thoughtfully. Although the flames cannot blend together, they can be devoured. As for the power?
The flames that swept out radiated terrible cold and high temperatures, and while freezing the space, the space did not collapse, but it was sensed that the space is now like a watermelon, with the surface intact, In fact, it's all rotten inside.

Everything in the ice is still intact, and everything inside has been turned into nothingness, leaving nothing behind. Even Ye Chen himself feels a great pressure in such a space.

Ye Chen's eyes tightened, and then he laughed softly: "It's worthy of being a beast!"

Under the suppression of the power of yin and yang, the rage of energy from this world is naturally eliminated. The state of the whole body is unbelievably good. Ye Chen can feel that the benefits brought by this desperate battle are of course not unprecedented. Clearly manifested, yet already present.

And another big bonus!

Ye Chen got up abruptly, and at the entrance of the cave, the guarding Great Yu Divine Cauldron moved softly and returned to Ye Chen's body by itself.

In contrast, the trauma suffered by Dayu Divine Cauldron was heavier than that of Ye Chen. After all, Dayu Divine Cauldron was the real protagonist in the battle that day.

Although it is a treasure, it is subject to the energy in this world. After more than half a month, the Dayu Divine Cauldron still cannot be fully restored. Fortunately, Ye Chen has fully recovered now, with the help of Yin and Yang, as long as the Dayu Divine Cauldron Spirituality has not been lost, and it can be recovered in a very short time.

"Boss Ye!"

Outside the cave, seeing Ye Chen walk out, Cao Feng and the others immediately cupped their fists and shouted respectfully.

Ye Chen could tell that even the respect of the five people in Tangzhou was not just on the spot.

"Thank you for your hard work!"

Ye Chen clasped his fists and smiled, without the help of Cao Feng and nine people, he would not have been able to fight the peerless beast to his heart's content. Of course, it was mutual. Without Ye Chen and five people arriving in time, Tangzhou and the others would have become fierce monsters. The belly of the beast was eaten.

"Boss Ye, this is the nine-leaf clover you want!"

Tangzhou presented the nine-leaf clover with both hands. Now he, including his four partners, did not hesitate at all. This mission item should really be obtained by Ye Chen.

"Thank you Captain Tangzhou!"

Ye Chen wasn't too polite, and took the mission item without any hesitation!
The so-called nine-leaf clover, on the neck of a branch, nine leaves of almost the same size are growing in an orderly manner. Even if it has left the earth, its vitality is still beyond the reach of ordinary rare treasures.

The crystal-clear branches and nine leaves look like works of art, with great ornamental value. Its vitality, as well as the peculiar fragrance, can make people feel refreshed and refreshed. It is definitely the best choice for medicine or alchemy.

As expected of the rare treasures grown in the Valley of the Burial Soul, although Ye Chen is not an alchemist, he has not done much research on these treasures of heaven and earth, once he got them, he could feel the specialness and preciousness of the nine-leaf grass.

The special energy makes these rare treasures unique. If the nine-leaf clover lives outside the Burial Soul Valley, it can be regarded as a rare treasure in the world, but it must not be the same as the current nine-leaf clover. Leaf grass compared.

After looking at it for a while, Ye Chen put it into the Sumeru Ring!

The so-called quest items are the objects that must be obtained by everyone who enters the Burial Soul Valley. Based on this, everyone's performance is determined. However, these quest items do not need to be handed in. That is to say, although Nine Leaf Clover It is a task item, but from now on, it is also Ye Chen's personal item.

At that time, just wait for someone to make an appearance in Xu Baxian!

Money touches people's hearts, but I believe that no one has the courage to come and grab Ye Chen's things!
"Boss Ye, thank you five for saving me this time. Now that Boss Ye has recovered, we should leave." Tang Zhou immediately clasped his fists again and said.

Squads can cooperate with each other, or even be combined together to explore the Valley of Burial Souls together.

It's just that Tangzhou has Tangzhou's plan. Together with Ye Chen and others, perhaps there will be fewer crises and it will be easier to complete this experience, but in that case, the essence of entering the Valley of the Burial Soul will be lost.

Being blessed by others, one can never become a master, this truth, Tangzhou has always understood!
"Okay, Captain Tangzhou, take care of the four of you!" Ye Chen nodded with a smile and said.

Tangzhou said again: "The five of us will keep this love in our hearts. In the future, if you have any orders from Leader Ye and the four of you, I will wait for you!"

"Captain Tangzhou is polite, and we have gained enough benefits from it, it's just mutual benefit."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "But if Captain Tangzhou doesn't mind, it's fine to make friends!"

When the words came, the eyes of the five people in Tangzhou tightened immediately. If it was someone else, they would be very willing to make this friend. Ye Chen's strength and obvious potential would make anyone willing to be friends with him.

But, this person is Ye Chen!

The word "friend" is too precious!
Although it is a world where profit is paramount, the word "friend" is still not easy to say.

Tang Zhou knew Ye Chen's current position and the environment he was in. He knew even more that giving charcoal in the snow is far more precious than icing on the cake. If at this time, forming a friendship with Ye Chen, it may be extremely beneficial for the future. great rewards.

However, entering the Valley of the Burial Soul, what Tang Zhou represented was not himself, but the huge forces behind him!
Tang Zhou was afraid that his current actions would bring immeasurable troubles to the forces behind him.

Tangzhou is very envious of Cao Feng and the others. They can become Ye Chen's friends. Even if Ye Chen fails or is purged in the future, it will not affect Cao Feng and the forces behind them. After all, they It's a small team, take advantage of the trend!

Seeing the expressions of the five people in Tangzhou, Ye Chen smiled lightly, and said lightly: "We have all wasted a lot of time, so I am sorry to disturb the five, Captain Tangzhou, let's say goodbye!"

The meaning in the voice made Tangzhou's eyes tremble again, as far as he was concerned, such a young man was worth making friends with, but. . . .

After a moment of silence, Tang Zhou seemed to have made a decision in his mind. He immediately clasped his fists and said in a deep voice, "Boss Ye, I, Tang Zhou, don't know if I have the honor to be your friend, but in the Valley of the Burial Soul, I would like to be your friend." Leader Ye is watching and helping each other!"

"it is good!"

Tangzhou's ability to say such a sentence is already his bottom line. Not everyone is like him, Ye Chen, who is now a widow and has nothing to worry about.


Tangzhou didn't say any more, turned around, and took the other four people quickly to the distance.

"Boss Ye!"

Watching the five people from Tangzhou go away, Xu Fengyang said: "This person from Tangzhou is not bad, he is capable, powerful, and more resilient. In the Great Wilderness City, he is not as famous as Qin Shi and others, but he is actually far more valued than them. , if you can win over to Tangzhou, Chief Ye, your future journey will be easier."

Since Xu Fengyang and the others have decided to follow Ye Chen, they naturally have to plan for the future. The farther Ye Chen goes, the more benefits he will bring to them, of course!
"Don't worry too much, he has his persistence and goals, so I have to do it first, let him see that there is something in me that allows him to realize his ambition."

No matter what kind of person Tang Zhou is or what his strength or ability is, a person with a bottom line will have something worthy of praise. Similarly, he is also worth looking forward to.

"Boss Ye, let's go too!"

Ye Chen nodded, and there was a chill in his eyes: "Before we leave, we have to get rid of a guy first."


"That peerless beast!"

"Boss Ye?"

The four of Cao Feng were taken aback. Although the peerless beasts were definitely invincible, it didn't seem like a wise choice for them to provoke them now.

"Don't worry, this time, that guy is doomed!"

(End of this chapter)

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