Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 236 Refining, True Devouring

Chapter 236 Refining, True Devouring

In a hidden place, Ye Chen sat cross-legged. In front of him, the Nether Demon Fire was still mixed with bright blood-purple light, floating in the space.

Even though they didn't emit any high-temperature breath, Cao Feng and the others still didn't dare to step into the [-]-meter distance!

For them, this guy floating in the air was really terrifying.

They saw with their own eyes that these two big flames merged into one place, so how could they get closer and have a closer look?

The two great flames are terrifying existences in the world. The stronger they are, the more powerful they will be after they are fused together. Before they are fully fused, they are like time bombs.

Not to mention them, once this guy explodes, maybe even Ye Chen himself can't bear the terrifying power.

"Boss Ye, don't worry, just go to retreat. With us here, you won't be disturbed at all." Cao Feng shouted loudly in the distance.

They weren't worried at all, because Ye Chen's retreat would make them rank the lowest in this practice.

With Ye Chen's strength, it won't be too difficult to lead them to catch up with or even surpass other teams as soon as possible.

Hearing this, Ye Chen said with a smile: "Don't be so troublesome, during my retreat time, Brother Cao, you can act on your own, first go find some easy-to-get quest items, and I will come to you after I leave the customs .”

When the words fell, Ye Chen raised his hand and waved, four rays of light rushed out and stayed in front of them.

Cao Feng and the others immediately took out the Lingyu, and each received a ray of light.

"You can't waste your opportunities and experience because of me." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Then you, Chief Ye?" Cao Feng and the others were worried because no one was guarding them.

"It's okay, I have a treasure to protect me. As long as I don't take the initiative to show up, at least in this Valley of Burying Souls, no one can find me. You go!"

Ye Chen waved his hand, and the space he was in suddenly seemed like night fell, directly covering the whole space. After a moment, the space there seemed to disappear from the world out of thin air.

This is the Great Yu Divine Cauldron, Cao Feng and the others knew it, but what they didn't know was that when the Great Yu Divine Cauldron covered this space, it was the Infinite Divine Mirror that hid this space in the heaven and earth.

Even Mei Aoxue and Ye Chen didn't give an overview of the existence of the Infinity Mirror, so naturally they wouldn't let Cao Feng and the others know about it, the less people know about it, the better.

If there is no boundless magic mirror, Ye Chen is very courageous, and I am afraid that he would not dare to do so.

Under the cover of the immeasurable mirror, the real world seems to have turned into nothingness. Except for the aura and air of the world, all other substances are isolated by the immeasurable mirror. Naturally, everything in it, including Ye Chen's breath, The original aura of the Nether Demonic Fire and the Peerless Beast was sealed inside and could not penetrate.

In the nothingness, the ghostly demonic fire floating in the void was no longer as quiet as before, and the terrifying high temperature began to sweep out continuously. At the same time, the original power of the peerless ferocious beast rushed out crazily in the demonic fire.

The two waves of terrifying high temperature directly collided in the Nether Demon Fire again. Although the surrounding space was already empty, under such impact, ripples were formed in the void.

This time, there is the original power of a peerless beast. It is obviously impossible to easily swallow these blood-purple fires like last time, but it seems to know that it will be swallowed, and the strength of resistance is also far away. It exceeded Ye Chen's expectations.

Fortunately, Ye Chen is not greedy, as long as a ray of the original power of the peerless beast is replaced by a greedy person, who absorbs all the original power of the latter, then it is impossible for the Nether Demon Fire to be under the command of Ye Chen. Swallowed these, but can only destroy them forcibly.

The current resistance is very strong, but it is not difficult for Ye Chen to refine it!

With a wave of the palm, the spiritual power contained the power of yin and yang, shot out quickly, and entered into the ghost fire. In an instant, the extremely fierce power weakened a lot.

Afterwards, like a ferocious beast, the Nether Demonic Fire opened its ferocious mouth, covering the blood-purple color.

As time passed, the process of refining and devouring, with the addition of the power of yin and yang, appeared to be extremely smooth. Looking around, the bright blood-purple color began to melt a little bit. Although the speed was not fast, it was still going on. Then, don't be afraid that you won't be able to do it thoroughly.

As the flames from the peerless beasts were forcibly swallowed away, the icy high temperature became much stronger than before, and the surrounding nothingness seemed to be unable to withstand the current icy cold, and showed signs of gradually collapsing .

Ye Chen kept watching, and when the Nether Demon Flame itself was able to resist the resistance of the blood-purple flame and swallow it forcibly, he immediately withdrew the power of yin and yang.

After all, if it is done alone, the effect will be the best. With the help of external force, it can only be done temporarily, not all.

When the color of this group of flames turned into eerie white, the ghost fire finally calmed down and floated in Ye Chen's palm. Even Ye Chen felt the icy cold and high temperature radiate through his heart, at least for this day. In an instant, he couldn't bear it!
Such a change made Ye Chen very happy. The power of the Nether Demon Fire had increased by at least [-]%.

However, after a while, the joy on Ye Chen's face disappeared, replaced by a dignified feeling. The more terrifying the power of the Nether Demon Fire is now, the more dangerous the next move will be, relatively speaking.

Ye Chen's strength has just come into contact with the source of the Nether Demon Fire, and it is impossible to control the latter's source. It is precisely this way that he cannot release the power of the Nether Demon Fire to the extreme.

That is to say, what is now fused with the original power of the peerless ferocious beast is only the Nether Demon Fire, not its original source!
The next thing to do is to incorporate this ghost fire into its origin. This process is the real danger.

It is impossible for any kind of origin to accommodate foreign objects, just like a person, if his soul is integrated with other people's soul, it will be neither fish nor fowl!
It is also for this reason that Ye Chen was never greedy and wanted all the origins of the peerless beasts!
Even with a trace of original power, if you want to blend in, even with the power of yin and yang and Ye Chen's own perseverance, you may not be able to do it, and you may not be able to succeed.

This time, it was just an attempt on his part. If he really succeeds, not only will the power of the Nether Demon Fire increase greatly from now on, but in the future, if he encounters the same powerful strange fire, Ye Chen will be able to, too. The power of the source is integrated in.

By that time, the Nether Demon Fire will not only be an extremely cold hellfire, but also a powerful flame that can evolve. The future of the Nether Demon Fire will have unlimited room for growth.

That kind of benefit can not only be fed back to Ye Chen himself, so that his strength can undergo great changes after the fusion is successful. It is also very possible that the Nether Demon Eagle can break through the shackles of the mysterious beast's bloodline with the help of such an encounter, Promoted to a beast!
In the future, the Nether Demon Falcon at the level of a divine beast will surely grow into a dragon that roars above the nine heavens like a real dragon.

The current Ye Chen has not yet grown up, even if he has grown to be one of the top experts in this world, he urgently needs a strong helper and partner.

Ye Chen will never forget the scene that evolved in the Infinity Mirror, and he knows better that such a scene will inevitably reappear in the future.

Ye Chen, who possesses the immeasurable magic mirror, will be the protagonist in that scene, but Ye Chen doesn't know what kind of strength is needed to calm down such a disaster.

Therefore, there is still time now, since he has already met the opportunity, no matter whether he succeeds or not, he will try again, not for the Nether Demon Falcon, not for himself, and not for the sake of the world, he wants to let the people around him be safe. nothing!

"let's start!"

Ye Chen murmured softly, and immediately, with a wave of his palm, Ye Chen swallowed the Nether Demon Fire in one gulp!

The icy high temperature didn't weaken its power at all because Ye Chen was its master, and Ye Chen's body, which had been reforged by the backlash of the ghost fire, couldn't bear such high temperature at all. .

In just an instant, all parts of the body, including the meridians, were frozen, and even the spiritual power could not move.

It was directly turned into an ice sculpture!

However, Ye Chen's body was always reforged in the ghost fire. Although these cold and high temperatures can reach such a level, they can't hurt Ye Chen in the slightest. His worry is not because he is afraid of being hurt.

This ghostly demon fire moved forward rapidly, and within a moment, it appeared deep inside the body!

There, the same forest-white flame was twinkling and flickering. In the flame, a cocoon like a goose egg was quietly suspended. Inside the cocoon was the Nether Demon Eagle that was still evolving!

After this ghost fire came here, it quickly quieted down.

At this time, Ye Chen breathed out heavily, and his expression became extremely dignified. If the next move fails, it will not cause any harm to himself and the Nether Demon Eagle. It is just an injury, and Ye Chen can still bear it.

But if it fails, it also means that the road envisioned will not work!

After more than ten minutes, Ye Chen's heart slowly returned to a calm state.

"bring it on!"

Ye Chen drank suddenly, and the color in his pupils turned into extremely firm!

Deep inside the body, the silkworm cocoon in the white flames is still as quiet as a virgin, but there is a ray of fire shooting out from it, which is the origin of the ghost fire!

Even though this was just an experiment by Ye Chen, Ye Chen didn't have much hope for it, but it must not be carried out in it. It doesn't matter if Ye Chen himself is injured, but if the Nether Demon Eagle is injured and affects the Its evolution is not worth the candle.

The source had just appeared, and the Nether Demon Fire, which contained the source of the peerless beast, swept into the source like lightning.


Ye Chen's physical body shook violently!
(End of this chapter)

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