Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 237 The Pain of Suffering

Chapter 237 The Pain of Suffering

When the Nether Demon Fire swept into the source, Ye Chen's body began to vibrate violently, and a cruel pain swept through any part of his body. . . .

Although Ye Chen cannot control the source of the Nether Demon Fire, he is the master of the Nether Demon Fire, at least one of the masters, and everything that happens in the source will be fed back to Ye Chen's body.

The original source is like a soul, and no foreign things can be imposed on it!

When the ghost fire entered the source, before it even started to do anything, the source of the ghost fire burst out a terrifying energy, trying to melt the flames of the peerless beasts that had already melted into it. Yuanyuan was forcibly expelled.

However, the origin of the peerless beast has been fused with the Nether Demon Fire under the influence of Yin and Yang. The degree of fusion is no longer different. Even if it is the origin of the magic fire, if you want to drive it out, How can it be done at will?

Even if it could be done, the Nether Demon Fire itself didn't want the source of the peerless beast to leave. He thought that with the entry of such a source, the power had already increased a lot, so how could he be willing to discard it?
What's more, there is Ye Chen's will in this Nether Demon Fire, and unless it is absolutely necessary to abandon it, this will that belongs to Ye Chen will never dissipate.

Therefore, when the source of the magic fire attacked strongly, the same ferocious energy also surged out.

The origin of the demonic fire, which controls all the ghostly demonic fires, is the source, the seed, the source of the ghostly demonic fire. Therefore, no matter how powerful the ghostly demonic fire's resistance is, it can be ignored in front of the source of the demonic fire.

The only result is that what this crazy mutual attack brought to Ye Chen was that his physical body began to burst apart inch by inch in an instant. If anyone was here, they would find that his body was covered with clothes. A spider web was attached, and blood continuously seeped out from the spider web. It didn't take long for Ye Chen to become a blood man, which was shocking.

The so-called pain, Ye Chen has endured countless times over the years, whether it is physical pain or pain in the heart, so Ye Chen can still bear it.

What needs to be grasped now is not whether the physical body will completely collapse because of this, but to find a way to let the origin of the peerless beast be accepted by the origin of the magic fire and successfully blend in.

At this point, what Ye Chen can do is to keep the will in the Nether Demon Fire from dissipating, and the only means he can use is the power of yin and yang.

It's just that now, the Nether Demon Fire can still resist it, so it cannot use the power of Yin and Yang. In the same way, the process must always have sufficient adaptation from the origin of the Demon Fire.

Otherwise, acting forcefully will only be counterproductive. If there is not enough adaptation and acceptance, even if you are forced to integrate, sooner or later there will be big problems. At that time, the crisis that will arise, I am afraid that the word 'terrible' cannot be used to describe it up.

So now, Ye Chen can only wait!
The process of waiting was undoubtedly extremely hard. The bombardment derived from the source of the demonic fire continued like waves. In the end, the ghostly demonic fire had no power to resist, and was still crazily attacked by the source of the demonic fire. with.

And all of these turned into endless pain, which acted on Ye Chen's body.

Up to now, there is no one piece of his body intact. His bones are broken and his meridians are shattered. It is horrible. Only his mind has been guarded tightly. Won't be a fatal injury.

During this process, Ye Chen didn't do anything. He had enough confidence that his physical body could last until the end, to the point where he couldn't continue.

Now that he has the confidence, he simply gave up all means of defense.

This naturally made Ye Chen more painful. However, in the process of suffering, this is also an excellent means to forge and strengthen the physical body. As long as this incident passes, even Cangxuan Hualongjue cannot break through the bone refining state , the strength of his physical body is bound to be much stronger.

After passing through the Wuliang Mountain and seeing the devastating scene from the Wuliang Mirror, he never let go of any chance to improve his strength.

This time, it is Ye Chen's expectation to let the origin of the magic fire merge with the origin of the peerless beast, but at the same time, he understood before that this process is also a great help to his strength.

Ye Chen could bear and resist these pains, but the waiting process was too tormenting, because with such integration, there was no hope at all.

Over the years, even during the decadent three years, Ye Chen felt that hope was ahead in everything he did. Therefore, even in pain, he was willing to do so, because he knew that there would always be a day when suffering would come to an end and his wish would come true.

But this time is different, the fusion of the original source is an impossible thing, something that cannot be done, but Ye Chen wants to do something that cannot be done, which is undoubtedly going against the sky, so, how can See hope!

Waiting for the emergence of hope will make people feel very happy. On the contrary, waiting without hope, the pain, presumably only those who are experiencing Ye Chen can understand what it feels like, other people cannot understand.

As time passed, the impact of the source of the magic fire became more and more severe. Under such suppression, the ghostly magic fire was no longer the size of a thumb. Under the suppression of the source of the magic fire, even Ye Chen's will, are gradually weakening.

Fortunately, Ye Chen has not given up yet, and neither has the Nether Demon Fire itself, and it seems that the origin of the peerless beast has never given up, because it knows that once it is forcibly expelled, it will stay here forever Heaven and earth disappeared.

Although it is only a ray of original power, it is also qualified to continue to survive!
With the joint efforts of the three, they finally survived under the suppression of the magic fire.


The origin of the magic fire is full of terrifying icy energy. Under its suppression, the Nether Demon Fire, which is as big as a thumb, huddled in a small space, motionless, like a dead thing!

However, I don't know when it started, but that bit of Nether Demon Fire suddenly emitted an extremely dazzling light. In that light, a little Nether Demon Fire seemed to be reborn.

As far as the origin of the magic fire is concerned, this is the last resistance of the ghost fire, the so-called backlight.

It's just that the origin of the magic fire may not have thought that when this scene appeared, all its attacks would pause slightly at this moment.

This process was extremely short, but was still clearly captured by Ye Chen, and a faint smile suddenly appeared in his blood-covered pupils.

After waiting for so long, is it finally here?
The tightly guarded mind suddenly relaxed, and immediately, a ray of yin and yang force shot out from the double source point like lightning, and it didn't let this ray of yin and yang force move forward because of the already horrible body. , is not affected in the slightest.

A moment later, in the depths of the body, above the source of the magic fire, the power of yin and yang was already quietly floating.

"Whether you succeed or not depends on you!"

Ye Chen murmured in a low voice, every word he uttered caused severe pain to his physical body. In fact, his physical body could no longer be called a body, it was too terribly damaged.

It's not that Ye Chen was reforged because of the backlash of the Nether Demon Fire, and now Ye Chen is dead.

The yin and yang qi determine the universe, create all things, and balance the heaven and the earth. If even the yin and yang qi cannot control the origin of the magic fire, and after adapting to the origin of the peerless beast, they cannot fuse it, then Ye Chen has I had to give up all my perseverance.

Therefore, this is indeed impossible!
Neither yin and yang can do it. In this world, no one or energy can do it. To a certain extent, yin and yang represent the heaven and the earth.

Who else can do what the world itself cannot do?
The power of yin and yang has just appeared, and has not yet made the slightest move. The source of the demon fire, which seemed to have been enraged, suddenly became docile, and no longer has the slightest presumptuousness!

One can imagine the power of the power of yin and yang!

However, prestige is prestige, and it is still unknown whether the origin of the magic fire can act as ordered. Although the heaven and earth are powerful, any living beings who offend themselves may not accept the opinions of the heaven and earth.

The so-called walking against the sky, since this sentence exists, it has a certain truth.

Does God want you to die, so you have to be willing to accept the end of death?Obviously not, no one would accept their fate willingly!
The same is true of the origin of the magic fire, so Ye Chen did not feel the slightest joy because of the honesty of the origin of the magic fire.

After floating quietly for a few seconds, the power of yin and yang swept down at an extremely fast speed.

Any source will resist all external things, but it will never resist the power of yin and yang. Therefore, the entry of the latter has not been hindered in the slightest. In the ghost fire of resistance.

At this time, the origin of the magic fire began to vibrate violently. Obviously, it understood the true intention of this yin-yang force.

The origin of the demonic fire in the shock once again swept out the monstrous ice cold. To such a degree, it seems to be telling the power of Yin-Yang and Ye Chen that it will never allow any foreign objects to fuse with itself, even if the power of Yin-Yang is here.


The terrifying ice-cold swept down, directly enveloping the Nether Demonic Fire in it. It was already the power of going all out, far surpassing any wave in the past, and the destruction it brought was indescribable.

However, when the icy cold had just swept in, the Nether Demonic Fire suddenly became radiant. It was no longer a so-called backlight, but a terrifying counterattack, because there was already the power of yin and yang in it!

Ye Chen was watching quietly, success or failure is already here. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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