Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 239 Spirit Origin Peak

Chapter 239 Spirit Origin Peak
Ye Chen never expected that in this process, he could control the source of the magic fire. He never thought that it would give him such an unexpected and great surprise.

Of course, Ye Chen also knew that the so-called control did not completely control the source of the magic fire.

Right now, he only controls a small part of it. The Nether Demon Falcon is still evolving, and it is impossible for him to control all of it. He has to wait until the Nether Demon Falcon evolves successfully!

But that's it, Ye Chen is already very satisfied!
A small part of the origin of the magic fire has been controlled, and the power of the ghost magic fire can be exerted in Ye Chen's hands. . . .If he fought against that peerless beast again, Ye Chen didn't need to resort to any means at all. The ghost fire alone would be able to force the peerless beast to flee.

Although due to his cultivation, Ye Chen still couldn't exert the power he controlled. However, in the realm of the spirit level, if he wanted to find an opponent, among the people Ye Chen knew, Mei Aoxue, Zixiao, Lin Yifan. . . .

For him today, such strength is undoubtedly extremely important!

You know, up to now, Ye Chen has only penetrated dozens of miles into Burial Soul Valley. To cross the entire Burial Soul Valley, the dangers needed in the future will inevitably increase, and they will also become bigger and bigger.

Only with the absolute strength to run rampant in the Spirit Sea Realm can one gain the most benefits and gain enough experience in this Valley of Burying Souls.

After being excited for a while, Ye Chen immediately entered the practice!
The majestic mountains, the aura is compelling, especially in the area behind the mountain, in the space shrouded in clouds and mist, there seems to be a formation around it, pulling the aura from all directions, continuously pouring in, forming a holy place for cultivation!
On the edge of the cliff, on a huge bluestone, a girl in a light colored skirt, with her plain white hands forming the seal of cultivation, is quietly cultivating with her eyes closed.

As she exhales and inhales, a perfect cycle is formed, and between each cycle, the rich aura of heaven and earth in the surrounding world will surge rapidly and be absorbed by her into the body along with her breathing. Then refining and absorbing. . . .

In front of her, a simple long sword was quietly suspended in the air in the scabbard.

When the last ray of spiritual energy from heaven and earth was absorbed in this space, the girl slowly opened her eyes, and a faint light shone in her eyes. Go, just like a fairy descending to earth!

"Senior Sister Mei!"

Seeing the girl withdrawing from her practice, a maid who was waiting in the distance quickly approached and said respectfully. When she looked at the girl, a trace of awe and envy involuntarily flashed in the eyes of the maid.

This talented girl, as time passed, her light became brighter and brighter. Up to now, even some elders in the sect could not compare with her, only the suzerain and the great elder.

The maid has no doubt that in the future, this young girl will definitely be able to shine her unique light in the entire northern continent, and even in the whole world, and it must be extremely dazzling!
"Is something wrong?"

The girl stood up and stood on the edge of the cliff. The light-colored skirt and gown were blown tightly by the oncoming breeze against her exquisite body, making it look uneven and extremely eye-catching.

This is her exclusive training ground, and no one, including the suzerain and her master, can enter without her permission.

Hearing the displeasure in the girl's voice, the maid quickly responded: "Senior sister Mei, the suzerain and the great elder, please go over and talk to you about something important."

"Is it important?"

Hearing this, the girl's eyebrows could not help but frown tightly, and a chill suddenly rose in her beautiful eyes.

As if sensing the change in the girl's mood, the long sword suddenly moved in front of her. The sword was still in its sheath, but it was already a shocking sword intent, sweeping out like a wave.

The sky filled with sword intent, intertwined here, just for a moment, all the clouds and mists in the space in front of them were forcibly dispersed. At this moment, the maid suddenly saw that the complete space was like a broken mirror, full of There are cracks.

Just a moment of anger caused the world to shake, and the maid couldn't imagine how terrible it would be when the girl really made a move?
"You go first, tell them, I'll be fine later!"


With the sword intent in front, the maid didn't dare to stay for a long time, so she hurriedly left the space.

The girl was still standing quietly, and the sword intent was still surging in front of her, as if she wanted to completely turn this void into nothingness.

"Sovereign, you must not force me. In this way, I can still keep the foundation of the Yanyang Sect. If not, even if I, Mei Aoxue, have to bear the infamy of the world, I will not let you do it!"

In the spacious and bright hall, a white-haired old man held a teacup in his hand, looking rather restless. He looked towards the hall door from time to time, with an extremely anxious expression on his face.

"Sovereign, please be quiet and don't get bored!"

Next, the white-haired old woman said with a smile.

Hearing this, the white-haired old man smiled wryly, and said: "Junior Sister, why don't you be anxious if you call me Brother, it's only been half a year, Aoxue has improved almost rapidly, and now she is no longer under your control. She might not agree."

The old woman said confidently: "Sect Master, you don't need to worry. Aoxue is cold outside and hot inside. We have cultivated her for so many years. She will never forget this love. Moreover, it is not forcing her now, but just discussing with her."

"Besides, this matter is also good for her. At best, we just proposed an opportunity. Even if it fails in the end, Cang Pavilion owes us a favor. For us, this is all good. .”

The white-haired old man shook his head and said: "What Junior Sister said is reasonable, but from my point of view, Aoxue will never take this opportunity, a person with deep roots of love will not care about other people... ..."

"Since the love is deeply rooted, why should she care about these things?" The old woman smiled and said, "Don't worry about the suzerain, I will definitely let Aoxue agree."

"I don't know the suzerain and master, what do you want me to promise?"

While the white-haired old man was talking to the old woman, the girl's crisp voice resounded in the hall, and a plain figure walked in slowly from outside the hall.

"Aoxue, here you are, did you disturb your cultivation?"

The white-haired old man immediately stood up from his seat and smiled kindly.

Mei Aoxue glanced at the two of them indifferently, and said: "What's the matter, let the suzerain and the master speak quickly, the disciple's cultivation has reached a critical juncture, and there is really no time to care about other things."

The white-haired old man was secretly angry. With his identity, no one in the Yanyang Sect would dare to show such an attitude in front of him, but the person standing in front of him was Mei Aoxue. No matter what, he could only suppress his anger heart.

If Mei Aoxue is lost, the Yanyang Sect will immediately face a catastrophe of extinction!

The old woman smiled quickly and said: "Aoxue, there is exactly one thing I want to discuss with you."

"More than half a month ago, when the masters of the Cang Pavilion were training outside, there was a miracle left by a senior master. Now they invite me to participate in the Yanyang Sect. Aoxue, blindly practicing alone, is not the best. Good growth, so the suzerain and I plan to send you down the mountain."

"When did the relationship between Yanyangzong and Cang Pavilion become so good?" Mei Aoxue asked calmly looking at the old woman.

The old woman's expression froze slightly, and then said again: "Aoxue, although I discussed with you, it is also an order from the sect, you should prepare and go down the mountain immediately!"

"At the foot of the mountain, there must be an expert from Cang Pavilion waiting, and this expert should be Ni Cangtian?" Mei Aoxue asked again without changing her expression.

Without waiting for the white-haired old man and the old woman to say anything, Mei Aoxue immediately said: "Thank you, the suzerain and the master for caring for me, but you should also know what my heart is thinking by now. Therefore, these useless opportunities, After suzerain and master, don't mention it."


"Sovereign Master, Master, I just want to practice hard now. One day, Ye Chen will go to Yanyang Sect and take me away, and when he comes, I will stop him from killing and let him just Kill those who deserve to be killed, and preserve the foundation of the Yanyang Sect."

Looking at the two of them, Mei Aoxue said solemnly: "So, you must not force me anymore, so that we still have the same love, otherwise..."


The white-haired old man shouted angrily: "Mei Aoxue, you are a disciple of my Yanyang Sect, how can you resist my orders!"

Mei Aoxue raised her eyebrows, and said: "The Yanyang Sect is indeed kind to me, but you all know in your heart that even without the Yanyang Sect, my achievements will not be low, and all these years, you have treated me like nothing else. Whether you really regard me as a family member or a target to be used, you all know."

"That's all I said, don't continue to push me, you all know my temper!"

"Mei Aoxue, you are presumptuous!"

The white-haired old man was furious, he raised his hand, and the majestic spiritual power gushed out.

"Sect Master Lu, if you have something to say, say it well. Aoxue is still young, so why should you worry too much about it?"

Outside the hall, suddenly a young figure flashed in, appearing in front of Mei Aoxue, the angry blow from the white-haired old man, a martial arts master, quickly melted away in front of this young figure, like remnants of snow.

Mei Aoxue's beautiful eyes suddenly tightened!
In the void world, monstrous aura gathered around Ye Chen's body. His body seemed to have turned into a cosmic black hole, quickly absorbing the aura around him at an extremely fast speed.

It took a full month for the injury to fully recover, and immediately, Ye Chen immediately began to attack the ninth level of spiritual origin!

It wasn't that he was in a hurry, and it wasn't that he did it forcefully, but that his cultivation had come naturally. . . .

The fusion of the two great sources, how could this process and result not bring any substantial benefits to Ye Chen's cultivation?

What Ye Chen didn't expect was that this benefit was slightly greater, not only successfully reached the ninth level of spiritual source, but also reached the peak of spiritual source!
It is only one step away from the spiritual sea realm!
(End of this chapter)

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