Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 240 Decoy

Chapter 240 Decoy
When Ye Chen walked out of the void world, his cultivation had already reached the peak of spiritual origin!
The speed of this kind of cultivation is really not slow. If others know about it, it will inevitably surprise people. However, except for the nearly three months, how can other people bear the terrible process of the fusion of the origin? down?
With the palms open, a ray of ghostly magic fire emerged like an elf. The jumping flames, under the slight urging of spiritual power, erupted into extremely terrifying cold and high temperatures. In an instant, it was like heavy snow falling, turning into a huge world of ice sculptures.

In this world, everything, including life, is reduced to nothingness.

With the entry of a ray of the origin of the peerless beast, and Ye Chen has now controlled a part of the origin of the magic fire, the power of the ghost fire in his hands is already terrifying to the extreme.

In the realm of the spirit level, without special means, even a master at the peak of the spirit sea may not be able to withstand the icy high temperature.

Putting away the Nether Demon Fire, this huge ice sculpture world immediately collapsed, and immediately merged into the real world. However, if this space wants to restore its previous appearance, it will take time to help.

Stepping out of the retreat, Ye Chen took out the Lingyu and looked around. On the surface of the Lingyu, which was as smooth as a mirror, there were four light spots, which were constantly flashing in different directions, which represented Cao Feng and the others. , the current location.

"Three months have passed."

Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't expect that the time would pass so quickly. Thinking about it, the other teams, especially Lin Yifan's team, should be about the same, and they will finish the task soon, right?

"It's time to hurry up."

Ye Chen murmured softly, glanced at Lingyu again, and then quickly darted towards a certain direction, first meeting with Cao Feng and the others.

Ye Chen still doesn't know where all the mission items are. Cao Feng and the others have been practicing alone for more than three months. The news about this should be as vague as he is.


While walking forward, Ye Chen's mind suddenly moved, and Lingyu appeared in his hand. At this time, one of the Lingyu, one of them, burst out with extremely dazzling light, and there seemed to be blood in the faint.

This is not because one of Cao Feng encountered danger and activated the spirit jade in their hands, but Ye Chen left a little mark on the spirit jade of the four of them. He sensed that one of them was in danger and burst out on his own. from.

This is more convenient than activating the spirit jade. After all, if there is a real danger, maybe there is no time for someone to activate the spirit jade.

The direction pointed by the spirit jade is the farthest direction among the four people, and when the light appeared, the light spots in the other three directions are also rushing out towards this direction. Obviously, the other three people It was also discovered.

Seeing this, Ye Chen was relieved!

It was his first time to practice in Burial Soul Valley, but from Jin Ling's mouth, he already knew this kind of experience very well.

A small team of five, many small teams, in this Valley of Burying Souls, while they are undergoing their own experiences, they are also competing with other people, and the other people here include the same small team.

The candidates in each team are randomly selected without deliberation, so everyone is a competitor of others. Although in the Valley of the Burial Soul, they are all required to be united, but sometimes, it is not possible to unite.

This kind of competition is undoubtedly cruel, but at the same time, it also trains everyone to the greatest extent, so that they have the disposition and means to become a master.

But in Ye Chen's view, since they are partners, they must be united. No matter what the relationship is outside, after entering the Valley of the Burial Soul, they are one body. Chen doesn't need it, and won't wait to see it.

Right now, the other three directions are all heading towards that place without any hesitation, which makes Ye Chen very happy. Although Cao Feng and the others will have other choices after leaving the Burial Soul Valley, at least in the Here, the five of them cooperate with each other wholeheartedly.

"call out!"

A gloomy white beam of light swept across the void like electricity, and quickly swept forward.

Someone was already in danger, Ye Chen didn't dare to be negligent, and directly released the ghost fire, burning all the obstacles in the space ahead, allowing him to rush to the destination at the fastest speed.

At the end of the vast plain, there is actually a cliff, like a natural moat, which forcibly separates this plain land from the opposite land.

On the edge of the cliff here, Cao Feng stood holding a gun. Blood flowed from the palm of his hand to the spear, and then flowed along the spear to the ground.

Opposite him, there were nine people in a semicircle, trapping Cao Feng on the edge of the cliff.

"Cao Feng, quickly activate the spirit jade in your hand, otherwise, even if we don't kill you, you will surely die after your blood runs out. Why bother?" Among the nine people, one of them laughed strangely. road.

"Stop talking nonsense, kill if you want!"

Cao Feng shouted angrily, the blood flowed so much that his voice was extremely hoarse. In his current state, if it wasn't for the spear supporting the ground, he might not be able to stand up.

"Cao Feng!"

A voice sounded from behind the nine people, and immediately one person passed the nine people and appeared in Cao Feng's sight, and then said indifferently: "You Huazhong City, you have been friends with my Wufang City, your teacher City Lord Zun Mu Tie has always supported my master, you used to have a good friendship with me, why did you reject my friendship when you came here?"


Cao Feng laughed sharply: "Friendship? Qin Shi, that's how you think the word friendship is written like this?"

Hearing this, Qin Shi smiled lightly, and said: "There is no way, whoever made you stubborn, I have no choice but to do something wrong. However, I can assure you that as long as you motivate Lingyu and attract Ye Chen to come here , I not only apologize to you, but also promise that you will be the city lord of Huazhong City in the future, how about it?"

Cao Feng suddenly said with a smile that was not a smile: "Qin Shi, do you think that you can kill Ye Chen with just ten of you, don't you think it's crazy?"

"You don't need to worry about this, you just need to activate the Lingyu." Qin Shi was furious in his heart, he admitted that he was indeed inferior to Ye Chen, but it was not Cao Feng's turn to laugh at him.


Cao Feng said coldly: "Qin Shi, if you want to kill, kill him. I want to see who dares to die with me."

Qin Shi raised his eyebrows, and a murderous intent flashed across his pupils, but immediately, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said with a smile: "Cao Feng, it seems that God is still helping me."

At this moment, from a distance, from three different directions, there is a rush of wind piercing the sky, and the destination is very clear, obviously coming towards this side.

Cao Feng didn't urge Lingyu, Qin Shi didn't understand why someone came here so accurately, but it didn't matter, as long as Ye Chen came.

Killing Ye Chen is one of his tasks!

In Burial Soul Valley, it is not surprising that anyone dies, and there is no need to worry about the demon king's revenge afterwards.

It's just that Xu Baxian, Yang Jun, and Qin Shi and others don't know at all. With the character of the demon king, as long as Ye Chen has an accident, no matter whether it is the hands of the people in Dahuang or not, the account will be counted on the head of Dahuang City .

"Go, go, this is a trap!"

Cao Feng immediately shouted loudly that he had absolute confidence in Ye Chen, but since Qin Shi and the others dared to do this, they must have a certain degree of certainty. If possible, Cao Feng absolutely did not want Ye Chen to take this risk.


Qin Shi smiled calmly, but in the next second, his face changed. The three people who came were Xu Fengyang, Zhao Zizhong and Yan Xiu, and Ye Chen was not there.

After seeing such a battle, Xu Fengyang and the three immediately understood why.

"Cao Feng, can you still persevere?" Xu Fengyang asked in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, they want to use me as bait, don't even think about it! Hey, Qin Shi, Ye Chen won't come, because he's in retreat, and even though he's coming right now..."

Amidst the stern laughter, Cao Feng glanced sideways at the steep cliff, and immediately shouted: "You can't wait for Ye Chen to see this scene."

After finishing speaking, one of Cao Feng's feet was already on the cliff.

"Cao Feng!"

Qin Shi couldn't help being angry, he and Cao Feng finally had some friendship, but Cao Feng didn't help him in these friendships, but for Ye Chen, he was willing to die?
"Brother Cao!"

The three of Xu Fengyang retreated quickly, and the sound of murderous intent resounded violently in the sky.

"Brother Cao, your death, in the future, we will make them pay back a hundredfold, and come to sacrifice to your spirit in the sky. If you can't, the three of us will commit suicide to see you!"

Qin Shi could let Cao Feng be the bait, so naturally he could let Xu Fengyang and the other three do the same thing, so the three left without hesitation at a faster speed.

"Haha, Feng Yang, Zi Zhong, Yan Xiu, I, Cao Feng, are really honored to be able to make friends with you three brothers in this life. After meeting Chief Ye, don't tell him the real cause of my death, remember!"

Xu Fengyang and the three couldn't help but pause in their footsteps, tears rolled in their eyes, and immediately nodded heavily, not to let Cao Feng die in peace.

Cao Feng smiled relaxedly, and the other foot also appeared in the cliff, and his whole body immediately fell towards the depths of the bottomless cliff.

The speed of a person's descent is undoubtedly extremely fast, but Cao Feng suddenly felt that his body not only did not continue to fall, but instead swept towards the sky.

"Brother Cao, I said before that I will lead you to the final battle. My promise has not been fulfilled. If you die like this, wouldn't it mean that I will break my promise and be cast aside by others?"


A white ray of light swept through the void, and in an instant, the frighteningly cold and high temperature directly seemed to freeze the surrounding [-]-meter land.

There is a young figure, at this moment, supporting Cao Feng, from the cliff, step by step onto the plain!

"Marven Ye!"

(End of this chapter)

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