Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 242 Turning everything into a god

Chapter 242 Turning everything into a god
When that voice that did not belong to Qin Shi came from Qin Shi's mouth, extremely majestic spiritual power burst out from the ice sculpture.


The space frozen by the Nether Demon Fire exploded completely, and Qin Shi turned into an arrow, shooting towards the sky!


The sky on that side seemed to be unbearable, countless cracks quickly emerged from Qin Shi's left and right sides.

In the sky, Qin Shi stood awe-inspiring, his face became extremely ferocious, from a distance, it looked like a wild beast, mixed with a monstrous anger that hated Ye Chen very much.

"Marven Ye!"

The sound was like thunder, thundering down!

Ye Chen raised his head slightly, glanced at Qin Shi, and said lightly: "I thought you were too scared to show up, Commander Yang Jun!"

When the voice came, Qin Shi's eyes suddenly tightened. For a moment, he didn't know how to deal with this sentence, and the terrible power immediately weakened a lot.

Qin Shi is still Qin Shi, but Yang Jun has already appeared here!

In the wilderness cities, Ye Chen has already known the outstanding young generation. Qin Shi is the disciple of Xu Baxian, the lord of Wufang City.

Qin Shi is quite conceited. In his life, the only person he can admire is Ni Cangtian among his peers.

Although he is conceited, Qin Shi has always been cautious in his actions. His character has always been to plan before making decisions, and his actions are sure to hit. Others' evaluation of Qin Shi is that as long as he takes action, there is no task that cannot be completed.

Therefore, since Qin Shi became Xu Baxian's disciples, he began to stand out among his peers in Wufang City, and even in the entire Great Wilderness. Only a few people can stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

This time, Cao Feng was used as a bait to lure Ye Chen. With his prudence and Ye Chen's record, Qin Shi should be very clear in his heart that it is impossible to keep Ye Chen with such a lineup.

Although Qin Shi is confident that he can pose a great threat to Ye Chen, but to kill him, this lineup is still not enough.

Although Qin Shi didn't expect that Ye Chen has become so powerful now, he definitely has enough plans. After all, he came to kill Ye Chen, not to force Ye Chen away.

Therefore, after Ye Chen defeated Qin Shi's ten people with one blow, he never relaxed his mind. After setting up such a situation, Ye Chen believed that Qin Shi must have a backup.

It's just that Ye Chen didn't expect that Qin Shi's second hand was actually Yang Jun!
In order to deal with this, this Yang Jun has worked so hard, he did not hesitate to consume his own origin and attach himself to Qin Shi.

The origin of man is spirit!
After reaching the realm of martial arts, contact with the heaven and earth, comprehend the heaven and the earth, and be baptized by the power of the heaven and the earth. As the strength of the cultivation base improves, the soul will also change accordingly.

Contacting the heaven and the earth, feeling the heaven and the earth, is the foundation of human beings, and it is the spirit that completes this process!

Martial realm masters, unless the deadline comes, otherwise, even if the physical body is destroyed, the soul can still survive in the world in an alternative way. As long as the fortune is enough, it may not be impossible to be reborn.

This kind of expert has already to a certain extent, got rid of the shackles of heaven and earth, and those who do not reach the realm of martial arts will die!

Martial realm masters, wandering around the world, after reaching the realm of martial arts, they will penetrate another kind of supernatural power, that is, the power of spirit. The reason why martial arts masters are extremely powerful, far beyond the realm of the spirit level, is because, this Waiting for a master to combine spiritual power with the power of spirit, and the power released is enough to destroy the world.

After the Martial Realm, the quantity has become unimportant, unless it is the quantity of the same level!
This is the power brought by the transformation of mortals into gods!
The so-called gods naturally do not refer to gods, but spirits!

Yang Jun attached his ray of spiritual power to Qin Shi's body, so as to use Qin Shi's body to display Yang Jun's strength. Of course, it is impossible to display his full strength.

If it was all, the meaning in Ye Chen's words would never have appeared. It was precisely because he could not show his full strength that after seeing Ye Chen's current strength, Yang Jun had been holding back and not daring to appear.

The spirit is the origin, if here, the spirit is injured or even destroyed. . . .You must know that the peerless beast would rather fight Ye Chen than exchange a ray of original power with him.

In the end, Yang Jun didn't want to appear either, but his spirit was attached to Qin Shi, and the latter forcibly summoned out the strand of spirit that belonged to Yang Jun in order to save his life.

"Ye Chen, you are so young, but you have such a vicious heart!"

In the sky, Yang Jun shouted in a deep voice, his mind was extremely solemn. Ye Chen discovered that his attachment to Qin Shi was one of them, and Ye Chen's strength was another.

Ye Chen sneered and said, "You're going to kill me, why, I'm not allowed to fight back?"

"Yang Jun, as the leader of the Huatian Army, you did such a thing and sent it back to the Great Deserted City. Let me see how you can continue to gain a foothold." Cao Feng sternly shouted from a distance.

He never expected that Yang Jun would be so desperate in order to kill Ye Chen!
Yang Jun's expression was shocked, and the fear of Ye Chen in his eyes instantly turned into a boundless coldness: "As long as you are dead, no one will know what happened."

"Are you sure you can do it?" Ye Chen sneered.


Yang Jun laughed ferociously, and there was that extreme madness in the laughter. It seems that in order to ensure his own safety and his status in the Great Wilderness City, he would rather this spirit disappear forever, and he would also go crazy.

As long as life is still alive, there will always be a way to get back what was lost. If it is dead, then there is really nothing left.

The majestic spiritual power suddenly swept out crazily, even if he could not display his true strength, after all, he had the perception of the realm of martial arts. With the help of Qin Shi's body, although he had not reached the realm of martial arts, it was by no means comparable to the spiritual power of the realm of the spiritual sea. compared to.

And in that breath of spiritual power, similarly, it also contains the breath of a martial arts master!
"If it's just like this, Yang Jun, I will make you regret coming here!"

The breath coming towards his face, even if Ye Chen was fearless, the heavy pressure pressed on his heart like a mountain. After all, it was the breath of a martial arts master. Although it was incomplete, it was still not something Ye Chen could ignore. of.

Yang Jun smiled and said: "Ye Chen, don't worry, since I have decided to kill you, then you will not be able to leave alive."


When Yang Jun's voice fell, the space in front of Ye Chen suddenly exploded, and Yang Jun, who was in the sky, appeared in front of Ye Chen almost in a teleport, with a palm wrapped in majestic spiritual power, facing Ye Chen's head was slapped down fiercely.

"Let's see, now you can still display some of your original strength."

Ye Chen slapped his backhand mercilessly.


When the energy ripples surged, the two figures were separated at the touch of a touch, and each retreated violently.

"Yang Jun, it seems that you don't have the strength to kill me at all." Looking at the opposite distance, Ye Chen laughed.

"Not always!"

Yang Jun clenched his palms tightly, green lights surged, a sharp spear emerged from his hands, and an incomparably sharp aura swept wildly away.

Yang Jun's cultivation has never improved by half, but it is known that he is undoubtedly much stronger than Cai Cai just now.

In the next moment, Yang Jun turned into a shadow, and his body shot out violently. When the spear in his hand was shaking, it turned into dozens of sharp afterimages. On each of the afterimages, a green light burst out, facing Ye Chen stabbed fiercely.

"Breaking the waves!"

Yang Jun drank softly, and with a movement of the gun body, the green lights superimposed on top of each other at an incomparably fast speed, turning into a huge and incomparably huge gun light, which looked like a giant python eating people from a distance.

As expected of Yang Jun, this seemingly random blow showed a much stronger power than that of Tu Xiong that day. During the rush of the gun light, the space in front was forcibly shattered, It has become a real vacuum.

But such an attack is far from enough to deal with Ye Chen now!
With a slight movement of his mind, the dark white flames suddenly surged, and finally quickly condensed on the surface of the fist, and then hit the spear light heavily.


The void in front of it was instantly turned into nothingness under the magic fire. When the dull impact sounded, the ground was shaken into powder with a bang, and the cracks spread out continuously like spider webs.


Yang Jun drank in a deep voice, and the sharp spear in his hand was thrown out of his hand, as if he had turned into a dragon, and shot out at Ye Chen with his teeth and claws. In an instant, the green light flourished, and the terrifying spiritual power was like a net covering heaven and earth. to go out.

It was impossible for Ye Chen to avoid such a short distance. After knowing Ye Chen's physical strength, he still chose to fight like this. Yang Jun obviously waited for this time.

The spiritual power containing the aura of Martial Realm is by no means what this world can bear. Under the impact of that energy, all the matter is not melted, but seems to be turned into an attack, rushing towards Ye Chen from all directions.

Martial realm masters can already use the power of heaven and earth. If they are strong enough, everything in the world can be used by themselves!
Yang Jun didn't believe that with such power, Ye Chen could catch it unscathed.

It's just that Yang Jun was really disappointed. When the spiritual power mobilized the world to press down on Ye Chen, the latter's body was surrounded by white flames like a sea, enveloping his whole body.

All the attacks from outside were instantly frozen when they came into contact with this sea of ​​flames, and then turned into shards of ice and scattered on the ground. Even Yang Jun's spiritual power could not escape in the white flames. .

The power of the Nether Demon Fire, from now on, made Ye Chen feel that it lived up to the reputation of the fire of hell!

The sea of ​​fire dissipated and turned into flames, lingering around Ye Chen's fingertips. He looked at Yang Jun, and said lightly, "Commander Yang Jun, this is the strength that you think can kill us? It seems ridiculous! "

(End of this chapter)

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