Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 243 The Might of the Demon Fire

Chapter 243 The Might of the Demon Fire
The world was a little silent, only that ray of white flame, when it jumped lightly on Ye Chen's fingertips, made the space make a shrill chirping sound, stirring the nerves of everyone present, making people extremely uncomfortable!

On the ground below, there are still nine lifelike ice sculptures. The nine people in the ice sculptures are not dead yet, they still have a ray of life, their eyes can turn, and they can see the terrifying battle in the distance.

They also just found out that the appearance of Yang Jun is Qin Shi's biggest trump card!

This trump card made the hearts of these nine people feel colder than being in this ice sculpture and being hit by the freezing cold and high temperature all the time.

Kill Ye Chen. . . .This is the Valley of Burying Souls. After practicing in the Valley of Burial Souls, any accidents are within the allowed range. Others can die, but Ye Chen can still be killed. This is not surprising, so they are willing to participate in this design.

But now, now!
How could Yang Jun appear here?Not even a wisp of his soul!
Although there is no absolute fairness in the fight for the young master of the Great Wilderness, it must maintain a certain degree of fairness and must not be interfered by external forces. Otherwise, Ye Chen will directly move out the Demon King and the Demon Clan of Moyuan Mountain. How can Dahuang resist?

Now Yang Jun wants to kill people to silence them, so why aren't the nine of them the targets of silence?
At this moment, the nine people regretted it, not because they regretted being killed, but because they regretted participating in this design. Yang Jun should not have appeared here.

Ye Chen and Yang Jun in the battle would not know what the nine people were thinking now, and Cao Feng and the others who were watching their battle didn't think too much about it. They only hoped that Ye Chen would win!
In the sky, Yang Jun looked at Ye Chen awe-inspiringly, and there was a ferocious coldness in his eyes. He thought he was absolutely sure of doing this, but now, he seemed to have miscalculated.

However, the killing intent did not weaken in the slightest, because he knew that if Ye Chen did not die, everything he had in the Great Wilderness City would be wiped out, his past, his present, and future would all be destroyed. Because of this. . . .

At that time, even Xu Baxian couldn't keep him, so Ye Chen must die!


When the killing intent reached its peak, the dark blue light, like the sun's rays, spread across the sky, and the spiritual power, like the waves of the sea, set off a terrifying and ominous power in the space.

Thousands of huge waves roared through the sky and earth, making space tremble at this moment!
Standing on the huge waves, Yang Jun looks small like an ant, but he seems like a giant. When he comes to this world, the pressure of spiritual power is not to be said for ordinary people. Even Ye Chen can feel it at this moment. Enormous pressure.

In the aura of spiritual power, the aura of martial arts contained in it became more and more intense. Obviously, after appearing, after a short period of time, Yang Jun's spirit had already understood Qin Shi's physical body very well, and the degree of fit between the two , is not weak.

The power of the soul is attached to others, and it is no different from the power of the soul to seize the body. Therefore, it needs Qin Shi's willing cooperation, and even if the latter is willing, Yang Jun still needs time to deal with his body. adapt.

Without a certain degree of fit, the power that Yang Jun should be able to exert will definitely not be able to exert it.

That pressure made Ye Chen tremble slightly. The current Yang Jun is undoubtedly much stronger than before. Even though he still can't show his strength in the realm of martial arts, he is infinitely close.

With such strength, it will be very difficult for Ye Chen to deal with it!
"Ye Chen, if you were fighting against Tu Xiong back then, you would never fight for that. In such a short period of time, you can achieve such a level, it is indeed remarkable... However, The me now is definitely not something you can deal with."

Yang Jun's eyes locked on Ye Chen, his voice was full of strong confidence, Ye Chen had his strength and pride, but these were not enough for him to still have enough confidence when facing himself .


Under Yang Jun's feet, the majestic spiritual power burst out at this moment, and let out a monstrous roar, combined with Yang Jun's condescending posture at the moment, it was like a god, looking down on Ye Chen.

At this time, the dark blue light shot up into the sky, Yang Jun's hands suddenly formed seals, and then the soles of his feet stomped heavily on the void. Under his feet, there seemed to be ancient light patterns extending rapidly.

The ten thousand heavy waves burst out at an extremely fast speed, and finally merged into the light patterns under the feet like lightning, and above the sky, it seemed to turn into a strange light curtain.

An inexplicable sense of oppression swept out crazily in the world at this moment.

On the ground below, Cao Feng, four people, and the nine people in the ice sculpture immediately constricted their eyes. Even though the coercion did not envelop them, it still made them feel the danger of death.

Even, the nine ice sculptures showed signs of cracking.

Mu Chen's mind also became extremely dignified at this time, he felt the pressure brought by Yang Jun, this opponent was indeed so strong that it was shocking.

However, just relying on this, it is far from enough to defeat and kill him!


Ye Chen took a deep breath, and immediately two dark-white flames seemed to rise from his pupils, and the black and white pupils were completely covered by the dark white.

Because of the pressure, although his mind became extremely dignified, his face became as calm as a deep pool at this moment, without the slightest ripple, as if the sky was falling without any surprise.

Over the years of experience, he has encountered countless dangers and forged Ye Chen's extremely tenacious mind. Yang Jun is by no means the strongest person he has encountered in these years, so the latter cannot make him feel the slightest bit. sense of panic.

When he calmed down, the flames that shot out from his pupils seemed to be blazing, and the surrounding void suddenly became extremely cold, and the vast plain fell like ice and snow.

"Boom, boom!"

The spiritual power surged in the sky, and there was a roaring sound like thunder rolling. At this time, Yang Jun's eyes were already extremely piercing. He locked on Ye Chen condescendingly. The next moment, the strange light curtain formed under his feet was gone. It slowly fell towards the void, and at the same time, the hideous sound echoed across the sky.

"Ming Hai Shen Jue, Ming Hai Yin!"


The world seemed to be shaking, and that strange light curtain seemed to turn into a huge ocean under the soles of Yang Jun's feet. In the raging sea, a seal was quietly shining with dark blue light. Finally, with this raging sea, It was suppressed suddenly.

Wherever the raging sea passed, even the space was shattered into cracks visible to the naked eye, and the coercion covered above made everyone below tremble with fear.

This blow alone has brought out the power that Yang Jun can display at this moment to the extreme. The aura of a master of martial arts is hidden in it, which is the biggest weapon and ultimate move.

Cao Feng and the others had no doubt that with such strength, any martial artist at the Spirit Sea Realm, no matter how close he was to the Martial Realm in this realm, would be unlikely to be able to resist.

"Boss Ye, you must resist!"

The four of Cao Feng couldn't help murmuring in a low voice, now they are one body with Ye Chen, one is prosperous and the other is hurt, and in their hearts, they have long regarded Ye Chen as a partner worth fighting for, Therefore, I absolutely don't want to see anything happen to Ye Chen.

At the same time that the space was shattered, the ground was also torn apart. The nine people trapped in the ice sculpture were also able to escape and regained their freedom. But now, he never felt the slightest joy in his heart. He looked at Ye Chen There was deep worry in their eyes.

Ye Chen, whose pupils were filled with magic fire, raised his head to look at the suppressed angry sea. His extremely tenacious heart did not change his expression in the slightest. His face was still calm!

At this moment, Ye Chen waved his hands suddenly, and a monstrous sea of ​​flames appeared behind him. The space behind him was twisted, and it was faintly visible. In the white sea of ​​flames, there seemed to be a little more thing.

If someone is strong enough and has enough vision, he should be able to know that that little thing is the origin of the Nether Demon Fire!

When two flames shot out from Ye Chen's pupils, the huge sea of ​​flames behind him, also led by the origin of the magic fire, turned into lightning and shot out violently.

"Bang, bang!"

The huge sea of ​​flames swept out, and the space began to collapse continuously. The terrible freezing cold and high temperature directly froze the world, and the countless life forms were all turned into nothingness in this freezing cold.

Yang Jun's face was gloomy, and the sole of his foot stomped heavily in the space. The angry sea melted into the seal like lightning, and immediately blasted at Ye Chen. He didn't believe it. With his strength, coupled with such Such a terrifying attack, a small martial artist who is not yet in the Spirit Sea Realm, can resist it.

Yang Jun is confident, and Ye Chen is also full of confidence. He is in control of the origin of the magic fire. Today's Nether Demon Fire is no longer as powerful as it used to be.

The sea of ​​flames was majestic, with an outrageous and unparalleled momentum, just for a moment, it had already appeared under the suppressed cyan seal, and then, without any politeness, mercilessly charged towards it.

Under the gaze of more than a dozen eyes below, the two attacks collided heavily like meteorites falling from the sky. In this instant, a shocking sound resounded, and an extremely violent spiritual storm took shape almost instantly. A terrifying gesture swept out.

No one pays attention to these terrifying powers, they just want to know who can win in such a collision!

Looking around, the two berserk energies both released their power to the extreme at this moment. However, when the power was weakening each other, no one could do anything about it.

In the eyes of Cao Feng and others, there was a look of joy, Ye Chen really blocked Yang Jun's terrible attack!

(End of this chapter)

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