Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 244 Soul Destroyer

Chapter 244 Soul Destroyer

The storm that filled the sky ravaged the sky and the earth. In just an instant, the vast plain land below, with a radius of [-] meters, seemed to have become a broken land. The chaos was shocking.

Cao Feng and the others had long been away from here, watching from a distance, but even so far away, the terrifying storm still seemed to be sweeping past them, the pressure, the forcing people, had no choice but to retreat again .

Especially Cao Feng, and the nine people who had just escaped from the trap, were even more unbearable. They had to be protected by Xu Fengyang and the other three, and they were afraid that they would be shocked to death by the aftermath.

However, there was a happy smile on everyone's face, because Ye Chen withstood the terrible attack from Yang Jun.

Two figures, one in the sky and the other on the ground, each staring at the center, the sweeping and raging spiritual power.

After the berserk, Yang Jun was still condescending, but his face had become extremely ugly. Obviously such a scene was beyond his expectation.

With his eyesight, he could naturally see that Ye Chen had tried his best to release the power of the flame to the extreme. The power of the flame surprised Yang Jun a little.

But this accident is not enough to shock people. It is not the first time that Yang Jun has seen this flame.

However, Ye Chen only released the power of the flames. During this process, he did not display his proud martial arts skills like himself. That is to say, Ye Chen's trump card has not yet been revealed.

In such a big battle, there is still something to hide. This enemy is undoubtedly extremely terrifying, especially, the enemy's cultivation is not yet at the Spirit Sea Realm.


In the sky, two equally terrifying spiritual power storms, after a stalemate for a few minutes, both exploded with a bang, which was the effect of the same death.

Yang Jun's eyes were extremely cold, his figure turned into afterimages and shot out, avoiding the spreading shock waves as much as possible, and his icy eyes were staring at the distance that figure.

Yang Jun has always been very confident in himself. Given his age, his current strength, and his status are all due to his hard work over the years. If he is not outstanding, how can he get it?

But here, Yang Jun's confidence gradually weakened!

When the chaos gradually dissipated, Ye Chen's figure appeared in the world intact, as if everything just now had nothing to do with him.

"Worthy of the fire of hell!"

Walking out of the chaos, Ye Chen smiled calmly. He himself did not expect that after controlling a part of the origin of the magic fire, the power of the ghost fire would increase to this level.

To put it bluntly, in the realm of the spirit level, it is really not many to find a person who can defeat him just by relying on the Nether Demon Fire.

Seeing the smile on Ye Chen's face, Yang Jun felt extremely sad and indignant, but before he could do anything, his face suddenly changed, and the figure in his sight suddenly disappeared.

Then, a white light flashed directly behind him. When the space was torn apart, Ye Chen's figure appeared ghostly. Behind Ye Chen, there seemed to be a loud and clear dragon chant.

"Yang Jun, you can try my trick too!"

Amidst the clear and clear laughter, he directly punched hard, and above his fist, a silver light streak could be vaguely seen. That kind of terrifying punching wind directly shook the space out of cracks. .

Even Yang Jun was nervous about that kind of powerful force, but he was not an ordinary warrior after all. While leaning forward, he gave a heavy backhand grip.


The majestic spiritual power swept out from his palm like a tide, and the cyan light suddenly surged.

"Undersea Shield!"

The majestic spiritual power quickly condensed, and behind him, it turned into a spiritual shield engraved with ancient light patterns. When the light flickered, it exuded an indestructible and powerful feeling.


Ye Chen's terrifying punching wind, which contained dragon energy, bombarded the shield mercilessly, causing ripples to ripple on the spiritual shield. The ripples were extremely rapid, and finally shattered like glass Cracked.

However, in such a short period of time, Yang Jun came back to his senses, and his face suddenly became extremely gloomy. Such a powerful blow, not only did not hurt Ye Chen, but also used such an offensive to bully Ye Chen. Come to yourself.

In Burial Soul Valley, Yang Jun has experienced it with his real body, and he is very familiar with the environment and weather here. Under the suppression of that terrifying energy, even if he is a master of martial arts, he will be restrained in it, so that he can't perform at all. Come full strength.

But this blow, the speed and strength shown by Ye Chen, he didn't seem to be suppressed at all. If he hadn't also had enough vigilance, he might have been injured in Ye Chen's hands at this time.

"Since you dare to sneak attack, don't think about leaving!"

A monstrous anger surged in his heart, the better Ye Chen performed now, the more impossible it would be for Yang Jun to survive.

The terrifying spiritual power surged again, sensing the past, it seemed to be even stronger than before!

This is not surprising, as the fit between Yang Jun's spirit power and Qin Shi's is getting higher and higher, the power that the former can exert will naturally become stronger.

Of course, this kind of strength is extremely limited, and it is impossible to break through and reach the real realm of martial arts.

When this spiritual power was stimulated, green lights surged, and a sharp spear emerged from Yang Jun's hand again. The body of the spear trembled, and Yang Jun and his men shot out like lightning.

The gun light was like thunder, and every time the gun was pierced, the space would be blasted into traces, and then the gun light was like a torrential rain, directly covering all Ye Chen's escape routes.

Any martial arts master is extremely confident in his close combat ability, because when he succeeds in attacking the martial state, the baptism of the power of heaven and earth will not only improve his cultivation, but also strengthen his body to the greatest extent.

Ye Chen's mind tightened slightly. This Yang Jun was indeed difficult to deal with. Not only did the sudden sneak attack earlier fail to achieve the expected effect, but he was forcibly restrained on the spot.

However, in terms of melee combat ability and physical strength, not to mention the current Yang Jun is just a ray of soul leaning over Qin Shi, even if he is facing Yang Jun himself, without using his own spiritual power, Ye Chen They are all fearless.

Rows of silver light streaks surged out continuously, covering his fist, and then faced those gun lights, bombarded them unceremoniously, and joined Yang Jun's tough regret.

In this space, bursts of sharp sound burst out suddenly, and every collision will shake the space into ripples, and a terrible storm of power rages open.

No one can predict what the final result will be like this head-to-head confrontation, but everyone in Cao Feng is, after all, the best of their own generation. Looking at the entire Great Deserted City, they are all outstanding among their peers.

Therefore, they can see that the final result must be that Yang Jun cannot bear it first.

because. . . .The Yang Jun at this moment is not the real Yang Jun, his body is Qin Shi, and how can Qin Shi's body compare to Ye Chen's strength.

Yang Jun was obviously aware of this, and after forcing Ye Chen back with one shot, he stopped launching attacks like a rainstorm, but stood up with the spear in front of him, and his whole body stood on top of the spear.

Immediately, Yang Jun's hands formed seals immediately, and a raging sea roared out, with green light shining, filling any place in the sea. From a distance, it seemed that the color of the sea was originally blue.

Cyan ocean!
Waves of indescribable aura slowly swept out from the depths of the blue ocean, and the space where the angry sea was located almost completely turned into nothingness!
"Minghai Shenjue, Minghai, now!"

The seal in Yang Jun's hand suddenly swung out and swept into the blue sea.


The calm ocean suddenly felt as if a violent storm was coming. Waves of waves rushed straight into the sky, and the waves swept across the sky. At the same time, an aura that seemed to come from the netherworld began to rise in the blue ocean.

"Boom, boom!"

The tumbling sea created countless turbulent waves. Looking around, the blue ocean seemed to have turned into a boundless hell.


In the distance, the faces of Cao Feng and the others changed unconsciously. As people from the Great Wilderness City, they naturally had a certain understanding of the means possessed by these great figures in the Great Wilderness.

Yang Jun's most terrifying attack was the sea of ​​darkness that emerged from form!
However, this is the Valley of Burying Souls after all, and Yang Jun did not appear in his own body. How could he, with such strength, evolve such a terrifying sea of ​​darkness.

The bursts of indescribable strange aura began to gradually spread out from the raging sea, and it was sensed that where these auras passed, everything in the space became nothingness, and even the terrifying energy shrouded in the sky seemed to be , are all affected, not as powerful as before.

The gazes of Cao Feng and the others were almost dull, and they could naturally sense the thick and dangerous fluctuations. After the appearance of the sea of ​​darkness, their confidence in Ye Chen suddenly dropped to the lowest point.

Yang Jun's display at this moment, to a certain extent, is no longer within the scope of the spiritual realm, let alone infinitely close to the martial realm, but already contains the breath of the martial realm.

"Brother Cao, can we fight again?"

Looking into the distance, the always taciturn Zhao Zizhong took a step forward and asked.


Cao Feng smiled coldly: "Don't worry, even if you die, I will let Yang Jun know that killing us will definitely make him pay a terrible price."

"In that case, what are we waiting for!"

Zhao Zizhong rushed out first, and behind him, Xu Fengyang and Yan Xiu, one on the left and one on the right, supported Cao Feng, and also rushed forward at an extremely fast speed. That terrifying and strange aura did not stop them at all. pace.

After the four of them set off, another nine piercing sounds suddenly resounded behind the four of them. . . .Those nine people rushed out forcefully regardless of their own injuries.

(End of this chapter)

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