Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 245 Soul Destroyer

Chapter 245 Soul Destroyer

The sound of rushing through the air came from behind, causing Cao Feng and the others to stop abruptly and turn around immediately!

"Why, do you want to fight the four of us?" Zhao Zizhong shouted coldly.

"Four don't misunderstand!"

From the Nine Middle Schools, one person walked out and said quickly: "We also want to do our part to help Chief Ye!"


Cao Feng and the others frowned unconsciously. These words sounded ridiculous.

According to Qin Shi and Yang Jun's plan, without the help of these nine people, it would be impossible for Cao Feng to be driven to a dead end, and Ye Chen, Xu Fengyang and the other four would not be led here either.

At this time, the nine of them actually said that they wanted to help Ye Chen, which was really unbelievable.

The nine people smiled wryly, and one of them immediately said: "Four, we have different positions. We have no choice but to plan to kill Chief Ye!"

"But the situation is different now. Any grievances and grievances in the Great Wilderness cannot be carried out outside the rules. Yang Jun, you shouldn't be here. We are also people from the Great Wilderness. We have an obligation to fight for the rules of the Great Wilderness!"

"The Great Wilderness Rules!"

The four of Cao Feng murmured softly, and the suspicion towards the nine quickly disappeared from their eyes!
Anyone who violates the rules of the Great Wilderness is no longer a person of the Great Wilderness, because he has already betrayed the Great Wilderness City!

Anyone who betrayed the Great Wilderness has enough reasons to kill him.

Cao Feng and the others did not believe that these nine people were helping Ye Chen sincerely, but they absolutely believed that at this moment, they were helping Ye Chen sincerely, because they did not betray the Great Wilderness!


A group of 13 people didn't stay any longer, their figures flicked, and they rushed towards that side like lightning in extreme chaos.

The sea of ​​darkness has been formed, and the terrifying ominous power is overwhelming, and the aura that seems to come from the nether world is even more terrifying than the aura of martial arts contained in it.

At this moment, Yang Jun has obviously perfectly integrated the strength he can display with the martial arts he displayed. Even though he still can't reach the power of a real martial arts master, he is no longer in doubt. Such a blow , and it will definitely not be something that a martial artist in the spiritual realm can forcefully take over.

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows. It seems that in order to kill himself and kill others, this Yang Jun is really desperate. The latter is already planning to give up his spirit power .

Losing a ray of soul, if there is not enough chance in the future, there is no suitable medicine and elixir, Yang Jun, let alone stepping into a higher level in this life, the original level may be unstable, and his lifespan, will also be shortened.

That day, the Peerless Fierce Beast was unwilling to hand over a wisp of its original power because it was afraid of this, and even with the Nine-Turn Ziyun Pill, the Peerless Fierce Beast was still unwilling to exchange it without knowing the true efficacy of this pill.

After losing the original power, the price to bear is too great!

Now, in order to be able to live and have the original status, Yang Jun is willing to bear these costs.

As long as he is still alive and his status is still there, there is always a chance to recover. This is the worst policy, but Yang Jun has no choice.

The dark sea was rolling, and the monstrous waves kept rushing up to the sky. As Yang Jun's spiritual power continued to pour in, the blue ocean gradually changed color, and finally, it turned into a gray area, just like a gray ocean.

At this moment, Minghai has already used that ghostly breath to the extreme!
"Ye Chen, come to die!"

Ming Haicheng, Yang Jun's face was extremely ferocious, like a wild beast. In his mind now, there was only one thought left, that is, to kill Ye Chen here.

"Yang Jun, breaking the rules of the Great Wilderness and betraying the Great Wilderness is already a death penalty. It is because of your many years of protection and meritorious service in protecting the Great Wilderness. Now leave immediately. I will join hands with you to save your life!"

Cao Feng's 13 people have arrived.

"Keep the seat alive? Haha, ridiculous!"

Yang Jun laughed wildly: "What are you guys, how dare you speak nonsense in front of me? Is my life and death beyond your control? Presumptuous!"

"Yang Jun, don't be stubborn and lose your fame in vain. In the end, you made wedding clothes for others and made others perfect. Commander Yang Jun, it's not worth it." Xu Fengyang shouted loudly.

Yang Jun's expression suddenly tightened. Xu Fengyang's words seemed to touch his heartstrings. For a moment, he was in a trance, but he was not an ordinary person after all. He was able to reach the realm of martial arts. His mind was so tenacious. After a while, he recovered!
"I came here only to kill Ye Chen. I have never thought of implicating the innocent, but now it seems that if I don't kill you, I will not be peaceful in the future, so I can only wrong you. After death, don't blame me!"


"Brother Xu, get out of here first!"

Ye Chen waved his hand lightly, and Dayu Divine Cauldron rushed out. He did not allow Feng Yang and others to resist, so he was directly brought into the Divine Cauldron. After that, the black light surged and rushed towards the distance.

"Ye Chen, you can't protect yourself, and you still want to take care of others?"

Yang Jun shouted coldly, with a wave of his hands, a violent wave shot out from the sea of ​​darkness like electricity, it was just a wave, but after it appeared, the whole sky was dimmed, the speed of Dayu Divine Cauldron seemed to be affected.

The gray wave was extremely fast, and within a breath, it appeared in the sky above the Dayu Divine Cauldron, thundering down with a powerful force like thunder.

The Great Yu Divine Cauldron is a supreme treasure, perhaps not top-notch among the supreme treasures, and it must have been Jin Ling's most proud thing. With Yang Jun's strength, it is impossible to break through the defense of the Divine Cauldron.

Ye Chen's three-month retreat practice combined the two great sources, and the trauma of Dayu Divine Cauldron had already recovered, and Ye Chen was not worried.

However, it is impossible to allow Dayu Divine Cauldron to suffer this blow!

The sea of ​​fire burst out all over the sky, and in just a moment, it enveloped the Dayu Divine Cauldron, and all the blows from the sea of ​​darkness landed on the Nether Demon Fire.

Ye Chen knew how terrible Yang Jun was now, even if it was the latter's seemingly random blow, he did his best!

On the surface of the sea of ​​flames, a shocking explosion suddenly exploded. Not long ago, the Nether Demon Fire, which forcibly took Yang Jun's terrible blow, showed signs of collapsing at this moment, even if the blow was dispelled. , but it made Ye Chen feel the power of Minghai.

With a random blow, Nether Demon Fire tried its best to resist it with difficulty. If Ming Haihua tried his best, it would be so powerful. . . .To prevent Dayu Divine Cauldron from taking this blow, Ye Chen just wanted to know the true power of Minghai.

In Dayu Divine Cauldron, Cao Feng's expressions also changed drastically, and they couldn't help shouting in unison: "Boss Ye, let us out!"

Such a force is no longer something Ye Chen can face alone, adding them together is useless, but it can always help Ye Chen share a little pressure.

"It's fine for you to stand by and sweep the formation for me. The Great Yu Divine Cauldron will protect your safety!"

Ye Chen remained motionless, staring at Yang Jun in the distance with scorching eyes. Now the latter has the strength of a martial arts master, even he is unavoidably dignified.

In front of Yang Jun today, whether there are 13 Cao Fengs or not, the result is the same!
"Boss Ye!"

Ye Chen waved his hand and said calmly: "Don't worry! This is definitely not my burial place!"

With a wave of his hand, the Dayu Divine Cauldron was swept away again quickly, and within a breath, it was already ten thousand meters away.

In the divine cauldron, everyone looked at the figure from the back. Even the other nine people's eyes became complicated. The figure from the back was not so straight, but it gave people a sense of reliability and solidity.

The nine people finally understood why Cao Feng and the others were willing to risk their lives for Ye Chen in such a short period of time.This young man has a personality that makes people feel at ease, moves people, and makes people follow him wholeheartedly. . . .
Up to now, there is no more so-called standpoint, but some are extremely worried about Ye Chen!
"Yang Jun!"

Ye Chen drank lightly, his eyes suddenly became extremely sharp, and the violent energy in the world, like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, swept towards Ye Chen crazily.

Ten meters, one hundred meters, one thousand meters, ten thousand meters, and even farther away, the berserk energy is rushing towards him crazily.

At this moment, Ye Chen's body seemed to have turned into a black hole. All the energy that swept in was absorbed by his body unceremoniously, and finally turned into his own spiritual power.


The sound of dragon's anger resounded through the heaven and earth, and silver light streaks emerged continuously. After a while, around Ye Chen's body, there were 28 silver light streaks, connected end to end, and the light shone!

After reaching the peak of Lingyuan, the Cangxuan Dragon Transformation Art is naturally more handy, but this is definitely not the reason why Ye Chen can activate 28 light patterns now.

Ye Chen has already absorbed the energy in the Burial Soul Valley space once, and this is the second time. His body has already adapted to this violent energy, so the absorption will naturally be more thorough, and the power that can be exerted will also be greater. more powerful.

28 silver light lines, blending directly in the space!

The huge silver real dragon emerged from nothingness!

Ye Chen raised his hand, and the power of yin and yang merged into it like lightning. At that moment, the illusory real dragon gradually became solid. Even though it could not have an indestructible body like a real real dragon, its strength was no longer intolerable. question.

Standing on the real silver dragon, Ye Chen looked at Yang Jun in the distance, and shouted in a stern voice: "Yang Jun, come on!"

The real dragon entrenched in the sky and the earth naturally exudes a kind of aura of a king who dominates the world, and the young man standing on his back, with such a kingly aura, is even more like the ruler of the sky and the earth!
Watching such a scene, Yang Jun's heart trembled, and the murderous intent in his eyes naturally surged!

"Ye Chen, no matter what kind of power you can unleash today, you will be turned into bones before this Sea of ​​Darkness, and will disappear forever in the world from now on!"


As soon as the words fell, a huge sea of ​​darkness swept out like an overwhelming sky!

(End of this chapter)

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