Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 246 Soul Destroyer

Chapter 246 Soul Destroyer

"Boom, boom!"

The terrifying and awe-inspiring killing intent, accompanied by that ferocious voice, reverberated between the heaven and the earth. The huge sea of ​​darkness turned up countless monstrous waves, and the waves, like giant hands, stretched out to touch the vast plain land. .

When the countless turbulent waves surged, the land with a radius of tens of miles was completely covered by the unique atmosphere of the sea of ​​darkness. In the space, all vitality seemed to have been cut off, and a scene of doomsday was pulled away at a very high speed.

When the waves are raging, the huge sea of ​​darkness is also plundering immediately!

In the sky, that huge monster faced Ye Chen and was directly suppressed.

Obviously, Yang Jun didn't need to test the power of the real dragon. He wanted to completely eliminate Ye Chen this time. The latter's threat could no longer allow Yang Jun to be underestimated or careless.

The fall of the sea of ​​darkness is like countless meteorites falling from the universe, carrying a destructive force, and the mighty and irresistible posture makes this world seem to be shaking violently because of fear.

Ye Chen raised his head, looked at the suppressed Minghai from a distance, heaved a sigh of relief, his eyes sharpened immediately, and his figure floated out, the real silver dragon rushed out brazenly with an extremely angry domineering.


The real dragon swept out like lightning, and after only a moment, it came under the suppressed sea of ​​darkness, and then rushed headlong into the sea of ​​darkness.

When a dragon enters the sea, it is like a fish in water, wandering extremely well. However, this is the sea of ​​darkness after all, not an ordinary sea. As soon as a real dragon enters it, the bright silver light immediately dimmed a lot.

Seen from a distance, the huge real dragon, in the huge ocean, continuously blasts out extremely terrifying domineering power, sweeping out countless waves, each wave, under the impact of the real dragon, is in an instant, turned into nothingness.

Although the sea of ​​darkness is terrifying, it still cannot erase the power of the real dragon!

However, the Nether Sea is too big to accommodate this huge real dragon. Any attack will cause countless waves to annihilate, consuming the power of the Nether Sea. At the same time, the breath of the real dragon is getting weaker and weaker. , With a bang, the huge body exploded as Yang Jun expected.

The moment the real silver dragon disappeared, Ye Chen stepped on the ground and retreated quickly. A bloody arrow shot to the ground, making his face pale immediately. Obviously, he had suffered a lot of injuries.

And that huge underworld sea, although its power has been weakened because of this, but the underworld sea is still there, especially Yang Jun is still there, as long as Yang Jun is not dead, and there is still spiritual power pouring in, then the underworld sea will not disappear, and its power will also Gradually recover.

However, such a scene is obviously not the result that Yang Jun wants to see. He wanted to kill Ye Chen with one blow, and he never wanted to leave any life for the latter. Now he only hurt Ye Chen, but did not kill him. Death, what Yang Jun wanted was not such a result.


While the spiritual power kept plundering into the sea of ​​darkness, the huge gray ocean, after a short pause, continued to move towards Ye Chen and suppressed it fiercely.

Wiping off the blood on the corner of his mouth, Ye Chen's expression remained unchanged. He became more calm in front of the crisis. With a wave of his hands, the seal was formed immediately, and the energy in the space with a radius of [-] meters was facing his body again, constantly surge in.

The 28 silver light patterns, after appearing, immediately merged and turned into a real dragon, hovering in the sky and earth again.

Seeing the real silver dragon appear, Yang Jun couldn't help laughing out loud: "Ye Chen, is that all you can do? I have to tell you that the only thing you can do now is wait for death."

"Not always!"

Ye Chen cracked his teeth and smiled. There was a touch of madness in the smile. All his calmness disappeared at this moment!

Yang Jun's heart trembled slightly, but his smile grew stronger. He hated Ye Chen's calmness in the face of danger the most, as if nothing had happened. The madness surging now also means that the latter's heart has panicked .

If Ye Chen is still calm until his death, even if he is killed, Yang Jun will not be too happy in his heart. Only when he looks at the dying person, flustered, then crazy, and finally wailing, his heart will be happy. will feel more comfortable.

Only a moment later, Yang Jun was disappointed, because he saw that Ye Chen was still calm after his crazy eyes.

Looking at the real dragon in front of him, Ye Chen shook his palm, and Yang Jun suddenly saw that the huge real dragon rushed in from Ye Chen's palm. . . .

A painful voice shouted from Ye Chen's mouth, his current physical strength is still unable to withstand such a terrible force.

The huge illusory real dragon entered bit by bit, and the severe pain directly caused Ye Chen's face to contort. His whole body was trembling like a convulsion. The clothes on his arms immediately turned into dust.

It can be seen with the naked eye that this right arm has cracks and bursts continuously, streams of blood flow out quickly, and in an instant, his whole body is soaked, looking like a blood man.

In the midst of such extreme pain, there was an extremely powerful aura gushing out suddenly!

The abundance of breath made Yang Jun's heart tremble, and he didn't dare to hesitate in the slightest. He stomped on the void with his feet, and Fang Minghai pressed down towards Ye Chen at a faster speed.

"Go to hell, Ye Chen!"

Now Ye Chen, because of the severe pain, his face has been distorted beyond human appearance, only the madness in his eyes, and the calmness behind the madness, are still as obvious as before.

"Such pain...Yang Jun, I paid such a high price, not to die at your hands!"


The sound of excruciating pain was like thousands of thunderclaps exploding in the sky, and the sound spread, making the world seem to be moved by it. Ye Chen, who is like a blood man, at this moment, is carrying the monstrous bloody Taste, rushed to the sky.

"Boom, boom!"

At this time, the land was constantly collapsing. Huge cracks, like ferocious mouths, spread rapidly across the land. In an instant, the land turned into powder!
"The Canglong transforms into the sky!"

The monstrous blood seems to be condensed in one place, a radiant silver light surges out of the blood light, and rushes towards Fang Minghai fiercely, but behind the silver light, it is Ye Chen's body.

Although Yinmang is in front, there is no doubt that it is Ye Chen who went to break the sea of ​​darkness in person!

If you don't have enough strength and regret it with force, it's no different from courting death.

Seeing Ye Chen's actions, Yang Jun's smile suddenly bloomed on his face, not to mention Ye Chen's current strength. In a very short period of time, it turned into bones, and even the soul could not escape.


Ye Chen's body fell into the sea of ​​darkness, just like a huge stone smashed into the lake, stirring up countless ripples like water waves, and the gleaming silver light, at this moment, suddenly exploded, an extremely terrifying domineering force, like a gust of wind, Crazy swept out.

Wherever he went, everything was shaken into nothingness!
Yang Jun's face changed slightly, but he didn't panic at all. He never believed that with Ye Chen's strength, he could forcibly break his dark sea.

But in the next moment, Yang Jun suddenly saw that the silver light was like a magic ax that opened the sky, invincible. Not only did it not have the scene of the silver light disappearing quickly and Ye Chen turned into bones as Yang Jun imagined, but instead, the silver light disappeared. The awn seems to become more and more courageous as the battle progresses, and with the silver awn as the center, unexpectedly, a huge empty world appears.



Before Yang Jun could take the next step, the sea of ​​white flames swept out from the empty space in all directions. Ye Chen stood in the silver glow, and at his fingertips, there was another flame jumping lightly. with.

This flame did not emit any high temperature, but it gave people an extreme feeling. This was not only the source of the magic fire, but also the source of all the ghost fire.

In order to deal with Yang Jun's blow, Ye Chen even did not hesitate to arouse all the source of the Nether Demon Fire.

The Nether Magic Falcon is evolving and needs the support of the source. . . .The so-called such a big price, this is one of them!

Ye Chen personally entered the sea of ​​darkness, which was another part of the price.

Without entering the sea of ​​darkness, without opening up a space in the sea of ​​darkness, the Nether Demon Fire cannot withstand the erosion of the sea of ​​darkness at all, even if the entire source of the Nether Demon Fire is invoked.

"Burn this place for me!"


A sea of ​​flames rolled in all directions like waves. Ye Chen walked on the waves, with silver light covering his whole body. Now he is the indestructible spear, rushing straight.

The direction to go is Yang Jun outside the sea of ​​darkness!

"Boom, boom!"

The magic fire is in front, and the silver light like the ax that opens the sky is behind. After the passing time, the sea of ​​darkness melts like the remnant snow meeting the raging fire, and it melts in an instant. The huge sea of ​​darkness has already been penetrated by Ye Chen. out.

Behind him, the sea of ​​fire still swept in the middle of the sea of ​​darkness. . . .
Looking at this scene, a mouthful of blood spit out directly from Yang Jun's mouth. Minghai was destroyed like this, and it was inevitable that he would be injured. But at this time, he could no longer be allowed to continue to maintain Minghai. The flame, with the figure in the silver light, descended like a demon god.

"Yang Jun!"

Whether it was the Nether Demonic Fire or the silver light, at this moment, they were all sticking to the fist that seemed to be made of fresh blood, and immediately, a mountain-like force gushed forth!


Looking ahead, Yang Jun couldn't help being terrified. At this moment, because of the dark sea, his condition is not as good as before, but his opponent is like a broken bamboo. . . .
Yang Jun panicked, but at this moment, there was no time for him to continue to panic. With a thought, the spiritual power in his body surged out, turned into an iron fist, and swung forward desperately.

When the two fists collided, Yang Jun retreated in embarrassment like a bird with broken wings. His arm burst open, and even the dark sea couldn't stop Ye Chen from moving forward. Now Yang Jun, but Can't exert the powerful force just now.

Before Yang Jun could stabilize his body, a silver glow flickered in front of him, and he rushed again with a terrifying punch. This time, the target was Yang Jun's head!
(End of this chapter)

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