Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 247 Soul Obsession

Chapter 247 Soul Obsession (End)


The punch under the silver glow seemed to penetrate the space, and everything in front of him was annihilated under the fist, and only after a moment, it appeared in front of Yang Jun again.

And this time, the target is Yang Jun's head!
"no, do not want!"

Suddenly a tearing sound came from Yang Jun's mouth. It was not Yang Jun's voice, but Qin Shi's.

As death was approaching, Qin Shi could no longer maintain his original silence. From those pupils, it was clear that Qin Shi's incomparable fear belonged to him. He never imagined that Ye Chen not only defeated Yang Jun's Strength, and the ability to kill it.

Yang Jun, who was about to resist again, seemed to be influenced by Qin Shi, his figure flashed, and he quickly retreated. His life was at stake. This time, the speed was also very fast. The sweeping Minghai swept over like the sky and covered the earth, covering Ye Chen, buying enough time for him to escape.

Ye Chen didn't care about Minghai from behind, not to mention that Minghai's power is not there now, even if the power is still there, it will not affect the killing intent in his heart now.

"Yang Jun, I paid such a high price, how could I let you escape!"

The icy sound echoed in the world, and in the next moment, Ye Chen's figure suddenly disappeared in place, and now only a blood light can be seen, flashing across the space like lightning, chasing Yang Jun away.

Among the blood glow, there is naturally Ye Chen's figure!

There are mysterious jade bones in his body, which can repair the wounded by himself, and with the assistance of pills, logically speaking, although the damage caused by the display of the Canglonghuatian energy cannot be recovered so quickly, it should not be Continue to bleed.

But now, Ye Chen's body is bleeding!
The blood was not only flowing from the burst right arm, every place in his body was bleeding, and it couldn't be stopped at all.

Unstoppable bleeding, uncontrollable injuries. . . .
"Yang Jun, don't even think about leaving!"

In the blood light, a white light shot out like an arrow, even if Yang Jun was fast, it couldn't beat the speed of this light.

With Yang Jun's current state, he could naturally avoid this gloomy white light, but when he avoided this light, the blood glow had already enveloped the sky.

In the blood light, a figure like a blood god stepped directly down!

"Damn it!"

Yang Jun couldn't help cursing, with his current status and strength, when will he be forced into this by the younger generation, especially the younger generation in the spirit realm?

But this is already a fact, even if Yang Jun wanted to share a real victory with Ye Chen, he couldn't do it anymore, the original owner of this body did not allow him to continue to do so.

With Yang Jun's strength, how can you not see that Ye Chen is not much better in terms of state. The reason why the latter is so imposing now is nothing more than the fighting spirit and persistence in his heart.

As long as you dare to fight hard, the ending may change!
But Yang Jun couldn't ignore the idea from Qin Shi, so he could only run away, and now, facing the figure from above, he could only choose to run away again.

But in fact, Yang Jun's original heart was already scared. A little martial artist who was only at the peak of Lingyuan was restrained by the energy of the Burial Soul Valley. He has the strongest attack, and he can still maintain the aura of Ruhong. Yang Jun can't do this alone.

He couldn't do it, so he was even more afraid. The so-called anger was just to cover up his true inner thoughts. Such a master was forced to do this. If his fear was spread again, Yang Jun would be ashamed Meet people.

Unfortunately, he wanted to escape, but Ye Chen didn't allow it!

Amidst the blood glow, the young man stepped out of the air. As soon as he appeared, a blast of icy cold and high temperature swept across the world. With the young man at the center, the entire thousand-meter radius was forcibly frozen, blocking Yang Jun's front, back, left, and right sides. all retreats.

And his figure directly turned into a sharp spear, the blood color and silver light intertwined, that figure is already invincible!


The light flashed by, the space was pierced by itself, and then collapsed. After a moment, he was in front of Yang Jun, and the latter, at this moment, could only instinctively raise his other hand, wrapped in spiritual power, to strike forcibly. out.


The blood mist exploded immediately, and Yang Jun's arm, accompanied by the blood mist, was floating in the void.

The shrill scream sounded again, it was Qin Shi's scream!
The all-conquering domineering aura didn't stop in the slightest because of this scream, and in a flash, it enveloped the whole person below.


An even more stern voice resounded suddenly, and in the next instant, a phantom shot out from Qin Shitian's spirit cover, unexpectedly, ignoring the terrifying impact from above, with a light sweep, it suddenly appeared in the Thousands of meters away, even Ye Chen can't catch up with such a speed.

After the phantom left, Qin Shi was even more unbearable. Under the invincible domineering aura, bloody arrows shot out continuously, and it seemed that his life had been cut off in just an instant.

Ye Chen didn't kill Qin Shi right away, his eyes, and the aura of his body were all locked on the phantom in the distant space, Qin Shi's body was like a bird with broken wings, He fell heavily to the ground, and even if he was not dead, he wouldn't last long without timely rescue.

Phantom was a thousand meters away, but he didn't escape immediately. His illusory eyes were also fixed on Ye Chen. On that illusory face, endless killing intent and overwhelming hatred surged.

"Ye Chen..."

As soon as the words came, he was forcibly defeated by Ye Chen's domineering aura, and Ye Chen immediately said indifferently: "Yang Jun, do you think I can't keep you?"

"Ha ha!"

Xuying laughed angrily: "I have to admit that among my peers, even Ni Cangtian has never reached such a level when I was your age, but if I want to leave, can you stay?" live!"

This phantom is the power of the soul, the difference between the martial state and the spiritual level, and only after reaching the state of martial arts can the strength be left behind, so Yang Jun is not worried at all!
"I want to try it!"

With a wave of Ye Chen's hand, the white flame shot out, and the next moment, it enveloped the phantom.

"Ha ha!"

Xu Ying laughed again, he was still the same in the ghost fire.

Ye Chen's brows trembled slightly. He already understood the domineering power of the Nether Demon Flame very well. Unexpectedly, he couldn't do anything to Yang Jun, no wonder he was a master of martial arts.

"Ye Chen, it's your luck that I can't kill you today, but please remember that I will never let you leave the Burial Soul Valley alive. When you walk out of the Burial Soul Valley, I will wait there for you." You, let's see how you can escape by then."

Yang Jun was obviously crazy, and he wanted to personally guard the exit of Burial Soul Valley and kill Ye Chen!

However, this has become his only way out!
Now there are more than a dozen pairs of eyes watching him. There is no way to hide the fact that he appeared here with a ray of spirit. When the news is sent back to the Great Wilderness City, Yang Jun will undoubtedly die.

So he is crazy, even if he dies, he must drag Ye Chen to die together before he dies.

Ye Chen's gaze couldn't help but froze, and with a wave of his palm, the Divine Dayu Cauldron, which was [-] meters away, came violently. After Cao Feng and others fell from the cauldron, the Divine Dayu Cauldron directly covered the phantom.

As a supreme treasure, the power of the Dayu Divine Cauldron is also extremely powerful, but Ye Chen suddenly saw that the Dayu Divine Cauldron descended from the sky, but it passed through the phantom. . . .
Ye Chen's eyes couldn't help concentrating. Could it be that this spirit, except for the strength above the martial arts realm, other warriors, no matter what means they use, can't compete with it?

Ye Chen couldn't help but think of the Demon Emperor's Bell. It was the Demon Emperor's Bell that he relied on to deal with Yin-Yang Soul that day!
But now the Demon Emperor Bell is in the Great Desolation Palace, beyond reach!


Yang Jun laughed happily. He finally saw a trace of real panic in Ye Chen's eyes, but Yang Jun didn't know that Ye Chen's panic was not because the former would intercept and kill him at the exit of Burial Soul Valley, but because of the current situation. Without Yang Jun, the feeling of powerlessness arises.

"Ye Chen, is there any other way? If not, I will leave, haha!"

Ye Chen's eyes turned slightly cold, and after a while, a faint smile flashed on the corner of his mouth: "I am here today, I really can't erase your spirit, but Yang Jun, you really have such Big confidence, can kill me?"

Yang Jun's expression trembled when he heard the words, Ye Chen's cultivation was indeed not very good, but this terrifying strength. . . .With the latter changing anytime and anywhere, after completing the experience in Burial Soul Valley, how far should his strength increase?
"Yang Jun, go back and wait, I will personally take your life!"


Yang Jun was extremely angry: "I will definitely wait for you at the exit of Burying Soul Valley. At that time, even if my soul explodes, I will kill you, and I will drag you to hell together!"

"You wait for me!"

When the voice came, the phantom became more illusory, and gradually dissipated from the void bit by bit. . . .
Seeing Yang Jun disappearing slowly, Ye Chen couldn't help clenching his fists. His mind was definitely not as calm as it seemed on the surface. It was impossible for Ye Chen to ignore the threat of a martial arts master.


Just when Yang Jun's soul was completely dissipated, there was a sharp piercing sound in the space, and Ye Chen was stunned to see a beam of light shot out like lightning from between his eyebrows. A moment later, it appeared where the phantom was.

At this time, Ye Chen and Cao Feng were all shocked to see that the ray of soul that was about to disappear was actually under this light beam, as if the light beam had a strong traction force, and the ray of soul that was about to disappear was extremely fast. From the nothingness, he was forcibly pulled out.


Ye Chen never expected that Wuliangshenjing could do such a thing. . . .
(End of this chapter)

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