Chapter 249

In the Great Wilderness City, the Huatian Army guards the eastern part of the Great Wilderness!

In this area, even Xu Baxian cannot easily enter it on weekdays.Of course, even though Xu Baxian is still the lord of Wufang City, he has already commanded the Great Wilderness. In the Great Wilderness City, there is no place he cannot go.

In the depths, in the secret room, Yang Jun, who was sitting cross-legged quietly, suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, his ruddy face became pale as gold paper in an instant, and his powerful aura fell to the extreme in this instant.

"Marven Ye!"

Violent murderous intent surged out of Yang Jun's body crazily, and his wisp of spirit disappeared like this. Of course, Yang Jun didn't know that his wisp of spirit was not wiped out, but imprisoned.

If he knew this situation, I'm afraid Yang Jun would be in a rage and increase countless panics!

Go prepared, but come back damaged!

No matter what, Yang Jun couldn't bear this fact. With Ye Chen's strength, how could he kill his soul after defeating him?
Yang Jun shuddered when he thought of all the terrible consequences caused by this trauma in the future!

If Shenpo returns successfully and he is safe and sound, Yang Junda can take the opportunity to leave the Great Deserted City to save his life and future glory and wealth, but it is impossible for him now to leave the Great Deserted City.

The loss of a ray of original power will cause extremely dire consequences in the shortest time. Without the help of natural treasures like Jiuzhuan Ziyun Pill, Yang Jun would not dare to appear in front of others.

And with his current state, he can't escape from the Great Deserted City silently!
"Ye Chen, I will definitely kill you!"

Yang Jun couldn't help drinking viciously, if it wasn't for Ye Chen, how could he be in the current dilemma.

"Come on!"

After a while, Yang Jun tried his best to suppress the trauma in his body, raised his breath forcefully, and let his voice return to normal. He immediately shouted: "From now on, this seat is going to close the death gate and make a breakthrough. The military affairs of the Huatian Army will be handled by the twelve captains together." , without the order of this seat, no one can come to disturb, otherwise, kill!"

"I respect the Commander's order!"

Outside the secret room, there were footsteps walking away immediately, and Yang Jun let out a heavy breath, the loss of a ray of spirit made him extremely weak at this moment, only the ferocity in his eyes became more and more intense!
"Ye Chen... Even if I can't recover in this life, before I die, I will definitely drag you to die with me!"

Yang Jun knew that without enough chances, his trauma would never heal in his life, but he could still do a lot of things before his realm fell.

Yang Jun didn't believe that with his powerful strength at the third level of true martial arts, he would not be able to kill a small martial artist who was still in the spiritual level, no matter what means this warrior had.

The Valley of Burial Souls became more and more lively after everyone entered the Great Wilderness City, and as time passed, the smell of blood gradually became stronger in the huge Valley of Burial Souls.

Half a year has passed, and while these people continue to obtain the quest items they need, the real struggle between them is becoming more and more obvious.

Everyone knows that only those who have successfully walked out of the Valley of the Burial Soul and obtained enough quest items will be eligible to participate in the final battle for the Great Desolate Young Master.

So, after so long, some of them began to cleanse others.

For a while, in this huge Valley of Burial Souls, the most intense battle was not with the creatures in the Valley of Burial Souls, but the terrifying battles between each other.

Although not many people lost their lives because of this, there were many people who left here sadly after being defeated in the war.

It is not difficult to enter the Burial Soul Valley. Similarly, if you go back along the way you came, it will not be too difficult. This is a retreat designed by countless masters of the Great Desolation over the years.

There are fewer and fewer people in Burying Soul Valley, but those who can stay are the best among them.

In a secluded place in the valley, Ye Chen withdrew from his cultivation, and then slowly opened his eyes. A faint gray light flashed in the depths of his pupils. It was obvious that his injury had not fully recovered.

The desperate effort that day caused too much trauma. Even if the body was baptized by the space energy of Burial Soul Valley, it was still far from enough at that level, otherwise, the bleeding would not stop!
Now, although the injury is not serious, there is still a berserk factor in his bones. Ye Chen tried every means, even with the help of Wuliang Shenjing, he couldn't wipe this guy out.

In the end, Ye Chen had no choice but to give up, but he didn't worry too much. The ghost fire was rising in his body all the time. As long as this guy showed his head, he would be turned into nothingness in the shortest time.

Although it may be a little uncomfortable, it is helpless.

What makes Ye Chen really feel at ease is that at the end of the battle with Yang Jun, after borrowing all the origin of the magic fire, it did not bring too much damage to the evolving Nether Magic Eagle. interrupt.

Naturally, it is impossible to have no influence at all. The most obvious influence is that the time for the Nether Demon Falcon to evolve successfully is at least a little longer than the original time required.

Moreover, Ye Chen faintly felt that after this action, even if the Nether Demon Falcon evolved successfully, perhaps that success would not be too perfect.

Such a result, although not fatal, has too many regrets. The imperfect evolution result will naturally affect the future strength of the Nether Demon Falcon, as well as the variables of advancement.

Integrating the origin of a peerless ferocious beast, what Ye Chen wants is to make the Nether Demon Falcon go from a mysterious beast to a divine beast.

But now, the evolution is not perfect, and the results of the fusion of the two great sources have disappeared, which means that the previous efforts have been in vain.

Fortunately, there are previous efforts, otherwise, Ye Chen really doesn't know what to do to help the Nether Demon Eagle, let it evolve and reach a perfect state.

"Boss Ye!"

Outside, Cao Feng's 13 people had been waiting for a long time.

"Brother Cao, are your injuries healed?"

Ye Chen smiled, sincerely from the heart, in order not to lure him away, Cao Feng would rather die than become a bait, such a behavior. . . .Ye Chen is not a heartless person, why is he not moved in his heart.

"It's all good, thank you Chief Ye for your concern."

Sensing Ye Chen's emotions, Cao Feng's heart was also agitated. He knew that his actions had already won Ye Chen's trust. Trust will be his biggest gain.

Ye Chen nodded with a smile, turned his gaze to the other nine people.

Looking at them, the nine people couldn't help but tremble. No matter what they did at the last moment of the design, the nine people were always involved in the action of killing Ye Chen.

Ye Chen clasped his fists and said, "Everyone, I'm sorry to let you waste a lot of time again."

This sentence, more, is to Cao Feng and the others. After entering the Valley of the Burial Soul, for half a year, as the captain, Ye Chen has never taken them to find their mission items. This captain What you did was really remiss.

"Boss Ye, we still have a lot of time." Xu Fengyang said with a smile: "The length of time it takes to get the task items is not counted in the results, and we have gained a lot during this period of time."

"Thank you for your trust, and please rest assured that we will definitely be there in the final decisive battle, and we will definitely be the ones standing at the end." Ye Chen said solemnly.

"Of course we do."

The four of Cao Feng looked at each other, then laughed.

The eyes of those nine people trembled slightly. These five people have so much confidence!
Of course, with the strength shown by Ye Chen, he is naturally qualified to win the final battle, but can he win in the end?
Ye Chen didn't pay attention to what the nine people were thinking. After a while, he asked: "More than half a year has passed, and the situation in Burial Soul Valley must have undergone many changes. Now, has anyone successfully passed the Burial Soul Valley?"

Ye Chen entered the Valley of the Burial Soul. The two great origins were fused together before. This time he retreated to heal his injuries, and he didn't have much time to practice in the Valley of the Burial Soul.

"Yes, it's Lin Yifan!"

Cao Feng lowered his voice, and said: "Half a month ago, not only did Lin Yifan obtain all the mission items, but the other four people in the team he led also passed the test."

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows, he was not surprised that Lin Yifan was able to pass the test, but he was able to lead the four team members to pass the test together in such a short period of time, which was decidedly surprising.

"Boss Ye, the current Lin Yifan should exit at Burial Soul Valley. According to the information we got, he is waiting for someone!" Cao Feng said again.

Ye Chen's expression suddenly changed. Lin Yifan was waiting for someone, and the person he was waiting for was definitely not himself. Otherwise, Cao Feng would not say that he was waiting for someone, but would directly say that he was waiting for Ye Chen!
This also reflected a message, that is to say, in Lin Yifan's view, in the Burying Soul Valley today, besides himself, there is another person who is enough to be Lin Yifan's opponent.

Judging from Lin Yifan deliberately waiting at the exit of Burying Soul Valley, the opponent he thought must be very scary, and it was worth Lin Yifan's careful and cautious waiting.

Because waiting also means threatening!
"Apart from Lin Yifan, who else has left Valley of Burying Souls, and among those who are still in Valley of Burying Souls, who is the most special?"

Ye Chen asked in a deep voice, even Lin Yifan had to treat a person like this, Ye Chen couldn't relax.

After hearing Cao Feng's words, Ye Chen suddenly thought of another word, which was heard from Qin Shi's mouth.

Qin Shi said that Xu Ba first deliberately arranged two things, one is the final decisive battle, the competition is not purely personal strength, the other is that apart from Lin Yifan, there is also a hidden master.

Now, Lin Yifan is waiting at the exit of Burial Soul Valley, has he already discovered this hidden master?
(End of this chapter)

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