Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 250 The Unexpected Person

Chapter 250 The Unexpected Person
"Currently, only Lin Yifan's team has successfully obtained all the mission items and left Burial Soul Valley!"

Cao Feng said: "In the Valley of the Burial Soul, there are only a dozen or so teams and dozens of people. Among these people, the captain of each team may not be as good as Ye Boss and Lin Yifan, but their strength is enough to compete with others. rule the roost!"

"If you say the most special one, there is indeed one person!"

"Who?" Ye Chen asked hastily.

Regardless of whether what Qin Shi said is true or not, based on Lin Yifan's current waiting, Ye Chen has no doubts that there must be an opponent worthy of great attention, hiding in the dark.

"Dagancheng, Liyin!"

"What's so special?"

Cao Feng said in a calm voice: "Li Yin is not bad among our group of people, but he is only good. With his strength, he is careful, and if someone takes care of him, he may be able to walk out of the Burial Soul Valley."

"But now, not only has he become the captain of his team, but he has also led the team and defeated many people. Those people defeated by him, in the past, had higher reputation and strength than Li Yin."

Ye Chen interrupted and asked, "How much did you know about Li Yin before?"

This Li Yin may not have accumulated a lot of money, after many years of forbearance, in this Valley of Burial Souls, he made a strong attack, and with the power of a dark horse, became famous among the many young heroes in the Great Wilderness.

Cao Feng naturally understood Ye Chen's meaning, and immediately said: "People like us have always been paid attention to. Let me say it bluntly, there are people who are watching closely in secret. If there is any change, even if someone helps to hide it, It’s hard to hide it.”

Ye Chen nodded thoughtfully. These people who entered the Burial Soul Valley are very likely to be the future masters of the major cities. They will naturally receive attention. Even if there is a slight change in every move, I am afraid that they will Be known by others in the first time.

It is too difficult for people like them to hide!

"Perhaps Li Yin did have something to hide. If City Lord Xu really made the move, he would be able to hide it from everyone. However, after entering the Valley of the Burial Soul, after several battles, it seems that no one has been able to force Li Yin. Use the last hole card. Chief Ye, isn't this too strange?"

Cao Feng said.

Of course, Ye Chen also understands Cao Feng's meaning. If there is any concealment, this Li Yin is undoubtedly hidden too deeply. It is conceivable that this person has a certain relationship with Xu Baxian.

In today's great wilderness, only Xu Ba first takes action himself, is it possible to hide the truth from the other masters of the cities.

If not, the rise of Li Yin would not be surprising at all, because everyone knows that this person has always been powerful and terrifying.

Ye Chen really wanted to thank Qin Shi, if it wasn't for what the latter said, Ye Chen, Cao Feng and others would never have connected Li Yin and Xu Baxian.

In that case, everyone can only think that Li Yin is too deeply hidden and too low-key on weekdays.

"Everyone, can you do me a favor? Of course, I will pay you enough."

Ye Chen immediately looked at the nine people and said.

"Boss Ye is too polite. If you have anything to do, just tell me. I will wait for my brother and I will serve you to the death." A young man walked out of the middle and said with his fists clasped.

Offending Ye Chen is the most unwise move. The nine of them have long believed in this, and they are still worried that Ye Chen will settle accounts with them. Now, they need to do things, so naturally they will do their part.

Hearing this, Ye Chen smiled and said: "Although our positions are different, the nine of you all have persistence and principles in your hearts. Ye Chen appreciates and admires this very much. I also want to make friends with you."

Making friends with these nine people is not a temporary idea, and it will take time to become true friends. At the moment, it does not prevent Ye Chen from establishing a relationship with them.

As Cao Feng said, everyone who enters the Valley of the Burial Soul is the future hope of the Great Desolation Cities. Using the nine of them to influence the big men behind them can gradually alienate Xu Baxian.

"Under Du Xiong... I have met Chief Ye!"

Everyone clasped their fists again and said, all of them were a little moved. They naturally understood what Ye Chen's real intention was. Now that the two sides have become friends, it is only the most common two words at best.

However, with these two words, it is very rare!
Ye Chen has not been in the sight of everyone in Dahuang for a long time, but the performance of this young man has already amazed everyone. If Xu Baxian has no ambitions, everyone has no doubt that this young man should be the young man of Dahuang. The best candidate for the Lord, at least one of them.

Du Xiong's nine people are naturally very willing to have a good relationship with such a person with a promising future, but the so-called position, in the final analysis, is just a dispute within the Great Wilderness.

After seeing Yang Jun's crazy behavior, everyone understood that it was no longer advisable to continue the original position, because the former had already betrayed Da Huang!

Although Yang Jun could not represent Xu Baxian, Yang Jun would not have dared to do such a move without Xu Baxian's acquiescence.

The people of the Great Wilderness must not betray the Great Wilderness!

If they had to choose someone right now, Du Xiong's nine would choose Ye Chen. This young man can at least make people feel at ease.

"You're welcome!"

Ye Chen waved his hand with a smile, then put away his smile, and said solemnly: "I want you to help me find out about Li Yin while practicing, and if possible, confirm his location."

"Boss Ye, what do you mean?" Everyone was stunned and asked quickly.

Ye Chen nodded, and said: "You should have not forgotten Qin Shi's words. If Li Yin is that person, I think, I will have a decisive battle with him in Burial Soul Valley. This person, absolutely It cannot appear in the final battle."

if. . . .If Li Yin was the person Xu Baxian chose, then this person's threat must be higher than that of Lin Yifan.

It wasn't that Lin Yifan was not good enough and would lose to Li Yin, but that Lin Yifan was born out of nowhere just like himself. Before that, there was no such person as Lin Yifan in Dahuang.

That is to say, in the Great Wilderness City, Lin Yifan had no foundation, and it was difficult for him to gain Xu Baxian's full trust in just a few days.
Li Yin is not the case. He was originally from the Great Wilderness City, with a deep foundation, and now he is a blockbuster. Over the years, Xu Baxian's cultivation of him must be great.

If the final decisive battle is really decided by the competition of troops, destroying Li Yin in the Burial Soul Valley will be the best and easiest solution.

"Okay, please rest assured, Chief Ye, I will definitely find out the location of Li Yin, but Chief Ye, how should I notify you after we find it?"

"Take out your spirit jade."

Ye Chen flicked his fingers, and nine beams of light flew into Du Xiong's nine spirit jades, and then said: "When you find the exact location of Li Yin, use spiritual power to activate the spirit jade, and I will be able to sense it here."

"So, let's say goodbye first!"

"and many more!"

Ye Chen immediately said: "Now, you all immediately forget what Qin Shi said and what I mean, and you must forget it completely."

Du Xiongjiu's heart was slightly shocked. Ye Chen's words were obviously for the sake of their safety. The current Li Yin is not the previous Li Yin. If the latter knew their intentions, they might kill people directly.

Although Ye Chen's kindness was mixed with many purposes, it was still moving, but it might not be like this for other people.

After a while, Du Xiong's nine people walked away, Ye Chen slowly looked away, looked at Cao Feng and the others, and said with a smile: "Four, next, I will take you crazy to find our quest item. , don't feel tired!"

The four of Cao Feng laughed loudly: "We have already prepared, Boss Ye, we are afraid that the next experience will not be exciting enough."

"Haha, let's go!"

Five figures swept out like lightning.

The sky gradually dimmed, and the setting sun was about to set in the west, and the sunset glow on the sky was filled with a touch of faint night.

It was even darker in the forest below!

Covered by dense branches, it is naturally dark. However, the darkness here is not because the sky is dim, and it is not because the dense branches block the light from the sky, but because of a shadow.

To be precise, it was a figure!
In the forest, there is a figure sitting cross-legged. Although it is blurry, it can still be seen. This should be a very young man. He is sitting quietly, as if he has entered a deep level of cultivation.

Because of his existence, this forest is extremely dark, because around his body, there is a black aura like a demon, which is slowly surging, centered on this young man, gradually spreading out, with a radius of thousands The land of rice has been shrouded.

In the forest, apart from him, there was no one else. There were only four young people standing upright outside the forest, as if they were helping the young people in the forest to protect the Dharma.

A little bit of time passed, and the night really fell!
But the darkness under the night is actually not as good as the darkness created by that young man. It seems that this young man is the messenger of darkness. Wherever he exists, there will be no light.

At this time, the young man who seemed to be cultivating suddenly opened his eyes. If anyone was here, they would be surprised to see that the young man's pupils were not as clear as others' black and white. , only one piece of black.

This situation lasted for more than ten seconds before it slowly faded away, and finally it was no different from a normal person.

"Ye Chen, Lin Yifan, hehe!"

The young man laughed strangely, and his figure disappeared immediately. When he reappeared, he was already outside the forest.


The young man took the first step and shot towards a distant place. Behind him, the four young men followed closely, following the former. They are used to it. This young man likes to act at night!
(End of this chapter)

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