Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 251 News

Chapter 251 News

Under the bombardment of terrifying spiritual power, the entire mountain wall burst open. When a huge figure slammed into the mountain wall fiercely, there was a loud bang, and the mountain wall turned into countless rubble. *Come on, in an instant, the mountain wall sank deeply, and that huge figure also slid powerlessly to the ground.

Immediately, a figure shot towards the cliff at the top of the mountain like lightning, and took down a plant that fluttered in the wind and exuded a strange fragrance.

"Boss Ye, there are only three items missing from our task."

During these two full months, Ye Chen led Cao Feng and the others to almost sweep half of the Valley of Burying Souls. With the more and more tacit cooperation between the five of them, the strength of the four of Cao Feng improved, And under Ye Chen's strong strength, the speed and efficiency of the five people to obtain the task items is excellent. The five people have obtained 25 of the 22 task items.

This kind of speed is extremely astonishing, among all the teams, even Lin Yifan's team is hard to match.

If it wasn't for the fact that such a long time had passed, the five of Ye Chen and the others only started to obtain mission items in a short period of time, otherwise, if it was like this from the beginning, it would attract everyone's attention.

Now, although it will be surprising, it has also reached the lowest point. After all, it has been so long since I entered the Valley of the Burial Soul. Everyone's strength has made great progress, and I have adapted a lot to the Valley of the Burial Soul. At this time It will not be too difficult to obtain the mission items.

Ye Chen was not as excited as Cao Feng and the others. As time went by, he successfully completed the mission and walked out of the Valley of Burial Souls. Apart from Lin Yifan's team, several other teams did it.

And at this time, there is still no news of Li Yin. If the latter has left Burial Soul Valley, the trouble will be too great.

Although Lin Yifan's actions were also mysterious and his origins were also unknown, Ye Chen could still see clearly from the brief confrontation that day. The former was upright and generous. can accept.

But if Li Yin is really a pawn that Xu Baxian hid, the position of Young Lord of the Great Desolation, he must not be taken away by him.

"Brother Cao, is Lin Yifan still guarding the exit of Burying Soul Valley?"

Ye Chen asked in a deep voice.

Although the Burial Soul Valley is very large, it is rare to meet each other in normal times, but Cao Feng and others have their own way to connect with other people.


After understanding Ye Chen's current thoughts, Cao Feng responded immediately: "Lin Yifan has been guarding the exit and never left!"

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows, and his mind calmed down a lot. Lin Yifan was still there, which meant that the people he was waiting for hadn't left the Valley of Burying Souls, so there was still a chance.


Ye Chen didn't think any more, and flew into the distance.

The target he was looking for, because the Burial Soul Valley is too big, Ye Chen can only wait for the news from Du Xiong and the others. Find, or go to block the given target.

Time passed quickly, and Ye Chen and the other five were lucky. Half a month later, all the remaining mission items were obtained.If there is nothing else, at this time, you can leave Valley of the Burial Soul.


On a mountain peak, looking at the direction of departure, Ye Chen said: "Leave the Burial Soul Valley first!"

"How is this possible!"

Xu Fengyang said with a smile: "Our experience does not end because of the acquisition of the mission item. Chief Ye, if that Li Yin is really as terrifying as what is said now, we would also like to see how he did it and hid it so much. many years."

Ye Chen shook his head and said: "If Li Yin is really Xu Baxian's most terrifying pawn, it would be too dangerous to fight against him. You don't need to accompany me to take this risk. Also, Du Xiong and nine people are fighting for my sake." I am searching in the Valley of the Burial Soul, and I am obliged to help them complete their mission."

Although it is said that if the task is not completed, as long as they are still alive, there will not be much change in their future life, but this is also considered a failure, and it may affect the status of Du Xiong's nine people.

If they can't complete the task, it has a great relationship with Ye Chen, Ye Chen can't let them affect their future life because of their own affairs.

"Boss Ye, we can just help Du Xiong and the others find the quest items, so that you can also concentrate on dealing with Li Yin."


Ye Chen was about to refuse when his spirit jade trembled suddenly. When the spirit jade appeared in his hand, a beam of light shot up into the sky, the light flickered continuously, and immediately pointed to the northwest.

"Any news?"

The spirits of Cao Feng and the others were lifted. This was the news from Du Xiong and others. In this way, they had found the location of Li Yin.

Now, in the vast Great Desolate City and the huge Valley of Burying Souls, Ye Chen, Lin Yifan, and Li Yin are the three most prominent among the many young people.

The mystery of Lin Yifan and the sudden appearance of Ye Chen were already extremely shocking, but now, Li Yin's rapid rise among the crowd with the momentum of a dark horse is even more astonishing.

Once upon a time, Li Yin was not very prominent among the crowd, but now. . . .Therefore, Cao Feng and the others were only more curious about Li Yin.

Without waiting for Ye Chen to say anything, Cao Feng immediately said: "Boss Ye, since we have found Li Yin's position, let's hurry there to avoid finding a needle in a haystack again."

Ye Chen smiled helplessly, it was obviously impossible to drive Cao Feng and the others away now.

"You can come together, but promise me one thing, during my battle with Li Yin, no matter what happens, even if I encounter life and death, you don't need to intervene."

"Don't worry, we will only fight for Chief Ye and not let others disturb your battle."

Cao Feng and the others laughed easily and said, "It is undeniable that if Li Yin is really the pawn that Xu Ba pressed first, there is no doubt that Li Yin is powerful, but they have even greater confidence in Ye Chen.

Even Yang Jun can be defeated, the four of them don't believe that Li Yin can defeat Ye Chen, and it is even more impossible for Ye Chen to fall into a life and death situation, although the Yang Jun who came here is not the deity!

"Let's go!"

The five of them broke through the air and quickly swept towards the due northwest.

In a distant place, in the middle of the sky and the earth, there is a majestic mountain, like a black dragon entrenched in the sky and the earth, but in the mountain, there is an extremely desolate atmosphere.

Looking around, the mountain is high and thick, and under the air of desolation, all the plants in the mountain look naturally withered, without any greenery, which can be seen in this mountain.

Even, it is difficult to sense that there is life in the mountain. This majestic mountain is like a dead place. When people see it, they feel inexplicably flustered, so they dare not even have the idea of ​​climbing the mountain. .

If you get close to this mountain range, you will find that there seems to be a ray of black light rising from the middle of the mountain, and then covering it, so that the mountain appears a kind of faint black, as if it is under the night. The scene is average.

And in this desolate atmosphere, there is a wave. . . .It's almost an evil breath, and it's chilling!

Far away from the mountain, in a hidden area, Du Xiong's nine people carefully looked at the mountain range. With their strength, even though the distance was still a bit far away, they couldn't see it clearly. The strangeness and horror in the mountain, however, was lifeless and desolate. Breath, but they can sense it.

Such a mountain can be known without in-depth investigation, and there is a great danger in the mountain, so they dare not approach it.

However, there was a young man who had entered the mountain for several hours, not only did he not show any signs of coming out, it seemed that the young man entered the mountain like a fish in water.

"This Li Yin!"

Du Xiong heaved a long sigh, his eyes were extremely solemn, entering that mountain, only Li Yin was alone, and his four teammates were waiting not far outside the mountain.

As for Li Yin's four teammates, before this, Du Xiong's nine would never have imagined that it would be the four of them.

One of them is Lin Shu, and the other three. . . .These four people said bluntly that before this, everyone in the entire Great Wilderness City recognized that they were the most outstanding among their peers in the Great Wilderness.

If it wasn't for Ye Chen and Lin Yifan's sudden appearance, no one doubted that the future Lord of the Great Wilderness must be chosen from among them.

But now, the four of Lin Shu turned out to be Li Yin's followers.

When Li Yin entered this mountain range, Du Xiong's nine people clearly saw that the former did not hesitate at all, and even, his expression was filled with uncontrollable excitement and joy.

Such a mountain, which is dangerous just by looking at it, has completely different emotions for Li Yin, which made Du Xiong and the others have to sigh that the gap between them and Li Yin is already very large.

Turning around, looking at the eight companions, Du Xiong smiled wryly, and said: "We have been too self-righteous these years."

The eight people nodded at the same time. They were young and promising, and they had never experienced too many ups and downs in their growth. Their hearts were used to being supercilious. It was only then that they realized that they were too stubborn.

"But it's not too late. There are better people on top. This kind of pressure will become our motivation. Otherwise, we will be eliminated sooner or later."

"That's right. On the path of a person's growth, only by turning pressure into motivation can he make continuous progress. Brother Du, if you can think this way, I can guarantee that in the future, you will definitely become an outstanding expert on the northern continent." .”

Several figures came silently, and then a familiar voice rang in everyone's ears.

"Boss Ye, Li Yin has entered that mountain range for several hours."

Du Xiong immediately said that he knew what this incident meant to Ye Chen and the entire Great Deserted City.

"Okay, you stay here and wait for me!"

"and many more!"

Before Ye Chen could accurately set off into the mountains, Xu Fengyang's face suddenly changed, and his voice was extremely sharp.

(End of this chapter)

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