Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 252 Evil

Chapter 252 Evil

"Brother Xu, what's the matter?"

Ye Chen and the others immediately looked at Xu Fengyang. The change in the latter's expression made people feel uneasy.

Having been with Cao Feng and the others for such a long time, Ye Chen already knew the four of them somewhat. Xu Fengyang has a bit of a knight-errant character, he does things as he pleases, is chic and comfortable, and is at peace with the situation. He doesn't have much ambition.

According to his own words, in life, no matter how powerful one is, one will die in the end. So, why not enjoy the world to the full while you are alive?

Even when the four of them were enemies with Ye Chen when they first entered the Burial Soul Valley, Ye Chen didn't see too much hostility in Xu Fengyang's eyes at that time. For Xu Fengyang, dealing with Ye Chen was just sent from above One of the tasks, he is performing the task, and the others have nothing to do with it.

The fact is also, if Xu Fengyang hadn't been in this period of training, their lives would have been much more boring.

Xu Fengyang with such a character, at this time, actually showed great panic, how could it not be surprising.

Xu Fengyang did not answer Ye Chen's words directly, but asked Cao Feng and Du Xiong: "Do you still remember, Senior Fang Gan?"

"Fang Gan?"

Hearing this name, the expressions of all the people present, except Ye Chen, changed drastically. Although they didn't understand why Xu Fengyang mentioned Fang Gan at this time, they couldn't restrain themselves. The horror in my heart.

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows!
Only then did Xu Fengyang explain to Ye Chen: "Boss Ye, Senior Fang Gan is the one we told you about, who competed with my lord, City Lord Xu and others for the position of Young Master of the Great Wilderness in their session. Senior."

Ye Chen's expression tightened, and he hurriedly asked: "Senior Fang Gan, the most outstanding person in Changfeng City back then?"

"Not bad!"

Ye Chen's expression changed again: "Senior Fang Gan, what does it have to do with this mountain?"

Xu Fengyang shook his head, and said: "I don't know, what is the connection between the two. However, after the incident happened that year, my lord and the top experts in the wilderness investigated Burial Soul Valley once."

"The investigation that time was based on the route that Senior Fang Gan experienced in Burial Soul Valley, and gradually investigated. That incident was too terrifying, so we must investigate clearly."

"However, after checking all the way, we stopped when we reached this mountain. In other words, only this mountain has never been explored."

Xu Fengyang said in a concentrated voice: "Everyone, you should have not forgotten this incident and this process, have you?"

"After so many years, everyone may have forgotten some details. Brother Xu, can you be sure that this mountain is the last stop of Senior Fang Gan's experience in Burial Soul Valley?" Du Xiong asked in a deep voice.


"Why so sure?"

Xu Fengyang smiled bitterly, and said bitterly: "Don't mention that Senior Fang Gan is the goal I am pursuing, and his attitude towards life is also what I yearn for. I am now pursuing the life that Senior Fang Gan hopes to live!"

"So, I know everything about Senior Fang Gan!"

Everyone fell silent immediately. The name Fang Gan had become a legend in everyone's hearts, and at the same time, it had also become a nightmare.

If this mountain is really Fang Gan's last stop, then. . . .The Lord of the Great Wilderness and Xu Baxian have investigated everything in Burial Soul Valley, but this mountain has never been entered, and this has already explained all the problems.

Now, that Li Yin actually entered this mountain, and everyone probably knows what this means.

Although many years have passed since the accident, it is still a terrible memory in retrospect. The current Li Yin may not become the former Fang Gan.

Thinking of this, everyone's hearts couldn't help but tense up. Thinking about the great battle back then, the overall strength of the Great Wilderness City was reduced a lot. If it happens again, will there still be a force like the Great Wilderness City on the northern continent? It is unknown.

"You wait here, I'll go find Li Yin!"

"Boss Ye, no!"

Everyone hurriedly stopped them. If their guesses were correct, Li Yin would definitely become a horror in the future. If even Ye Chen had an accident because of this, then this horror would be too shocking.

Ye Chen waved his hand and said, "I know everyone is worried, but please don't worry, I will be fine!"

Now that Li Yin has entered the mountain range, he must not be allowed to leave alive. Whether it is public or private, Ye Chen will solve this trouble here.

As for the dangers and changes that may occur in the mountains, Ye Chen is unafraid. With the protection of yin and yang, any ghosts and monsters will never want to get close.

Of course, everyone has to be reassured. Ye Chen knows what kind of shadow will be left in the hearts of everyone after entering this mountain. Even if he retreats completely, it may be difficult to continue to gain everyone's trust.

Ye Chen's mind moved immediately, and the immeasurable magic mirror immediately floated out. The ancient mirror flickered, and the light burst out. Everyone saw that wherever the light shrouded, everything in the sky, including aura and vitality into nothingness.

The immeasurable magic mirror isolated a world. Unless Ye Chen is willing, nothing can enter this world!

"Can you rest assured?" Ye Chen asked with a smile. Fortunately, it was Cao Feng and others, Ye Chen was not worried. It can be said that Ye Chen has another treasure in his hands.

"Boss Ye, be more careful!" Now that this is the case, there is no reason for everyone to stop it.

Ye Chen nodded and said, "Brother Xu, you should leave Soul Burying Valley as soon as possible and tell Lin Yifan that I have already gone to find Li Yin, and ask him to make all preparations. If I can't kill Li Yin, let him deal with the aftermath. , tell him that I exist."

Xu Fengyang's heart trembled, even if Li Yin was killed, in the eyes of others, Ye Chen had also entered this mountain, no matter whether Ye Chen was fine or not, he would be suspected by others.

Xu Fengyang couldn't figure out why Ye Chen would trust Lin Yifan, but Xu Fengyang trusted Ye Chen!
"I'll go right away, Chief Ye, I'll wait for you at the exit of Burying Soul Valley, take care!"

"Don't worry, I will never become Senior Fang Gan, and, if possible, I will find out the reasons for that year and completely solve the current situation in Great Wilderness City!"

Ye Chen clasped his fists, and immediately flew away. At the same time, Xu Fengyang also flew in another direction.

"Marven Ye?"

Not far from the mountain range, the eyes of Lin Shu and the others trembled slightly.

"This road is impassable, Ye Chen, stop!"

"Lin Shu, as a person of the Great Wilderness, you shouldn't be ignorant of what this mountain represents. You actually watched Li Yin enter the mountain range, but you are still here to guard him and betray the Great Wilderness. What exactly are you trying to do? "

"Cao Feng, what nonsense are you talking about?"


Cao Feng and others who came from the electric shot quickly met Lin Shu and the others. After seeing Ye Chen enter the mountain, Cao Feng sternly shouted: "Did you all forget what Fang did to seniors back then?"

"Cao Feng!"

In the eyes of Lin Shu and the others, there was an awe-inspiring killing intent, which quickly passed by.

Although the speed was extremely fast, they were still clearly captured by Cao Feng and others. Although the four of them were not under Xu Baxian's seat, they, like Qin Shi, had a very high right to speak in Xu Baxian's place.

With their arrogance, it was impossible for them to follow Li Yin willingly, and Li Yin let them know at ease that he had entered this mountain. In the hearts of Cao Feng and others, how could they have no defense against these four people.

"It turns out that even Xu Baxian has already betrayed Dahuang!"

Cao Feng and others were inexplicably sad and indignant, vying for the position of Lord of the Wilderness, Xu Baxian was understandable, because the Lord of the Great Wilderness had been missing for too long, and the huge Great Deserted City needed a strong new master, so, Xu Baxian's ambition, They agree and support it.

However, any ambition cannot be premised on harming the interests of Great Wilderness!

"Presumptuous, Mr. Xu's name is taboo, and you can call it directly." Lin Shu shouted coldly.

"Old Xu? A traitor cannot be respected by us."

Cao Feng said coldly: "Since you are also helping the tiger, I will send you on your way."

"It's up to you?" Lin Shu said with a disdainful smile.

"Take you to die together, I think, the twelve of us should be able to do it."

Cao Feng glanced at Zhao Zizhong and the others, then said calmly, "Brothers, are you all ready?"

"Hey, it's hard to live, but it should be easy to die!"


Twelve paths of spiritual power surged out immediately.

Even if the strength of Lin Shu and the others were higher than them, after entering the Valley of the Burial Soul, they would definitely get stronger cards, but today is different from the past, and the progress of Cao Feng and others is not known to others.

Especially Cao Feng, Zhao Zizhong, and Yan Xiu, who followed Ye Chen's side, gained experience enough for them to compete with Lin Shu and others now.

A team of 12 people will not be afraid of the four of Lin Shu!

Otherwise, Ye Chen wouldn't feel at ease, and would leave them outside, facing the four of Lin Shu!


Entering the mountain, the sight immediately dimmed, and the front was blurred, as if hiding a terrifying and peerless beast!

Only after entering the mountains, Ye Chen could sense clearly the aura mixed in the desolate aura.

That breath is extremely evil, as if it does not belong to this world at all. The most evil smell has the ability to confuse people's minds. That kind of evil, thus. . . .

Ye Chen probably understood why such a big change happened to Fang Gan after he left here.

When the most evil breath enters the body, the mind is affected, and then the whole person has evil thoughts. As time goes by, when the evil thoughts occupy the mind, people's hearts will naturally change drastically!

But what Ye Chen couldn't figure out was that no matter how a person's heart changes, it only affects this person. For example, only Fang Gan entered here back then, so only Fang Gan was occupied by evil thoughts.

Then why, overnight in Changfeng City, everyone in it was invaded by evil spirits?

(End of this chapter)

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